How would I query how many customers hit a page even if they weren't customers at the time? - analytics

Say I'm streaming pageview data to, with a visitor_id property. As well as that property, say there's an is_customer boolean.
pageview = {
"visitor_id" : "292n0s9f323"
"is_customer" : true,
"page" : ""
I know how to count how many of last month's unique visitors hit the /xyz page, and I know how to count how many of those were customers at the time they hit said pageā€¦ but..
How would I count how many customers hit the /xyz page this month EVEN IF they weren't customers at the time they hit that page?

You'd use a funnel to calculate this retroactively, similar to how you would do ad attribution.
var funnel = new Keen.Query("funnel", {
steps: [
{ // step one counts how many unique customers viewed any pages in the timeframe
event_collection: "pageview",
actor_property: "visitor_id",
timeframe: "this_30_days",
filters: [
property_name: "is_customer",
operator: "eq",
property_value: true
{ // step two counts how many of those specific visitors viewed XYZ page
event_collection: "pageview",
actor_property: "visitor_id",
timeframe: "this_30_days",
filters: [
property_name: "is_customer",
operator: "eq",
property_value: true
Response looks like:
"result": [
3034, // count of unique customers who viewed any page
24 // count of those customers who at some point viewed XYZ page
"steps": // additional metadata...


Search Flow in MERN Stack

First of all, I tried searching a lot but I am not able to find any resource which satisfies my need. I know there might be some answers already, if you know one please help with the link.
I know how to show search suggestions but I don't know how to show full search results when someone clicks on a search suggestion. Like how to do that in MERN stack with an example if possible.
I need a solution that best fits my scenario:
I have three models,
tags - holds tags
categories - holds categories
items - holds items data - has categories and tags both
currently, I am not storing references to categories and tags table instead
storing a copy directly inside items
Now, I basically want to search the items having the specific categories and tags when someone searches for a keyword.
What I am doing currently is, I search for tags matching the keyword, then categories, then taking out their _id(s) and finding that in items collection
const tags = await Tags.find(
{ tag: { $regex: category.toString(), $options: "i" } },
{ projection: { createdBy: 0 } });
const categories = await Categories.find(
{ category: { $regex: category.toString(), $options: "i" } },
{ projection: { createdBy: 0 } });
const tagsIdArray = => new ObjectId(item._id));
const catIdArray = => new
$match: {
$and: [
$or: [
{ "tags._id": { $in: [...tagsIdArray] } },
{ "category._id": { $in: [...catIdArray] } },
And I know that this is not the best way, and it takes a lot of time to search for a given keyword.
Please suggest me schema structure and way to implement search with suggestions.

How to model recursively nested data in state

I have a data structure typed like:
export interface IGroup {
id: number;
name: string;
groupTypeId: number;
items: IItem[];
groups: IGroup[];
Which recursively represents many to many relationships between a "Group" and a "Group" and an "Group" and an "Item". Groups are made up of items and child groups. An item derives to just a simple type and other meta data, but can have no children. A single group represents the top of the hierarchy.
I currently have components, hooks, etc to recursively take a single group and create an edit/create form as shown below:
I have this form "working" with test data to produce a standard data output as below on save:
"1-1": {
"name": "ParentGroup",
"groupType": 2
"2-4": {
"name": "ChildGroup1",
"groupType": 1
"2-9": {
"name": "ChildGroup2",
"groupType": 3
"2-1": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Testing",
"selectedClass": 5
"2-2": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "DisplayTest",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-4": {
"itemType": "EnumValue",
"selectedItem": {
"id": 12900503,
"name": "TRUE"
"3-5": {
"itemType": "EnumValue",
"selectedItem": {
"id": 12900502,
"name": "FALSE"
"3-9": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Test",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-10": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Tester",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-11": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "TestTest",
"selectedClass": 5
The "key" to these objects are the grid column and row since there are no other guaranteed unique identifiers (if the user is editing, then it is expected groups have ids in the db, but not if the user is adding new groups in the form. Otherwise, the name is an input form that can be changed.) It makes sense and it is easy to model the keys this way. If another group or item is added to the hierarchy, it can be added with its column and row.
The problem that I have is that I would love to be able to have an add button that would add to a groups items or group arrays so that new rows in the hierarchy could be created. My forms should handle these new entries.
"1-1": {
groups: [..., {}],
items: [..., {}]
But the only data structure that I have is the IGroup that is deeply nested. This is not good for using as state and to add to this deeply nested state.
The other problem I have is that I need to be able to map the items and groups to their position so that I can translate to the respective db many to many tables and insert new groups/items.
Proposed solution:
I was thinking that instead of taking a group into my recursive components, I could instead create normalized objects to use to store state. I would have one object keyed by column-row which would hold all the groups. Another keyed by column-row to hold all the items. Then I think I would need two more objects to hold many to many relationships like Group to Group and Group to Item.
After I get the data from the form, I hopefully can loop through these state objects, find the hierarchy that way and post the necessary data to the db.
I see that this is a lot of data structures to hold this data and I wasn't sure if this was the best way to accomplish this given my modeling structure. I have just started using Redux Toolkit as well, so I am somewhat familiar with reducers, but not enough to see how I could apply them here to help me. I have been really trying to figure this out, any help or guidance to make this easier would be much appreciated.
Go with normalizing. Each entity having a single source of truth makes it much easier to read and write state.
To do this, try normalized-reducer. It's a simple higher-order-reducer with a low learning curve.
Here is a working CodeSandbox example of it implementing a group/item composite tree very similar to your problem.
Basically, you would define the schema of your tree:
const schema = {
group: {
parentGroupId: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'one', reciprocal: 'childGroupIds' },
childGroupIds: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'many', reciprocal: 'parentGroupId' },
itemIds: { type: 'item', cardinality: 'many', reciprocal: 'groupId' }
item: {
groupId: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'one', reciprocal: 'itemIds' }
Then pass it into the library's top-level function:
import normalizedSlice from 'normalized-reducer';
export const {
} = normalizedSlice(schema);
Then wire up the reducer into your app (works with both React useReducer and the Redux store reducers), and use the selectors and actionCreators to read and write state.

