How to perform signed comparison between unsigned operands? - c

I have declared 4 unsigned variables:
uint32_t empty_bucket;
uint32_t base_bucket;
uint32_t hop_size;
uint32_t ht_size;
I want to perform a signed conditional check:
if (empty_bucket < base_bucket + (hop_size - 1) - ht_size)
Knowing that base_bucket + (hop_size - 1) - ht_size could be a negative value. What is the right casting for the operands to perform this singed operation?
NB: base_bucket + (hop_size - 1) - ht_size could be something really close to -2^32, so casting to signed 32-bits int32_t could cause an overflow.

Since you're using stdint include, you could convert the operands to 64 bit signed values, and compare that, no risk that any of the terms to the right become negative, and we have to cast the left operand to signed integer to avoid undefined/implementation behaviour when comparing signed/unsigned:
if ((int64_t)empty_bucket < ((int64_t)base_bucket + ((int64_t)hop_size - 1) - (int64_t)ht_size))
To sum it up:
no risk of overflow (I may have cast a little too much on the right side)
comparison between signed entities
On the downside, 64 bit conversion may have a negative impact on the performance on a 32 bit architecture

if (base_bucket + hop_size > ht_size + 1
&& empty_bucket < base_bucket + (hop_size - 1) - ht_size)
The first line checks if the right side of the comparison we want to perform is indeed a positive integer. It is done by checking that all the positive values (base_bucket and hop_size) are greater than all the negative values (- 1 and - ht_size). It does this without using subtractions, so it is safe to do with unsigned integers.
#David Bowling suggested
if (empty_bucket + ht_size < base_bucket + (hop_size - 1))
the idea is basically the same, to make sure that both sides of the comparison are always positive. This works if base_bucket and hop_size are not both zero at the same time.
With both solutions there can theoretically still be overflow, you have to check that with your actual values. If there is overflow, use a larger type.
Please disregard my earlier mention of short-circuit evaluation, because it is not relevant. If the integer sizes are 'normal', eg. 16, 32, or 64 bits, this should work.


Bitwise operation results in unexpected variable size

We are porting C code that was originally compiled using an 8-bit C compiler for the PIC microcontroller. A common idiom that was used in order to prevent unsigned global variables (for example, error counters) from rolling over back to zero is the following:
if(~counter) counter++;
The bitwise operator here inverts all the bits and the statement is only true if counter is less than the maximum value. Importantly, this works regardless of the variable size.
We are now targeting a 32-bit ARM processor using GCC. We've noticed that the same code produces different results. So far as we can tell, it looks like the bitwise complement operation returns a value that is a different size than we would expect. To reproduce this, we compile, in GCC:
uint8_t i = 0;
int sz;
sz = sizeof(i);
printf("Size of variable: %d\n", sz); // Size of variable: 1
sz = sizeof(~i);
printf("Size of result: %d\n", sz); // Size of result: 4
In the first line of output, we get what we would expect: i is 1 byte. However, the bitwise complement of i is actually four bytes which causes a problem because comparisons with this now will not give the expected results. For example, if doing (where i is a properly-initialized uint8_t):
if(~i) i++;
we will see i "wrap around" from 0xFF back to 0x00. This behaviour is different in GCC compared with when it used to work as we intended in the previous compiler and 8-bit PIC microcontroller.
We are aware that we can resolve this by casting like so:
if((uint8_t)~i) i++;
or, by
if(i < 0xFF) i++;
however in both of these workarounds, the size of the variable must be known and is error-prone for the software developer. These kinds of upper bounds checks occur throughout the codebase. There are multiple sizes of variables (eg., uint16_t and unsigned char etc.) and changing these in an otherwise working codebase is not something we're looking forward to.
Is our understanding of the problem correct, and are there options available to resolving this that do not require re-visiting each case where we've used this idiom? Is our assumption correct, that an operation like bitwise complement should return a result that is the same size as the operand? It seems like this would break, depending on processor architectures. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills and that C should be a bit more portable than this. Again, our understanding of this could be wrong.
On the surface this might not seem like a huge issue but this previously-working idiom is used in hundreds of locations and we're eager to understand this before proceeding with expensive changes.
Note: There is a seemingly similar but not exact duplicate question here: Bitwise operation on char gives 32 bit result
I didn't see the actual crux of the issue discussed there, namely, the result size of a bitwise complement being different than what's passed into the operator.
What you are seeing is the result of integer promotions. In most cases where an integer value is used in an expression, if the type of the value is smaller than int the value is promoted to int. This is documented in section of the C standard:
The following may be used in an expression wherever an intor
unsigned int may be used
An object or expression with an integer type (other than intor unsigned int) whose integer conversion rank is less
than or equal to the rank of int and unsigned int.
A bit-field of type _Bool, int ,signed int, orunsigned int`.
