How to end task in batch? - batch-file

How to end/stop a task/programm
in batch-files quickly ?
If it's possible to stop all programms with one command please say it to me.
I triedtaskkill firefox
But it doesnt work
Thank you for answers ; )

For Example,
TASKKILL /IM notepad.exe
You can replace the taskname notepad.exe with your process.
You can check running process from Task manager ยป Process
you can find the Firefox process name there, if it is running.

Here is a batch file to kill a process or many processes separated by a space :
#echo off
Title Process Killer by Hackoo 2017
Mode 80,5 & color 0B
Set "TmpFile=%Temp%\TmpFile.txt"
Set "Result=%Temp%\KillResult.txt"
If Exist "%TmpFile%" Del "%TmpFile%"
If Exist "%Resultat%" Del "%Resultat%"
echo Enter the process name or processes names separated by a space
set /p "process=What process(es) do you want to kill ? > "
cls & color 0C
Title Killing "%process%" ...
echo %date% *** %time% >"%TmpFile%"
For %%a in (%process%) Do Call :KillMyProcess %%a
Cmd /U /C Type "%TmpFile%" >"%Result%"
Timeout /T 2 /nobreak>nul
Start "" "%Result%"
Set "Process=%~1"
echo Killing "%process%" ...
echo "%Process%" | find /I ".exe" >nul 2>&1 && (
Taskkill /IM "%Process%" /F >>"%TmpFile%" 2>&1
) || (
Taskkill /IM "%~n1.exe" /F >>"%TmpFile%" 2>&1
echo *****************************************************************************>>"%TmpFile%"
exit /b


Waiting for Parallel batch scripts or command lines

I am finding it difficult to modify the script here to suit my requirements:
#echo off
set "lock=%temp%\wait%random%.lock"
:: Launch one and two asynchronously, with stream 9 redirected to a lock file.
:: The lock file will remain locked until the script ends.
start "" cmd /c 9>"%lock%1" one.bat
start "" cmd /c 9>"%lock%2" two.bat
:Wait for both scripts to finish (wait until lock files are no longer locked)
1>nul 2>nul ping /n 2 ::1
for %%N in (1 2) do (
( rem
) 9>"%lock%%%N" || goto :Wait
) 2>nul
::delete the lock files
del "%lock%*"
:: Launch three and four asynchronously
start "" cmd /c three.bat
start "" cmd /c four.bat
I am using a batch script, not to execute further batch scripts, but simply executing cmd commands (which run for a period of time) in parallel, and that works fine with the above script.
However, I want to be able to run more than just 2 commands/scripts, i.e. 3, 4, 5, (or whatever I desire) commands at a single time, running in parallel, let's call it, x.
So, I want to run x amount of cmd commands (that are executing in parallel), wait for them to terminate (using /c), and then executing the next bunch of x amount of cmd commands, and then the next bunch, etc, etc, until all cmd commands have executed.
How could I modify that script accordingly? (I have made a few attempts albeit with repeating errors "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." in the initiating batch script; I presume this 'file' refers to the lock file.)
#echo off
set "lock=%temp%\wait%random%.lock"
call :a start cmd.exe /c somecommandA 1
call :a start cmd.exe /c somecommandB 2
call :wait
call :a start cmd.exe /c somecommandC 1
call :a start cmd.exe /c somecommandD 2
call :a start cmd.exe /c somecommandE 3
exit /b
start "%~2" cmd /c 9>"%lock%%2" %1
exit /b
1>nul 2>nul ping /n 2 ::1
for %%N in (%lock%*) do (
( rem
) 9>"%%N" || goto :Wait
) 2>nul
You can call the files easily with this script:
#echo off
set "lock=%temp%\wait%random%.lock"
call :a one.bat 1
call :a two.bat 2
call :wait
call :a three.bat 1
call :a name.bat 2
call :a gfwagwa.bat 3
exit /b
start "%~2" cmd /c 9>"%lock%%2" %1
exit /b
1>nul 2>nul ping /n 2 ::1
for %%N in (%lock%*) do (
( rem
) 9>"%%N" || goto :Wait
) 2>nul
call :wait simply replaces the waiting. Whenever you have called all files that are to be run asynchronously, call the wait function. Then you can call more scripts.
The second parameter is the number of the lock file. Make sure you don't have duplicate numbers before all those scripts using them are closed (i.e. before the next call :wait). Though you're not going to run out of numbers anyway, no reason to use duplicates.
just to offer an alternative way:
#ECHO off
start "MyCommand-%~n0" cmd.exe /c ping localhost
start "MyCommand-%~n0" cmd.exe /c ipconfig /all
start "MyCommand-%~n0" cmd.exe /c sysinfo
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq MyCommand-%~n0" | find "===" >nul && goto :loop
echo finished!
Edit for your comment. bunch is the number of commands running in parallel.
#ECHO off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set bunch=3
for /f "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /n /b "REM ==" %~f0') do set /a datastart=%%a+1
set count=0
for /f "skip=%datastart% usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%~f0") do (
set /a "count=(count+1) %% %bunch%"
echo starting: %%a
start "MyCommand-%~n0" cmd.exe /c %%a
if !count!==0 echo waiting & call :loop
echo waiting & call :loop
echo finished!
goto :eof
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq MyCommand-%~n0" | find "===" >nul && goto :loop
goto :eof
ping localhost
ipconfig /all
echo hello
schtasks /query
wmic bios get /value
timeout 10
the first for just gets the line number where your commands are (start of DATA section)

How to kill a process with space in its name using a loop for/do in batch?