Modelling data based on a time range using redux/normalizr

I've have the following data coming from a node backend:
"name": "Tom",
"createdAt": "2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z",
"metadata": {
"activeHours": 134.45,
"afkHours": 134.45
In this data, the only thing modified between date changes is activeHours and afkHours.
These users and the date that the endpoint was called with must be synced across all pages.
The simple approach would be to put this in a users reducer, something like:
users: [...],
startDate: "",
endDate: ""
However I'm currently using normalizr with these users and with that I have a single action named ADD_ENTITIES. Having an entities reducer seems very beneficial as we do have other entities that can be nicely normalized with these users, however I don't want to pollute the entities state with almost "tacked on" startDate and endDate to sync across all pages.
On to my question:
Is there a better way to model this problem using normalizr, Where your key is not only ID but also a date range?
Or should I look at breaking this out into a separate reducer as above?
Not sure if I completely understood the problem here.
Is the startDate and endDate fields, different for each user ? If yes, then you may need to add those fields in the normalized entity object for those users.
If those are common fields for all the users, you can create a separate entity called userDateRange containing those two keys. It doesn't need to be normalized as they are primitive fields.
"entities": {
"user": {
"byId": {
"user1": {},
"user2": {}
"allIds": [
"ui": {
"userDateRange": {
"start": "2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z",
"end": "2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z"

Query data from firebase Array

My firebase users tree has this structure:
'userName': 'abc',
'userEmail' : '',
'userName': 'abc',
'userEmail' : '',
Then, I try to find all users that their preference list contain 'Cinema'.
I try this code:
var ref1 = new Firebase("");
$scope.user = $firebaseArray(ref1.orderByChild("userpreferences").equalTo('Cinema'));
But I don't get the best result. I get this record:
Your JSON structure shows preferences as userPreferences, so wouldn't the following work?
var ref1 = new Firebase("");
$scope.user = $firebaseArray(ref1.orderByChild("userPreferences").equalTo('Cinema'));
However I think there is also another problem with your code, you're called an .equalTo('Cinema') however you're comparing it to an array, correct me if i'm wrong but I don't think the behaviour of .equalTo('Cinema') is to loop through each of the values and compare them, I think it's just a straight up comparison
If this is the case, you may need to build a custom query by reading the data from firebase and manipulating it via function available to a snapshot
In NoSQL you'll often end up with a data model that reflects the way your application uses the data. If you want to read all the users that have a preference for Cinema, you should model that in your tree:
users: {
'uid-of-abc': {
'userName': 'abc',
'userEmail' : '',
'userPreferences': [
'uid-of-def': {
'userName': 'def',
'userEmail' : '',
'userPreferences': [
"preferences-lookup": {
"Cinema": {
"uid-of-abc": true,
"uid-of-def": true
"It": {
"uid-of-abc": true
"Music": {
"uid-of-def": true
Now you can find out what users prefer cinema with:
ref.child('preferences-lookup/Cinema').on('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(userKey) {
console.log(userKey.key()+' prefers Cinema');
This is covered in this blog post on denormalizing data with Firebase, in the Firebase documentation on structuring data and in dozens of answers here on Stack Overflow. A few:
Storing Relational "Type" or "Category" Data in Firebase Without the Need to Update Multiple Locations
Get Firebase items belonging to category
Retrieve data based on categories in Firebase
How to query firebase for property with specific value inside all children

Trouble with updating object properties in AngularJs

I am building my first app in AngularJs.
Here is the plunkr with what I've done so far. The user should be able to add new websites and group them in groups. Groups are also made by the user. Any time the new group is created it is available for new websites. What app should also do is to update group objects with newly assigned websites... and this is where I fail.
Here is how json should look like:
"sites": [
"url": "http://sfdg",
"id": 0,
"groups": [
"name": "adsf",
"id": 0
"groups": [
"name": "adsf",
"id": 0,
"sites": [//sites assigned
In the plunkr code I used push but that just adds new group...
Could you please direct me to the right way of achieving this.
To prevent circular references (a website object refers to a group object that refers to the website object, etc...), I would store id's to the relevant objects instead.
First, when creating a new group, add an empty sites array to it:
function createGroup(newGroup) {
newGroup.sites = []; // <-- add empty array of sites
$scope.groups.push(newGroup); = groupIdSeq;
groupMap[] = newGroup;
return newGroup;
Then, when you create a new site, update each group to which the site is added:
function createSite(newSite, groups) {
$scope.sites.push(newSite); = siteIdSeq;
sitesMap[] = newSite;
// instead of storing the groups array, only store their id:
newSite.groups = { return });
// and add this new sites id to the groups' sites array.
groups.forEach(function(group) {
return newSite;
(updated plunker here)