If an int can represent all values of the original type (as
restricted by the width, for a bit-field), the value is
converted to an int; otherwise, it is converted to an
unsigned int. These are called the integer promotions. All
other types are unchanged by the integer promotions.
So if a variable has type uint8_t and the value 255, using any operator other than a cast or assignment on it will first convert it to type int with the value 255 before performing the operation. This is why sizeof(~i) gives you 4 instead of 1.
Section describes that integer promotions apply to the ~ operator:
The result of the ~ operator is the bitwise complement of its
(promoted) operand (that is, each bit in the result is set if and only
if the corresponding bit in the converted operand is not set). The
integer promotions are performed on the operand, and the
result has the promoted type. If the promoted type is an unsigned
type, the expression ~E is equivalent to the maximum value
representable in that type minus E.
So assuming a 32 bit int, if counter has the 8 bit value 0xff it is converted to the 32 bit value 0x000000ff, and applying ~ to it gives you 0xffffff00.
Probably the simplest way to handle this is without having to know the type is to check if the value is 0 after incrementing, and if so decrement it.
if (!++counter) counter--;
The wraparound of unsigned integers works in both directions, so decrementing a value of 0 gives you the largest positive value.
in sizeof(i); you request the size of the variable i, so 1
in sizeof(~i); you request the size of the type of the expression, which is an int, in your case 4
To use
to know if i does not value 255 (in your case with an the uint8_t) is not very readable, just do
if (i != 255)
and you will have a portable and readable code
There are multiple sizes of variables (eg., uint16_t and unsigned char etc.)
To manage any size of unsigned :
if (i != (((uintmax_t) 2 << (sizeof(i)*CHAR_BIT-1)) - 1))
The expression is constant, so computed at compile time.
#include <limits.h> for CHAR_BIT and #include <stdint.h> for uintmax_t
Here are several options for implementing “Add 1 to x but clamp at the maximum representable value,” given that x is some unsigned integer type:
Add one if and only if x is less than the maximum value representable in its type:
x += x < Maximum(x);
See the following item for the definition of Maximum. This method
stands a good chance of being optimized by a compiler to efficient
instructions such as a compare, some form of conditional set or move,
and an add.
Compare to the largest value of the type:
if (x < ((uintmax_t) 2u << sizeof x * CHAR_BIT - 1) - 1) ++x
(This calculates 2N, where N is the number of bits in x, by shifting 2 by N−1 bits. We do this instead of shifting 1 N bits because a shift by the number of bits in a type is not defined by the C standard. The CHAR_BIT macro may be unfamiliar to some; it is the number of bits in a byte, so sizeof x * CHAR_BIT is the number of bits in the type of x.)
This can be wrapped in a macro as desired for aesthetics and clarity:
#define Maximum(x) (((uintmax_t) 2u << sizeof (x) * CHAR_BIT - 1) - 1)
if (x < Maximum(x)) ++x;
Increment x and correct if it wraps to zero, using an if:
if (!++x) --x; // !++x is true if ++x wraps to zero.
Increment x and correct if it wraps to zero, using an expression:
++x; x -= !x;
This is is nominally branchless (sometimes beneficial for performance), but a compiler may implement it the same as above, using a branch if needed but possibly with unconditional instructions if the target architecture has suitable instructions.
A branchless option, using the above macro, is:
x += 1 - x/Maximum(x);
If x is the maximum of its type, this evaluates to x += 1-1. Otherwise, it is x += 1-0. However, division is somewhat slow on many architectures. A compiler may optimize this to instructions without division, depending on the compiler and the target architecture.
Before stdint.h the variable sizes can vary from compiler to compiler and the actual variable types in C are still int, long, etc and are still defined by the compiler author as to their size. Not some standard nor target specific assumptions. The author(s) then need to create stdint.h to map the two worlds, that is the purpose of stdint.h to map the uint_this that to int, long, short.
If you are porting code from another compiler and it uses char, short, int, long then you have to go through each type and do the port yourself, there is no way around it. And either you end up with the right size for the variable, the declaration changes but the code as written works....
if(~counter) counter++; the mask or typecast directly
if((~counter)&0xFF) counter++;
if((uint_8)(~counter)) counter++;
At the end of the day if you want this code to work you have to port it to the new platform. Your choice as to how. Yes, you have to spend the time hit each case and do it right, otherwise you are going to keep coming back to this code which is even more expensive.
If you isolate the variable types on the code before porting and what size the variable types are, then isolate the variables that do this (should be easy to grep) and change their declarations using stdint.h definitions which hopefully won't change in the future, and you would be surprised but the wrong headers are used sometimes so even put checks in so you can sleep better at night
if(sizeof(uint_8)!=1) return(FAIL);
And while that style of coding works (if(~counter) counter++;), for portability desires now and in the future it is best to use a mask to specifically limit the size (and not rely on the declaration), do this when the code is written in the first place or just finish the port and then you won't have to re-port it again some other day. Or to make the code more readable then do the if x<0xFF then or x!=0xFF or something like that then the compiler can optimize it into the same code it would for any of these solutions, just makes it more readable and less risky...