I have this batch for killing some process !
#echo off
set process=Program with space.exe,winword.exe,Opera.exe,mshta.exe,chrome.exe,calc.exe,skype.exe,iexplore.exe
set Tmp=Tmp.txt
set LogFile=ProcessKillerLog.txt
If Exist %Tmp% Del %Tmp%
If Exist %LogFile% Del %LogFile%
For %%a in (%process%) Do Call :KillMyProcess %%a %Tmp%
Cmd /U /C Type %Tmp% > %LogFile%
If Exist %Tmp% Del %Tmp%
Exit /b
Taskkill /IM "%1" /F /T >>%2 2>&1
So my aim is to kill a process with space in its name like Program with space.exe what should i modify ?
Thank you !
The first problem is the For %%a in (%process%) Do as this splits the content of %process% at spaces and commas, so you get Program, with spaces as three entries.
You should quote them in the first place.
set process="Program with space.exe",winword.exe, ...
The call :KillMyProcess is potentially dangerous with content, but in your case it works.
But as you get now some of your process names with and some without quotes you should change the taskkill to "%~1", so the quotes are first removed and then always added again.
Taskkill /IM "%~1" /F /T >>%2 2>&1

Wait for process to end and continue code in CMD/BATCH

I am trying to wait for the process to end, Can't use the "Start /W" because the process opens from another program.
So all in all, I need some kind of scanner to look for if the process in the WaitSession and then continue the code to the KillSession
#echo off
color 02
cd /D C:\Windows\System32
timeout -t 1
(Wait for this process to end) MightyQuest.exe
taskkill /f /im PublicLauncher.exe
taskkill /f /im AwesomiumProcess.exe
This should do it:
#echo off
color 02
cd /D C:\Windows\System32
timeout -t 1
SET TempFile="%Temp%\%RANDOM%.txt"
REM Fetch the current process list. Store in a temp file for easy searching.
TASKLIST > %TempFile%
REM Reset the process "flag" variable.
SET "Process="
REM Check for a process with the target name by searching the task list for the target process name.
REM If output is returned, it will be put into the Process "flag" variable.
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1 delims=-" %%A IN (`FINDSTR /I "MightyQuest.exe" %TempFile%`) DO SET Process=%%A
REM If nothing was returned, it means the process isn't running.
IF "%Process%"=="" GOTO KillSession
ECHO Process is still running.
REM Wait and then try again.
GOTO WaitSession
taskkill /f /im PublicLauncher.exe
taskkill /f /im AwesomiumProcess.exe
REM Cleanup.
DEL %TempFile% > nul
The idea here is you keep polling the active task list and when the target process is found, you delay for a few seconds and then try again.
Once it is not found in the task list, you jump to the KillSession steps.
Use wmic Windows Management Instrumentation Command
#echo off
color 02
rem why? cd /D C:\Windows\System32
timeout -t 1
rem ***WaitSession***
rem (Wait for this process to end) MightyQuest.exe
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in (
'wmic process where "name='MightyQuest.exe'" get name'
) do if /i not "%%G"=="No Instance(s) Available." goto :wait
rem ***KillSession***
taskkill /f /im PublicLauncher.exe
taskkill /f /im AwesomiumProcess.exe
A vbscript
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")
Set objEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_ProcessTrace")
Set objReceivedEvent = objEvents.NextEvent
msgbox objReceivedEvent.ProcessName
Use Win32_ProcessTraceStop to only catch terminations.

Combination of `sleep` and `pause` command

Ok, after seeing crazy stuff being completed in so little code, I have high hopes this is possible.
Pretty much, I want to use the pause command normally, however, if the user doesn't input anything for a specified duration of time, it automatically continues.
In pseudo code:
(sleep %sleep-time%&Echo Pass)1>0 & pause
I thought at first I could do this using start /b to create a process that echoed input while being paused i the current thread, but that could cause problems if the user does input something.
What would be really cool is if the errorlevel would be changed based on whether the user inputted something, or if the pause command timed out.
I suggest using timeout:
timeout /T 60 >NUL
This will sleep your script for 1 minute, or unless the user hits a key.
#echo off
rem TimedPause.bat - Antonio Perez Ayala
if "%1" equ ":PausePart" goto PausePart
if "%1" neq "" goto begin
echo TimedPause.bat seconds
echo Wait for given seconds or until user press a key
echo At end, the presence of keyPressed.txt file indicate the cause of exit
goto :EOF
set seconds=%1
start "" /B "%~F0" :PausePart
for /F "skip=2 tokens=2 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq cmd.exe" /FO CSV') do (
set PausePart=%%a
goto TimePart
ping -n 2 localhost > NUL
if exist keyPressed.txt goto :EOF
set /A seconds-=1
if %seconds% gtr 0 goto TimePart
taskkill /PID %PausePart% /F > NUL
goto :EOF
del keyPressed.txt 2> NUL
echo %time% > keyPressed.txt

