Dynamically Loading Plugin Configuration Files in CakePHP 3 - cakephp

Question: How do I load a configuration file from a Plugin/config Directory?
Demo Project: https://github.com/CakePHPKitchen/CakeDC-Users-Permissions-Example
I am using CakeDC/users plugin and it has a permissions.php file that it loads the RBAC permissions from. From what I can tell, it either loads the default permissions file that is in the user plugin's config folder OR it loads the permissions.php file from the app/config folder.
Now for my app skeleton I have a bunch of permissions in the app/config/permissions.php, however, I do not want to modify that file as I will be doing git pulls from the upstream repo and I would like to avoid conflicts.
So what I would like to do is, in the app skeleton bootstrap
I would like to
foreach(Plugin::loaded() as $plugin) {
$path = Plugin::path($plugin) . 'config/permissions.php';
if(file_exists($path)) {
Configure::load($path, 'default', true);
But I am getting the following error....
Error: The application is trying to load a file from the /Users/jlroberts/Projects/JeffreyLRobertsCom/CakePHPKitchen/PluginDemos/plugins/SharpAgent/config/permissions plugin.
Make sure your plugin /Users/jlroberts/Projects/JeffreyLRobertsCom/CakePHPKitchen/PluginDemos/plugins/SharpAgent/config/permissions is in the /Users/jlroberts/Projects/JeffreyLRobertsCom/CakePHPKitchen/PluginDemos/plugins/ directory and was loaded.
Any ideas on how I can load the permissions.php file from the Plugin/config directory?

EDITED: You can load permissions.php file from the Plugin as it is doing now, but change the contents of permissions.php to preserve existing permissions defined in configuration, for example:
$permissions = [
// add your app permissions here
// ...
// there are more permissions in this config key, defined across your plugins
$morePermissions = \Cake\Core\Configure::read('MyPermissions');
$allPerms = array_merge($permissions, $morePermissions);
return ['CakeDC/Auth.permissions' => $allPerms];
Then inside each plugin you could have:
$permissions = \Cake\Core\Configure::read('MyPermissions');
$someMorePermissions = [
// permissions injected into the app from this plugin
$permissions = array_merge((array)$permissions, $someMorePermissions);
\Cake\Core\Configure::write('MyPermissions', $permissions);
Allowing each plugin to dynamically inject/manage permissions into the app.
I've created a c9.io environment with this code here https://ide.c9.io/steinkel/users-35-custom-permissions


React Native- How to access .csv files in my project hierarchy

I am trying to load a CSV file in my js class and I am unable to do so in react native. This file is available locally. Not downloaded. Whenever I give a path to the CSV file, I get an error that says The module could not be found. No such module exists. I have tried placing the CSV in various folders and also at my project root level. It does not work. I noticed images do not face the same problem.
I have even tried doing this.
Again it works for images but strangely not for CSVs.
I have tried the import statement, require statement and even relative path for the files. Same error every time.
I am new to react maybe I am missing some step?
EDIT: Two of the ways I tried
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs';
import Papa from 'papaparse';
import CSVData from './CSVData.csv';
function loadAllCSV()
console.log('Loading CSV');
var path = './CSVData.csv';
const fileContents = RNFS.read(path);
console.log('File Data ' + fileContents);
Papa.parse(CSVData, {
download: true,
delimiter: '\t',
complete: function(results) {
Failed to load bundle(http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false) with error:(Unable to resolve module ./CSVData.csv from /Users/abc/xyz/SearchPage.js: The module ./CSVData.csv could not be found from /Users/abc/xyz/SearchPage.js. Indeed, none of these files exist:
/Users/abc/xyz/CSVData.csv/index(.native||.ios.js|.native.js|.js|.ios.json|.native.json|.json) (null))
Adding the .CSV files to the project assets bundle in iOS fixed this problem for me.
Use Xcode to place the files in the project in the Project Settings under the Build Phases Tab check if the Assets are included in the Copy Bundle Resources Section. Add the files to the list here incase they are missing.

What does "packages" property of requireJs config mean ? And how it works?