Depends on how important the product is or how many times you want send out patches/updates or roll a truck or walk to the lab to fix the thing as to whether you try to find a quick solution or just touch the affected lines of code. if it is only a hundred or few that is not that big of a port. Unary arithmetic operators
4 The result of the ~ operator is the bitwise complement of its (promoted) operand (that is,
each bit in the result is set if and only if the corresponding bit in the converted operand is
not set). The integer promotions are performed on the operand, and the result has the
promoted type. If the promoted type is an unsigned type, the expression ~E is equivalent
to the maximum value representable in that type minus E.
C 2011 Online Draft
The issue is that the operand of ~ is being promoted to int before the operator is applied.
Unfortunately, I don't think there's an easy way out of this. Writing
if ( counter + 1 ) counter++;
won't help because promotions apply there as well. The only thing I can suggest is creating some symbolic constants for the maximum value you want that object to represent and testing against that:
#define MAX_COUNTER 255
if ( counter < MAX_COUNTER-1 ) counter++;

understanding Fixed point arithmetic

I am struggling with how to implement arithmetic on fixed-point numbers of different precision. I have read the paper by R. Yates, but I'm still lost. In what follows, I use Yates's notation, in which A(n,m) designates a signed fixed-point format with n integer bits, m fraction bits, and n + m + 1 bits overall.
Short question: How exactly is a A(a,b)*A(c,d) and A(a,b)+A(c,d) carried out when a != c and b != d?
Long question: In my FFT algorithm, I am generating a random signal having values between -10V and 10V signed input(in) which is scaled to A(15,16), and the twiddle factors (tw) are scaled to A(2,29). Both are stored as ints. Something like this:
float temp = (((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)) * (MAX_SIG - MIN_SIG)) + MIN_SIG;
int in_seq[i][j] = (int)(roundf(temp *(1 << numFracBits)));
And similarly for the twiddle factors.
Now I need to perform
res = a*tw
a) how do I implement this?
b) Should the size of res be 64 bit?
c) can I make 'res' A(17,14) since I know the ranges of a and tw? if yes, should I be scaling a*tw by 2^14 to store correct value in res?
a + res
a) How do I add these two numbers of different Q formats?
b) if not, how do I do this operation?
Maybe it's easiest to make an example.
Suppose you want to add two numbers, one in the format A(3, 5), and the other in the format A(2, 10).
You can do it by converting both numbers to a "common" format - that is, they should have the same number of bits in the fractional part.
A conservative way of doing that is to choose the greater number of bits. That is, convert the first number to A(3, 10) by shifting it 5 bits left. Then, add the second number.
The result of an addition has the range of the greater format, plus 1 bit. In my example, if you add A(3, 10) and A(2, 10), the result has the format A(4, 10).
I call this the "conservative" way because you cannot lose information - it guarantees that the result is representable in the fixed-point format, without losing precision. However, in practice, you will want to use smaller formats for your calculation results. To do that, consider these ideas:
You can use the less-accurate format as your common representation. In my example, you can convert the second number to A(2, 5) by shifting the integer right by 5 bits. This will lose precision, and usually this precision loss is not problematic, because you are going to add a less-precise number to it anyway.
You can use 1 fewer bit for the integer part of the result. In applications, it often happens that the result cannot be too big. In this case, you can allocate 1 fewer bit to represent it. You might want to check if the result is too big, and clamp it to the needed range.
Now, on multiplication.
It's possible to multiply two fixed-point numbers directly - they can be in any format. The format of the result is the "sum of the input formats" - all the parts added together - and add 1 to the integer part. In my example, multiplying A(3, 5) with A(2, 10) gives a number in the format A(6, 15). This is a conservative rule - the output format is able to store the result without loss of precision, but in applications, almost always you want to cut the precision of the output, because it's just too many bits.
In your case, where the number of bits for all numbers is 32, you probably want to lose precision in such a way that all intermediate results have 32 bits.
For example, multiplying A(17, 14) with A(2, 29) gives A(20, 43) - 64 bits required. You probably should cut 32 bits from it, and throw away the rest. What is the range of the result? If your twiddle factor is a number up to 4, the result is probably limited by 2^19 (the conservative number 20 above is needed to accommodate the edge case of multiplying -1 << 31 by -1 << 31 - it's almost always worth rejecting this edge-case).
So use A(19, 12) for your output format, i.e. remove 31 bits from the fractional part of your output.
