Manipulate Seq Elements in an Akka Flow - akka-stream

I have 2 flows like the following:
val aToSeqOfB: Flow[A, Seq[B], NotUsed] = ...
val bToC: Flow[B, C, NotUsed] = ...
I want to combine these into a convenience method like the following:
val aToSeqOfC: Flow[A, Seq[C], NotUsed]
So far I have the following, but I know it just ends up with C elements and not Seq[C].
How can I preserve the Seq in this scenario?

Indirect Answer
In my opinion your question highlights one of the "rookie mistakes" that is common when dealing with akka streams. It is usually not good organization to put business logic within akka stream constructs. Your question indicates that you have something of the form:
val bToC : Flow[B, C, NotUsed] = Flow[B] map { b : B =>
//business logic
The more ideal scenario would be if you had:
//normal function, no akka involved
val bToCFunc : B => C = { b : B =>
//business logic
val bToCFlow : Flow[B,C,NotUsed] = Flow[B] map bToCFunc
In the above "ideal" example the Flow is just a thin veneer on top of normal, non-akka, business logic.
The separate logic can then simply solve your original question with:
val aToSeqOfC : Flow[A, Seq[C], NotUsed] =
aToSeqOfB via (Flow[Seq[B]] map (_ map bToCFunc))
Direct Answer
If you cannot reorganize your code then the only available option is to deal with Futures. You'll need to use bToC within a separate sub-stream:
val mat : = ???
val seqBToSeqC : Seq[B] => Future[Seq[C]] =
(seqB) =>
You can then use this function within a mapAsync to construct the Flow you are looking for:
val parallelism = 10
val aToSeqOfC: Flow[A, Seq[C], NotUsed] =


GenericRowWithSchema ClassCastException in Spark 3 Scala UDF for Array data

I am writing a Spark 3 UDF to mask an attribute in an Array field.
My data (in parquet, but shown in a JSON format):
case class:
case class MyClass(conditions: Seq[MyItem])
case class MyItem(code: String, category: String)
Spark code:
val data = Seq(MyClass(conditions = Seq(MyItem("1234", "ABC"), MyItem("4550", "EDC"))))
import spark.implicits._
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val ds = rdd.toDF().as[MyClass]
val maskedConditions: Column = updateArray.apply(col("conditions"))
ds.withColumn("conditions", maskedConditions)
Tried the following UDF function.
UDF code:
def updateArray = udf((arr: Seq[MyItem]) => {
for (i <- 0 to arr.size - 1) {
// Line 3
val a = arr(i).asInstanceOf[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema]
val a = arr(i)
// TODO: How to make code = "XXXX" here
// a.code = "XXXX"
I need to set 'code' field value in each array item to "XXXX" in a UDF.
I am unable to modify the array fields.
Also I get the following error if remove the line 3 in the UDF (cast to GenericRowWithSchema).
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema cannot be cast to MyItem
Question: How to capture Array of Structs in a function and how to return a modified array of items?
Welcome to Stackoverflow!
There is a small json linting error in your data: I assumed that you wanted to close the [] square brackets of the list array. So, for this example I used the following data (which is the same as yours):
You don't need UDFs for this: a simple map operation will be sufficient! The following code does what you want:
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders
case class MyItem(code: String, category: String)
case class MyElement(element: MyItem)
case class MyList(list: Seq[MyElement])
case class MyClass(conditions: MyList)
val df ="./someData.json").as[MyClass]
val transformedDF ={
case (MyClass(MyList(list))) => MyClass(MyList({
case (MyElement(item)) => MyElement(MyItem(code = "XXXX", item.category))
|conditions |
|[[[[XXXX, ABC]], [[XXXX, EDC]]]]|
As you see, we're doing some simple pattern matching on the case classes we've defined and successfully renaming all of the code fields' values to "XXXX". If you want to get a json back, you can call the to_json function like so:$"conditions")).show(false)
|structstojson(conditions) |
Finally a very small remark about the data. If you have any control over how the data gets made, I would add the following suggestions:
The conditions JSON object seems to have no function in here, since it just contains a single array called list. Consider making the conditions object the array, which would allow you to discard the list name. That would simpify your structure
The element object does nothing, except containing a single item. Consider removing 1 level of abstraction there too.
With these suggestions, your data would contain the same information but look something like:
With these suggestions, you would also remove the need of the MyElement and the MyList case classes! But very often we're not in control over what data we receive so this is just a small disclaimer :)
Hope this helps!
EDIT: After your addition of simplified data according to the above suggestions, the task gets even easier. Again, you only need a map operation here:
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders
case class MyItem(code: String, category: String)
case class MyClass(conditions: Seq[MyItem])
val data = Seq(MyClass(conditions = Seq(MyItem("1234", "ABC"), MyItem("4550", "EDC"))))
val df =[MyClass]
val transformedDF ={
case MyClass(conditions) => MyClass({
item => MyItem("XXXX", item.category)
|conditions |
|[[XXXX, ABC], [XXXX, EDC]]|
I am able to find a simple solution with Spark 3.1+ as new features are added in this new Spark version.
Updated code:
val data = Seq(
MyClass(conditions = Seq(MyItem("1234", "ABC"), MyItem("234", "KBC"))),
MyClass(conditions = Seq(MyItem("4550", "DTC"), MyItem("900", "RDT")))
import spark.implicits._
val ds = data.toDF()
val updatedDS = ds.withColumn(
x => x.withField("code", updateArray(x.getField("code")))))
def updateArray = udf((oldVal: String) => {

