Stateless Micro services and database - database

We have a requirement of building stateless micro services which rely on a database cluster to persist data.
What is the approach that is recommended for redundant stateless micro services(for high availability and scalability) using the database cluster. For example: Running multiple copies of version 1.0 Payment service.
Should all the redundant micro services use a common shared DB schema or they should have their own schema? In case of independent DB schema inconsistency among the redundant services may exist.
Also how can the schema upgrade handled in case of common DB schema?

This is a super broad topic, and rather hard to answer in general terms.
A key requirement for a micro service architecture is that each service should be independent from the others. You should be able to deploy, modify, improve, scale your micro service independently from the others.
This means you do not want to share anything other than API definitions. You certainly don't want to share a schema; each service should be able to define its own schema, release new versions, change data types etc. without having to check with the other services. That's almost impossible with a shared schema.
You may not want to share a physical server. Sharing a server means you cannot make independent promises on scalability and up-time; a big part of the micro service approach means that the team that builds it is also responsible for running it. You really want to avoid the "well, it worked in dev, so if it doesn't scale on production, it's the operations team's problem" attitude. Databases - especially clustered, redundant databases - can be expensive, so you might compromise on this if you really need this.
As most microservice solutions use containerization and cloud hosting, it's quite unlikely that you'd have the "one database server to rule them all" sitting around. You may find it much better to have each micro service run its own persistence service, rather than sharing.
The common approach to dealing with inconsistencies is to accept them - but to use CQRS to distribute data between microservices, and make sure the micro services deal with their internal consistency requirements.
This also deals with the "should I upgrade my database when I release a new version?" question. If your observers understand the version for each message, they can make decisions on how to store them. For instance, if version 1.0 uses a different set of attributes to version 1.1, the listener can do the mapping.
In the comments, you ask about consistency. This is a super complex topic - especially in micro service architectures.
If you have, for instance, a "customers" service and an "orders" service, you must make sure that all orders have a valid customer. In a monolithic application, with a single database, and exclusively synchronous interactions, that's easy to enforce at the database level.
In a micro service architecture, where you might have lots of data stores, with no dependencies on each other, and a combination of synchronous and asynchronous calls, it's really hard. This is an inevitable side effect of reducing dependencies between micro services.
The most common approach is "eventual consistency". This typically requires a slightly different application design. For instance, on the "orders" screen, you would invoke first the client microservice (to get client data), and then the "orders" service (to get order details), rather than have a single (large) service call to retrieve everything.


Best approach to interact with same data base table from more than one microservices

I have a situation, where I need to add/update/retrieve records from same database table from more than one microservices. I can think of below three approaches, please help me pick up the best suitable approach.
Having a dedicated Microservices say database-data-manager which will interact with data base and & add/update/retrieve data and all the other microservices will call the end points of database-data-manager to add/update/retrieve data when required.
Having a maven library called database-data-manager and all the other microservices will use this library for the db interactions.
Having the same code(copy paste) in all the applications to take care of db interactions.
Approach - 1 seems expensive as we need to host a dedicated application for a basic functionality.
Approach - 2 would reduce boiler plate code but difficult to manage library version.
Approach - 3 would cause lot of boiler plate code and maintenance efforts to keep similar code in all the microservices.
Please suggest, Thanks in advance.
A strict definition of "microservice" would include the fact it's essentially self-contained... that would include any data storage it might need. So you really have a collection of services talking to a common database. Schematics aside...
Option 1 sounds like it's on the right track: you need to have something sitting between the microservices and database. This could be a cache or a dedicated proxy service. Let's say you have an old legacy system which is really fragile, controlling data in/out through a more capable service, acting as a proxy, is a well proven pattern.
Such a proxy might do a bulk read of the database, hold the data in memory to service high-volumes of reads, and handle updates.
Updating is non-trivial and there are various options:
The services cached data becomes the pseudo master - updates are applied to the cached data first, then go into a queue to apply to the underlying database.
The services data is used only for data-reads; updates are applied to the database first, and if the update is successful it is then applied to the cached data.
Option one is great for performance, on the assumption that the proxy service is really good at managing the data and satisfying service requests. But, depending on how you implement, it might be vulnerable to outages, in which case you might lose any data that has made it into the cache but not into the pipeline that gets it into the database.
Option 2 is good for ensuring a solid master set of data, but there's the risk that consuming services might read cached data that is now out of date because it's just being updated in the database.
In terms of implementation, a queue of some sort to handle getting updates to the database might be something you want to consider, as it would give you a place to control how updates (and which updates) get to the database.