So, instead of
res = a*tw;
you probably want
int64_t res_tmp = (int64_t)a * tw; // A(20, 43)
if (res_tmp == ((int64_t)1 << 62)) // you might want to neglect this edge case
--res_tmp; // A(19, 43)
int32_t res = (int32_t)(res_tmp >> 31); // A(19, 12)
Your question seems to assume that there is a single right way to perform the operations you are interested in, but you are explicitly asking about some of the details that direct how the operations should be performed. Perhaps this is the kernel of your confusion.
res = a*tw
a is represented as A(15,16) and tw is represented as A(2,29), so the its natural representation of their product A(18,45). You need more value bits (as many bits as the two factors have combined) to maintain full precision. A(18,45) is how you should interpret the result of widening your ints to a 64-bit signed integer type (e.g. int64_t) and computing their product.
If you don't actually need or want 45 bits of fraction, then you can indeed round that to A(18,13) (or to A(18+x,13-x) for any non-negative x) without changing the magnitude of the result. That does requiring scaling. I would probably implement it like this:
* Computes a magnitude-preserving fixed-point product of any two signed
* fixed-point numbers with a combined 31 (or fewer) value bits. If x
* is represented as A(s,t) and y is represented as A(u,v),
* where s + t == u + v == 31, then the representation of the result is
* A(s + u + 1, t + v - 32).
int32_t fixed_product(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
int64_t full_product = (int64_t) x * (int64_t) y;
int32_t truncated = full_product / (1U << 31);
int round_up = ((uint32_t) full_product) >> 31;
return truncated + round_up;
That avoids several potential issues and implementation-defined characteristics of signed integer arithmetic. It assumes that you want the results to be in a consistent format (that is, depending only on the formats of the inputs, not on their actual values), without overflowing.
a + res
Addition is actually a little harder if you cannot rely on the operands to initially have the same scale. You need to rescale so that they match before you can perform the addition. In the general case, you may not be able to do that without rounding away some precision.
In your case, you start with one A(15,16) and one A(18,13). You can compute an intermediate result in A(19,16) or wider (presumably A(47,16) in practice) that preserves magnitude without losing any precision, but if you want to represent that in 32 bits then the best you can do without risk of changing the magnitude is A(19,11). That would be this:
int32_t a_plus_res(int32_t a, int32_t res) {
int64_t res16 = ((int64_t) res) * (1 << 3);
int64_t sum16 = a + res16;
int round_up = (((uint32_t) sum16) >> 4) & 1;
return (int32_t) ((sum16 / (1 << 5)) + round_up);
A generic version would need to accept the scales of the operands' representations as additional arguments. Such a thing is possible, but the above is enough to chew on as it is.
All of the foregoing assumes that the fixed-point format for each operand and result is constant. That is more or less the distinguishing feature of fixed-point, differentiating it from floating-point formats on one hand and from arbitrary-precision formats on the other. You do, however, have the alternative of allowing formats to vary, and tracking them with a separate variable per value. That would be basically a hybrid of fixed-point and arbitrary-precision formats, and it would be messier.
Additionally, the foregoing assumes that overflow must be avoided at all costs. It would also be possible to instead put operands and results on a consistent scale; this would make addition simpler and multiplication more complicated, and it would afford the possibility of arithmetic overflow. That might nevertheless be acceptable if you have reason to believe that such overflow is unlikely for your particular data.

Bitwise operations and shifts

Im having some trouble understanding how and why this code works the way it does. My partner in this assignment finished this part and I cant get ahold of him to find out how and why this works. I've tried a few different things to understand it, but any help would be much appreciated. This code is using 2's complement and a 32-bit representation.
* fitsBits - return 1 if x can be represented as an
* n-bit, two's complement integer.
* 1 <= n <= 32
* Examples: fitsBits(5,3) = 0, fitsBits(-4,3) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 15
* Rating: 2
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
int r, c;
c = 33 + ~n;
r = !(((x << c)>>c)^x);
return r;
c = 33 + ~n;
This calculates how many high order bits are remaining after using n low order bits.
((x << c)>>c
This fills the high order bits with the same value as the sign bit of x.
!(blah ^ x)
This is equivalent to
blah == x
On a 2's-complement platform -n is equivalent to ~n + 1. For this reason, c = 33 + ~n on such platform is actually equivalent to c = 32 - n. This c is intended to represent how many higher-order bits remain in a 32-bit int value if n lower bits are occupied.
Note two pieces of platform dependence present in this code: 2's-complement platform, 32-bit int type.
Then ((x << c) >> c is intended to sign-fill those c higher order bits. Sign-fill means that those values of x that have 0 in bit-position n - 1, these higher-order bits have to be zeroed-out. But for those values of x that have 1 in bit-position n - 1, these higher-order bits have to be filled with 1s. This is important to make the code work properly for negative values of x.
