Accessing the value of a child component redux-form - reactjs

I have a form created using redux-form and have a requirement for display and filtering based on selections within the child objects of the form (being mapped using a FieldArray). The form data json structure is something like:
name: "my form",
selection: "1"
date: "02/02/2020",
childName: "child2",
childSelection: "1",
grandchildren: [{
grandchild: "3"
childName: "child2",
childSelection: "1",
grandchildren: [{
grandchild: "2"
On the actual form I have a dropdown list for the field selection, childSelection and grandchild
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
const selector = formValueSelector(FORM_NAME);
const selection= selector(state, "selection")
I want to be able to filter the grandchildren dropdown whenever childSelection changes, amongst other UI requirements.
I understand that redux-form fires an onChange event, and I have written a selector like the above to capture the change of selection for the top level which works well, but when it comes to the child/grandchild - how do I know which item has changed to effect the filter (ie pass the child selection into the selector for the dropdown that drives the grandchildren list?


Custom data attributes on Fluent UI dropdown

I have a requirement to add custom data attributes to the Fluent UI dropdown.
In javascript/html I could add them like this.
option data-passign="true" data-minpt="3" data-maxpt="6" value="7">Data Quality</option
Can someone help me achieve this in Fluent UI + React?
In FluentUI/React, it's much easier than that, no need for data- attributes, you can just add your custom data directly to the options list (and get it back in the event handlers, or as the selected value if you are using "controlled" scenario). Means, if you don't have a specific requirement to store additional item data in the HTML data attributes for "something else" (like ui-automation tool), then you could go with something like this (note the data property):
const YourComponent = (props) => {
const options = [
{ key: '7',
text: 'Data Quality',
data: { passign: true, minpt: 3, maxpt: 7 }
{ key: '42',
text: 'Weather Quality',
data: { passign: true, minpt: 100500, maxpt: 42 }
const onChange = (evt, item) => {
const itemData =;
console.log(item.key, item.text, itemData);
return (
label="Select something"
If you want a "controlled" control instead (this one is "uncontrolled"), check out the sample page for the Dropdown:

React update values only once

I have a newb question :)
I have a modal that opens in React Native with a dropdown select that requires values. I want to calculate the values whenever the modal opens.
let pickupTime; // Set a value that can be overwritten. I'm not using State because I want this value to change whenever I open the modal again.
const pickupTimeOptions = useRef([{ label: "", value: "" }]); // A ref to store the values
useEffect(() => {
const pickup_hours_today = business.pickup_hours_today; // Array of strings I pass to the modal.
console.log("pickup_hours_today", pickup_hours_today);
const options = => {
return {
label: time,
value: time,
pickupTimeOptions.current = options;
}, [business.pickup_hours_today]);
console.log("pickupTimeOptions", pickupTimeOptions); // Let's see if we got it
The problem is that the ref never updates. The log prints this:
pickupTimeOptions Object {
"current": Array [
Object {
"label": "",
"value": "",
pickup_hours_today Array [
... // the string array of hours
Should be updating the ref
pickupTimeOptions Object {
"current": Array [
Object {
"label": "",
"value": "",
pickup_hours_today Array [
Should be updating the ref
What am I doing wrong? Should I handle this differently? I don't mind using state, but when I tried, it kept updating it whenever I selected a different values with the dropdown picker.
If you look at the order of console logs, it'll explain what's happening.
This is printed first, meaning calculation in useEffect hasn't happened yet
console.log("pickupTimeOptions", pickupTimeOptions); // Let's see if we got it
According to the documentation useEffect is only called after the render. You need to do the calculation before or during the render cycle.
You can use useMemo which is executed during rendering. Refer to the documentation for more details
Your updated code should look something like this
let pickupTime; // Set a value that can be overwritten. I'm not using State because I want this value to change whenever I open the modal again.
const pickupTimeOptions = useMemo(() => {
const pickup_hours_today = business.pickup_hours_today; // Array of strings I pass to the modal.
console.log("pickup_hours_today", pickup_hours_today);
const options = => {
return {
label: time,
value: time,
return options;
}, [business.pickup_hours_today]);
console.log("pickupTimeOptions", pickupTimeOptions); // Let's see if we got it

react-semantic-redux-form selectField multiple

I am attempting to use react-semantic-redux-form SelectField with the multiple options so a user can select multiple options and if there is one already set then this should show as checked.
I am also using redux-form with semantic0ui-react.
I am getting an error attempting to include multiple selections.
My include statement is:
import { SelectField } from "react-semantic-redux-form";
My state is:
state = {
relationships: ["some entry"],
relationshipOptions: [],
The element code is:
label="Your Relationships"
placeholder="Select to add a relationship"
I get the error as below
Dropdown `value` must be an array when `multiple` is set. Received type: `[object String]`.
in Dropdown
The way you have relationshipOptions is wrong, it is supposed array of objects,
const relationshipOptions = [
{ key: "single", value: "single", text: "single" },
{ key: "married", value: "married", text: "married" }
Here is the working example, Code Sandbox
Also if you have single, married in array. You can do something like this,
let relationshipOptions = ["single", "married"].map((x) => {
return ({
key: x,
value: x,
text: x