How does ETL (database to database) fit into SOA?

Lets imagine, that our application needs ETL (extract, transform, load) data from relation database to another relation database.
Most simple (and most performance, IMHO) way is to make link between databases and write simple stored procedure. In this case we use minimal technologies and components, all features are "out of the box".
But is it good practice for SOA (service-oriented architecture)? What about tight coupling? Do we strongly couple the databases to each other for ever?
There is another way to do this: we build 2 java applications in each side and communicate by SOAP web services. This is more SOA friendly! But are the performance degradation and additional points of failure worth it?
What will be the best practice in this case? How can ETL fit within SOA?
In SOA, you can adapt Biztalk or SAP BusinessObjects Data Integrator way of processing. Basically, it is a scheduler job / windows service, or something similar. You provide two service point, 1 for the scheduler to retrieve the data, and another for the scheduler to send the data. The scheduler's responsibility here is just to run periodically and transforming data.
So, the basic steps will be:
Step 1: The scheduler run and get the data from service A
Scheduler --get--> Service A
Service A --data--> Scheduler
Step 2: The scheduler doing data transformation
[ Conversion --> Conversion --> Conversion --> Conversion ]
Step 3: The scheduler send the data to another service
Scheduler --data--> Service B
In both Biztalk and SAP BusinessObject Data Integrator, the steps are configurable (they can retrieve from whatever service and can do scripting data transformation), so it's more flexible.
However, there are still usual problems that can happen with ETL processing. For example: the data is too big, network performance impact, RTO's, duplicated data, etc. So the ETL best practices still a requirement here (use of staging table, logging, etc).
But are the performance degradation and additional points of failure
worth it?
The performance impact will happen since now you have extra connection/authentication step (to webservice), and transportation step (webservice to scheduler via protocol). But for error-prone, I think it's the same error that you need to handle with other service call.
Is it worth it? It depends. If you are working in same environment (same database) then it's debatable. If you are working in different environment (two different system for example, from Asp.Net to SAP, or different database instance at least), then this architecture is the best bet to handle ETL.
ETL in general fits into SOA - e.g. SOA services may perform ETL operations between each-other.
Database-to-database linkage is very useful when you want to replicate databases or in other similar situations. In general, this approach has nothing to do with SOA, unless the below cases exist.
Database-to-database linkage does not fit into SOA when both these databases are consumed by SOA services. In this case, you should communicate through services.
Database-to-database linkage still fits into SOA when only one database is the persistence for the SOA service. The other one can be considered as a failover or a simple replication, not directly related to SOA. In this case, database-to-database linkage simply becomes a data-related concern, which you are allowed to have and to solve.
For me there are several points missing in the db - to - db and the Rest -based setup:
Exceptions in the etl process:
When is the transformation of data considered to be valid? How is the result of an unsuccessful transformation handled? Just throwing the data away is not an option in most cases.
System Failure / Recovering
What if one / both systems is down for a while? How is synchronization handled?
When did the etl fail and where does it has to be restarted ?
So instead of having to databases or rest - services communicate with each other imho this is more related to using migration technologies such as Apache Camel or using ESB's which can handle the transformations, split data, process it asyncronously , put it back together, have a proper monitoring, recovering, load balance for performance optimization. This will not necessaryily speed up the 'E' in etl, nor the 'L' (though it might in both), but certainly speed up the 'T' and has positiv outcomes for data integrity.
And of course: ESB's are SOA - related technologies. Apache Camel for me is not really though it is considered to be a reference implementation of Enterprise Integration Patterns.
Basically the idea behind it is that etl are content - based and not structure - based problems.
So what you could do with these techniques is something like:
DB <- DataExtractor - Validator
- ContentLengthBasedRouter - Splitter
- Transformer1 ,
- Transformer 2 ..
- Aggregator -
- ContentBasedRouter - Transformer3 -
- DataInserter
- Monitor
and more but that does not suit into a textual description.
All of these answers are good and helpful.
As I now understand SOA is not about implementing application, but about Architecture ("A"), mainly Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise main management method is delegation of responsibility for Services ("S").
So if there are two different business functions in the enterprise structure with two different responsible accounts, we should divide it in two different services with well defined contracts (interfaces), politics and audit methods - that is the main SOA purpose.
But if it is an atomic function with one responsible person, there is no need in SOA so much and we should use simple technologies and implement simple and rapid solid service application.
As about my original question it is lack of task context information.
Now I understand that database links should not be implemented across services, and it is bad design because has no enterprise management compatibility.
But within a service it may be good simple solution.
Thanks to everybody answered.