This introduces another two pieces of platform dependence: << operator that behaves nicely when shifting negative values or when 1 is shifted into the sign bit (formally it is undefined behavior) and >> operator that performs sign-extension when shifting negative values (formally it is implementation-defined)
The rest is, as answered above, just a comparison with the original value of x: !(a ^ b) is equivalent to a == b. If the above transformations did not destroy the original value of x then x does indeed fit into n lower bits of 2's-complement representation.
Using the bitwise complement (unary ~) operator on a signed integer has implementation-defined and undefined aspects. In other words, this code isn't portable, even when you consider only two's complement implementations.
It is important to note that even two's complement representations in C may have trap representations. even states this quite clearly:
If the sign bit is one, the value shall be modified in one of the following ways:
-- the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and magnitude);
-- the sign bit has the value -(2 M ) (two's complement );
-- the sign bit has the value -(2 M - 1) (ones' complement ).
Which of these applies is implementation-defined, as is whether the value with sign bit 1 and all value bits zero (for the first two), or with sign bit and all value bits 1 (for ones' complement), is a trap representation or a normal value.
The emphasis is mine. Using trap representations is undefined behaviour.
There are actual implementations that reserve that value as a trap representation in the default mode. The notable one I tend to cite is Unisys Clearpath Dordado on OS2200 (go to 2-29). Do note the date on that document; such implementations aren't necessarily ancient (hence the reason I cite this one).
According to, shifting negative values left is undefined behaviour, too. I haven't done a whole lot of research into what behaviours are out there in reality, but I would reasonably expect that there might be implementations that sign-extend, as well as implementations that don't. This would also be one way of forming the trap representations mentioned above, which are undefined in nature and thus undesirable. Theoretically (or perhaps some time in the distant or not-so-distant future), you might also face signals "corresponding to a computational exception" (that's a C standard category similar to that which SIGSEGV falls into, corresponding to things like "division by zero") or otherwise erratic and/or undesirable behaviours...
In conclusion, the only reason the code in the question works is by coincidence that the decisions your implementation made happen to align in the right way. If you use the implementation I've listed, you'll probably find that this code doesn't work as expected for some values.
Such heavy wizardry (as it has been described in comments) isn't really necessary, and doesn't really look that optimal to me. If you want something that doesn't rely upon magic (e.g. something portable) to solve this problem consider using this (actually, this code will work for at least 1 <= n <= 64):
#include <stdint.h>
int fits_bits(intmax_t x, unsigned int n) {
uintmax_t min = 1ULL << (n - 1),
max = min - 1;
return (x < 0) * min + x <= max;

Logical right shift in binary search preventing arithmetic overflow

In a binary search implementation, obviously:
mid = (low + high)/2
can cause overflow. I have read a lot of documentation (like this) that the following prevents the problem:
mid = (low + high) >>> 1
However, I did not see a reason why this would work. Can anyone throw some light on this?
>>> is the unsigned right shift operator in Java (ref). Since mid, low, and high are signed integers, the addition of low and high can overflow to a negative value. >>> ignores the potential negative-ness of this result and shifts it to the right as if it were an unsigned number (and in Java, there are no unsigned numbers).
In C and C++, this is the equivalent of
mid = ((unsigned int)low + (unsigned int)high)) >> 1;
(which is explicitly mention in the article you link to).
This ends up being the same as
mid = ((unsigned int)low + (unsigned int)high)) / 2;
Note that you probably don't want to do it like this. If you're going to be using unsigned values, you should stick with unsigned values and avoid bouncing back and forth between signed and unsigned.
There is no such thing as a "logical right shift" in C (there's no >>> operator), so you're probably talking about Java.
This works because low and high are presumed to be in the range 0 to 2^31-1 (assuming we're talking about int here). The maximum possible value of low+high is no greater than than 2^32-2, and so is representable by an unsigned int (if such a thing existed in Java). Such a thing doesn't exist in Java, so we've now overflowed. However, the logical shift operator >>> treats its operand as if it were unsigned, so this gives the expected result.
The same link states the reason for using Java's >>> and reason is (low+high) may exceed the maximum value 'mid' can hold:
In Programming Pearls Bentley says that the analogous line "sets m to
the average of l and u, truncated down to the nearest integer." On the
face of it, this assertion might appear correct, but it fails for
large values of the int variables low and high. Specifically, it fails
if the sum of low and high is greater than the maximum positive int
value (231 - 1). The sum overflows to a negative value, and the value
stays negative when divided by two. In C this causes an array index
out of bounds with unpredictable results.
It also states the equivalent operaiton in C:
In C and C++ (where you don't have the >>> operator), you can do this:
6: mid = ((unsigned int)low + (unsigned int)high)) >> 1;
So the solution is to read and understand that article completely.
As is mentioned in other answers that >>> is not a C operator.
However, if you want to avoid overflow in C, you can try this :
mid = (high - low)/2 + low;

Programmatically determining max value of a signed integer type

This related question is about determining the max value of a signed type at compile-time:
C question: off_t (and other signed integer types) minimum and maximum values
However, I've since realized that determining the max value of a signed type (e.g. time_t or off_t) at runtime seems to be a very difficult task.