Flink MapStateDescriptor update List value

I use a MapStateDescriptor for my stateful computation. Some code here
final val myMap = new MapStateDescriptor[String, List[String]]("myMap", classOf[String], classOf[List[String]])
During my computation i want to update my map by adding new elements to the List[String].
Is it possible?
Update #1
have written following def to manage my map
def updateTagsMapState(mapKey: String, tagId: String, mapToUpdate: MapState[String, List[String]]): Unit = {
if (mapToUpdate.contains(mapKey)) {
val mapValues: List[String] = mapToUpdate.get(mapKey)
val updatedMapValues: List[String] = tagId :: mapValues
mapToUpdate.put(mapKey, updatedMapValues)
} else {
Sure, it is. Depending on whether this is Scala List or Java that You will be using there you can do smth like that to actually create the state from descriptor:
lazy val stateMap = getRuntimeContext.getMapState(myMap)
Then You can simply do:
val list = stateMap.get("someKey")
stateMap.put("someKey", list +: "SomeVal")
Note that if You would work with mutable data structure, You wouldn't necessarily need to call put again, since the update of the data structure would also update the state. But this approach does not work in case of RocksDB state, since the state is only updated after You call put in this case, so it is always advised to update the state itself instead of just underlying object.

Turn `func(in: Source[A]) : Source[B]` into a `Flow[A, B]`

I am using akka-grpc to generate client bindings. They usually have the form of
func[A, B](in: Source[A]) : Source[B],
i.e. they consume a Source[A] and offer a Source[B].
Now, I want to turn func into a Flow[A, B] to use them with akka-stream.
The solution is:
def SourceProcessor[In, Out](f : Source[In, NotUsed] => Source[Out, NotUsed]): Flow[In, Out, NotUsed] =
Flow[In].prefixAndTail(0).flatMapConcat { case (Nil, in) => f(in) }
It uses prefixAndTail to highjack the underyling Source.

How can I create a sink from a list of operations

I want to create a sink in akka streams which is made up of many operations.
e.g map, filter, fold and then sink.
The best I can do at the moment is the following.
I don't like it because I have to specify broadcast even though I am only letting a single value through.
Does anyone know a better way of doing this?
def kafkaSink(): Sink[PartialBatchProcessedResult, NotUsed] = {
Sink.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val broadcast = b.add(Broadcast[PartialBatchProcessedResult](1))
.fold(new BatchPublishingResponseCollator()) { (c, e) => c.consume(e) }
.map(a =>
FunctionalTesterResults(sampleProjectorConfig, 0, a)) ~> Sink.foreach(new KafkaTestResultsReporter().report)
One key point to remember with akka-stream is that any number of Flow values plus a Sink value is still a Sink.
A couple of examples demonstrating this property:
val intSink : Sink[Int, _] = Sink.head[Int]
val anotherSink : Sink[Int, _] =
Flow[Int].filter(_ > 0)
val oneMoreSink : Sink[Int, _] =
Flow[Int].filter(_ > 0)
.map(_ + 4)
Therefore, you can implement the map and filter as Flows. The fold that you are asking about can be implemented with Sink.fold.

How to buffer and drop a chunked bytestring with a delimiter?

Lets say you have a publisher using broadcast with some fast and some slow subscribers and would like to be able to drop sets of messages for the slow subscriber without having to keep them in memory. The data consists of chunked ByteStrings, so dropping a single ByteString is not an option.
Each set of ByteStrings is followed by a terminator ByteString("\n"), so I would need to drop a set of ByteStrings ending with that.
Is that something you can do with a custom graph stage? Can it be done without aggregating and keeping the whole set in memory?
Avoid Custom Stages
Whenever possible try to avoid custom stages, they are very tricky to get correct as well as being pretty verbose. Usually some combination of the standard akka-stream stages and plain-old-functions will do the trick.
Group Dropping
Presumably you have some criteria that you will use to decide which group of messages will be dropped:
type ShouldDropTester : () => Boolean
For demonstration purposes I will use a simple switch that drops every other group:
val dropEveryOther : ShouldDropTester =
.map(_ % 2 == 0)
We will also need a function that will take in a ShouldDropTester and use it to determine whether an individual ByteString should be dropped:
val endOfFile = ByteString("\n")
val dropGroupPredicate : ShouldDropTester => ByteString => Boolean =
(shouldDropTester) => {
var dropGroup = shouldDropTester()
(byteString) =>
if(byteString equals endOfFile) {
val returnValue = dropGroup
dropGroup = shouldDropTester()
else {
Combining the above two functions will drop every other group of ByteStrings. This functionality can then be converted into a Flow:
val filterPredicateFunction : ByteString => Boolean =
val dropGroups : Flow[ByteString, ByteString, _] =
Flow[ByteString] filter filterPredicateFunction
As required: the group of messages do not need to be buffered, the predicate will work on individual ByteStrings and therefore consumes a constant amount of memory regardless of file size.
