Image link with pano id - google-street-view

Can you please share the complete url pattern for the images published with the pano id like :

You may get the details of the image using Method: photo.get. You should get something like this:
"photoId": {
"pose": {
"latLngPair": {
"latitude": 12.3456789,
"longitude": 123.45678901234567
"altitude": "NaN",
"heading": 90,
"pitch": 7.0999984712345938,
"roll": 0.5,
"captureTime": "2017-06-27T00:00:00Z",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"viewCount": "43",
"shareLink": ",123.45678901234567,0a,75y,90h,94.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-T6vX-0nX4W4%2FWVzsz-lAQnI%2FAAAAAAAAAvw%5vVFGWQ5vVFGWQP5vVFGWQDh9JHo3BqJ_e55vVFGWQAYYCw!2e4!3e11!"


How to update array inside MongoDB document

Can someone help me with a solution to update an array object inside the MongoDB document, I've tried a couple of methods but still it's to updating, here is my document that I want to update the array in the document.
"title": "Products",
"description": "test",
"image": "bdd8510d75f6e83ad308d5f306afccef_image.jpg",
"_created_at": "2021-06-07T20:51:08.316Z",
"ratingCount": 0,
"ratingTotal": 0,
"placeListSave": [
"objectId": "g70brr45pfi",
"name": "Kale",
"email": "null",
"strBrandLogo": "84de8865e3223d1ca61386355895aa04_image.jpg",
"storeNumber": "56",
"phone": "0815342119",
"createdAt": "2021-06-10T10:19:53.384Z",
"image": "ad1fb7602c2188223fd891a52373cb9d_image.jpg"
"objectId": "0qokn33p773",
"name": "Apple",
"email": null,
"strBrandLogo": null,
"storeNumber": "01",
"phone": "011 393 8600",
"createdAt": "2021-06-11T03:11:17.342Z",
"image": "8cfcbf2bcb5e3b4ea8ade44d3825bb52_image.jpg"
So I only want to update the apple object and change the data, I've tried the following code but doesn't seem to work.
var db = client.db("test");
try {
"title": req.body.product,
}, {
$set: {
"placeListSave.$.storeNumber": req.body.storeNumber,
} catch (e) {
console.log("verify", e);
arrayFilters seems suitable here:
"title": "Products",
"placeListSave.objectId": "0qokn33p773",
$set: {
"placeListSave.$[x].email": "",
"placeListSave.$[x].storeNumber": "test",
"placeListSave.$[x].phone": "test",
"placeListSave.$[x].name": "test"
arrayFilters: [
"x.objectId": "0qokn33p773"
Add array filter called "x" with the objectId for the element that you need to update and use this filter in the $set stage to update the necessary elements.
Hint: To speed up the update you will need to add index on title field or compound index on title+placeListSave.objectId

Decode the encoded value directly in view/html

I am submitting a form for job posting and have skills like C# which escape in my rest API. So I encoded the skills and sending to backend.
now when I get back the skills I am doing decodeURIComponent for my skills
$scope.skills = decodeURIComponent(skills);
but this wont work with array of datas, when I want to fetch list of jobs , the datas comes in array , my array has almost 15 key values , which will be used in table some way. Writing a new array and pushing each values into array again pushing decoded skills a big process.
Is any solution to directly decoded the value in view , that is html
I tried {{decodeURIComponent(item.skills) }} but no luck.
sample Data ::
"json": {
"response": {
"statusmessage": "Success",
"count": 59,
"data": [
"employerId": 2,
"employerEmail": "",
"employerName": "SumitKumar",
"companyName": "Infosoftjoin%20pvt%20ltd.",
"jobId": 142,
"jobTitle": "Test%20case%201",
"jobDescription": "<p>ahdu%29%28#*%29*W%29%28*%29E%26%3D--%3D</p>",
"link": "",
"numberOfPositions": 5,
"createdTime": "18-May-2018",
"lastUpdatedTime": "18-May-2018",
"consumedCredits": 44,
"location": {
"city": "North And Middle Andaman",
"state": "Andaman and Nicobar Islands",
"country": "India"
"skills": [
"approved": 1,
"status": "Approved"
"employerId": 2,
"employerEmail": "",
"employerName": "SumitKumar",
"companyName": "Infosoftjoin%20pvt%20ltd.",
"jobId": 130,
"jobTitle": "New%20job",
"jobDescription": "hryuyurfkituo8",
"link": "",
"numberOfPositions": 5,
"createdTime": "16-May-2018",
"lastUpdatedTime": "16-May-2018",
"consumedCredits": 93,
"location": {
"city": "Nicobar",
"state": "Andaman and Nicobar Islands",
"country": "India"
"skills": [
"approved": 1,
"status": "Approved"
encodeURIComponent is a JavaScript built-in function, you can not access it directly in your AngularJs template. Convert that into a $scope function then try accessing from AngularJs template.
I would suggest you to have a filter for the same instead of $scope function.
app.filter('decodeFilter', function() {
return function(input) {
return decodeURIComponent(input);
{{item.skills | decodeFilter}}
If still you want that as $scope function then try below code:
return decodeURIComponent(value);
Also, please check this plunker for sample scenario with the above examples.

