Do C preprocessing directives belong to the C programming language? - c

Do C preprocessing directives belong to the C programming language?
I think they don't because they are processed by a C preprocessor instead of an actual C compiler.

Yes, but only insofar as they are discussed in section 6.10 of the C99 (or later) C standard. The standard is (likely intentionally) vague about the preprocessor, only discussing things that it should do, not defining a list of things that it may or must do.
Could you create a compiler for standard C that does not have a preprocessor? Certainly, though it would be very inconvenient to use libraries.

The C Standard precisely defines the behaviour of the preprocessing phase. So it is definitely a part of the C language.
It's normal for implementations to deliver separate binaries for preprocessing, compiling and linking. The standard is written in such a way that each translation phase could be performed by a separate executable. But it's not a requirement. In fact most compilers also allow all of those things to be done via a single command (e.g. gcc foo.c bar.c).


Procedure to include own functions to ANSI C Standard library

How one can include his/her own programming functions to standard C (ANSI C) library? And any one who is learning or working on C language able to use those functions anywhere anytime, no need of development in general.
Example : someone developed function named "FunFun()" and assume it does fantastic work for most programmers. so how anyone can access this "FunFun" function without developing and just including standard library?
The sane way to approach it would be to develop a 3rd party library and make it available over the internet through open source, Github etc.
The GNU C dialect is one such example, which is a collection of non-standard compiler extensions used by the GCC compiler. One could join the GCC open source group and try to get the new function added there. It would still not be standard library C, but the GCC extensions are often an inspiration to the C standard and several of them (designated initializers, flexible array members, anonymous struct/union etc) have been adopted into the language itself with the C99 and C11 standards. One of the purposes for GNU C is actually to serve as an experimental playground where new languages features can be tried out live.
If you truly wish to add a new function to the actual C standard library, you would have to join the ISO working group and convince them that the function should be added to the language. Or alternatively find a member of the committee and convince them to speak in favour of the new function.
All this of course assuming you are a C programming veteran, or otherwise nobody will likely take you seriously.
Your question can't be answered because it's based on several wrong assumptions.
Things like stdlib.h are not libraries. They are header files intended to be included in your program. Including means the contents are literally pasted into your program at the point of inclusion before the actual compilation happens. They are typically used for declaring functions, types, global variables etc a library provides. The actual library is then linked against after compilation.
There's no such thing as the C library as well as there's no such thing as the C compiler. c is a language that is specified in an open standard (if you're interested, here's the last draft of the latest standard version C11). There are many actual implementations and a complete implementation consists of at least a compiler and a standard library. You can of course implement your own standard library. It's a lot of work to have it really conform to the standard (you would have to implement printf() and scanf() correctly, for example). With your own standard library, you can also include your own extensions, but this would only mean people using your standard library (instead of e.g. glibc on a GNU system) could directly use them.
For having a function available on any implementation of C, it would be necessary to have the C Standard specify it. You won't get a new function in the standard without some very good reasoning.
So if you want to make your own function available to others, do what everyone does and just implement it in your own library. Users can download it, include its headers and link against it.

How preprocessor directives works in C?