Microservices and database joins

For people that are splitting up monolithic applications into microservices how are you handling the connundrum of breaking apart the database. Typical applications that I've worked on do a lot of database integration for performance and simplicity reasons.
If you have two tables that are logically distinct (bounded contexts if you will) but you often do aggregate processing on a large volumes of that data then in the monolith you're more than likely to eschew object orientation and are instead using your database's standard JOIN feature to process the data on the database prior to return the aggregated view back to your app tier.
How do you justify splitting up such data into microservices where presumably you will be required to 'join' the data through an API rather than at the database.
I've read Sam Newman's Microservices book and in the chapter on splitting the Monolith he gives an example of "Breaking Foreign Key Relationships" where he acknowledges that doing a join across an API is going to be slower - but he goes on to say if your application is fast enough anyway, does it matter that it is slower than before?
This seems a bit glib? What are people's experiences? What techniques did you use to make the API joins perform acceptably?
When performance or latency doesn't matter too much (yes, we don't
always need them) it's perfectly fine to just use simple RESTful APIs
for querying additional data you need. If you need to do multiple
calls to different microservices and return one result you can use
API Gateway pattern.
It's perfectly fine to have redundancy in Polyglot persistence environments. For example, you can use messaging queue for your microservices and send "update" events every time you change something. Other microservices will listen to required events and save data locally. So instead of querying you keep all required data in appropriate storage for specific microservice.
Also, don't forget about caching :) You can use tools like Redis or Memcached to avoid querying other databases too often.
It's OK for services to have read-only replicated copies of certain reference data from other services.
Given that, when trying to refactor a monolithic database into microservices (as opposed to rewrite) I would
create a db schema for the service
create versioned* views** in that schema to expose data from that schema to other services
do joins against these readonly views
This will let you independently modify table data/strucutre without breaking other applications.
Rather than use views, I might also consider using triggers to replicate data from one schema to another.
This would be incremental progress in the right direction, establishing the seams of your components, and a move to REST can be done later.
*the views can be extended. If a breaking change is required, create a v2 of the same view and remove the old version when it is no longer required.
**or Table-Valued-Functions, or Sprocs.
CQRS---Command Query Aggregation Pattern is the answer to thi as per Chris Richardson.
Let each microservice update its own data Model and generates the events which will update the materialized view having the required join data from earlier microservices.This MV could be any NoSql DB or Redis or elasticsearch which is query optimized. This techniques leads to Eventual consistency which is definitely not bad and avoids the real time application side joins.
Hope this answers.
I would separate the solutions for the area of use, on let’s say operational and reporting.
For the microservices that operate to provide data for single forms that need data from other microservices (this is the operational case) I think using API joins is the way to go. You will not go for big amounts of data, you can do data integration in the service.
The other case is when you need to do big queries on large amount of data to do aggregations etc. (the reporting case). For this need I would think about maintaining a shared database – similar to your original scheme and updating it with events from your microservice databases. On this shared database you could continue to use your stored procedures which would save your effort and support the database optimizations.
In Microservices you create diff. read models, so for eg: if you have two diff. bounded context and somebody wants to search on both the data then somebody needs to listen to events from both bounded context and create a view specific for the application.
In this case there will be more space needed, but no joins will be needed and no joins.

