Sencha CMD 6.5 does not create 'bootstrap.js' - extjs

I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and running this command below, inside ExtJS SDK folder;
root#nuri:/opt/lampp/htdocs/ext-6.5.0# sencha generate app MyApp ../demoapp
Sencha CMD runs and finishes without any problem and it keep displays only one line message:
[INF] Copying framework to /opt/lampp/htdocs/demoapp/ext
It creates the folder "demoapp" named as in command but bootstrap.js is missing! Thus I can not run the demo app with browser.
All I've noticed; I can not run the sencha command in terminal without root. It keep says sencha command not found. Therefore I'm switching to root with su command and then I'm being able to run sencha command.
I've tried this command from Sencha CMD docs but still it doesn't create bootstrap.js
sencha -sdk /path/to/ext6 generate app MyApp /path/to/my-app
As well tried thorugh another Folder, inside /Home but still same!

and the solution:
I've ran sencha app build command in terminal, inside the demoapp
folder and then sencha app watch.
CMD created requried json files as well bootstrap.js and now I can display it.
Conclusion: Do not wait for build and watch command to run application on browser! Just do it after generation step...


publish extjs 6 application using sencha cmd

I build an app in extjs 6 using sencha cmd and I try this command:
sencha -sdk /path/to/sdk generate app MyApp ./
but its folder has a massive size on disk(about 150MB), how can i remove unnecessary files and publish the app on a server(probably using sencha cmd)?
For development environment 150 MB is fine. The folder size is big because by default sencha cmd copies the framework code in the project directory.
It is not recommended to put this all files into final build.
Sencha cmd provides another useful command
sencha app build
which will generate the minified production build in build folder which is smaller and considered as code to publish.
To generate development, build without minified code you can try following command:
sencha app build development
You can find more featuers provided by sencha cmd at :

how to create an Extjs app using sencha cmd

I am new to sencha. I need to work on ExtJS and would like to create an app using sencha cmd. I have tried many things but not getting a clear info to create an app with sencha cmd.
Please help me by treating as a beginner to build an application.
Also after the installation of sencha cmd how can we start this to run sencha commands? When I try any command in normal terminal it shows me 'sencha is not recognized' in windows PC. Also I've given the sencha cmd path in the environment variable PATH.
After you fix the PATH problem and when sencha works, run
sencha generate app YourNameSpace /where/you/want/it
Run this command in ext directory - where you unzipped Ext.
For more details see
Along with Path variable try to create another variable
SENCHA_CMD_5_0_0 and set the location of your sencha cmd
after doing this sencha cmd path will present in both path and sencha_cmd_5_0_0 variables
Sencha cmd is a Java Application, be sure you have Java SDK or JRE installed, also add the path to Sencha Cmd executable to your PATH environment variable, (My PC properties/Advanced/Environment VAriables), read the install documentation carefully.
Download Sencha SDK GPL or try the commercial version.
You could start generating a basic app or using a predefined template:
$ sencha -sd path/to/ext-6.x generate app APP_NAME path/to/project
A good starting point for more advanced applications is using the package templates, i.e the Admin Dashboard:
$ sencha -sd /path/to/ext-6x generate app -s /path/to/ext6.x/templates/admin-dashboard/ APP_NAME /path/to/project
You should run $ sencha package upgrade if required.

Unable to locate framework.dir in sencha

I have installed sencha cmd But when i tried to create an App it is showing Unalble to locate framework.dir property from sencha config.Ensure the command was executed from a valid framework direcotry.Non framework directory
It is exactly what it says: you are most likely running sencha from a wrong directory.
cd /where/you/extracted/ext-4.2.1
sencha generate app MyApp /where/you/want/myapp
For more details watch: Creating Workspace and Applications video.
I made a big mistake- i was running from sencha command root. But it has to be running from
Extjs version root. we have to create a worklocation inside it. their will extjs folder and from their we need run the command to create the App. Now it is working perfectly
You'll want to take a look at the cmd tools and workspaces.
A little more specifically take a look at the framework locations section of the page.
It's better to go to the SDK folder just mention the SDK path in your command while generating the app:
sencha -sdk <YOUR SDK PATH> generate app <APP NAME> <PATH TO GENERATE APP>
Before creating any sencha app.
Understand 2 things.
1. Sencha CMD
2.Extjs framework.
Both are different.
Coming to point:.
1. Download the latest extjs framework.
2.Use the below command
sencha -sdk=path/to/ext generate app MyAPP path/to/worspace/of/MyApp
This will solve the above issue asked in question.

Why does sencha generated app for extJS not show Nav and Tab controls?

I am working my way through the Getting Started tutorial for extJS at:
I ran these commands:
sencha generate app -ext MyApp ./app
cd app
sencha app watch
I figured out I need to type "sencha web start" instead of "sencha app watch".
Now I go to
I can see the text on the left and on the right.
The left text is supposed to be in a Nav UI control.
The right is supposed to be in a Tab control.
But its just text. No UI.
What went wrong?
I can see folder structure and the ext framework it put there.
But it is just not rendering.
This issue happens when you are not in the application folder.
As per the tutorial you listed, you must have executed the following command :
sencha -sdk /ext-5.1.1 generate app MyApp ./app
While executing the sencha app watch command, we have to be in the "app" folder.
Points to keep in mind:
while executing the watch command you should get an output :
[INF] Starting web server at : http://localhost:1841
[INF] ------------------------------------------------------------------
[INF] Waiting for changes...
If this is not displayed, execute the below command:
sencha -d app build
This will give the entire log which will help in debugging the issue
Hope this helps.

Sencha Cmd won't build on another workstation

So I am trying to set up another ExtJS (4.2.1) dev workstation I've got Ruby 1.9.3, Sencha Cmd installed and latest Java VM too.
The build won't work on this one though, I'm getting:
[INF] executing compass using system installed ruby runtime
Errno::ENOENT on line ["38"] of C: No such file or directory - C:/devtfs/CustomerPortal/CustomerPortal.UI/Content/Customer_Portal_UI/build/temp/production/Customer_Portal_UI/slicer-temp/.sass-cache/82daaa66b7a4761963814fd25131bf0f81370ec9/Customer_Portal_UI-example.scssc
82daaa66b7a4761963814fd25131bf0f81370ec9 folder does exist, but it's empty.
I've tried
sencha ant clean
sencha app refresh
sencha app build --clean
No go. Ever seen this issue ?
EDIT: Hmm, even after this error, the application seems to be running fine on the Sencha web server, but the index.html file is the last thing that's not created in build/production.
