dotnet muli db context - database

In my task (dotnet core, c#), it is necessary to select one of the databases and make some kind of manipulation in accordance with the query.
According with microsoft docs, it's look like:
public class db1 : DbContext, Idb
public db1(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)
public class db2 : DbContext, Idb
public db2(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)
In Startup.cs
services.AddDbContext<db1>(options =>
services.AddDbContext<db2>(options =>
This allows you to register in DI and access a specific database connection instance, but all databases are hardcoded. This is a poor code. How is it better to make registration in DI by id of a database and select from DI's service by this id in a controller?

It is not so bad because you can change the connection string according to your environment, having different versions of your appsetings.json (, appsettings.release.json and so on and so forth)
On the other hand you coulduse these context in your controllers contructors, i.e
ctor 1:
public FirstController(db1 context)
public SecondController(db2 context)
maybe, alse, ctor3:
public ThirdController(db1 contextA, db2 contextB )
a) consider naming conventions (Idb?? db1??)
b) Why would you like to have Two same-kind-of repositories ... Oh! Are you trying to have a Generic repository pattern?? Then your answer is here: (Im using it and I'm very hapy with the result and the performance, I'll paste an example bellow)
Using IUnitOfWork:
In your controller:
public YourController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
// seeding
var ItemRepository = _unitOfWork.GetRepository<Item>();
In your StartUp, in ConfigureServices, call this method:
private void AddEntityFrameworkAndDbContext(IServiceCollection services)
var migrationsAssemblyName = typeof(YourContext).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Name;
services.AddDbContext<YourContext>(options =>
sqlServerOptionsAction: sqlOptions =>
sqlOptions.EnableRetryOnFailure(maxRetryCount: 5, maxRetryDelay: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), errorNumbersToAdd: null);
}); // Man, this is for free, I spent days getting it to work
ServiceLifetime.Scoped // Showing explicitly that the DbContext is shared across the HTTP request scope (graph of objects started in the HTTP request)
And in Configure try something like:
I hope it helps you,


Dynamic NamedDatabase in Play Framework

I'm running a java play framework setup where I would like to have several databases depending on what customer is making the call. I have a jwt setup where there is a tenant id. However I can't get my head around what's best practise in Play regarding this. As for now I have this code:
public class JavaNamedDatabase {
private Database db;
private DatabaseExecutionContext executionContext;
private static final Logger.ALogger LOGGER = Logger.of(JavaNamedDatabase.class);
public JavaNamedDatabase(
#NamedDatabase("xxx") Database db, DatabaseExecutionContext executionContext) {
this.db = db;
this.executionContext = executionContext;
where I would like to make "xxx" dynamic depending on which tenant is making the request.
Is it possible to pass this parameter or do I need to have separate classes?
Or maybe the best solution is just to have one instance running per customer and have the #NamedDatabase as a runtime config parameter?
I found DBApi where there is a getter for Database.
public class JavaNamedDatabase {
private DBApi dbApi;
private DatabaseExecutionContext executionContext;
private static final Logger.ALogger LOGGER = Logger.of(JavaNamedDatabase.class);
public JavaNamedDatabase(
DBApi dbApi, DatabaseExecutionContext executionContext) {
this.dbApi = dbApi;
this.executionContext = executionContext;
public CompletionStage<Integer> addGenreToPlayItem(Integer playItemId, String genre) {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
() ->

Change SQL Server Connection String Dynamically inside an ASP.Net Core application

