Bash; creating arrays which names are computed from other variables [duplicate] - arrays

This question already has an answer here:
Assign to a bash array variable indirectly, by dynamically constructed variable name
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
My goal is to create a list of partitions for each block device listed in /sys/block;
block_devices_list=($(ls /sys/block))
partition_list=($(cat /proc/partitions | awk '{print $4}'))
unset partition_list[0]
for block_device in ${block_devices_list[#]}; do
for partition in ${partition_list[#]}; do
partitions+=($(echo $partition | grep $block_device))
# Right here?
unset partitions
Every time the outside 'for loop' completes it's cycle it ends up with an array of partitions for a particular block device. At that point I would like to transfer that data to a separate array, dynamically named after the device it belongs to (like 'partitions_sda' for example).
I have read a few questions/answers about 'dynamic' variable names, 'associative' arrays and whatnot but don't seem to be able to figure this out. Any help much appreciated.

As a best-practices example (for bash 4.3 or newer):
for blockdev in /sys/block/*; do
devname=${blockdev##*/} # remove leading path elements
devname=${devname//-/_} # rename dashes in device name to underscores
declare -a "partitions_${devname}=()" # define an empty array
declare -n _current_partitions="partitions_$devname" # define a nameref
for part in "$blockdev"/*/dev; do # iterate over partitions
[[ -e $part ]] || continue # skip if no matches
part=${part%/dev} # strip trailing /dev
_current_partitions+=( "${part##*/}" ) # add match via nameref
unset -n _current_partitions # clear the nameref
declare -p "partitions_$devname" # print our resulting array
For my local test VM, this emits:
declare -a partitions_dm_0=()
declare -a partitions_dm_1=()
declare -a partitions_sda=([0]="sda1" [1]="sda2")
declare -a partitions_sdb=()
declare -a partitions_sr0=()
...which is correct, as sda is the only partitioned device.
The basic mechanism here is the nameref: declare -n name1=name2 will allow one to refer to the variable name2 under the name name1, including updates or assignments, until unset -n name1 is performed.

Not sure I understood what you are trying to do but this is an example that you can, maybe, start with:
list1=(a b c)
list2=(j k l)
for x in ${list1[#]}; do
for y in ${list2[#]}; do
cmd="declare -a list_${x}=(${tmplist[#]})"
eval $cmd
unset tmplist
echo "list_a: ${list_a[#]}"
echo "list_b: ${list_b[#]}"
echo "list_c: ${list_c[#]}"
It shows how to create arrays which names are computed from other variables, how to unset a temporary array...

I would create two types of arrays. One for containing disk names, then different arrays for each disk for storing partition specific information.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while read -r l; do
t="${l#* }"
if [[ $t == "disk" ]]; then
# disks list contains all the disk names
disks+="${l% *} "
elif [[ $t == "part" ]]; then
# for each disk 'XXX', a separate partitions array 'parts_XXX' is created
[[ $l =~ [^a-z0-9]*([a-z]*)([0-9]*)\ ]] && d="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" && p="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
eval parts_$d+=\"my-value=\$d\$p \" # append to partitians array
echo "unknown type $t in $l"
exit 1
done <<< $(lsblk -n --output=NAME,TYPE | tr -s ' ')
# arrays are created. now iterate them
for i in ${disks[#]}; do
echo "iterating partitions of disk: $i"
# following is the name of the current disks partitions array
# iterate partitians array of the current disk
for j in ${!var}; do
echo ">> $j"


Array not expanding when using in if

i am creating a script that will help updating the GoLang compile binary in a GNU/Linux system.
but it fail
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# set -e
# ==============================================================================
# title : Semi Automatic Update GoLang
# description : Script for Install, setup path, permission and update golang
# author : Walddys Emmanuel Dorrejo Céspedes
# usage : bash
# notes : Execute this Script will ask sudo password
# dependencies : wget awk sed curl tar
# ==============================================================================
## Get Golang Versions from repository
declare -a go_jversion go_sversion
readarray -t go_jversion < <(curl -s | grep -Eo "go[0-9]\.[^\"]+" | sort -V)