How to model recursively nested data in state

I have a data structure typed like:
export interface IGroup {
id: number;
name: string;
groupTypeId: number;
items: IItem[];
groups: IGroup[];
Which recursively represents many to many relationships between a "Group" and a "Group" and an "Group" and an "Item". Groups are made up of items and child groups. An item derives to just a simple type and other meta data, but can have no children. A single group represents the top of the hierarchy.
I currently have components, hooks, etc to recursively take a single group and create an edit/create form as shown below:
I have this form "working" with test data to produce a standard data output as below on save:
"1-1": {
"name": "ParentGroup",
"groupType": 2
"2-4": {
"name": "ChildGroup1",
"groupType": 1
"2-9": {
"name": "ChildGroup2",
"groupType": 3
"2-1": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Testing",
"selectedClass": 5
"2-2": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "DisplayTest",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-4": {
"itemType": "EnumValue",
"selectedItem": {
"id": 12900503,
"name": "TRUE"
"3-5": {
"itemType": "EnumValue",
"selectedItem": {
"id": 12900502,
"name": "FALSE"
"3-9": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Test",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-10": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Tester",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-11": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "TestTest",
"selectedClass": 5
The "key" to these objects are the grid column and row since there are no other guaranteed unique identifiers (if the user is editing, then it is expected groups have ids in the db, but not if the user is adding new groups in the form. Otherwise, the name is an input form that can be changed.) It makes sense and it is easy to model the keys this way. If another group or item is added to the hierarchy, it can be added with its column and row.
The problem that I have is that I would love to be able to have an add button that would add to a groups items or group arrays so that new rows in the hierarchy could be created. My forms should handle these new entries.
"1-1": {
groups: [..., {}],
items: [..., {}]
But the only data structure that I have is the IGroup that is deeply nested. This is not good for using as state and to add to this deeply nested state.
The other problem I have is that I need to be able to map the items and groups to their position so that I can translate to the respective db many to many tables and insert new groups/items.
Proposed solution:
I was thinking that instead of taking a group into my recursive components, I could instead create normalized objects to use to store state. I would have one object keyed by column-row which would hold all the groups. Another keyed by column-row to hold all the items. Then I think I would need two more objects to hold many to many relationships like Group to Group and Group to Item.
After I get the data from the form, I hopefully can loop through these state objects, find the hierarchy that way and post the necessary data to the db.
I see that this is a lot of data structures to hold this data and I wasn't sure if this was the best way to accomplish this given my modeling structure. I have just started using Redux Toolkit as well, so I am somewhat familiar with reducers, but not enough to see how I could apply them here to help me. I have been really trying to figure this out, any help or guidance to make this easier would be much appreciated.
Go with normalizing. Each entity having a single source of truth makes it much easier to read and write state.
To do this, try normalized-reducer. It's a simple higher-order-reducer with a low learning curve.
Here is a working CodeSandbox example of it implementing a group/item composite tree very similar to your problem.
Basically, you would define the schema of your tree:
const schema = {
group: {
parentGroupId: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'one', reciprocal: 'childGroupIds' },
childGroupIds: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'many', reciprocal: 'parentGroupId' },
itemIds: { type: 'item', cardinality: 'many', reciprocal: 'groupId' }
item: {
groupId: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'one', reciprocal: 'itemIds' }
Then pass it into the library's top-level function:
import normalizedSlice from 'normalized-reducer';
export const {
} = normalizedSlice(schema);
Then wire up the reducer into your app (works with both React useReducer and the Redux store reducers), and use the selectors and actionCreators to read and write state.

How to bind values to dynamic controls in react

I am loading form controls dynamically by making 2 api calls. First api to get form control's list and second api to get data for the controls loaded previously.
First half works fine and i am able to load controls dynamically,
[{ id: 1, input: 'TextBox'},
{ id: 2, input: 'TextArea'}]
code: any, i: any) => {
switch (type.input) {
case 'TextBox':
return (<input type="text" id={}> />)
case 'TextArea':
return (<textarea itemType="text" id={}> />)}});
Above code works fine and I am able to create form controls.
Next part is binding value to the dynamic controls, I make another API call to get data and I should map id field and bind data
[{ id: 1, value: 'testTextBox'},
{ id: 2, value: 'testTextArea'}]
How can I bind data to the controls now?
I have tried using state, but not able to achieve that.
or i can update first schema and add value key to it after i get second api response
something like below,
fields = [{ id: 1, input: 'TextBox', value: 'testTextBox'},
{ id: 2, input: 'TextArea', value: 'testTextArea'}]
Please suggest how to loop and add value key to fields array?
create the controls binded to state as:
(<input type="text" id={}> value={}/>)
upon receiving the values set it in the state as:
this.setState({id: value});
