apiRTC.disconnect(); does not appear to work with cordova - angularjs

I have setup both a classic ASP site and a cordova angularjs ionic app that allow video conferencing with apiRTC. When the user logs out of the web site apiRTC.disconnect(); works so a new apiRTC.init can be used when a different user logs in.
In the app, apiRTC.disconnect(); does not do anything so the user appears to still be online to other users, and when a different user logs in, it has no affect since init does not work.
Can you look at apiRTC.disconnect() under cordova and see if there is a general issue?

I have checked the issue by doing a test using our tutorial : https://github.com/apizee/ApiRTC-mobile and adding a button that call apiRTC.disconnect() on Android.
Others users receive the disconnection information and remove the user from the connectedUsersList.


GMail API Node.js quickstart - ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I am trying the GMail API Node.js quickstart on Windows 10.
I do get the expected
However when I visit the url I get
for http://localhost/?code=4/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.radonly
I get this error after going through 'This app isn't verified'/'Advanced > Go to {Project Name} (unsafe)'. message.
No Proxy active and also tried with AntiVirus disabled.
Any ideas what the problem could be?
The issue you are having is that you are runing a Authorization credentials for a desktop application. Google made a change recently which deprecated the oob redirect. This means that now you need to use localhost or as a redirect endpoint for installed applications.
Resulting them in returning the authorization code back to the browser showing site can not be reached because your not running a web app you are running an installed application.
If you check the url the authorization code you are looking for to add to your code can be found there. just take that code and submit it where it asks for it.
Enter the code from that page here:
There is currently no other option and no way to fix this unless you want to start up a web server in node. basicly its working as intended and Google is in the process of updating all the Javascript samples to reflect that.

Is it possible to create an icon on the home screen of a phone using reactJS?

I built a website with reactjs and the client wants that the web automatically creates a link on the phone home screen that opens chrome to the specific url of my website.
Is this possible without wrapping the reactjs with another framework like Cordoba, Ionic or React Native?
Thank you so much
A web application has no access to the device's internal APIs. Web applications are naturally subject to the browser's features, restrictions and limitations in which it is running on. Even native applications has to request access from the user to have such permissions. What your client asks is, regretably, impossible.
I agree with the above answer by #Lux Ilustre. You can't add the application link to the phones homepage without the users permission. But it is possible to make your website installable with a PWA. You can create a PWA with a manifest file and a service-worker file which makes possible to install the website to the users phone and load assets from cache which makes it possible to make some parts of your website function offline.

Selenium Tests-Verify login

I have a web application which starts with user login page. I need to test this login process. If the user is in his home country then he is directed to his user page. But, if he logs in from a different country he is shown an authentication page before directing him to his user page. The authentication page has some security questions that need to be answered. I have used a chrome extension(Geo Proxy) and sikuli to change the proxy address. But, the page takes too much time to load and hence, my test fails.
It looks like it is possible to spoof your geolocation for the ChromeDriver. You may be able to try this approach..
ChromeOptions are essentially settings that you pass to your ChromeDriver, may be possible to do here as well. Here is an answer for this using python, I am sure you can find examples for whatever language you are coding in. Just do some research around geolocation and ChromeDriver/ChromeOptions.
fake Geolocation in chrome automation

How to automatically log user in ionic 1 hybrid app?

I want to move my angularJS web app to ionic hybrid app. I have done a lot of work all ready however I am confused on "autologin" topic. There are a lot of different information on internet, also the official docs are a bit unclear to me.
The scenario I am looking for is standart - on first lunch user creates account, logs in and next time he open app he is already logged in.
A lot of resources suggests to use localstorage. However there a some threath that it is not safe because IOs can clean localstorages.
So if that is not a good option, what is? Cookies?
I have spent hour reading and testing different approaches but well even more confused than ever. It seems to me as such important feature of hybrid app that there should be a good implementation... Would appreciate any help/suggestions/examples/links...
My ultimate goal would be that once authorized user can access and manipulate his profile data even if in offline mode. That means that opening app allready logs him in an his profile info is stored as well.
My minimum viable goal would be that when app is opened app recognizes user, checks as logged in, redirects to logged in state and makes http to get all user details. While user is waiting for that response there are loading spinners but he can start to use logged in app experience
I am working in Cordova ionic app, where I have stored token in localstorage. But it's not a good process. Have a look at Google FIREBASE. They have a good solution for you.

Cannot create a web application project, getting INVALID_TOS error

Having issue in creating a new web application project with Google App Engine plug-in for Eclipse (GAE for Java version 1.9.0). I keep getting error
INVALID_TOS: User must accept most recent ToS
when trying to create App Id field. The New Web Application Wizard wont let me type in App Id or leave it blank. Finish button stays disabled.
Cannot find how to accept Googles terms of service. What's triggering this error?
Go to: https://console.developers.google.com/accountsettings
And accept the TOS shown in pop-up, you are good to go.