## Delete go_versions RC and Beta from the pool.
for i in "${!go_jversion[#]}"; do
if [[ "${go_jversion[i]}" =~ (rc|beta) ]]; then
unset "go_jversion[i]"
unset go_sversion # Not allow to grow indefinitely the pool when re-execute the scripts
for i in "${!go_jversion[#]}"; do
set -vx
## Create an array of the stables versions (Those versions that repeat more than or equal to 2 are stables)
# if [[ "${go_jversion[i]}" == "${go_jversion[i + 1]}" ]] && [[ "${go_sversion[i - 1]}" != "${go_jversion[i + 1]}" ]]; then
# go_sversion+=("${go_jversion[i]}")
# fi
In this section i am comparing major version + minimum version, to exclude the patch version of the array, but the condition after the "&&", the array "${go_sversion[$i -1]}" is expanding null in each cycle of the loop, when i am assigning a value in a cycle before.
## Create an array of the stables versions (Those versions that repeat more than or equal to 2 are stables) (second version)
if [[ "${go_jversion[$i]}" == "${go_jversion[$i + 1]}" && "${go_sversion[$i - 1]}" != "${go_jversion[$i]}" ]]; then
echo "${!go_sversion[$i]}"
set +vx
echo "${go_sversion[#]}"
echo "${!go_sversion[#]}"
My issue is in the section where "${go_sversion[$i -1]}", why is not expanding?
assign value to "${go_sversion[$i -1]}" the value display in the next cycle of the loop
Arrays in bash are allowed to be sparse, meaning their indices are not required to be strictly sequential. For example:
arr=(1 2 3)
echo "${arr[#]}" # prints 1 2 3
echo "${!arr[#]}" # prints 0 1 2
unset arr\[1\]
echo "${arr[#]}" # prints 1 3
echo "${!arr[#]}" # prints 0 2
When you unset the RC and Beta values you could be creating these types of gaps in your jversion array, but you're assigning to the sversion array sequentially. This means the indices do not align between the arrays.
If your jversion looks like my array above, you might put something into sversion[0] from jversion[0], then process jversion[2] and attempt to match it against sversion[1] which doesn't exist yet.
One simple way to de-sparsify the array is to reassign it:
go_jversion=( "${go_jversion[#]}" )
This will reassign the contents of the array to itself in sequential order without any gaps in the indices.
If this is unviable for some reason, you'll have to write code that is aware of the possible sparseness of the array. For example, instead of blinding looking at go_sversion[i-1] you could look at go_sversion[-1] which will always give you the last item in the array.

How do you unset all empty array elements in bash? [duplicate]

I need to remove an element from an array in bash shell.
Generally I'd simply do:
array=("${(#)array:#<element to remove>}")
Unfortunately the element I want to remove is a variable so I can't use the previous command.
Down here an example:
array( ${array[#]/$delete} ) -> but clearly doesn't work because of {}
Any idea?
The following works as you would like in bash and zsh:
$ array=(pluto pippo)
$ delete=pluto
$ echo ${array[#]/$delete}
$ array=( "${array[#]/$delete}" ) #Quotes when working with strings
If need to delete more than one element:
$ delete=(pluto pippo)
for del in ${delete[#]}
array=("${array[#]/$del}") #Quotes when working with strings
This technique actually removes prefixes matching $delete from the elements, not necessarily whole elements.
To really remove an exact item, you need to walk through the array, comparing the target to each element, and using unset to delete an exact match.
array=(pluto pippo bob)
for target in "${delete[#]}"; do
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do
if [[ ${array[i]} = $target ]]; then
unset 'array[i]'
Note that if you do this, and one or more elements is removed, the indices will no longer be a continuous sequence of integers.
$ declare -p array
declare -a array=([0]="pluto" [2]="bob")
The simple fact is, arrays were not designed for use as mutable data structures. They are primarily used for storing lists of items in a single variable without needing to waste a character as a delimiter (e.g., to store a list of strings which can contain whitespace).
If gaps are a problem, then you need to rebuild the array to fill the gaps:
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do
new_array+=( "${array[i]}" )
unset new_array
You could build up a new array without the undesired element, then assign it back to the old array. This works in bash:
array=(pluto pippo)
for value in "${array[#]}"
[[ $value != pluto ]] && new_array+=($value)
unset new_array
This yields:
echo "${array[#]}"
This is the most direct way to unset a value if you know it's position.