I am going through book [Let us C-by Yashwant Kanetkar ], here it stated:
When we compile a program, before the source code passes to the compiler, it is examined by the C preprocessor for any macro definition. When it sees the #define directive, it goes through the entire program in search of macro templates; wherever it finds one, it replaces the macro template with the appropriate macro expansion. Only after this procedure has been completed, is the program handled over to the compiler.
My question is that, before the program is passed to compiler, how can Preprocessor program is able to read the TOKENS corresponding to the macro templates? Is preprocessor program also able to divide the program into TOKENS.
That description is confusing (so I won't recommend that book; read instead the K&R The C Programming Language book). The preprocessor does not go through the entire program, it has previously processed some input. Only past preprocessed input matters for the behavior of the preprocessor (in other words, the preprocessor is a single-pass mechanism).
Read wikipage on C preprocessor, then read documentation of GNU cpp and other documentation on preprocessor, and the wikibook chapter on C programming/Preprocessor.
In current C compilers (for performance reasons) the preprocessor is no longer a separate program, it is part of the compiler itself. For recent GCC look into libcpp/ (its preprocessor library, internal to the compiler).
If using the GCC compiler, you can get the preprocessed form of your source code file csource.c by running gcc -C -E csource.c > csource.i then looking inside the generated preprocessed form csource.i (e.g. with a pager or an editor).
(I strongly recommend doing that once in a while; you'll learn a lot; and yes, you could be surprised by the amount of code pulled by a usual #include <stdio.h> directive)
I believe your book is explaining wrongly. The preprocessor handles every preprocessing directive. When it encounters a #define it stores in some preprocessor symbol table the definition of that symbol. When it encounters after that #define an occurrence of that preprocessor symbol, it does the appropriate substitution.
In book K & R The C Programming Language.
Page No: 88
C provides certain language facilities by means of a preprocessor, which is conceptually a separate first step in compilation.
In book Compiler Principles, Techniques and Tools by Aho, Lam, Sethi and Ullman
Page No. 3
The task of collecting the source program is sometimes entrusted to a separate program, called a preprocessor. The preprocessor may also expand shorthands, called macros, into source language statements. The modified source program is then fed to compiler.
In GCC GNU Documentation
The C preprocessor is a macro processor that is used automatically by the C compiler to transform your program before actual compilation.
Andn read this too.
So from these three official sources, one can say that the Preprocessor is a separate program run by Compiler. So in book Let Us C by Yashwant P Kanetkar that Preprocessor is a program that processes before the compiler as its name suggests is no wrong, and the expanded code can be seen in file.i.
Now let's come to your question,
In book K & R The C Programming Language.
Page No: 89
Substitution are made only for tokens and do not take place within quoted strings.
and as Basile told in his answer that
In current C compilers (for performance reasons) the preprocessor is no longer a separate program, it is part of the compiler itself.
and compiling is a long process that passes through several phases, Preprocessor actually comes after the program is converted in tokens, but as sources says that it is the process of before compilation that means it is done before any kind of intermediate code generation, and yes, breaking program into tokens is the first step of compiler before any intermediate code generation.

Is C open source?

Does C (or any other low-level language, for that matter) even have source, or is the compiler the part that "does all the work", including parsing? If so, couldn't different compilers have different C dialects? Where does the stdlib factor into this? I would really like to know how this works.
The C language is not a piece of software but a defined standard, so one wouldn't say that it's open-source, but rather that it's an open standard.
There are a gazillion different compilers for C however, and many of those are indeed open-source. The most notable example is GCC's C compiler, which is all under the GNU General Public License (GPL), an open-source license.
There are more options. Watcom is open-source, for instance. There is no shortage of open-source C compilers, but without a doubt the most widespread one, at least in the non-Windows world, is GCC.
For Windows, your best bet is probably Watcom or GCC by using Cygwin or MinGW.
C is a standard which specifies how C compilers should generate programs.
C itself doesn't have any source code, just like a musical note doesn't have any plastic.
Some C compilers, such as GCC, are open source.
C is just a language, and a standardised one at that, too. It pretty much is the compiler that "does all the work". Different compilers did have different dialects; before the the C99 ANSI standard, you had things like Borland C and other competing compilers, that implemented the C language in their own fantastic ways.
stdlib is just an agreed-upon collection of standard libraries that are required to be present in any ANSI C implementation.
To add on to the other great answers:
Regarding different dialects -- there are some additional features added to C that are compiler specific. You can provide the command line flag -std=... to gcc to specify the C standard that you want to use, each has slight variations/additions to syntax, the most common is probably c99.
Each compiler tends to implement a few different extras, for example, typeof() is not in the C standard and so compilers do not have to implement this but nevertheless it is useful and most compilers provide it. Here is a list of gcc C extensions
The stdlib is a set of functions specified in the C standard. Much like compilers, stdlib can have different implementations. The GNU implementation is open source, as is gcc, but there are other compilers and could be other implementations of stdlib that are closed source.
The Compiler would determine all the mappings from C to Assembly etc... but as far as someone owning it.....noone really owns C however the ANSI/ISO determines the standards
GCC's C compiler is written in C. So we know there are at least one C compiler written in C.
GNU's stdlib (glibc) is also written in C (stdio.h, stdlib.h). But it also has some parts written in assembly language.
A really good question. There is a way to define a language standard (not the implementation!) in a form of a "source code", in a strict and unambigous language. Unfortunately, all of the old languages, including C, are poorly defined. But it is still possible to translate that definitions into a source code form.
Another approach is to define a language via its operational semantics, often in a form of a simple (and unefficient) reference implementation.
Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson has written the main answer but I thought it would be worth noting that you can effectively end up with dialects too.
The compilers should do the same thing with regards to whichever standard they support (which these days should be pretty much all the same version) but there are grey areas. The way in which the compilers work for 'undefined' functionality for example. If the C specification says that the behaviour is undefined for a specific case then the compiler can do pretty much what it wants.
There are also examples of functions added to the libraries (and new libraries added) by the compiler makers to support specific platform traits, create a competitive advantage or simply to make life easier. The cynical might suggest that some of these are added to help lock people into a specific compiler too.
I would say that C as a language is not open source.
As pointed out by many, you can download GNU licensed compilers and libraries for free, but if you wanted to write your own C compiler, you would need to follow the ISO C standards, and ISO charge hard cash for the specification of the C language, which at the time of posting this is $178.
So really the answer depends on what elements you are interested in being free and open source.
I'm not sure what your definitions of "open source" are.
For the standardization process, it is possible for anyone to participate, but if you want to be able to vote then you will need to pay to join your national body (for instance, ANSI for the USA, BSI for the UK, AFNOR for France etc.). As a rule most standards body memberships are paid by corporations. That said, the process is fairly open. You can access discussion papers on the standards web site.
The standards themselves are not free either. The ISO pdf store currently sells the C standard for 198 swiss francs. Draft copies of the standard can be found easily for free.
There are plenty of open source implementations of both compilers and libraries.

