Cant add new SceneKit Scene File to art.scnassets - scenekit

Currently using Xcode 9 beta 6 and can't seem to find any way to get a Scenekit Scene File placed into the art.scnassets folder.
If I add a new files from the art.scnassets folder the file never gets created.
If I add a new file from the target folder then try and drag it into the art.scnassets folder, it automatically makes a copy. I then attempt to deleter the original however it deletes both the original and the copy.
How can I go about creating a "Scenekit Scene File" and have it placed into the art.scnassets folder in Xcode 9 beta 6.

Right click on art.scnassets and select 'open in finder', manually copy the items there. Worked for me.


Where do i put mdl files for function SetModel

I am new in lua and gmod coding. I have already coded successfully a HUD's addons but i am stuck in another.
I want to create a new entity, and after reading lots of tutorial, i manage to do it but in game, the word ERROR appears in red when spawning, not the model. The server and the client are located on the same PC, for debugging considerations. I try to put mdl files on several folders without aby change.
I put mdl file in
I think the client doesn't find the model file : do i need a workshop content even for testing ? Where do i put the files ?
I got it. When reusing existing MDL file, i must keep the original path for files.
That is, when opening mdl file, a path is writing at the begining. This path must be the same in the models subfolder of the addons (path and filename).

WPF cannot set Build Action for added file [duplicate]

I would like to assign a BitmapImage from my Resources.resx to an Image.
Beforehand I saved a .png image to Resources.resx. This image is now located in "/Resources/logo.png".
After reading several SO posts and other articles I have this now:
logoImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(#"pack://application:,,,/Resources/logo.png"));
Unfortunately it doesn't work.
I don't know how to solve this.
I tried to replace the Pack-URI with the fullpath and it worked but I would like to use relative paths in order to use the same source on different machines on which the absolute path would be incorrect.
Can anyone help me out with this?
In order to make that Uri work, the file logo.png must be contained in a folder named "Resources" in your VS project (see first image), and its Build Action must be set to Resource (see second image).
This Resources folder is completely unrelated to Resources.resx. You may rename it to whatever you like.

How to update an existing .po file with a newly generated .pot file?

Cake version is 2.x. I have extracted all the texts inside __ function with ./Console/cake i18n extract command, moved the default.pot file into app/Locale/[iso3]/LC_MESSAGES/default.po and translated it to corresponding language. Everything is working fine.
After some time I have added some new functionality into the site and I need to add those messages into the po file. However if I use the same command it will create a new pot and I have to either manually merge them or replace with new po file and copy/paste the translations - both are too much manual work, because I have a few thousand lines of text.
Is there any way to tell cake update my po file adding only messages that does not exist in there ?
Download PoEdit. It has an option to update your PO file from an existing pot file. From the menu go to Catalog -> Update from POT file.
So you will create your a new POT file and then update your PO file. PoEdit will update the PO file with the new values and I think it also removes any unnecessary ones.
PS: It would be wise before making any move to keep a backup.

XP - Context Menu - Move Selected Files to a Specific Folder

G'day all and thanks for your help. Every now and then I have to copy downloaded files (after changing them) to a specific folder. In this example lets say d:\myfolder. I want to be able to do this quick with no hassles.
It was suggested that I look at the registry and the windows context menu. Truth be told I have no idea what to do.
Simply put; How do I MOVE files I selected to d:\myfolder from the context menu?
If possible greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
PS: The closest I could find was:
This is almost there but cannot specify a specific folder.
Oof, a bit late in finding this question and responding, but here goes...
I want to do the same thing you're requesting, with the same aim: to do so in as few steps as possible.
The simplest solution for you would be to just create a shortcut for the target folder to which you wish to direct your files, and then move that shortcut into your "Send To" folder.
One add'l tip on this approach: selecting the target folder shortcut in the "Send To" menu will copy your file to the selected location; however, selecting the folder when also holding down the SHIFT key will move the file to that folder, instead.

Sharepoint: automatically create subfolders

I have a question. I hope someone can help me out on this one.
I'm setting up a sharepoint-site for a client of ours. There's a document library ("Customers"), in which every Customer has one folder (=customername) with 4 sub-folders.
The subfolders are always the same ("Technical Information", "Documents", "Security information" & "Hardware").
What I would like to happen is whenever a new folder is created in the library (that is whenever a new customer is entered), the 4 subfolders are automatically created in that new folder.
I wanted to do this in a db-trigger & I found out that for every folder in the library, a record is created in the db-table dbo.AllDocs.
The thing is:
- there are about 63 columns in that table & the purpose off some of them is not clear to me.
- actually this isn't such a great id since writing in the WSS Content db via a script is
anyone got any idea's?
Thanks in advance for feedback!
Its is not recommended (I would say Should not) to touch the SharePoint DB. Always do your customization through the SharePoint UI or the ample number of other options you have with the SharePoint. For your case I would recommend to create a New Event Handler that will be attached to the Doc Lib. When you create a Folder (Top Level Customer) you need to create the respective sub folders. You also make sure that the Event Handler doesn't get trapped in the Recursion while creating the sub folders.
Refer the below links to Event Handler 1 2
I would suggest you to add this functionality in a feature. For example could you add an extra link in the New drop down menu item in the document library toolbar called "New customer".
In the code for this command, create the 4 folders programmatically.
This would mean that you don't have to worry about determine whether you are creating a customer folder or a normal folder in your event handler.
