Reloading components in react native - reactjs

I'm creating a math quiz app using react-native. I wish to know how to reload all the components, upon clicking the right answer, so that a new question is loaded.

You're looking the wrong way. Reloading all the components will just render the same thing. What you are looking for is more a thing like Redux.
It will allow you to have a state container where all your data live, allowing to store the question number and update it – then components will be rendered to display the new one.
Please take a look at redux documentation, then at react-redux one.
So you would create a dispatch method, e.g. setQuestion(...), which is called when you press a button that will change the question number. The button would be a presentational component.
Then, you would have a component that wrap the whole question screen that will be updated because it was bound with redux store. It is a container component.
See more about presentational and container component here.
If you still want to refresh your app, and don't want a predictive state, you could call app.forceUpdate() where app would be instance of the top component.


React JS - Functional Component, Stop the component from unmounting if the page is Dirty

I have been working on a project, where we have a multiple components built for showing the customer details. So when we have the scenario, when the page loads, we are retrieving the customer details from the API and displaying them in the UI. So in case, if the user, makes update to any of the details, and he forgets to save and tries to move to a different tab in the page, we should show a warning about having unsaved changes on the page.
I tried Prompt from the react-dom, but that is not working in my scenario, as I have multiple tabs in the main component, and these tabs have to be considered individually to be saved.
Is there any way in the useEffect callback method, we can stop the component from being unmounted if there are unsaved changes. I saw there are ways in class component, that we can do this, but was not able to find the same for functional components

How to share value between all component in react

Im creating a popup that will be shown to the user after login. He should select an option that will be shared in all components as prop. Everytime this popup is open and the value change, all the component should be updated. Do you have any tips on how I should do it. Thanks
The best way would be using redux or context to have global state that can be shared with all of your components. I do not know your app volume and component numbers but if you are looking for a basic way for basic app, you can set this popup states in parent component of your app and pass this state as props to your children components. Another way would be implementing this with backend that you can do post request each time when you change your popup data and do get request in your children components

Presentation component is getting cached while moving between screens

I am building a react-native app, in which all screens share the same generic functionality like
1. Making ajax requests
2. convert snake_case keys to camelCase
3. show loading indicator while fetching data
4. subscribe to redux store and expose store as props
here are the tools I am using
My container has no idea what urls to fetch because it is used with all the components. I am calling the container component in this way
const fetchUrls = store => return [url, url];
return MycontainerComponent(WrapperComponent)(fetchUrls);
this seems to work fine on initial load, but didn't work when visiting a screen, navigate to another and come back to the first screen again. Its as if components are cached and not recomputed again. this is for me as long as no data in the store changed. so I wrote a watcher inside the container component and to see if any value in the store changes, the component will re-render. but then this worked fine until I had one more problem.
I want to support user switch like in gmail because mine is a parent app and a parent can have 2 or more children studying at the same school and u can understand the rest.
Now when I am switching the user, I updated the redux store and I thought it would re-render stuff and it would be all fine. Until I hit with reality.
When I switch user, it seems as if the component is trying to unmount and fetch urls for new store values at the same time and react complaints with typical "don't setstate in the componentwillunmount, its a no-op, unsubscribe etc."
I have no idea what's happening, can anyone shed some light on this. Thanks.
With a stack Navigator the screens are not unmounted after they lose focus. This is a performance optimization. If you want to execute logic when a screen regains focus put your logic in NavigationEvents onWillFocus or onDidFocus.

React passing state between instances of the same Component

I'm fairly new to React, and I was trying to create an app that functioned thusly:
The app consists of several Pages, with multiple Components on each Page.
One of these Components is stats, which can change as the user interacts with Components on the Page.
When a user clicks on a certain Component, they will be taken to a "different" page, which is really just another Page, with different text, data, etc. This is carried out through the browserHistory.push() method. I would like to be able to carry over the changed 'stats' component from one Page to the next, but I am not sure how to do so. Furthermore, since I set the default value for stats in the Page component, it seems that any attempt at passing the changed values into the new Page would result in the new values being overridden. Can anyone help me?
State should live above the level of all components that need access to that state.
Remember that one of the principles of React is "one-way" data flow down the component hierarchy. Essentially, data/state should live at a high level, getting passed down to child components and consumed as needed.
In your case, you have some "stats" data that needs to be displayed across multiple Pages. So, "stats" needs to be owned by a component above all of your Page components - perhaps at the root component of the app itself. Pages themselves would just take the data in and render it, potentially with some callbacks appropriate for editing the data.
Read a bit more about Facebook's philosophy for React in "Thinking in React" in the official docs:
One option to consider is to use React Redux to store the state of your application. You would then use mapStateToProps (See Redux API for details) to map the state into props for your stats component.

SPA + back button + form state

I am converting a jsp multi-page app(mpa) into a React single-page app (spa). In the mpa, the back button worked and the form retained its state.
In my new React app, the back button works but the form does not retain its state.
Question: is there a trick to make my form retain its state after "backing" to it (in an spa).
Here are the two solutions I came up with:
Encode the entire form state into the url. Then update the browser history with an updated url every time the form changes. But, this seems like a huge pain in the butt.
Modify the structure of my app such that the form in question (a React Component) stays mounted (and just use the css visibility or display property to show and hide). But, in a large app, leaving every page mounted in the DOM seems like it might lead to performance problems.
By the way, I am using popstate and the browser history api to achieve SPA behavior (i.e. i have rolled my own router) as described here.
Hopefully someone can propose a solution that is better than my two solutions. Thanks.
I ended up using something similar to Wylie Кулик's answer with a few changes:
I didn't want to switch to Redux for just this one use-case. So I used the component state of my top-level component (i.e. a component higher up the tree).
I cached the form's state on the form component's componentWillUnmount and restored the cached state on componentDidMount.
I passed the cached state as a prop from the higher component to the child component.
It ended up being a very small amount of code and is working like a charm so far.
Use Redux to have a state store which transcends any particular component. Then in your component, as part of the form submission process, dispatch an action with payload of all of the form data. This should be cached on state and then when the component is remounted by your navigation structure, it should have access to this cache via Reduxsconnectfunctions mapStateToProps method. You can repopulate your form from that.
It's not clear from your question whether or not you are submitting the form in the traditional old way. I would use e.preventDefault in the handler instead, and have all the form data on the component's state, this can be sent to Redux's state store as described above, and Ajaxed off with superagent or similar. At the same time it can be cached.