I open one database at the start, then need to open another database based on user selecting two values. The database selection has to be at run-time and will change every time.
Have tried to access the Connection String using the Connection String class and have tried other options like Singleton which I do not understand. I am running this on a local Windows 10 system running SQL Server Express. Am coding using Asp.Net Core 2.1
> ASP.Net Core v2.1
Building multi tenant, multi year application
Every client will have one SQL DATABASE per year
I hope to have a table with the following structure
Sample Data
So, every company will multiple rows - one for each financial year.
The COMPANY_DB column will store the DB name to open for that session.
Once the user is authenticated, I want to change the connection string to point to the database in the COMPANY_DB column of the selected row and then let the logged in user perform transactions.
I am unable to figure out how to change the connection string that is embedded in startup.cs.
Any tips on how to achieve this will be most appreciated.
I figured out that you are using one DbContext class for each database. See here for more information: docs.
Remove AddDbContext from Startup, remove OnConfiguring from DbContext and pass options to the constructor.
public class BloggingContext : DbContext
public BloggingContext(DbContextOptions<BloggingContext> options)
: base(options)
{ }
public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }
Then, write service providing DbContext:
public interface IBlogContextProvider
BlogContext GetBlogContext(string connectionString);
public class BlogContextProvider : IBlogContextProvider
BlogContext GetBlogContext(string connectionString)
var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<BloggingContext>();
return new BlogContext(optionsBuilder);
Add service in your Startup.cs:
services.AddScoped<IBlogContextProvider, BlogContextProvider>();
Now you can use DI:
public class HomeController : Controller
private IBlogContextProvider _provider;
public HomeController(IBlogContextProvider provider)
_provider = provider;
public ActionResult Index()
using (var context = _provider.GetBlogContext(<your connection string>))
//your code here
return View();
EDIT: Of course, you can write ContextProvider as generic.

net core 1 (dnx 4.5.1) with enterpriselibrary 6 - setting up the connection string

i ve big problems running enterprise library data access block with net core 1 (dnx 4.5.1)
How can i setup the default connection string for entlib
my appsettings.json
"ConnectionString": "Server=localhost\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=blind;User Id=blind;Password=blind"
Here is my problem (no default connectionstring)
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
how can i pass the appsettings ConnectionString to the entlib databasefactory
any help would be greatly appreciated
I know it's an old question, but I have a similar setup (but using .NET Core 2.0) and it took me awhile to figure out how to set the default database connection without using the web.config to manage it.
What I did was include the default database and all of the connection strings in the appsettings.json and then in my Startup class I read the appsettings.json into an object that I defined to store the default db name and the connection strings and configure the default + named database using DatabaseFactory.SetDatabase.
DatabaseFactory.SetDatabases() Definition
public class DataConfiguration
public string DefaultDatabase { get; set; }
public List<ConnectionStringSettings> ConnectionStrings { get; set; }
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
//Get the Database Connections from appsettings.json
DataConfig = configuration.Get<DataConfiguration>();
var defaultDb = DataConfig.ConnectionStrings?.Find(c => c.Name == DataConfig.DefaultDatabase);
DatabaseFactory.SetDatabases(() => new SqlDatabase(defaultDb.ConnectionString), GetDatabase);
Configuration = configuration;
public Database GetDatabase(string name)
var dbInfo = DataConfig.ConnectionStrings.Find(c => c.Name == name);
if (dbInfo.ProviderName == "System.Data.SqlClient")
return new SqlDatabase(dbInfo.ConnectionString);
return new MySqlDatabase(dbInfo.ConnectionString);
Whenever there is documentation, I always suggest reading it as it is usually good. This is one of those examples, check out the "Getting Started with ASP.NET 5 and Entity Framework 6". There are several things that you need to do to ensure that you are correctly configured.
Setup your connection string and DI.
public class ApplicationDbContext : DbContext
public ApplicationDbContext(string nameOrConnectionString)
: base(nameOrConnectionString)
Also, notice the path in the configuration, it seems to differ from yours.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddScoped((_) =>
new ApplicationDbContext(
// Configure remaining services