$ array=(one two three)
$ echo ${#array[#]}
$ unset 'array[1]'
$ echo ${array[#]}
one three
$ echo ${#array[#]}
This answer is specific to the case of deleting multiple values from large arrays, where performance is important.
The most voted solutions are (1) pattern substitution on an array, or (2) iterating over the array elements. The first is fast, but can only deal with elements that have distinct prefix, the second has O(n*k), n=array size, k=elements to remove. Associative array are relative new feature, and might not have been common when the question was originally posted.
For the exact match case, with large n and k, possible to improve performance from O(nk) to O(n+klog(k)). In practice, O(n) assuming k much lower than n. Most of the speed up is based on using associative array to identify items to be removed.
Performance (n-array size, k-values to delete). Performance measure seconds of user time
N K New(seconds) Current(seconds) Speedup
1000 10 0.005 0.033 6X
10000 10 0.070 0.348 5X
10000 20 0.070 0.656 9X
10000 1 0.043 0.050 -7%
As expected, the current solution is linear to N*K, and the fast solution is practically linear to K, with much lower constant. The fast solution is slightly slower vs the current solution when k=1, due to additional setup.
The 'Fast' solution: array=list of input, delete=list of values to remove.
declare -A delk
for del in "${delete[#]}" ; do delk[$del]=1 ; done
# Tag items to remove, based on
for k in "${!array[#]}" ; do
[ "${delk[${array[$k]}]-}" ] && unset 'array[k]'
# Compaction
Benchmarked against current solution, from the most-voted answer.
for target in "${delete[#]}"; do
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do
if [[ ${array[i]} = $target ]]; then
unset 'array[i]'
Here's a one-line solution with mapfile:
$ mapfile -d $'\0' -t arr < <(printf '%s\0' "${arr[#]}" | grep -Pzv "<regexp>")
$ arr=("Adam" "Bob" "Claire"$'\n'"Smith" "David" "Eve" "Fred")
$ echo "Size: ${#arr[*]} Contents: ${arr[*]}"
Size: 6 Contents: Adam Bob Claire
Smith David Eve Fred
$ mapfile -d $'\0' -t arr < <(printf '%s\0' "${arr[#]}" | grep -Pzv "^Claire\nSmith$")
$ echo "Size: ${#arr[*]} Contents: ${arr[*]}"
Size: 5 Contents: Adam Bob David Eve Fred
This method allows for great flexibility by modifying/exchanging the grep command and doesn't leave any empty strings in the array.
Partial answer only
To delete the first item in the array
unset 'array[0]'
To delete the last item in the array
unset 'array[-1]'
To expand on the above answers, the following can be used to remove multiple elements from an array, without partial matching:
ARRAY=(one two onetwo three four threefour "one six")
TO_REMOVE=(one four)
for pkg in "${ARRAY[#]}"; do
for remove in "${TO_REMOVE[#]}"; do
if [[ ${pkg} == ${remove} ]]; then
if ${KEEP}; then
This will result in an array containing:
(two onetwo three threefour "one six")
Here's a (probably very bash-specific) little function involving bash variable indirection and unset; it's a general solution that does not involve text substitution or discarding empty elements and has no problems with quoting/whitespace etc.
delete_ary_elmt() {
local word=$1 # the element to search for & delete
local aryref="$2[#]" # a necessary step since '${!$2[#]}' is a syntax error
local arycopy=("${!aryref}") # create a copy of the input array
local status=1
for (( i = ${#arycopy[#]} - 1; i >= 0; i-- )); do # iterate over indices backwards
[[ $elmt == $word ]] && unset "$2[$i]" && status=0 # unset matching elmts in orig. ary
return $status # return 0 if something was deleted; 1 if not
array=(a 0 0 b 0 0 0 c 0 d e 0 0 0)
delete_ary_elmt 0 array
for e in "${array[#]}"; do
echo "$e"
# prints "a" "b" "c" "d" in lines
Use it like delete_ary_elmt ELEMENT ARRAYNAME without any $ sigil. Switch the == $word for == $word* for prefix matches; use ${elmt,,} == ${word,,} for case-insensitive matches; etc., whatever bash [[ supports.