API design versioning with multiple databases

Should one setup versioning for API databases as he does for API URLs?
API starts from and eventually evolves to
Is it good practice to setup separate databases for each API version? will use database api_v1 will use database api_v2
You probably have the same data the api provides access to.
So I think it is pretty impossible to use two databases.
An API always should abstract the underlying business logic and database so changes in an API reflect only possibilities to interact with the business logic.
Versioning of APIs is a good thing but requires good estimate of what might or surely will change in the future to avoid bigger problems.

Data Migration from Legacy Data Structure to New Data Structure

Ok So here is the problem we are facing.
We have a ton of Legacy Applications that have direct database access
The data structure in the database is not normalized
The current process / structure is used by almost all applications
What we are trying to implement:
Move all functionality to a RESTful service so no application has direct database access
Implement a normalized data structure
The problem we are having is how to implement this migration not only with the Applications but with the Database as well.
Our current solution is to:
Identify all the CRUD functionality and implement this in the new Web Service
Create the new Applications to replace the Legacy Apps
Point the New Applications to the new Web Service ( Still Pointing to the Old Data Structure )
Migrate the data in the databases to the new Structure
Point the New Applications to the new Web Service ( Point to new Data Structure )
But as we are discussing this process we are looking at having to rewrite the New Web Service twice. Once for the Old Data Structure and Once for the New Data Structure, As currently we could not represent the old Data Structure to fit the new Data Structure for the new Web Service.
I wanted to know if anyone has faced any challenges like this and how did you overcome these types of issues/implementation and such.
EDIT: More explanation of synchronization using bi-directional triggers; updates for syntax, language and clarity.
I have faced similar problems on a data model upgrade on a large web application I worked on for 7 years, so I feel your pain. From this experience, I would propose the something a bit different - but hopefully one that will be a lot easier to implement. But first, an observation:
Value to the organisation is the data - data will long outlive all your current applications. The business will constantly invent new ways of getting value out of the data it has captured which will engender new reports, applications and ways of doing business.
So getting the new data structure right should be your most important goal. Don't trade getting the structure right against against other short term development goals, especially:
Operational goals such as rolling out a new service
Report performance (use materialized views, triggers or batch jobs instead)
This structure will change over time so your architecture must allow for frequent additions and infrequent normalizations to it. This means that your data structure and any shared APIs to it (including RESTful services) must be properly versioned.
Why RESTful web services?
You mention that your will "Move all functionality to a RESTful service so no application has direct database access". I need to ask a very important question with respect to the legacy apps: Why is this important and what value has it brought?
I ask because:
You lose ACID transactions (each call is a single transaction unless you implement some horrifically complicated WS-* standards)
Performance degrades: Direct database connections will be faster (no web server work and translations to do) and have less latency (typically 1ms rather than 50-100ms) which will visibly reduce responsiveness in applications written for direct DB connections
The database structure is not abstracted from the RESTful service, because you acknowledge that with the database normalization you have to rewrite the web services and rewrite the applications calling them.
And the other cross-cutting concerns are unchanged:
Manageability: Direct database connections can be monitored and managed with many generic tools here
Security: direct connections are more secure than web services that your developers will write,
Authorization: The database permission model is very advanced and as fine-grained as you could want
Scaleability: The web service is a (only?) direct-connected database application and so scales only as much as the database
You can migrate the database and keep the legacy applications running by maintaining a legacy RESTful API. But what if we can keep the legacy apps without introducing a 'legacy' RESTful service.
Database versioning
Presumably the majority of the 'legacy' applications use SQL to directly access data tables; you may have a number of database views as well.
One approach to the data migration is that the new database (with the new normalized structure in a new schema) presents the old structure as views to the legacy applications, typically from a different schema.
