Replacing specific letters from a string array - loops

I have the following array
char myArray[] = {"H4w6m1ny6pr4gr1mm2rs6d42s63t6t1k26t46ch1ng2616l3ght6b5lb?6N4n2,6th1t’s616h1rdw1r26pr4bl2m"};
and want to replace specific characters from it, H to 1, or all m's to J.
I know I have to use a loop, but how do I do to replace multiple letters with whatever I want? I could go and myArray[0] = 'J' but replacing each position individually doesn't seem efficient to me. Any ideas?


storing the longest string after strsplit

I am trying to store the longest resultant string after using the function strsplit unable to do so
eg: I have input strings such as
I need store the string only between the dots (.)
If there is no dot then I want the entire string.
Each string may have zero, one or two dots.
part of the code which I am using:
for i=1:700
x=regexprep(txt(i,1), '\([^\(\)]*\)','');
for j=1:3
But the string yValues is not storing the value of y, instead showing the following error:
Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts
What am I doing wrong and are there any suggestions on how to fix it?
The issue is that y is a cell array and each element contains an entire string and it therefore can't be assigned to a single element in a normal array yvalues(1,j).
You need yvalues to be a cell array and then you can assign into it just fine.
yValues{j} = y{j};
Or more simply
% Outside of your loop
yValues = cell(1,3);
% Then inside of your loop
yValues(j) = y(j);
Alternately, if you just want the longest output of strsplit, you can just do something like this.
% Split the string
parts = strsplit(mystring, '.');
% Find the length of each piece and figure out which piece was the longest
[~, ind] = max(cellfun(#numel, parts));
% Grab just the longest part
longest = parts{ind};

How can I map a character to a pointer of another type?

I have a char*. I want to parse it, character by character, and store the location of each in an int*.
With the dummy-string "abbcdc", the content should be as follows
char int*
'a' -> 0
'b' -> 1,2
'c' -> 3,5
'd' -> 4
I want this to be accessible through a char* containing the entire alphabet, so that each character in the alphabet-pointer points to each separate integer-pointer. This is where I'm lost.
I know I can point to a pointer using the double-asterisk syntax
int **a = &aLocations;
But I don't really know how to refer to the locations-pointer by using a character as a reference. I am pretty new to C, so all pointers (pun intended) are appreciated.
Update 1:
int *aLocations = malloc(3*sizeof(int));
aLocations[0] = 13;
aLocations[1] = 9;
aLocations[2] = 57;
int **a = &aLocations;
This seems to work as expected, but a obviously remains an integer, not a char. I was thinking of writing a function something along the lines of
int *getCharLocations(char c) {
// returns a pointer to the stored character locations
but I don't know how to proceed with implementing it.
Ok then.
Although it would be possible it would be pretty ugly and complicated.
So if you do not mind i would suggest to drop char and use integers exclusively.
It is possible since char is in fact just small integer.
So first you would need to create your two dimensional alphabet array:
int *alphabet[26]; // this will create 26 element array of integer pointers
Now we will fill it:
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
alphabet[i] = malloc(100 * sizeof(int)); //alloc memory for 100 integers (should be enough for human language if we're talking about single words here)
alphabet[i][0] = 'a' + i; // this will put a letter as first element of the array
alphabet[i][1] = 2 // here we will keep index of first available position in our indices array
So now we have array like this:
'a', 2, ... // '...' means here that we have space to fill here
'b', 2, ...
'z', 2, ...
And you can add indices of occurences of letter to such construction like this:
alphabet[index_of_letter][alphanet[index_of_letter][1]] = index_of_letter; //put index at the end of array
alphabet[index_of_letter][1]++; // increment our index of available position
That's pretty much it.
I didn't test it so it may need some polishing but such approach should do the trick.
Someone in comments above noted uppercase letters - in such case you would need to extend array to 52 characters to store also occurences of uppercase letters (also fill first element with uppercase letter in for loop for such records). But i guess you will manage from now on

matlab divide sentences into words

Im new in matlab and ım trying to take the input from matlab gui which will be entered by a user and divide that sentence into words but I need to have them as letters because Im using a robot to write them. this letters will be send to these robots. Im using two robots and for example when I write 'lou reed' in text when ı press the button matlab function will hold this 2 words in to different char arrays so that ı can have the letters c(i) like this and send them to process. so far ı wrote these but ım stuck.
c = char(get(handles.edit1,'String'));
int count1;
int count2;
char word1;
char space=" ";
for i=1:length(c)
int t = isequal(c(i),space);
word1=;%ım trying to add the char here to find the new word
ı dont know what to do ı searched but ı couldnt find something usefull maybe ı wasnt looking right.
Anything would be helpful, thankss
What characters are allowed? First you should remove all the characters that are not allowed (substitute them with a space character?). After that just this:
str = ' Once upon a time ';
words_in_str = textscan(str,'%s');
If you have a newer version of MATLAB (greater than 2012a I think), you can use strsplit
characterString = 'lou reed';
C = strsplit(characterString);
C will be a cell array with each element being a separate word.
You can simply find the space characters in your string with
mystring = 'Hello Cruel World';
spaces = find(mystring==' ');
The variable spaces is now a vector pointing to where each of your word breaks are. If you want to break this up into words, you could use
mystring = 'Hello Cruel World';
wordboundaries = [0,find(mystring==' ')];
wordlen = diff([wordboundaries,length(mystring)+1])-1;
numwords = length(wordboundaries);
for w = 1:numwords
idx = wordboundaries(w) + (1:wordlen(w));
word{w} = mystring(idx);
Now word is a cell array containing the individual words.