Openweathermap API Forecast accessing array

So I'm trying to mess around with the openweathermap API and I can't figure out how to access some of the data.
Here the snippet of code I have that access the API.
public void find_forecast () {
String url = "";
JsonObjectRequest jor = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
try {
JSONArray array = response.getJSONArray("list");
JSONObject object = array.getJSONObject(1);
String description = object.getString("dt");
Here is a snippet of the API code:
"cod": "200",
"message": 0.0042,
"cnt": 40,
"list": [
"dt": 1524614400,
"main": {
"temp": 63.77,
"temp_min": 63.77,
"temp_max": 64.26,
"pressure": 1017.45,
"sea_level": 1021.4,
"grnd_level": 1017.45,
"humidity": 97,
"temp_kf": -0.27
"weather": [
"id": 500,
"main": "Rain",
"description": "light rain",
"icon": "10n"
So as you can see the code above will return the value of dt which is 1524614400. But I'm trying to access for example under "weather" the "description" which in this case is light rain. I guess I don't know how to access an array inside an array, although I couldn't even get the "temp" to return under "main", although I could get "main" to return everything underneath it.
Thanks for any help.
Not sure about Android but in Javascript I would try this:
var dataObj = {
"cod": "200",
"message": 0.0042,
"cnt": 40,
"list": [
"dt": 1524614400,
"main": {
"temp": 63.77,
"temp_min": 63.77,
"temp_max": 64.26,
"pressure": 1017.45,
"sea_level": 1021.4,
"grnd_level": 1017.45,
"humidity": 97,
"temp_kf": -0.27
"weather": [
"id": 500,
"main": "Rain",
"description": "light rain",
"icon": "10n"
I finally figured this out. Code is below!
String array = response.getJSONArray("list").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("weather").getJSONObject(0).getString("description");
This will return light rain from the API code above.

Dealing duplicate image data in React Native

I'm building 'Comments Detail page' which is a list view for comments in a single post (basically it's just facebook comments page).
I generated this JSON response data below, and as you can see, there are duplicate image urls. It means that if same user comments 100 times on a post, it needs to get image data from AWS 100 times rather than 1 time.
Maybe it's over-engineering? How do you guys deal with this?
Here is JSON data
"comments": [{
"id": 4,
"user": {
"image": "",
"id": 1,
"username": "jbaek73"
"content": "Edited!",
"publish": "2017-09-18T12:11:41.002838Z",
"updated": "2017-09-19T08:16:25.408756Z",
"reply_count": 1
"id": 13,
"user": {
"image": "",
"id": 1,
"username": "jbaek73"
"content": "Neaa!",
"publish": "2017-09-18T14:12:51.876523Z",
"updated": "2017-09-18T14:12:51.876600Z",
"reply_count": 0
"id": 14,
"user": {
"image": "",
"id": 5,
"username": "koreana"
"content": "Newa!",
"publish": "2017-09-19T08:16:35.190351Z",
"updated": "2017-09-19T08:16:35.190398Z",
"reply_count": 0
In this case, i would create an image object with all the required images and the user id as key:
randomFuntionName() { //you can call after you get your json
var img = []
comments.forEach((element) => { //comments are comming from your json btw
if (img[] == null) {
img[] = require(element.user.image)
render() {
//this part is only for example, you need to dynamicaly change userID
return (<Image source={this.state.img[userId]}/>)
This should do the work, but didn't tested it in app.

How can I change the attribute in dataset of Fusionchart?

Hi I am implementing a chart in my Angularjs Application, You can see this plunker The thing which I want to achieve is to change the value attribute to profit. How can I do this ? I want to display profit not values.
After 2 days I finally find out the answer. The thing is You cannot change the Fusionchart attribute value but you can change the attribute of your API once you fetched. I used a loop after I fetched the API and replace the 'profit' attribute with value in this way I made the chart. Yes The thing which i had been ignoring was the use of 'variable' instead of scope. If you see this example you would understand Example Here. I am sharing my code May be it helps someone else too.
Give below is my json array which i called tps.json
"index": "1",
"variantoption": "fan-green",
"company": "sk fans",
"quantity": "650",
"profit": "78296",
"loss": "8457",
"year": "2016"
"index": "2",
"variantoption": "fan-white",
"company": "al ahmed fans",
"quantity": "450",
"profit": "78296",
"loss": "8457",
"year": "2016"
"index": "3",
"variantoption": "fan-purple",
"company": "asia fans",
"quantity": "350",
"profit": "78296",
"loss": "8457",
"year": "2016"
"index": "4",
"variantoption": "fan-yellow",
"company": "falcon fans",
"quantity": "250",
"profit": "78296",
"loss": "8457",
"year": "2016"
and here is my controller
$http.get('js/tps.json').success(function (data) {
var chartdata = data;
var arrLength = chartdata.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrLength; i++) {
if (chartdata[i]['profit'] && chartdata[i]['index']) {
chartdata[i].value = chartdata[i].profit;
delete chartdata[i].profit;
chartdata[i].label = chartdata[i].index;
delete chartdata[i].index;
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
var tps = new FusionCharts({
type: 'column2d',
renderAt: 'chart-container',
width: '500',
height: '300',
dataFormat: 'json',
dataSource: {
"chart": {
"caption": "Monthly",
"xaxisname": "Month",
"yaxisname": "Revenue",
"numberprefix": "$",
"showvalues": "1",
"animation": "1"
"data" : chartdata
-Stay foolish stay hungry