I am trying to understand how requireJs works. There is a property "packages" which I came across while configuring requireJs. What my understanding is that 'packages' is used to mention a complete folder/module which contains "main.js" & main.js requires all other dependencies inside that module. But does mentioning "packages" in config file will automatically load main.js or do we need to do something to make it load main.js ?
Below is my folder structure & main.js snippet. 'main.js' is the data-main or entry point of application.
So after trying few stuff, what I understood is that packages lets you mention a directory or folder which has other modules (commonJs directory is what docs refer it to). So the way we define a package is :
packages: [
{name : 'controllers' , location :'../controllers' },
{name : 'directives' , location : '../directives'},
{name : 'services' , location : '../services'}
] ,
Where name is an alias for this entire directory or folder. location is the path of the folder relative to your main.js or requireJs's config file.
Now answering the 2) point - it does not load automatically. For it to load we need to require it somewhere. Once we require it, requireJs will first load the main.js inside that directory by default. And we need to define all the other modules inside that directory, in this main.js. For eg- I will require it in my app.js before bootstrapping my application-
// Add additional dependencies
"services"] , function(){ console.log("All dependencies loaded"); });

Ext MVC does not load all folders and source files

I'm new to Ext and it's my first contact with this framework and I'm creating java web app. Here is my folder structure:
Here is webapp/Index/Index.js
name: 'Spring_Ext',
appFolder: '/index/application',
controllers: [
And here is webapp/index/application/controller/Index.js
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
views: ['MainPanel'],
init: function(){
When I run it on tomcat in chrome I get error saying it cannot found(404)
GET http://localhost:8081/index/application/controller/Index.js?_dc=1425849848988 ext-all-debug.js:6262
and when looking in source tab in chrome developer in index folder there isn't application folder with MVC structure, but only Index.js.
Thats because at the index.js level of your directory structure you are already in /index/application/
Extjs is now looking for the same path and cannot find it. Instead just specify '/' for you appFolder config. You might even not need to set this as it may default to this already
No need for appFolder. And in your source tab there is no application folder with mvc because your controller hasn't loaded successfully. Try giving the whole path of MainPanel in our controller like this
Views: Spring_Ext.view.MainPanel

How can I exclude files

Using CMD from within Sencha Architect I've been able to build a production build of my application. However I can not seem to figure out how to exclude a js file from the build process. I don't want it compiled in with app.js I want it as a separate script include in index.html - so cmd shouldn't touch it basically.
Sencha Arhitech generates and calls build.xml which calls build-impl.xml which calls init-impl.xml
Everywhere I've read, they say to include the following;
<target name="-before-init">
<echo>Setting build.operations...</echo>
<property name="build.operations">
However it refuses to exclude the file...I can see the echos so I know it's hitting the target..
Any ideas? Is this how I am supposed to exclude files?
Turns out this won't be possible to do until Sencha Architect 3.1
Steps by which i was able to exclude AppConfig file in production build.
Here file exclude means it will not be compressed/bundled and variable/properties of this file could be used any where in the app.
1. Config file(AppConfig.js in our case) MUST be inside resources fodler. Below are the contents of our AppConfig file
/////////////IxDetect is my Application Namespace///////////////////
var IxDetect = IxDetect || {};
IxDetect.AppConfig = {
logoPath: '',
logoTitle: 'Internal',
pentahoUrl: '',
pentahoRptCube: 'TrafficWithFraudIndex'
2. Link this file in index.html page like below
<script src="resources/AppConfig.js"></script>
3. Add one more item in "js" array in "app.json" file
"js": [
"path": "resources/AppConfig.js", // This is my file. Also make a sure you do not miss bundle and includeInBundle property
"bundle": false,
"includeInBundle": true
"path": "app.js",
"bundle": true
4. Try development and production build all should work file
Note: All above changes are done and tested on 6.2(Framework/CMD)

Grails - logging from Quartz job and Filter

I would like to stock my logs into files:
Here is how I declare my appenders in Config.groovy:
log4j = {
appenders {
// console name:'stdout', layout:pattern(conversionPattern: '%c{2} %m%n')
file name: "scraperServiceDetailedLogger",
file: "target/scraperServiceDetailed.log"
file name: "scraperServiceLogger",
file: "target/scraperService.log"
file name: "filterLogger",
file: "target/filter.log"
error 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet', // controllers
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages', // GSP
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh', // layouts
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.filter', // URL mapping
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping', // URL mapping
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons', // core / classloading
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins', // plugins
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate', // hibernate integration
error scraperServiceDetailedLogger: "grails.app.service.personalcreditcomparator.ScraperService"
info scraperServiceLogger: "grails.app.jobs.personalcreditcomparator.ScraperJob"
info filterLogger: "grails.app.conf.personalcreditcomparator.AdministratorInterfaceProtectorFilters"
The 3 files are created properly but only scraperServiceDetailedLogger stores the logs properly. The other two files remain empty.
The level of logging is respected while calling the log.
What am I missing ?
Thank you for any help provided.
For quartz jobs try the Logger prefix of 'grails.app.task'
info scraperServiceLogger: "grails.app.task.personalcreditcomparator.ScraperJob"
And for filters try the Logger prefix of 'grails.app.filters'
info filterLogger: "grails.app.filters.personalcreditcomparator.AdministratorInterfaceProtectorFilters"