It works by determining the indices of the input array and iterating over them backwards (so deleting elements doesn't screw up iteration order). To get the indices you need to access the input array by name, which can be done via bash variable indirection x=1; varname=x; echo ${!varname} # prints "1".
You can't access arrays by name like aryname=a; echo "${$aryname[#]}, this gives you an error. You can't do aryname=a; echo "${!aryname[#]}", this gives you the indices of the variable aryname (although it is not an array). What DOES work is aryref="a[#]"; echo "${!aryref}", which will print the elements of the array a, preserving shell-word quoting and whitespace exactly like echo "${a[#]}". But this only works for printing the elements of an array, not for printing its length or indices (aryref="!a[#]" or aryref="#a[#]" or "${!!aryref}" or "${#!aryref}", they all fail).
So I copy the original array by its name via bash indirection and get the indices from the copy. To iterate over the indices in reverse I use a C-style for loop. I could also do it by accessing the indices via ${!arycopy[#]} and reversing them with tac, which is a cat that turns around the input line order.
A function solution without variable indirection would probably have to involve eval, which may or may not be safe to use in that situation (I can't tell).
Using unset
To remove an element at particular index, we can use unset and then do copy to another array. Only just unset is not required in this case. Because unset does not remove the element it just sets null string to the particular index in array.
declare -a arr=('aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee')
unset 'arr[1]'
declare -a arr2=()
for element in "${arr[#]}"
echo "${arr[#]}"
echo "1st val is ${arr[1]}, 2nd val is ${arr[2]}"
echo "${arr2[#]}"
echo "1st val is ${arr2[1]}, 2nd val is ${arr2[2]}"
Output is
aa cc dd ee
1st val is , 2nd val is cc
aa cc dd ee
1st val is cc, 2nd val is dd
Using :<idx>
We can remove some set of elements using :<idx> also. For example if we want to remove 1st element we can use :1 as mentioned below.
declare -a arr=('aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee')
echo "${arr2[#]}"
echo "1st val is ${arr2[1]}, 2nd val is ${arr2[2]}"
Output is
bb cc dd ee
1st val is cc, 2nd val is dd
${PARAMETER#PATTERN} # remove from beginning
${PARAMETER##PATTERN} # remove from the beginning, greedy match
${PARAMETER%PATTERN} # remove from the end
${PARAMETER%%PATTERN} # remove from the end, greedy match
In order to do a full remove element, you have to do an unset command with an if statement. If you don't care about removing prefixes from other variables or about supporting whitespace in the array, then you can just drop the quotes and forget about for loops.
See example below for a few different ways to clean up an array.
options=("foo" "bar" "foo" "foobar" "foo bar" "bars" "bar")
# remove bar from the start of each element
# options=("foo" "" "foo" "foobar" "foo bar" "s" "")
# remove the complete string "foo" in a for loop
for ((i = 0; i < count; i++)); do
if [ "${options[i]}" = "foo" ] ; then
unset 'options[i]'
# options=( "" "foobar" "foo bar" "s" "")
# remove empty options
# note the count variable can't be recalculated easily on a sparse array
for ((i = 0; i < count; i++)); do
# echo "Element $i: '${options[i]}'"
if [ -z "${options[i]}" ] ; then
unset 'options[i]'
# options=("foobar" "foo bar" "s")
# list them with select
echo "Choose an option:"
PS3='Option? '
select i in "${options[#]}" Quit
case $i in
Quit) break ;;
*) echo "You selected \"$i\"" ;;
Choose an option:
1) foobar
2) foo bar
3) s
4) Quit
Hope that helps.
There is also this syntax, e.g. if you want to delete the 2nd element :
array=("${array[#]:0:1}" "${array[#]:2}")
which is in fact the concatenation of 2 tabs. The first from the index 0 to the index 1 (exclusive) and the 2nd from the index 2 to the end.
POSIX shell script does not have arrays.
So most probably you are using a specific dialect such as bash, korn shells or zsh.
Therefore, your question as of now cannot be answered.
Maybe this works for you:
unset array[$delete]
What I do is:
array="$(echo $array | tr ' ' '\n' | sed "/itemtodelete/d")"
BAM, that item is removed.