The closest thing to a solution I can think of is:
uintmax_t x = (uintmax_t)1<<CHAR_BIT*sizeof(type)-2;
while ((type)x<=0) x>>=1;
This avoids any looping as long as type has no padding bits, but if type does have padding bits, the cast invokes implementation-defined behavior, which could be a signal or a nonsensical implementation-defined conversion (e.g. stripping the sign bit).
I'm beginning to think the problem is unsolvable, which is a bit unsettling and would be a defect in the C standard, in my opinion. Any ideas for proving me wrong?
Let's first see how C defines "integer types". Taken from ISO/IEC 9899, § Integer types
1 For unsigned integer types other than unsigned char, the bits of the object
representation shall be divided into two groups: value bits and padding bits (there need
not be any of the latter). If there are N value bits, each bit shall represent a different
power of 2 between 1 and 2N−1, so that objects of that type shall be capable of
representing values from 0 to 2N − 1 using a pure binary representation; this shall be
known as the value representation. The values of any padding bits are unspecified.44)
2 For signed integer types, the bits of the object representation shall be divided into three
groups: value bits, padding bits, and the sign bit. There need not be any padding bits;
there shall be exactly one sign bit. Each bit that is a value bit shall have the same value as the same bit in the object representation of the corresponding unsigned type (if there are M value bits in the signed type and N in the unsigned type, then M ≤ N). If the sign bit
is zero, it shall not affect the resulting value. If the sign bit is one, the value shall be
modified in one of the following ways:
— the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and magnitude);
— the sign bit has the value −(2N) (two’s complement);
— the sign bit has the value −(2N − 1) (ones’ complement).
Which of these applies is implementation-defined, as is whether the value with sign bit 1
and all value bits zero (for the first two), or with sign bit and all value bits 1 (for ones’
complement), is a trap representation or a normal value. In the case of sign and
magnitude and ones’ complement, if this representation is a normal value it is called a
negative zero.
Hence we can conclude the following:
~(int)0 may be a trap representation, i.e. setting all bits to is a bad idea
There might be padding bits in an int that have no effect on its value
The order of the bits actually representing powers of two is undefined; so is the position of the sign bit, if it exists.
The good news is that:
there's only a single sign bit
there's only a single bit that represents the value 1
With that in mind, there's a simple technique to find the maximum value of an int. Find the sign bit, then set it to 0 and set all other bits to 1.
How do we find the sign bit? Consider int n = 1;, which is strictly positive and guaranteed to have only the one-bit and maybe some padding bits set to 1. Then for all other bits i, if i==0 holds true, set it to 1 and see if the resulting value is negative. If it's not, revert it back to 0. Otherwise, we've found the sign bit.
Now that we know the position of the sign bit, we take our int n, set the sign bit to zero and all other bits to 1, and tadaa, we have the maximum possible int value.
Determining the int minimum is slightly more complicated and left as an exercise to the reader.
Note that the C standard humorously doesn't require two different ints to behave the same. If I'm not mistaken, there may be two distinct int objects that have e.g. their respective sign bits at different positions.
EDIT: while discussing this approach with R.. (see comments below), I have become convinced that it is flawed in several ways and, more generally, that there is no solution at all. I can't see a way to fix this posting (except deleting it), so I let it unchanged for the comments below to make sense.
Mathematically, if you have a finite set (X, of size n (n a positive integer) and a comparison operator (x,y,z in X; x<=y and y<=z implies x<=z), it's a very simple problem to find the maximum value. (Also, it exists.)
The easiest way to solve this problem, but the most computationally expensive, is to generate an array with all possible values from, then find the max.
Part 1. For any type with a finite member set, there's a finite number of bits (m) which can be used to uniquely represent any given member of that type. We just make an array which contains all possible bit patterns, where any given bit pattern is represented by a given value in the specific type.
Part 2. Next we'd need to convert each binary number into the given type. This task is where my programming inexperience makes me unable to speak to how this may be accomplished. I've read some about casting, maybe that would do the trick? Or some other conversion method?
Part 3. Assuming that the previous step was finished, we now have a finite set of values in the desired type and a comparison operator on that set. Find the max.
But what if...
...we don't know the exact number of members of the given type? Than we over-estimate. If we can't produce a reasonable over-estimate, than there should be physical bounds on the number. Once we have an over-estimate, we check all of those possible bit patters to confirm which bit patters represent members of the type. After discarding those which aren't used, we now have a set of all possible bit patterns which represent some member of the given type. This most recently generated set is what we'd use now at part 1.
...we don't have a comparison operator in that type? Than the specific problem is not only impossible, but logically irrelevant. That is, if our program doesn't have access to give a meaningful result to if we compare two values from our given type, than our given type has no ordering in the context of our program. Without an ordering, there's no such thing as a maximum value.
