Transfer electron app to cordova app - reactjs

I have a working electron application that uses React, Redux and WebPack. My current task is to create a working mobile Cordova application from it. What are the main steps I should undertake? How to import the bundle.js created by WebPack, what should I copy in the www folder. I have a very limited knowledge on Node and I will be very thankful for some guidance.
The boilerplate used for the electron application is:

You may have a look at quasar-framework. Although it's based on vue.js it provides wrappers for electron AND cordova.


React Native PWA with react-native-view-pager

I'm developing a React Native application with Expo, after a few weeks of development I wanted to check my app on the browser by running: expo start --web
The Expo project is starting without any issues, however when I navigate to the local address where the app is being served I get a nasty error:
This is my first React Native app and I'm not sure if the react-native-pager-view simply cannot be run in the browser or I just need to add some webpack configuration for it to succeed.
Any help would be much appreciated.
React native is not meant to work as PWA.
PWA is just a web application that depends on chrome features to look and feel as mobile app. But they are not such smoothly experience as with a react-native or android/ios app.
If you are trying to test this on the web, be sure that you are following the steps in the official docs of react native. And check the example app from react-native-pager-view that works, you could start from there

Can I embed or serve a built React app within another React-Router app?

I have a personal website/portfolio built with ReactJS and React-Router. I want to be able to serve separately developed and built ReactJS apps as my coding demos from within my personal website (rather than provide an external link). I have used Create-React-App to bootstrap the original website app.
I have tried placing the built files (index.html and *.js files) in the public folder, which is copied to the /build folder when the app is built. However, these files are not being served.
Interestingly it was working with the React development server, but stopped working after building and serving with the npm 'serve' module.
eg. I have copied the built demo app to
and this gets copied when building the main website app as
Accessing[app-name] or[app-name]/index.html results in error.
Is this an issue with my overall methodology of trying to serve separate built apps within a react-router app?
Is there an accepted way to serve built React apps within a React app?

Deploy React Project made from scratch to GitHub pages. [Not using create-react-app]

I've been looking for information in Google about how to deploy a React project to Github Pages, but all tutorials refers to deploying a React App (made using create-react-app and not a boilerplate from scratch).
Is there a hidden tutorial to do that?

Onsen UI 2 with React and PhoneGap development environment

I want to develop a hybrid mobile app based on Onsen UI 2, and have selected React as the framework for it.
I'm also using the PhoneGap Build service to create the app files for Android and iOS.
I am having some difficulties understanding how I can get Onsen, React and the PhoneGap CLI to work in harmony in my development environment.
How I did it for now:
I tried downloading some Onsen & React 'hello world' apps to play around with, and I got to the point, where I managed to build the Onsen/Webpack/React-Hot-Reloading-Example and put the bundle.js file in a new/empty PhoneGap project.
From this, I can understand that I need to separately build the react app, and then copy the bundled app into the PhoneGap app folder.
This seems like a little hassle... shouldn't there be an easier way?

Deploy reactjs by electron for creating desktop app

I know my question is obvious but I want to find best practice for that. How can we deploy a reactjs project by electron in lowest size of package? Can we deploy the built reactjs project by electron? I use create-react-app and I don't want to eject that.
