How subtract two aliases which are result of two cases - sql-server

I'm struggling trying to subtract to results of a case within a SQL query. Do you guys can help me out?
Here is a "simplified" version of the query.
SELECT dbo.tbla.cola, dbo.tblb.colb, dbo.tblb.colc,
(SELECT TOP 1 dstStart
FROM tblDst
WHERE tblcd.Key = dbo.tblDst.Key) >= DTimeU AND
(SELECT TOP 1 dstEnd
FROM tblDst
WHERE tblcd.Key = dbo.tblDst.Key) <= DTimeU
THEN tblcd.ApUtc + 1 ELSE tblcd.ApUtc END AS DepDST, CASE WHEN
(SELECT TOP 1 dstStart
FROM tblDst
WHERE tblca.Key = dbo.tblDst.Key) >= ATimeU AND
(SELECT TOP 1 dstEnd
FROM tblDst
WHERE tblca.Key = dbo.tblDst.Key) <= ATimeU THEN tblca.ApUtc + 1 ELSE tblca.ApUtc END AS ArrDST
FROM ...
How could I perform (ArrDST-DepDST) As DiffDST ?

Simply wrap the query with another select :
SELECT t.*, t.ArrDST - t.DepDST as DiffDST
Then all the calculated columns will be available for use.


GROUP BY vs DISTINCT with a constant value in SELECT inside a subquery - Performance Difference

I noticed a performance difference between GROUP BY and DISTINCT inside a subquery when a constant value is introduced is_issued = 1 (if this is removed both queries works same).
The following query with GROUP BY takes 15+ mins
Execution Plan - GROUP BY
/*Takes 10+ mins*/
SELECT ld.[LNum],
is_lease_insured = CAST(COALESCE(i.is_issued, 0) AS BIT)
FROM [dbo].[snapshot_ld] ld
SELECT LNum = value,
is_issued = 1
FROM [dbo].[snapshot_ip] i
GROUP BY value,
) i
ON ld.[LNum] = i.LNum
AND ld.snapshot_date = i.snapshot_date
WHERE ld.RowIsDeleted = 0
AND ld.bimonthly_snapshot_date_flag = 1;
And this one with the DISTINCT takes just 2 seconds
Execution Plan - DISTINCT
/*Takes 2seconds*/
is_lease_insured = CAST(COALESCE(i.is_issued, 0) AS BIT)
FROM [dbo].[snapshot_ld] ld
lno = value, /*Added DISTINCT and Removed GROUP BY*/
is_issued = 1
FROM [dbo].[snapshot_ip] i
--GROUP BY value, i.snapshot_date
) i
ON ld.LNum = i.lno
AND ld.snapshot_date = i.snapshot_date
WHERE ld.RowIsDeleted = 0
AND ld.bimonthly_snapshot_date_flag = 1;
Should I use the one with DISTINCT and hope the performance issue doesn't strike in the future?
Or Can I know if there is there is a way to tune this scenario with GROUP BY.
Any help is much appreciated.
Table and View Definitions