This is a quick-and-dirty solution that will work in simple cases but will break if (a) there are regex special characters in $delete, or (b) there are any spaces at all in any items. Starting with:
Delete all entries exactly matching $delete:
array=(`echo $array | fmt -1 | grep -v "^${delete}$" | fmt -999999`)
resulting in
echo $array -> pippo, and making sure it's an array:
echo $array[1] -> pippo
fmt is a little obscure: fmt -1 wraps at the first column (to put each item on its own line. That's where the problem arises with items in spaces.) fmt -999999 unwraps it back to one line, putting back the spaces between items. There are other ways to do that, such as xargs.
Addendum: If you want to delete just the first match, use sed, as described here:
array=(`echo $array | fmt -1 | sed "0,/^${delete}$/{//d;}" | fmt -999999`)
Actually, I just noticed that the shell syntax somewhat has a behavior built-in that allows for easy reconstruction of the array when, as posed in the question, an item should be removed.
# let's set up an array of items to consume:
for (( i=0; i<10; i++ )); do
# here, we consume that array:
while (( ${#x[#]} )); do
i=$(( $RANDOM % ${#x[#]} ))
echo "${x[i]} / ${x[#]}"
x=("${x[#]:0:i}" "${x[#]:i+1}")
Notice how we constructed the array using bash's x+=() syntax?
You could actually add more than one item with that, the content of a whole other array at once.
In ZSH this is dead easy (note this uses more bash compatible syntax than necessary where possible for ease of understanding):
# I always include an edge case to make sure each element
# is not being word split.
start=(one two three 'four 4' five)
# How to remove a single element easily.
# Also works for associative arrays (at least in zsh)
echo "Array size went down by one: "
[[ $#work -eq $(($#start - 1)) ]] && echo "OK"
echo "Array item "$val" is now gone: "
[[ -z ${work[(r)$val]} ]] && echo OK
echo "Array contents are as expected: "
wanted=("${start[#]:0:1}" "${start[#]:2}")
[[ "${(j.:.)wanted[#]}" == "${(j.:.)work[#]}" ]] && echo "OK"
echo "-- array contents: start --"
print -l -r -- "-- $#start elements" ${(#)start}
echo "-- array contents: work --"
print -l -r -- "-- $#work elements" "${work[#]}"
Array size went down by one:
Array item two is now gone:
Array contents are as expected:
-- array contents: start --
-- 5 elements
four 4
-- array contents: work --
-- 4 elements
four 4
To avoid conflicts with array index using unset - see and for more information - reassign the array to itself: ARRAY_VAR=(${ARRAY_VAR[#]}).
ARRAY_VAR=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
unset ARRAY_VAR[5]
unset ARRAY_VAR[4]
echo ${ARRAY_VAR[#]}
for (( i=0; i<=$(( $A_LENGTH -1 )); i++ )) ; do
echo ""
echo "INDEX - $i"
echo "VALUE - ${ARRAY_VAR[$i]}"
exit 0
[Ref.: ]
How about something like:
array=(one two three)
array_t=" ${array[#]} "
array=(${array_t// $delete / })
unset array_t
echo "# define array with six elements"
arr=(zero one two three 'four 4' five)
echo "# unset by index: 0"
unset -v 'arr[0]'
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
arr_delete_by_content() { # value to delete
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do
[ "${arr[$i]}" = "$1" ] && unset -v 'arr[$i]'
echo "# unset in global variable where value: three"
arr_delete_by_content three
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
echo "# rearrange indices"
arr=( "${arr[#]}" )
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
delete_value() { # value arrayelements..., returns array decl.
local e val=$1; new=(); shift
for e in "${#}"; do [ "$val" != "$e" ] && new+=("$e"); done
declare -p new|sed 's,^[^=]*=,,'
echo "# new array without value: two"
declare -a arr="$(delete_value two "${arr[#]}")"
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
delete_values() { # arraydecl values..., returns array decl. (keeps indices)
declare -a arr="$1"; local i v; shift
for v in "${#}"; do
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do
[ "$v" = "${arr[$i]}" ] && unset -v 'arr[$i]'
declare -p arr|sed 's,^[^=]*=,,'
echo "# new array without values: one five (keep indices)"
declare -a arr="$(delete_values "$(declare -p arr|sed 's,^[^=]*=,,')" one five)"
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
# new array without multiple values and rearranged indices is left to the reader

Using Bash, is it possible to store an array in a dictionary

With bash, it is possible to store an array in a dictionary? I have shown some sample code of fetching an array from the dictionary but it seems to lose the fact that it is an array.
