Test for corrupted list - c

Suppose I receive a list in a volatile environment, where the tail element is only partially filled with accessible items; further, passing on/deleting/dropping the element is a perfectly adequate solution.
next->A // is unaccessible
next->B // is accessible
if (next->A) // evaluates to true
is there a method to test and pass/delete this list element?

C does not provide a built-in way of testing if a memory location is accessible or not. You cannot check if next->A is available for the same reason that you cannot check if a pointer is "dangling".
A fix to this is to add a level of indirection: make a list of "envelope" objects which are always available. Each envelope holds a pointer to the actual object, along with a flag indicating object's accessibility. This way the provider of the list would be able to manipulate the flag independently of the data object itself, without disturbing the content of the list:


Adding a new Entry in a Struct holding a TArray as Member value doesn’t update it’s entries

I am currently working on a Character Customization System where a HUDLayout dynamically create Widgets based on a set of Skins available for the Character Selected. A Skin is represented as a Struct called MaterialInstanceContainer and holds a TArray. Player can mix and match their selection according to the Body Parts they select. In order to achieve the final result, I want to create a TMap<string, MaterialInstanceContainer> so that I can map each BodyParts available for selection with the individual material instance targeting the same BodyPart.
ISSUE: My issue is as follow, when I try to foreach over my collection of Material Instances inside my Container, I do a string comparison and if the output is valid, I can then break my struct to access the Material Instance Array and ADD to it however, at the very end of the process, the length of the array inside Material Container is still at zero.
How can I add a new entry in the array that my Material Container Struct hold?
enter image description here
The issue here is actually pretty straight forward: in Blueprints when you 'Find' a member of Map you are not getting it by-reference, instead you get the copy.
This is exactly what happens at the end of your nested loop: You get a copy, you add item to it, and when another iteration kicks-in the copy gets terminated.
And here on my side it returns exactly the same result as expected:
The fix for that would be easy:
After editing a Copy, you can overwrite the Map member by its copy (via 'Add' node).
But in your case it will be more tricky. You cannot just plug the same BreakStruct/Array node that you just used because it would call whole Find sequence again which creates another copy. Look
If you are confused. This code actually looks like this for Unreal's point of view.
So you have to store the the Struct in local variable first, then perform any operations on it and after everything is done - overwrite the Map member by its locally stored copy. And the result is
Map member gets overwritten every time and everything is as it should be.
Well, almost... For some reason your code is stored in Macro. I think you have to change it to a Function to be able to create local struct variable. But it shouldn't be a problem in this specific case because in your code there is no logic that needs to be done in macro.
Hope, it helps

C: deleting elements mid array and have previous pointers working

I have several arrays like this (please ignore specific names):
static resource_t coap_cmp_res[MAX_CMPS];
e.g. [cmp1,cmp2,cmp3,cmp4,cmp5,0,0,0]
and a code that uses these elements, for example, coap_cmp_res[4] (cmp5) is associated with a REST resource, call it Res5.
At a certain point in time, I delete an element in that array at position x like this:
e.g. for x = 2
What I then would like to do is have a single continuous array again like this
e.g. [cmp1,cmp2,cmp4,cmp5,0,0,0,0]
What I do currently is:
for(UInt8 i = x; i < MAX_CMPS; i++){
coap_cmp_res[i] = coap_cmp_res[i+1];
which gives [cmp1,cmp2,cmp4,cmp5,cmp5,0,0,0]
then I manually set the last non-zero element to 0.
e.g. [cmp1,cmp2,cmp4,cmp5,0,0,0,0]
So, this looks good, but the problem is that the Res5 is still associated with coap_cmp_res[4] and thus now the value 0, instead of cmp5, which is not what I desire.
I could deactivate and reactivate every resource after x in the array to have the associations working again, but was wondering if there was a more efficient way to go about this.
Hopefully this makes sense.
As the proverb says: "add a level of indirection". An array of resource_t* that point into coap_cmp_res and are stable. Then have Rea5 associated with a pointer, and use the indirection to reach into a valid entry.
static resource_t coap_cmp_res_data[MAX_CMPS];
static resource_t* coap_cmp_res_ptrs[MAX_CMPS]; // points into coap_cmp_res_data
When you remove an element, you update the entries in coap_cmp_res_ptrs, without moving them, and shrink coap_cmp_res_data. Any resource will still refer to the same position in coap_cmp_res_ptrs, and the indirection will take it to the current location of the resource.
An alternative approach, which may prove better in your case (you'd have to profile), is to use node based storage. I.e a linked list.

