WPF - Stretch expander when having HorizontalAlignment set to Left on page - wpf

So i was wondering if its posible to stretch a expander on a page when having HorizontalAlignment set to left on a Usercontrol/page.
The problem is that we dont want to set a width on the expander because we want it to resize when resizing the application. We also cant set a minwidth on the expander because our application also has a minwidth of 850 and a normal width of 1200 and we want the expander always stretch to the maximum size.
Code sample:
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApp1.Window1"
d:DesignWidth="1100" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
<Expander Background="LightBlue"/>
Our main goal is to create something like the image below where the radio button is always on the right and the expander sizes to it's avaible space.

If you are using DockPanel just use its Dock property for child elements and set LastChildFill="True" (Expander should be the last child element of course).
Something like this:
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<RadioButton DockPanel.Dock="Right" Content="Active"/>
<Expander DockPanel.Dock="Left" Header="title1" Background="LightBlue"/>

Can you set the HorizontalAlignment to Stretch where you are using your control?
<Window ...>
<local:Window1 HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"></local:MainWindow>
(Where local:Window1 is your user control as defined in the question)

We solved the isue by using a grid with column width set to auto and * in the expander header:
<ColumnDefinition Width="auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>


How can we show UWP user control on vertical-top edge of the parent window?

Following XAML in this Microsoft tutorial is showing too much gap between the top edge of the parent window and the UWP user control. Question: How can we make the user control align to the top edge of parent window? Remark: The VerticalAlignment="Top" in the StackPanel below does not help. This question is something similar to this post but in a different context.
d:DesignWidth="400" Height="329">
<ColumnDefinition Width="211*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="189*"/>
<StackPanel Background="LightCoral" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
<TextBlock>This is a simple custom UWP control</TextBlock>
<Rectangle Fill="Blue" Height="93" Width="100"/>
<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind XamlIslandMessage}" FontSize="50"></TextBlock>
<winui:RatingControl Height="32" />
When you run the app built in the above tutorial, you get the following screen showing the above UWP user control:
I would instead like to display it as follows [notice about no gap between window title and the red stack panel]:
The UserControl has a fixed height that is smaller than the height of the window and thus is vertically centered in the window. Setting VerticalAlignment="Top" on the WindowsXamlHost should give what you want.

StackPanel in StatusBar won't stretch

When I add StackPanel to the StatusBar as last StatusBarItem it won't fill up all additional space. I wonder why is that since StatusBar internally uses DockPanel as ItemsPanel.
Here's a sample code:
<Window x:Class="Foo.MainWindow"
<StatusBar DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
<StatusBarItem DockPanel.Dock="Left" Background="SkyBlue">
<StatusBarItem Background="Red" DockPanel.Dock="Right" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
If I change the order of the elements so Label is first and StackPanel is second, it fills additional space as it should.
It is the red StatusBarItem that doesn't fill the space since you set its HorizontalAlignment property to Right. Change it to the default value of Stretch if you want it to fill the DockPanel.
The StackPanel does fill the StatusBarItem as expected.

Opening new UserControl in MainWindow erases all empty rows

Once I run the program, it opens a UserControl in my MainWindow. The UserControl is a Menu consisting of 3 buttons.
Image of the UserControl:
The code behind Main Window:
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" >
<ViewModels:MainWindowViewModel />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentViewModel}"/> //Inserts a UserControl
The code behind Menu UserControl:
d:DesignHeight="90" d:DesignWidth="525" >
<RowDefinition Height="100*"/> //Problem
<RowDefinition Height="100*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="100*"/> //Problem
<Button Grid.Row="1" Margin="30,0" Content="First" Command="{Binding DataContext.SwitchToNextUserControl,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type local:MainWindow}}, Mode=OneWay}" />
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="30,0" Content="Second"/>
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Margin="30,0" Content="Third"/>
Once the menu is opened, the empty rows (those without buttons, first and third) get collapsed (or just height to 0?), as shown: Running program
I can get over it with setting MinHeight for every row, but it works only on pixels. I'd like them to work in the method of stars ("*"). I guess I could set their height from code behind (using stars), but just the thought of it makes me feel like I rub my right ear with left hand.
Also, once I click on the "First" button, some other UserControl is opened in the window, instead of the "Menu" one, and its rows are also collapsed. Just mentioning it.
So the question is, what should I do to make my UserControls appear just as they look in designer?
You should remove to SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" from your window XAML.
This causes the height of the window to shrink to fit the size of the UserControl (and effectively the height of the middle Button).

