Google Cloud Deployment - User disabled - google-app-engine

Following this instruction, I try to deploy a front end app to Google Cloud. On the last step, I get the following error for the command "gcloud app deploy"
( Unable to deploy to application [my-app] with status [USER_DISABLED]: Deploying to stopped apps is not allowed.
I take a look at my Google Cloud account and can't find the disabled status.
Where shall I look to solve this problem?

You should be able to re-enable your application by going to App Engine -> Settings when managing your project in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

yeah you need to enable your application here

If the app is enabled in the App Engine Settings, you might not have selected the correct project:
gcloud config set project <app-engine-project-id>
You can see the ID in the right column after clicking on the project name in the Google Cloud Platform header on the website.


Any way to update/change deployed source code online via Google Cloud?

I have deployed source code via gcloud command line with no issue. However, I am currently away from my desktop and see a critical change to my app.yaml file that I would like to make.
Is this possible to do via my Google Cloud account?
You can use the App Engine Admin API to patch the specific version of your service and update the instance type since your app is using App Engine Standard. You can use the "Try this API" feature to update it right from your browser.

Unable to create Google App Engine application

When I tried to create a Google App Engine application via gcloud app create at terminal on Ubuntu and on the web, it gives me the following error,
"ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] An internal error occurred while ensuring the default service account exists."
I guess the reason why I don't have the default service account because I deleted a default project on GCP which was made when I started using GCP, not sure though.
I made a service account at IAM & admin menu, but not work. Any idea?
Although I found this answer, it didn't work for me.
How to recover Google App Engine's "default service account"
But I didn't delete the default google app engine service account, it was missing at the first place. Maybe because I tried to create a GAE app on the web and left the page before it's done. I don't know.
Anyway, I make a new project and create a GAE app via gcloud cli, and now it's good to go.

Google app engine launcher "No selected projects are running so we have nothing to browse"

Google app engine launcher is not working and I receive this message whenever I try to deploy: an existing app, create new or even deploy the demo one; "No selected projects are running so we have nothing to browse
The Google App Engine Launcher has been deprecated (you can confirm it here). It is strongly recommended to switch to the Cloud SDK to continue working with GAE.

Error message "service is not for consumer..." when deploying App Engine application

My team and I are working on the Trendy Lights Tutorial.
We have set up all the files and also have converted the .p12 key to .pem key but failed to run the app on the Google Cloud Platform and constantly got the error message saying:
You do not have permission to access project [...] and service
"" is not for consumer..."
We have already whitelisted our service account for the use of Earth Engine. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
Thank you so much!
I see that you are attempting to deploy your application to the App Engine Flexible Environment.
The Flexible environment differs from the Standard environment in that it gives you more control over the individual instances that are running your deployed application. It does this by hosting your application within Docker on Compute Engine virtual machines.
Therefore, you will need to enable the Compute Engine API for your project so that the GCloud tool can start new Compute Engine virtual machines when you deploy your application.
Note: Since the Flexible environment uses Compute Engine resources, you will also need to enable billing for your project.
If after performing the above you still experience the '' error, I ask that you run gcloud components update, then ensure that the value of account seen in the output of the command gcloud info has Owner or Editor permissions in your project.
If it still persists after all of the above, you should then open a Public Issue Tracker to inform our backend team of the issue.

Console - created new project; auto-created app engine app; can't set billing

I am getting very confused with the whole cloud console api console thing.
I just created a new Cloud Console project in order to setup some GCE instances. It seems to have auto-created an App Engine app. That is fine, but when I go to enable billing, it tells me that it cannot enable billing for app engine apps and that I need to do that in App Engine Console.
Earlier this week, I tried to setup a project to include both an existing App Engine app and Compute Engine. I was asked to got through the request access process like before GCE was available.
I created a project in the Cloud Console by starting in the App Engine console and choosing Cloud Integration. I said there was an error creating the project, but it seems like it created it. However, when I go to that project in Cloud Console, there is no option to even add Compute Engine.
Two questions:
(1) Is there something outlining the differences between Cloud Console and API Console and when it is most appropriate to use one over the other?
(2) How do I get a project (in either one I suppose) that includes an existing App Engine app and Compute Engine resources that I want to create in this project?
Thanks for your help.
-- Jay
Cloud Console is essentially a planned replacement for the API console,
however it may not have all functionality yet
Try going to appengine admin console application settings, and at the bottom of
the page cloud integration. Click on create project. Once it succeeds go to the cloud
console and enable billing for Compute Engine