I expect it is the dict+=(["pos"]="${array[#]}") command but am unsure of how to do this or if it is even possible.
# Normal array behaviour (just an example)
array=(1 2 3)
for a in "${array[#]}"
echo "$a"
# Outputs:
# 1
# 2
# 3
# Array in a dictionary
declare -A dict
# When I fetch the array, it is not an array anymore
for a in "${posarray[#]}"
echo "$a"
# Outputs:
# 1 2 3
# but I want
# 1
# 2
# 3
No, but there are workarounds.
Using printf '%q ' + eval
You can flatten your array into a string:
printf -v array_str '%q ' "${array[#]}"
...and then use eval to expand that array back:
# WARNING: Only safe if array was populated with eval-safe strings, as from printf %q
key=pos; dest=array
printf -v array_cmd "%q=( %s )" "$dest" "${dict[$key]}"
eval "$array_cmd"
Note that this is only safe if your associative array is populated through the code using printf '%q ' to escape the values before they're added; content that avoids this process is potentially unsafe to eval.
Using base64 encoding
Slower but safer (if you can't prevent modification of your dictionary's contents by untrusted code), another approach is to store a base64-encoded NUL-delimited list:
dict["pos"]=$(printf '%s\0' "${array[#]}" | openssl enc base64)
...and read it out the same way:
array=( )
while IFS= read -r -d '' item; do
array+=( "$item" )
done < <(openssl enc -d base64 <<<"${dict["pos"]}"
Using Multiple Variables + Indirect Expansion
This one's actually symmetric, though it requires bash 4.3 or newer. That said, it restricts your key names to those which are permissible as shell variable names.
array=( "first value" "second value" )
printf -v var_name 'dict_%q' "$key"
declare -n var="$var_name"
var=( "${array[#]}" )
unset -n var
...whereafter declare -p dict_pos will emit declare -a dict_pos=([0]="first value" [1]="second value"). On the other end, for retrieval:
printf -v var_name 'dict_%q' "$key"
declare -n var="$var_name"
array=( "${var[#]}" )
unset -n var
...whereafter declare -p array will emit declare -a array=([0]="first value" [1]="second value").
Dictionaries are associative arrays, so the question rephrased is: "Is it possible to store an array inside another array?"
No, it's not. Arrays cannot be nested.
For this to work you'd need an extra set of parentheses to capture the value as an array and not a string:
But that's not legal syntax.

How to return an array in bash without using globals?

I have a function that creates an array and I want to return the array to the caller:
create_array() {
local my_list=("a", "b", "c")
echo "${my_list[#]}"
my_algorithm() {
local result=$(create_array)
With this, I only get an expanded string. How can I "return" my_list without using anything global?
With Bash version 4.3 and above, you can make use of a nameref so that the caller can pass in the array name and the callee can use a nameref to populate the named array, indirectly.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
create_array() {
local -n arr=$1 # use nameref for indirection
arr=(one "two three" four)
use_array() {
local my_array
create_array my_array # call function to populate the array
echo "inside use_array"
declare -p my_array # test the array
use_array # call the main function
Produces the output:
inside use_array
declare -a my_array=([0]="one" [1]="two three" [2]="four")
You could make the function update an existing array as well:
update_array() {
local -n arr=$1 # use nameref for indirection
arr+=("two three" four) # update the array
use_array() {
local my_array=(one)
update_array my_array # call function to update the array
This is a more elegant and efficient approach since we don't need command substitution $() to grab the standard output of the function being called. It also helps if the function were to return more than one output - we can simply use as many namerefs as the number of outputs.
Here is what the Bash Manual says about nameref:
A variable can be assigned the nameref attribute using the -n option
to the declare or local builtin commands (see Bash Builtins) to create
a nameref, or a reference to another variable. This allows variables
to be manipulated indirectly. Whenever the nameref variable is
referenced, assigned to, unset, or has its attributes modified (other
than using or changing the nameref attribute itself), the operation is
actually performed on the variable specified by the nameref variable’s
value. A nameref is commonly used within shell functions to refer to a
variable whose name is passed as an argument to the function. For
instance, if a variable name is passed to a shell function as its
first argument, running
declare -n ref=$1 inside the function creates a nameref variable ref
whose value is the variable name passed as the first argument.