SQL - Finding Gaps in Coverage

I am running this problem on SQL server
Here is my problem.
have something like this
Dataset A
FK_ID StartDate EndDate Type
1 10/1/2018 11/30/2018 M
1 12/1/2018 2/28/2019 N
1 3/1/2019 10/31/2019 M
I have a second data source I have no control over with data something like this:
Dataset B
FK_ID SpanStart SpanEnd Type
1 10/1/2018 10/15/2018 M
1 10/1/2018 10/25/2018 M
1 2/15/2019 4/30/2019 M
1 5/1/2019 10/31/2019 M
What I am trying to accomplish is to check to make sure every date within each TYPE M record in Dataset A has at least 1 record in Dataset B.
For example record 1 in Dataset A does NOT have coverage from 10/26/2018 through 11/30/2018. I really only care about when the coverage ends, in this case I want to return 10/26/2018 because it is the first date where the span has no coverage from Dataset B.
I've written a function that does this but it is pretty slow because it is cycling through each date within each M record and counting the number of records in Dataset B. It exits the loop when it finds the first one but I would really like to make this more efficient. I am sure I am not thinking about this properly so any suggestions anyone can offer would be helpful.
This is the section of code I'm currently running
else if #SpanType = 'M'
set #CurrDate = #SpanStart
set #UncovDays = 0
while #CurrDate <= #SpanEnd
if (SELECT count(*)
FROM eligiblecoverage ec join eligibilityplan ep on ec.plandescription = ep.planname
WHERE ec.masterindividualid = #IndID
and ec.planbegindate <= #CurrDate and ec.planenddate >= #CurrDate
and ec.sourcecreateddate = #MaxDate
and ep.medicaidcoverage = 1) = 0
SET #Result = concat('NON Starting ',format(#currdate, 'M/d/yyyy'))
set #CurrDate = #CurrDate + 1
I am not married to having a function it just could not find a way to do this in queries that wasn't very very slow.
EDIT: Dataset B will never have any TYPEs except M so that is not a consideration
EDIT 2: The code offered by DonPablo does de-overlap the data but only in cases where there is an overlap at all. It reduces dataset B to:
FK_ID SpanStart SpanEnd Type
1 10/1/2018 10/25/2018 M
instead of
FK_ID SpanStart SpanEnd Type
1 10/1/2018 10/25/2018 M
1 2/15/2019 4/30/2019 M
1 5/1/2019 10/31/2019 M
I am still futzing around with it but it's a start.
I would approach this by focusing on B. My assumption is that any absent record would follow span_end in the table. So here is the idea:
Unpivot the dates in B (adding "1" to the end dates)
Add a flag if they are present with type "M".
Check to see if any not-present records are in the span for A.
Check the first and last dates as well.
So, this looks like:
with bdates as (
select v.dte,
(case when exists (select 1
from b b2
where v.dte between b2.spanstart and b2.spanend and
b2.type = 'M'
then 1 else 0
end) as in_b
from b cross apply
(values (spanstart), (dateadd(day, 1, spanend)
) v(dte)
where b.type = 'M' -- all we care about
group by v.dte -- no need for duplicates
select a.*,
(case when not exists (select 1
from b b2
where a.startdate between b2.spanstart and b2.spanend and
b2.type = 'M'
then 0
when not exists (select 1
from b b2
where a.enddate between b2.spanstart and b2.spanend and
b2.type = 'M'
when exists (select 1
from bdates bd
where bd.dte between a.startdate and a.enddate and
bd.in_b = 0
then 0
when exists (select 1
from b b2
where a.startdate between b2.spanstart and b2.spanend and
b2.type = 'M'
then 1
else 0
from a;
What is this doing? Four validity checks:
Is the starttime valid?
Is the endtime valid?
Are any intermediate dates invalid?
Is there at least one valid record?
Start by framing the problem in smaller pieces, in a sequence of actions like I did in the comment.
See George Polya "How To Solve It" 1945
Then Google is your friend -- look at==> sql de-overlap date ranges into one record (over a million results)
UPDATED--I picked Merge overlapping dates in SQL Server
and updated it for our table and column names.
Also look at theory from 1983 Allen's Interval Algebra
Or from 2014
This is a primer on how to setup test data for this problem.
Finally determine what counts via Ranking the various pairs of A vs B --
bypass those totally Within, then work with earliest PartialOverlaps, lastly do the Precede/Follow items.
--from Merge overlapping dates in SQL Server
with SpanStarts as
select distinct FK_ID, SpanStart
from Coverage_B as t1
where not exists
(select * from Coverage_B as t2
where t2.FK_ID = t1.FK_ID
and t2.SpanStart < t1.SpanStart
and t2.SpanEnd >= t1.SpanStart)
SpanEnds as
select distinct FK_ID, SpanEnd
from Coverage_B as t1
where not exists
(select * from Coverage_B as t2
where t2.FK_ID = t1.FK_ID
and t2.SpanEnd > t1.SpanEnd
and t2.SpanStart <= t1.SpanEnd)
DeOverlapped_B as
Select FK_ID, SpanStart,
(select min(SpanEnd) from SpanEnds as e
where e.FK_ID = s.FK_ID
and SpanEnd >= SpanStart) as SpanEnd
from SpanStarts as s
Select * from DeOverlapped_B
Now we have something to feed into the next steps, and we can use the above as a CTE
with SpanStarts as
select distinct FK_ID, SpanStart
from Coverage_B as t1
where not exists
(select * from Coverage_B as t2
where t2.FK_ID = t1.FK_ID
and t2.SpanStart < t1.SpanStart
and t2.SpanEnd >= t1.SpanStart)
SpanEnds as
select distinct FK_ID, SpanEnd
from Coverage_B as t1
where not exists
(select * from Coverage_B as t2
where t2.FK_ID = t1.FK_ID
and t2.SpanEnd > t1.SpanEnd
and t2.SpanStart <= t1.SpanEnd)
DeOverlapped_B as
Select FK_ID, SpanStart,
(select min(SpanEnd) from SpanEnds as e
where e.FK_ID = s.FK_ID
and SpanEnd >= SpanStart) as SpanEnd
from SpanStarts as s
-- find A row's coverage
ACoverage as (
a.*, b.SpanEnd, b.SpanStart,
When SpanStart <= StartDate And StartDate <= SpanEnd
And SpanStart <= EndDate And EndDate <= SpanEnd
Then '1within' -- starts, equals, during, finishes
When EndDate < SpanStart
Or SpanEnd < StartDate
Then '3beforeAfter' -- preceeds, meets, preceeded, met
Else '2overlap' -- one or two ends hang over spanStart/End
End as relation
From Coverage_A a
Left Join DeOverlapped_B b
On a.FK_ID = b.FK_ID
Where a.Type = 'M'
When relation1 = '2' And StartDate < SpanStart Then StartDate
When relation1 = '2' Then DateAdd(d, 1, SpanEnd)
When relation1 = '3' Then StartDate
End as UnCoveredBeginning
From (
,SUBSTRING(relation,1,1) as relation1
,ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition by A_ID Order by relation, SpanStart) as Rownum
from ACoverage
) aRNO
Where Rownum = 1
And relation1 <> '1'