batch file to check if exe is running if so taskkill

I'm having problems with the firefox Flashplayerplugin eating up too much ram and lagging my system when it's not in use. The only solution I found was killing the flashplayerplugin while using firefox, uninstalling, reinstalling or a fresh firefox install or new profile doesn't solve it; however, it's becoming very tedious having to check taskmanager all the time and kill it and the flashplayerplugin always seems to start on it's own.
The question I have is if it's possible to create a batch file to check if FlashPlugin_11_8_800_94.exe is running and kill it after a period of time (5-10 seconds) and continue running the batch file actively, in a loop, scanning if FlashPlugin_11_8_800_94.exe has started again, then kill it after 5 - 10 seconds, rinse and repeat?
Found a batch file and modified it, but also seems to be missing some perimeters to actively search if it's running, even when it is not. It doesn't work either way though.
#echo off
TASKLIST|FIND "FlashPlayerPlugin"
GOTO search
taskkill /im FlashPlayerPlugin_11_8_800_94.exe
This batch file doesn't work either.
set tasklist=%windir%\System32\tasklist.exe
set taskkill=%windir%\System32\taskkill.exe
set wasStopped=0
set procFound=0
set notFound_result=ERROR:
set procName=%1
for /f "usebackq" %%A in (`%taskkill% /IM %procName%`) do (
if NOT %%A==%notFound_result% (set procFound=1)
if %procFound%==0 (
echo The process was not running.
goto :EOF
set wasStopped=1
set ignore_result=INFO:
"%windir%\system32\timeout.exe" 3 /NOBREAK
for /f "usebackq" %%A in (`%tasklist% /nh /fi "imagename eq %procName%"`) do (
if not %%A==%ignore_result% (goto :CHECKDEAD)
goto :EOF
call :STOPPROC FlashPlayerPlugin_11_8_800_94.exe
taskkill /im FlashPlugin_11_8_800_94* /f >nul 2>&1
For anyone who still might find it useful:
This is a small script that scans tasklist for processes containing processname once every 5 seconds. For example, if you put "notepad" for the processname, it will end processes like "notepad.exe" and "notepad++.exe". To use the script, copy and paste the following into notepad and save has "simple_pk.cmd". processname can have any characters except double quotes("), ampersands (&), or commas (,).
::Simple monitor and kill process
#echo off&prompt :&mode con cols=50 lines=10
set processname=flashplayerplugin
cls&echo Searching for %processname%...
for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /fo csv ^|FINDSTR /I /C:"%processname%"') do call :killprocess %%a
ping -n 6>NUL
goto :loop
echo. |set /p d=killing %*...
taskkill /f /im "%*">nul 2>&1
set err=%errorlevel%
set success=Success
if not %err%==0 set success=fail (err code: %err%)
if %err%==128 set success=fail (process not found)
echo %success%&goto :eof
This is a slightly different version of the same script. This will only end processes that match the whole name exactly:
::Simple monitor and kill process (exact name)
#echo off&prompt :&mode con cols=50 lines=10
set processname=FlashPlayerPlugin_11_8_800_94.exe
cls&echo Searching for %processname%...
for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /fo csv ^|FINDSTR /C:"%processname%"') do call :killprocess %%a
ping -n 6>NUL
goto :loop
set name=%*
set name=.,;%name:"=%;,.
echo %name%|FINDSTR /C:".,;%processname%;,.">nul || goto :eof
echo. |set /p d=killing %*...
taskkill /f /im "%*">nul 2>&1
set err=%errorlevel%
set success=Success
if not %err%==0 set success=fail (err code: %err%)
if %err%==128 set success=fail (process not found)
echo %success%&goto :eof
Your IF is not correct:
#echo off
TASKLIST|FIND "setup.exe"
IF %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (GOTO found)
GOTO search
taskkill /im setup.exe
More simpler form
#echo off
TASKLIST|FIND "setup.exe"
IF %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (taskkill /im setup.exe
GOTO search
I was looking over the first bit of code at top and I find a way, I believe. This is what I got; really simple.
#echo off
timeout /t 5
tasklist|find "explorer.exe"
goto found
goto start
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
goto start
Of course, any program will work.