References and assignments to ref, and changes to its attributes, are
treated as references, assignments, and attribute modifications to the
variable whose name was passed as $1.
What's wrong with globals?
Returning arrays is really not practical. There are lots of pitfalls.
That said, here's one technique that works if it's OK that the variable have the same name:
$ f () { local a; a=(abc 'def ghi' jkl); declare -p a; }
$ g () { local a; eval $(f); declare -p a; }
$ f; declare -p a; echo; g; declare -p a
declare -a a='([0]="abc" [1]="def ghi" [2]="jkl")'
-bash: declare: a: not found
declare -a a='([0]="abc" [1]="def ghi" [2]="jkl")'
-bash: declare: a: not found
The declare -p commands (except for the one in f() are used to display the state of the array for demonstration purposes. In f() it's used as the mechanism to return the array.
If you need the array to have a different name, you can do something like this:
$ g () { local b r; r=$(f); r="declare -a b=${r#*=}"; eval "$r"; declare -p a; declare -p b; }
$ f; declare -p a; echo; g; declare -p a
declare -a a='([0]="abc" [1]="def ghi" [2]="jkl")'
-bash: declare: a: not found
-bash: declare: a: not found
declare -a b='([0]="abc" [1]="def ghi" [2]="jkl")'
-bash: declare: a: not found
Bash can't pass around data structures as return values. A return value must be a numeric exit status between 0-255. However, you can certainly use command or process substitution to pass commands to an eval statement if you're so inclined.
This is rarely worth the trouble, IMHO. If you must pass data structures around in Bash, use a global variable--that's what they're for. If you don't want to do that for some reason, though, think in terms of positional parameters.
Your example could easily be rewritten to use positional parameters instead of global variables:
use_array () {
for idx in "$#"; do
echo "$idx"
create_array () {
local array=("a" "b" "c")
use_array "${array[#]}"
This all creates a certain amount of unnecessary complexity, though. Bash functions generally work best when you treat them more like procedures with side effects, and call them in sequence.
# Gather values and store them in FOO.
get_values_for_array () { :; }
# Do something with the values in FOO.
process_global_array_variable () { :; }
# Call your functions.
If all you're worried about is polluting your global namespace, you can also use the unset builtin to remove a global variable after you're done with it. Using your original example, let my_list be global (by removing the local keyword) and add unset my_list to the end of my_algorithm to clean up after yourself.
You were not so far out with your original solution. You had a couple of problems, you used a comma as a separator, and you failed to capture the returned items into a list, try this:
my_algorithm() {
local result=( $(create_array) )
create_array() {
local my_list=("a" "b" "c")
echo "${my_list[#]}"
Considering the comments about embedded spaces, a few tweaks using IFS can solve that:
my_algorithm() {
local result=( $(create_array) )
echo "Should be 'c d': ${result[1]}"
create_array() {
local my_list=("a b" "c d" "e f")
echo "${my_list[*]}"
Use the technique developed by Matt McClure:
Avoiding global variables means you can use the function in a pipe. Here is an example:
echo 'this is junk'
echo '#more junk and "b#d" characters!'
echo '!#$^%^&(*)_^&% ^$##:"<>?/.,\\"'"'"
local -a arr=()
# read each input and add it to arr
while read -r line
arr+=('"'"$line"'" is junk')
# output the array as a string in the "declare" representation
declare -p arr | sed -e 's/^declare -a [^=]*=//'
# processJunk returns the array in a flattened string ready for "declare"
# Note that because of the pipe processJunk cannot return anything using
# a global variable
returned_string="$(makeJunk | processJunk)"
# convert the returned string to an array named returned_array
# declare correctly manages spaces and bad characters
eval "declare -a returned_array=${returned_string}"
for junk in "${returned_array[#]}"
echo "$junk"
Output is:
"this is junk" is junk
"#more junk and "b#d" characters!" is junk
"!#$^%^&(*)_^&% ^$##:"<>?/.,\\"'" is junk
A pure bash, minimal and robust solution based on the 'declare -p' builtin — without insane global variables
This approach involves the following three steps:
Convert the array with 'declare -p' and save the output in a variable.
myVar="$( declare -p myArray )"
The output of the declare -p statement can be used to recreate the array.