...we can't convert a given binary number into a given type? Then the method breaks. But similar to the previous exception, if you can't convert types, than our tool-set seems logically very limited.
Technically, you may not need to convert between binary representations and a given type. The entire point of the conversion is to insure the generated list is exhaustive.
...we want to optimize the problem? Than we need some information about how the given type maps from binary numbers. For example, unsigned int, signed int (2's compliment), and signed int (1's compliment) each map from bits into numbers in a very documented and simple way. Thus, if we wanted the highest possible value for unsigned int and we knew we were working with m bits, than we could simply fill each bit with a 1, convert the bit pattern to decimal, then output the number.
This relates to optimization because the most expensive part of this solution is the listing of all possible answers. If we have some previous knowledge of how the given type maps from bit patterns, we can generate a subset of all possibilities by making instead all potential candidates.
Good luck.
Update: Thankfully, my previous answer below was wrong, and there seems to be a solution to this question.
intmax_t x;
for (x=INTMAX_MAX; (T)x!=x; x/=2);
This program either yields x containing the max possible value of type T, or generates an implementation-defined signal.
Working around the signal case may be possible but difficult and computationally infeasible (as in having to install a signal handler for every possible signal number), so I don't think this answer is fully satisfactory. POSIX signal semantics may give enough additional properties to make it feasible; I'm not sure.
The interesting part, especially if you're comfortable assuming you're not on an implementation that will generate a signal, is what happens when (T)x results in an implementation-defined conversion. The trick of the above loop is that it does not rely at all on the implementation's choice of value for the conversion. All it relies upon is that (T)x==x is possible if and only if x fits in type T, since otherwise the value of x is outside the range of possible values of any expression of type T.
Old idea, wrong because it does not account for the above (T)x==x property:
I think I have a sketch of a proof that what I'm looking for is impossible:
Let X be a conforming C implementation and assume INT_MAX>32767.
Define a new C implementation Y identical to X, but where the values of INT_MAX and INT_MIN are each divided by 2.
Prove that Y is a conforming C implementation.
The essential idea of this outline is that, due to the fact that everything related to out-of-bound values with signed types is implementation-defined or undefined behavior, an arbitrary number of the high value bits of a signed integer type can be considered as padding bits without actually making any changes to the implementation except the limit macros in limits.h.
Any thoughts on if this sounds correct or bogus? If it's correct, I'd be happy to award the bounty to whoever can do the best job of making it more rigorous.
I might just be writing stupid things here, since I'm relatively new to C, but wouldn't this work for getting the max of a signed?
unsigned x = ~0;
signed y=x/2;
This might be a dumb way to do it, but as far as I've seen unsigned max values are signed max*2+1. Won't it work backwards?
Sorry for the time wasted if this proves to be completely inadequate and incorrect.
Shouldn't something like the following pseudo code do the job?
signed_type_of_max_size test_values =
[(1<<7)-1, (1<<15)-1, (1<<31)-1, (1<<63)-1];
for test_value in test_values:
signed_foo_t a = test_value;
signed_foo_t b = a + 1;
if (b < a):
print "Max positive value of signed_foo_t is ", a
Or much simpler, why shouldn't the following work?
signed_foo_t signed_foo_max = (1<<(sizeof(signed_foo_t)*8-1))-1;
For my own code, I would definitely go for a build-time check defining a preprocessor macro, though.
Assuming modifying padding bits won't create trap representations, you could use an unsigned char * to loop over and flip individual bits until you hit the sign bit. If your initial value was ~(type)0, this should get you the maximum:
type value = ~(type)0;
assert(value < 0);
unsigned char *bytes = (void *)&value;
size_t i = 0;
for(; i < sizeof value * CHAR_BIT; ++i)
bytes[i / CHAR_BIT] ^= 1 << (i % CHAR_BIT);
if(value > 0) break;
bytes[i / CHAR_BIT] ^= 1 << (i % CHAR_BIT);
assert(value != ~(type)0);
// value == TYPE_MAX
Since you allow this to be at runtime you could write a function that de facto does an iterative left shift of (type)3. If you stop once the value is fallen below 0, this will never give you a trap representation. And the number of iterations - 1 will tell you the position of the sign bit.
Remains the problem of the left shift. Since just using the operator << would lead to an overflow, this would be undefined behavior, so we can't use the operator directly.
The simplest solution to that is not to use a shifted 3 as above but to iterate over the bit positions and to add always the least significant bit also.
type x;
unsigned char*B = &x;
size_t signbit = 7;
for(;;++signbit) {
size_t bpos = signbit / CHAR_BIT;
size_t apos = signbit % CHAR_BIT;
x = 1;
B[bpos] |= (1 << apos);
if (x < 0) break;
(The start value 7 is the minimum width that a signed type must have, I think).