Is there any C preprocessor as an independent program?

I know that C preprocessor exists as part of compiler. But I'm looking for an independent program. Is there any such tool?
It's often called cpp. For example, on my Linux box:
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp [-Dmacro[=defn]...] [-Umacro]
[-Idir...] [-iquotedir...]
[-M|-MM] [-MG] [-MF filename]
[-MP] [-MQ target...]
[-MT target...]
[-P] [-fno-working-directory]
[-x language] [-std=standard]
infile outfile
This particular one is part of gcc and is available for a wide variety of platforms.
From the homepage:
mcpp is a C/C++ preprocessor with the following features.
Implements all of C90, C99 and C++98 specifications.
Provides a validation suite to test C/C++ preprocessor's conformance and quality comprehensively. When this validation suite is applied, mcpp distinguishes itself among many existing preprocessors.
Has plentiful and on-target diagnostics to check all the preprocessing problems such as latent bug or lack of portability in source code.
Has #pragma directives to output debugging information.
Is portable and has been ported to many compiler-systems, including GCC and Visual C++, on UNIX-like systems and Windows.
Has various behavior modes.
Can be built either as a compiler-specific preprocessor to replace the resident preprocessor of a particular compiler system, or as a compiler-independent command, or >even as a subroutine called from some other main program.
Provides comprehensive documents both in Japanese and in English.
Is an open source software released under BSD-style-license.
You can also have a look at m4
What is m4?
M4 can be called a “template language”, a “macro language” or a “preprocessor language”. The name “m4” also refers to the program which processes texts in this language: this “preprocessor” or “macro processor” takes as input an m4 template and sends this to the output, after acting on any embedded directives, called macros.
I've used filepp for preprocessing files other than straight C. It's a Perl module, so it's pretty portable. It's handy in that you can use all the familiar idioms you are used to, and adds some useful features.
From the web site:
Why filepp and not plain old cpp?
cpp is designed specifically to
generate output for the C compiler.
Yes, you can use any file type with
it, but the output it creates includes
loads of blank lines and lines of the
# 1 "file.c"
Obviously these lines are very useful
to the C-compiler, but no use in say
an HTML file. Also, as filepp is
written in Perl, it is 8-bit clean and
so works on any character set, not
just ASCII characters. filepp is also
customisable and hopefully more user
friendly than cpp.
cpp is just one. It's a separated program called by gcc when compiling.
It is a part of the package, and usually called cpp (C PreProcessor).
which cpp
# /usr/bin/cpp
man cpp

What C preprocessor macros have already been defined in gcc?

In gcc, how can I check what C preprocessor definitions are in place during the compilation of a C program, in particular what standard or platform-specific macro definitions are defined?
Predefined macros depend on the standard and the way the compiler implements it.
For GCC:
For Microsoft Visual Studio 8:
This Wikipedia page lists how to dump at some of the predefined macros
A likely source of the predefined macros for a specific combination of compiler and platform is the Predef project at Sourceforge. They are attempting to maintain a catalog of all predefined macros in all C and C++ compilers on all platforms. In practice, they have coverage of a fair number of platforms for GCC, and a smattering of other compilers.
They achieved this through a combination of careful reading of documentation, as well as a shell script that figures out what macros are predefined the hard way: it tries them. My understanding is that it actually tries every string it can find in the executable image of the compiler and/or preprocessor to see if it has a predefined meaning.
They will happily add any info they don't have yet to their database.
A program may define a macro at one
point, remove that definition later,
and then provide a different
definition after that. Thus, at
different points in the program, a
macro may have different definitions,
or have no definition at all.