Second Order By overrides first in SQL Server

In the following code the purchase_price overrides the case order by statement.
i.distributor_code, i.sales_price
#duplicates d
import i ON i.products_mpn = d.products_mpn
AND i.distributor_code = (SELECT TOP 1 distributor_code
FROM dbo.kting_ICECAT_import
WHERE products_mpn = d.products_mpn
WHEN (i.distributor_code = 'x' or i.distributor_code = 'y') AND CAST(stock as int) > 0
WHEN CAST(stock as int) > 0
CAST(purchase_price AS decimal(28,12)))
Is there any way to get it to work with ordering by the case statement and then the purchase_price?
If you want the ordering of the CASE statement to be applied first followed by the ordering of the purchase_price, then your ORDER BY already has the terms in the right place. I don't know what SELECT is doing in your CASE expression, or even if your current query runs. Something like this may be what you had in mind:
ORDER BY CASE WHEN (i.distributor_code = 'x' or i.distributor_code = 'y') AND
CAST(stock as int) > 0 THEN 2
WHEN CAST(stock as int) > 0 THEN 1
CAST(purchase_price AS DECIMAL(28,12))
The problem was in the ORDER BY SELECT. I had used columns from the left join "i.distributor_code" should just have been distributor_code

SQL Server Remove unwanted rows from a CASE statement

I do a SELECT with a CASE statement with this following:
n.NiveauId, n.Description,
CASE WHEN n.NiveauId NOT IN (SELECT ccs.idNiveau WHERE ccs.centreCout = 60001) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS attribue
FROM pa.dbo.Niveau n
JOIN BDC.dbo.CentreCoutSecteur ccs ON n.NiveauId = ccs.idNiveau
Explication :
In case "NiveauId" is not present in the other table, the value of "attribue" is 0. Else, if it's present, the value is 1.
This works, but every rows that contains a 1 also shows the same row with a 0.
How would I change the SELECT query to remove the unwanted duplicate rows that contain 0?
Thanks in advance!
Try wrapping your select in a max (if you only want the rows with the highest value for attribue.
SELECT b.NiveauID, b.Description, MAX(b.attribue)
n.NiveauId, n.Description,
CASE WHEN n.NiveauId NOT IN (SELECT ccs.idNiveau WHERE ccs.centreCout = 60001) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS attribue
FROM pa.dbo.Niveau n
JOIN BDC.dbo.CentreCoutSecteur ccs ON n.NiveauId = ccs.idNiveau) b
Group By b.NiveauID, b.Description

Add ORDER BY statement to SELECT statement

I have the following SELECT statement and I need to add ORDER BY [UserName].
FROM [UserInfo]
WHERE ([AWSAccountID] = CASE WHEN #AWSAccountID = -1 THEN [AWSAccountID]
I'm having some trouble figuring out where the ORDER BY needs to go, assuming it can be added at all.
Unless I am missing something you just add your ORDER BY to the end of the query:
FROM [UserInfo]
WHERE ([AWSAccountID] = CASE WHEN #AWSAccountID = -1 THEN [AWSAccountID]
ORDER BY [UserName]