Why would this present a problem? The size of the type is fixed at compile time, so the problem of determining the runtime size of the type reduces to the problem of determining the compile-time size of the type. For any given target platform, a declaration such as off_t offset will be compiled to use some fixed size, and that size will then always be used when running the resulting executable on the target platform.
ETA: You can get the size of the type type via sizeof(type). You could then compare against common integer sizes and use the corresponding MAX/MIN preprocessor define. You might find it simpler to just use:
uintmax_t bitWidth = sizeof(type) * CHAR_BIT;
intmax_t big2 = 2; /* so we do math using this integer size */
intmax_t sizeMax = big2^bitWidth - 1;
intmax_t sizeMin = -(big2^bitWidth - 1);
Just because a value is representable by the underlying "physical" type does not mean that value is valid for a value of the "logical" type. I imagine the reason max and min constants are not provided is that these are "semi-opaque" types whose use is restricted to particular domains. Where less opacity is desirable, you will often find ways of getting the information you want, such as the constants you can use to figure out how big an off_t is that are mentioned by the SUSv2 in its description of <unistd.h>.
For an opaque signed type for which you don't have a name of the associated unsigned type, this is unsolvable in a portable way, because any attempt to detect whether there is a padding bit will yield implementation-defined behavior or undefined behavior. The best thing you can deduce by testing (without additional knowledge) is that there are at least K padding bits.
BTW, this doesn't really answer the question, but can still be useful in practice: If one assumes that the signed integer type T has no padding bits, one can use the following macro:
#define MAXVAL(T) (((((T) 1 << (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT - 2)) - 1) * 2) + 1)
This is probably the best that one can do. It is simple and does not need to assume anything else about the C implementation.
Maybe I'm not getting the question right, but since C gives you 3 possible representations for signed integers (
sign and magnitude
ones' complement
two's complement
and the max in any of these should be 2^(N-1)-1, you should be able to get it by taking the max of the corresponding unsigned, >>1-shifting it and casting the result to the proper type (which it should fit).
I don't know how to get the corresponding minimum if trap representations get in the way, but if they don't the min should be either (Tp)((Tp)-1|(Tp)TP_MAX(Tp)) (all bits set) (Tp)~TP_MAX(Tp) and which it is should be simple to find out.
#include <limits.h>
#define UNSIGNED(Tp,Val) \
_Generic((Tp)0, \
_Bool: (_Bool)(Val), \
char: (unsigned char)(Val), \
signed char: (unsigned char)(Val), \
unsigned char: (unsigned char)(Val), \
short: (unsigned short)(Val), \
unsigned short: (unsigned short)(Val), \
int: (unsigned int)(Val), \
unsigned int: (unsigned int)(Val), \
long: (unsigned long)(Val), \
unsigned long: (unsigned long)(Val), \
long long: (unsigned long long)(Val), \
unsigned long long: (unsigned long long)(Val) \
#define MIN2__(X,Y) ((X)<(Y)?(X):(Y))
#define UMAX__(Tp) ((Tp)(~((Tp)0)))
#define SMAX__(Tp) ((Tp)( UNSIGNED(Tp,~UNSIGNED(Tp,0))>>1 ))
#define SMIN__(Tp) ((Tp)MIN2__( \
(Tp)(((Tp)-1)|SMAX__(Tp)), \
(Tp)(~SMAX__(Tp)) ))
#define TP_MAX(Tp) ((((Tp)-1)>0)?UMAX__(Tp):SMAX__(Tp))
#define TP_MIN(Tp) ((((Tp)-1)>0)?((Tp)0): SMIN__(Tp))
int main()
#define STC_ASSERT(X) _Static_assert(X,"")
STC_ASSERT(TP_MAX(unsigned int)==UINT_MAX);
STC_ASSERT(TP_MAX(unsigned long)==ULONG_MAX);
STC_ASSERT(TP_MAX(unsigned long long)==ULLONG_MAX);
/*STC_ASSERT(TP_MIN(unsigned short)==USHRT_MIN);*/
/*STC_ASSERT(TP_MIN(unsigned int)==UINT_MIN);*/
/*STC_ASSERT(TP_MIN(unsigned long)==ULONG_MIN);*/
/*STC_ASSERT(TP_MIN(unsigned long long)==ULLONG_MIN);*/
STC_ASSERT(TP_MAX(unsigned short)==USHRT_MAX);
For all real machines, (two's complement and no padding):
type tmp = ((type)1)<< (CHAR_BIT*sizeof(type)-2);
max = tmp + (tmp-1);
With C++, you can calculate it at compile time.
template <class T>
struct signed_max
static const T max_tmp = T(T(1) << sizeof(T)*CO_CHAR_BIT-2u);
static const T value = max_tmp + T(max_tmp -1u);