DataContract doesn't work after publish into web site

I tried to solve by myself, but... Looks like I need help from people.
I have Business Silverlight application with WCF RIA and EntityFramework. Access to Database I get via LinqToEntites.
Common loading data from database I making by this:
return DbContext.Customers
This code returns full Customers table from DataBase. But sometimes I do not need to show all data. Easy way is use linq filters in client side by next code:
public LoadInfo()
var LO1 = PublicDomainContext.Load(PublicDomainContext.GetCustomersQuery());
LO1.Completed += LO1Completed;
private void LO1Completed(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
DatatViewGrid.ItemsSource = null;
DatatViewGrid.ItemsSource = loadOperation.Entities.Where(c=>c ...filtering...);
//or PublicDomainContext.Customers.Where(c=>c ...filtering...)
However this way has very and very important flaw: all data passing from server to client side via DomainService may be viewed by applications like Fiddler. So I need to come up with another way.
Task: filter recieving data in server side and return this data.
Way #1: LinqToEntites has a beautiful projection method:
//MSDN Example
var query =
contact => orders.Where(order =>
(contact.ContactID == order.Contact.ContactID)
&& order.TotalDue < totalDue)
.Select(order => new
ContactID = contact.ContactID,
LastName = contact.LastName,
FirstName = contact.FirstName,
OrderID = order.SalesOrderID,
Total = order.TotalDue
But, unfortunately, DomainServices cannot return undefined types, so this way won't work.
Way #2: I found next solution - make separate DTO classes (DataTransferObject). I just read some samples and made on the server side next class:
public partial class CustomerDTO
public int ISN { get; set; }
public string FIO { get; set; }
public string Listeners { get; set; }
And based this class I made a row of methods which return filtered data:
public List<CustomerDTO> Customers_Common()
return DbContext.Customers....Select(c => new CustomerDTO { ISN = c.ISN, FIO = c.FIO, Listeners = c.Listeners }).ToList();
And this works fine, all good...
But, there is strange problem: running application locally does not affect any troubles, but after publishing project on the Web Site, DomainService returns per each method HTTP 500 Error ("Not Found" exception). Of course, I cannot even LogIn into my application. DomainService is dead. If I delete last class and new methods from application and republish - all works fine, but without speacial filtering...
The Question: what I do wrong, why Service is dying with new classes, or tell me another way to solve my trouble. Please.
U P D A T E :
Hey, finally I solved this!
There is an answer: Dynamic query with WCF RIA Services
Your best shot is to find out what is causing the error. For that, override the OnError method on the DomainService like this:
protected override void OnError(DomainServiceErrorInfo errorInfo)
/* Log the error info to a file. Don't forget inner exceptions.
This is useful, because only two exceptions will be passed to the client, so if there are a lot of nested inner exceptions, you should still be able to see what actually causes the error.
In addition, you can inspect the error by attaching the debugger to the browser instance you are opening the site with. In VS2010 this is done by doing [Debug] -> [Attach to Process] in the menu-bar.

Database per tenant with Fluent NHibernate & StructureMap

I'm currently using StructureMap to inject an NHibernateRegistry instance into my DAL, which configures NHibernate for a single connection string and bootstraps a Singleton FluentConfiguration for my single-user app.
How should I modify my Fluent NHibernate configuration to use a different database based on a {tenant} routing parameter in my routing URL?
Routing example:
...where requests for branch1/Home/Index and branch2/Home/Index use the same application code, but different databases to retrieve the data displayed.
I solved this problem in the past for StructureMap and LINQ by injecting a per-request TenantContext object, which retrieved the routing parameter from the HttpContext it accepted as a constructor parameter and specified a different LINQ data context.
However, I suspect NHibernate has a better of handling this than I could cook up.
Partial NHibernateRegistry class
public class NHibernateRegistry : Registry
// ... private vars here
public NHibernateRegistry()
var cfg = Fluently.Configure()
.MsSql2008.ConnectionString(c =>
// where to inject this key?
.Mappings(x =>
var sessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();
.Use(x => x.GetInstance<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession());
StructureMap configuration:
public static class Bootstrapper
public static void ConfigureStructureMap()
private static void Init(IInitializationExpression x)
x.AddRegistry(new NHibernateRegistry()); // from Data project
I'm new to NHibernate, so I am unsure of scoping my sessions and configurations. Does NHibernate have a built-in way to handle this?
This worked for me in an a module
return Fluently.Configure()
.Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.ConnectionString(x => x.FromConnectionStringWithKey("IMB"))
.Cache(c => c.UseQueryCache().QueryCacheFactory<StandardQueryCacheFactory>()
.Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssembly(Assembly.Load("IMB.Data")))
.Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssembly(Assembly.Load("IMB.Security")))
c => c.SetProperty("current_session_context_class", "web"))
.ExposeConfiguration(cfg => _configuration = cfg)
The problem is that you really want your ISessionFactory object to be a singleton. This means its best not to specify the connection string when creating the ISessionFactory. Have your tried creating the ISessionFactory without specifying a connection string and then passing a manually created connection to ISessionFactory.OpenSession?
For example:
public ISession CreateSession()
string tennantId = GetTennantId();
string connStr = ConnectionStringFromTennant(tennantId);
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
session = sessionFactory.OpenSession(conn);
And then tell StructureMap to call this method.
The downside is that you can't now from build the database schema when creating the ISessionFactory, but maybe creating database schemas in web applications isn't that great an idea anyway?