Find longest suffix of string in given array

Given a string and array of strings find the longest suffix of string in array.
for example
string =
array = tr,,,,
I have tried to use binary search with specific comparator, but failed.
C-code would be welcome.
I should have said that im looking for a solution where i can do as much work as i can in preparation step (when i only have a array of suffixes, and i can sort it in every way possible, build any data-structure around it etc..), and than for given string find its suffix in this array as fast as possible. Also i know that i can build a trie out of this array, and probably this will give me best performance possible, BUT im very lazy and keeping a trie in raw C in huge peace of tangled enterprise code is no fun at all. So some binsearch-like approach will be very welcome.
Assuming constant time addressing of characters within strings this problem is isomorphic to finding the largest prefix.
Let i = 0.
Let S = null
Let c = prefix[i]
Remove strings a from A if a[i] != c and if A. Replace S with a if a.Length == i + 1.
Increment i.
Go to step 3.
Is that what you're looking for?
prefix = rt.moc.elgoog
array = rt.moc,, rt.cin.vof, rt.cin, rt
Pass 0: prefix[0] is 'r' and array[j][0] == 'r' for all j so nothing is removed from the array. i + 1 -> 0 + 1 -> 1 is our target length, but none of the strings have a length of 1, so S remains null.
Pass 1: prefix[1] is 't' and array[j][1] == 'r' for all j so nothing is removed from the array. However there is a string that has length 2, so S becomes rt.
Pass 2: prefix[2] is '.' and array[j][2] == '.' for the remaining strings so nothing changes.
Pass 3: prefix[3] is 'm' and array[j][3] != 'm' for, rt.cin.vof, and rt.cin so those strings are removed.
Another naïve, pseudo-answer.
Set boolean "found" to false. While "found" is false, iterate over the array comparing the source string to the strings in the array. If there's a match, set "found" to true and break. If there's no match, use something like strchr() to get to the segment of the string following the first period. Iterate over the array again. Continue until there's a match, or until the last segment of the source string has been compared to all the strings in the array and failed to match.
Not very efficient....
Naive, pseudo-answer:
Sort array of suffixes by length (yes, there may be strings of same length, which is a problem with the question you are asking I think)
Iterate over array and see if suffix is in given string
If it is, exit the loop because you are done! If not, continue.
Alternatively, you could skip the sorting and just iterate, assigning the biggestString if the currentString is bigger than the biggestString that has matched.
Edit 0:
Maybe you could improve this by looking at your array before hand and considering "minimal" elements that need to be checked.
For instance, if .com appears in 20 members you could just check .com against the given string to potentially eliminate 20 candidates.
Edit 1:
On second thought, in order to compare elements in the array you will need to use a string comparison. My feeling is that any gain you get out of an attempt at optimizing the list of strings for comparison might be negated by the expense of comparing them before doing so, if that makes sense. Would appreciate if a CS type could correct me here...
If your array of strings is something along the following:
etc, then you can simply do this:
int x, max = 0;
for (x = 0; x < STRINGS; x++) {
if (strlen(string[x]) > max) {
max = strlen(string[x]);
x = 0;
while(true) {
if (string[max][x] == ".") {
GOTO out;
char output[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
int y = 0;
while (string[max][x] != NULL) {
output[y++] = string[++x];
(The above code may not actually work (errors, etc.), but you should get the general idea.
Why don't you use suffix arrays ? It works when you have large number of suffixes.
Complexity, O(n(logn)^2), there are O(nlogn) versions too.
Implementation in c here. You can also try googling suffix arrays.

Search and erase char array

I am trying to parse through an array for a char and delete everything after that. I did write the code to find the location of the char search in the array. How to delete the remaining part of the array after the identified location. Thank you
You can use memset:
memset(&arr[current_location], 0, sizeof(arr) - current_location);
To set all bytes in arr after current_location contain 0
In C the easiest way to do it is like this:
str[end_idx] = '\0';
This cuts off the string at a particular index because C strings are null terminated.