WPF XAML ListView with ScrollBars

I have a ListView which is showing both scroll bars. To achieve that, I places my ListView within a Border located in a Grid like below:
<Window ...
MinWidth="600" MinHeight="500" Width="800" Height="500"
SizeToContent="Height" WindowStyle="None">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*" MinHeight="60"/>
<RowDefinition Height="48"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="10"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<Grid Grid.Row="1">
<RowDefinition Height="32"/>
<RowDefinition Height="370"/> <-- THIS IS HARDCODED TO 370 BUT I NEED IT TO BE RESIZABLE
<Grid Margin="5,0,0,0">
<ColumnDefinition Width="4"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="346*"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding MyName}" Grid.Column="1"
Style="{StaticResource MyNameStyle}" Margin="0,5,0,5" />
<Border BorderBrush="{StaticResource MyBrush}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" >
ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}"
This is all in a form that is resizable. Therefore, the ListView should also resize but it should do that only when user resizes the form. The problem with my hard coded value above is obvious, the ListView will not resize but stay at constant height=370.
I know I can set this to 370* but in that case, my List will resize to fit all items. I want to limit this so that resizing only occurs when user resizes the form. So, ListView should show scroll bars if there are more items and as the user resizes form, that scroll bar should go away if form is resized to height that can accommodate all items in ListView.
Instead of hard coding the height to 370 above, I have tried setting the height to , Auto, and 370. All of these would expand the ListView (and therefore form, too) to accommodate all items in the ListView.
Updated XAML to show whole tree structure.
As per Rachel's suggestion, set hardcoded 370 to "*" in commented line above in XAML and that produces form resized so that the ListView fits all items in it. I added screenshot showing the form as it opens and a screenshot showing how it should look like when it opens. As you can see, it resizes hightwise to accomodate all itesm.
What I need is that form and ListView stay in their set size and resize only if user resizes the form.
If I understand your question correctly, you are saying the form loads as too large of a size because the ListView is growing to it's full height. If that's the case, remove the SizeToContent="Height" from the <Window> tag since it is making the window's initial height be equal to whatever height the content is, which includes the fully sized ListView.
By setting ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" & MaxHeight="700"
scroll bar will be visible
MaxHeight to any value
Hi I think i have understand you. So, i am trying:
So, you want to have your ListView at least a height of 370 and then only resizes if the window resizes (increment and decrement of window size).
Setting MinHeight of 2nd RowDefinition could help
<Grid Grid.Row="1">
<RowDefinition Height="32"/>
<RowDefinition MinHeight="370"/> <!-- THIS IS HARDCODED....-->
Thank you.

datagrid scrollbars not showing in frame

I have a DataGrid in a UseraControl. In a separate UserControl I have a frame pointing to the UserControl with the DataGrid. When the application runs, the datagrid is shown in the frame. but the Datagrid's scrollbars are not visible. Not in the conventional sence anyways.
If I place the frame in this mannor, it show the scroll bars.
d:DesignHeight="768" d:DesignWidth="1366">
<Grid DataContext="{Binding Source={x:Static app:detailsSQL.Instance}}">
<Frame ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" Source="/content/membership/members/details/tabs/grid.xaml"/>
However if i do this, the scroll bars dissapear, although it's still very capable of scrolling with the mouse wheel.
d:DesignHeight="768" d:DesignWidth="1366">
<Grid DataContext="{Binding Source={x:Static app:detailsSQL.Instance}}">
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<Frame Grid.Column="1" Source="/content/membership/members/details/tabs/grid.xaml"/>
Even if I don't put the Frame in a GridColumn, it still won't show the scroll bars. Is there a reason why it's this sensitive?
Scrollbar will only show if the available area to draw the control is more than the allocated area. Here you can put a scrollbar around the grid in your usercontrol.
or if you are intending to make your usercontrol itself scrollable then you might consider to put it around the frame.
<ScrollViewer Height="",Width="">
<Frame Grid.Column="1" Source="/content/membership/members/details/tabs/grid.xaml"/>
and try giving your ScrollViewer a size .