What exactly needs to be PROTECTed when writing C functions for use in R

I thought this was pretty straightforward, basically, any SEXP type objects I create in C code must be protected, but it starts getting a little murkier (to me) when using linked lists and CAR / CDR, etc. I started off with this comment in Writing R Extensions:
Protecting an R object automatically protects all the R objects pointed to in the corresponding SEXPREC, for example all elements of a protected list are automatically protected.
And this from R Internals:
A SEXPREC is a C structure containing the 32-bit header as described above, three pointers (to the attributes, previous and next node) and the node data ...
LISTSXP: Pointers to the CAR, CDR (usually a LISTSXP or NULL) and TAG (a SYMSXP or NULL).
So I interpret this to mean that, if I do something like:
SEXP s, t, u;
PROTECT(s = allocList(2));
SETCAR(s, ScalarLogical(1));
SETCADR(s, ScalarLogical(0));
t = CAR(s);
u = CADR(s);
Then t and u are protected by virtue of being pointers to objects that are within the protected list s (corollary question: is there a way to get the PROTECTED status of an object? Couldn't see anything in Rinternals.h that fit the bill). Yet I see stuff like (from src/main/unique.c):
// Starting on line 1274 (R 3.0.2), note `args` protected by virtue of being
// a function argument
SEXP attribute_hidden do_matchcall(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
// ommitting a bunch of lines, and then, on line 1347:
PROTECT(b = CAR(args));
// ...
This suggests all the objects within args are not protected, but that seems very odd since then any of the args objects could have gotten GCed at any point. Since CAR just returns a pointer to a presumably already protected object, why do we need to protect it here?
Think about it this way: PROTECT doesn't actually do something to the object. Rather, it adds a temporary GC root so that the object is considered alive by the collector. Any objects it contains are also alive, not because of some protection applied from C, but because they are pointed-to by another object that is itself already considered alive - the same as any other normal live object. So setting the car of a protected list not only keeps that object alive, it also potentially releases whatever was previously in the car for GC, removing it from that particular live tree (protecting the list didn't recursively affect the elements).
So in general you aren't going to have an easy way of telling whether an object is "protected" or not in this wider sense, because it's actually just following the same rules as GC does elsewhere and there's nothing special about the object. You could potentially trace through the entire PROTECT list and see if you find it, but that would be... inefficient, to say the least (there's also nothing to say that the ownership tree leading to the object in question from the one on the PROTECT list is the one that will keep it alive for the longest).
The line in do_matchcall is actually there for a completely unrelated reason: protecting CAR(args) only happens in one branch of a conditional - in the other branch, it's a newly-created object that gets protected. Redundantly protecting the value from this branch as well means that there's guaranteed to be the same number of objects on the PROTECT stack regardless of which branch was taken, which simplifies the corresponding UNPROTECT at the end of the function to an operation on a constant number of slots (no need to replicate the check down there to vary it).

How to initialize a Ref<?> field in objectify to a dummy value

I have a collection(arraylist) of Ref `s ,the objectify documentation says that I need to initialize collections for them to be persisted and hence modified in the future.....
Now , Ref points to an object but when I launch my app for the first time I dont have any objects in the data store...so whats the best way for me to initialize a dummy value......
Is my assumption that a Ref<> needs to point to a real object in the data store?
Two things:
You should just initialize an empty collection. You don't need to add anything to it. eg, field = new ArrayList<Ref<Thing>>();
It's actually not even required that you initialize the collection. It's just a good idea for reasons that will become apparent if you use the system for a while.

How does reference counting work?

How do reference counted structures work? For example let's look at SDL_Surface:
typedef struct SDL_Surface
int refcount;
} SDL_Surface;
s = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(...); // <-- what happens here?
SDL_FreeSurface(s); // <-- and here?
How do I implement reference counting in my own code?
SDL_CreateRGBSurface will allocate a new instance of SDL_Surface (or a suitable derived structure), and increment the reference count (setting it to 1).
SDL_FreeSurface will decrement the reference count, and check if it's zero. If it is, that means that no other objects are using the surface, and it will be deallocated.
SDL also guarantees that the refcount is incremented whenever the object gets used somewhere else (e.g. in the renderer). So, if the reference count is nonzero when SDL_FreeSurface is called, then some other object must be using it. That other object will eventually also call SDL_FreeSurface and release the surface for good.
Reference counting allows you to cheaply track objects without the overhead of a cycle-collecting garbage collector. However, one drawback is that it won't handle cycles (e.g. where object A holds a reference to B, which in turn holds a reference to B); in those cases, the cycles will keep the objects involved alive even when all other external references are gone.
To implement refcounting, you simply need to add a refcount field to any objects you want to refcount, and ensure (in your public API, and internally) that every allocation and deallocation of the object goes through the appropriate refcount-maintaining interface (which you must define). Finally, when an object or function wants a reference to your refcounted objects, they must first get the reference by incrementing the refcount (directly or through some interface). When they are done they must decrement the refcount.