This is actually quite easy to implement, but solves only reporting and read-only functionality. What about legacy application DML? DML can be solved using
Updatable views for simple transformations
Introducing stored procedures where updatable views not possible (eg "CALL insert_emp(?, ?, ?)" rather than "INSERT INTO EMP (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (?, ? ?)".
Have a 'legacy' table that synchronizes with the new database with triggers and DB links.
Having a legacy-format table with bi-directional synchronization to the new format table(s) using triggers is a brute-force solution and relatively ugly.
You end up with identical data in two different schemas (or databases) and the possibility of data going out-of-sync if the synchronization code has bugs - and then you have the classic issues of the "two master" problem. As such, treat this as a last resort, for example when:
The fundamental structure has changed (for example the changing the cardinality of a relation), or
The translation to the legacy format is a complex function (eg if the legacy column is the square of the new-format column value and is set to "4", an updatable view cannot determine if the correct value is +2 or -2).
When such changes are required in your data, there will be some significant change in code and logic somewhere. You could implement in a compatibility layer (advantage: no change to legacy code) or change the legacy app (advantage: data layer is clean). This is a technical decision by the engineering team.
Creating a compatibility database of the legacy structure using the approaches outlined above minimize changes to legacy applications (in some cases, the legacy application continues without any code change at all). This greatly reduces development and testing costs (for which there is no net functional gain to the business), and greatly reduces rollout risk.
It also allows you to concentrate on the real value to the organisation:
The new database structure
New RESTful web services
New applications (potentially build using the RESTful web services)
Positive aspect of web services
Please don't read the above as a diatribe against web services, especially RESTful web services. When used for the right reason, such as for enabling web applications or integration between disparate systems, this is a good architectural solution. However, it might not be the best solution for managing your legacy apps during the data migration.
What it seems like you ought to do is define a new data model ("normalized") and build a mapping from the normalized model back to the legacy model. Then you can replace legacy direct calls with calls on the normalized one at your leisure. This breaks no code.
In parallel, you need to define what amounts to a (cerntralized) legacy db api, and map it to to your normalized model. Now, at your leisure, replace the original legacy db calls with calls on the legacy db API. This breaks no code.
Once the original calls are completely replaced, you can switch the data model over to the real normalized one. This should break no code, since everything is now going against the legacy db API or the normalized db API.
Finally, you can replace the legacy db API calls and related code, with revised code that uses the normalized data API. This requires careful recoding.
To speed all this up, you want an automated code transformation tool to implement the code replacements.
This document seems to have a good overview:
Firstly, this seems like a very messy situation, and I don't think there's a "clean" solution. I've been through similar situations a couple of times - they weren't much fun.
Firstly, the effort of changing your client apps is going to be significant - if the underlying domain changes (by introducing the concept of an address that is separate from a person, for instance), the client apps also change - it's not just a change in the way you access the data. The best way to avoid this pain is to write your API layer to reflect the business domain model of the future, and glue your old database schema into that; if there are new concepts you cannot reflect using the old data (e.g. "get /app/addresses/addressID"), throw a NotImplemented error. Where you can reflect the new model with the old data, wire it together as best you can, and then re-factor under the covers.
Secondly, that means you need to build versioning into your API as a first-class concern - so you can tell clients that in version 1, features x, y and z throw "NotImplemented" exceptions. Each version should be backwards compatible, but add new features. That way, you can refactor features in version 1 as long as you don't break the service, and implement feature x in version 1.1, feature y in version 1.2 etc. Ideally, have a roadmap for your versions, and notify the client app owners if you're going to stop supporting a version, or release a breaking change.
Thirdly, a set of automated integration tests for your API is the best investment you can make - they confirm that you've not broken features as you refactor.
Hope this is of some use - I don't think there's a single, straightforward answer to your question.