For instance the output of declare -p myVar might look like this:
declare -a myVar='([0]="1st field" [1]="2nd field" [2]="3rd field")'
Use the echo builtin to pass the variable to a function or to pass it back from there.
In order to preserve whitspaces in array fields when echoing the variable, IFS is temporarly set to a control character (e.g. a vertical tab).
Only the right-hand-side of the declare statement in the variable is to be echoed - this can be achieved by parameter expansion of the form ${parameter#word}. As for the example above: ${myVar#*=}
Finally, recreate the array where it is passed to using the eval and the 'declare -a' builtins.
Example 1 - return an array from a function
# Example 1 - return an array from a function
function my-fun () {
# set up a new array with 3 fields - note the whitespaces in the
# 2nd (2 spaces) and 3rd (2 tabs) field
local myFunArray=( "1st field" "2nd field" "3rd field" )
# show its contents on stderr (must not be output to stdout!)
echo "now in $FUNCNAME () - showing contents of myFunArray" >&2
echo "by the help of the 'declare -p' builtin:" >&2
declare -p myFunArray >&2
# return the array
local myVar="$( declare -p myFunArray )"
local IFS=$'\v';
echo "${myVar#*=}"
# if the function would continue at this point, then IFS should be
# restored to its default value: <space><tab><newline>
IFS=' '$'\t'$'\n';
# main
# call the function and recreate the array that was originally
# set up in the function
eval declare -a myMainArray="$( my-fun )"
# show the array contents
echo ""
echo "now in main part of the script - showing contents of myMainArray"
echo "by the help of the 'declare -p' builtin:"
declare -p myMainArray
# end-of-file
Output of Example 1:
now in my-fun () - showing contents of myFunArray
by the help of the 'declare -p' builtin:
declare -a myFunArray='([0]="1st field" [1]="2nd field" [2]="3rd field")'
now in main part of the script - showing contents of myMainArray
by the help of the 'declare -p' builtin:
declare -a myMainArray='([0]="1st field" [1]="2nd field" [2]="3rd field")'
Example 2 - pass an array to a function
# Example 2 - pass an array to a function
function my-fun () {
# recreate the array that was originally set up in the main part of
# the script
eval declare -a myFunArray="$( echo "$1" )"
# note that myFunArray is local - from the bash(1) man page: when used
# in a function, declare makes each name local, as with the local
# command, unless the ‘-g’ option is used.
# IFS has been changed in the main part of this script - now that we
# have recreated the array it's better to restore it to the its (local)
# default value: <space><tab><newline>
local IFS=' '$'\t'$'\n';
# show contents of the array
echo ""
echo "now in $FUNCNAME () - showing contents of myFunArray"
echo "by the help of the 'declare -p' builtin:"
declare -p myFunArray
# main
# set up a new array with 3 fields - note the whitespaces in the
# 2nd (2 spaces) and 3rd (2 tabs) field
myMainArray=( "1st field" "2nd field" "3rd field" )
# show the array contents
echo "now in the main part of the script - showing contents of myMainArray"
echo "by the help of the 'declare -p' builtin:"
declare -p myMainArray
# call the function and pass the array to it
myVar="$( declare -p myMainArray )"
my-fun $( echo "${myVar#*=}" )
# if the script would continue at this point, then IFS should be restored
# to its default value: <space><tab><newline>
IFS=' '$'\t'$'\n';
# end-of-file
Output of Example 2:
now in the main part of the script - showing contents of myMainArray
by the help of the 'declare -p' builtin:
declare -a myMainArray='([0]="1st field" [1]="2nd field" [2]="3rd field")'
now in my-fun () - showing contents of myFunArray
by the help of the 'declare -p' builtin:
declare -a myFunArray='([0]="1st field" [1]="2nd field" [2]="3rd field")'
I recently discovered a quirk in BASH in that a function has direct access to the variables declared in the functions higher in the call stack. I've only just started to contemplate how to exploit this feature (it promises both benefits and dangers), but one obvious application is a solution to the spirit of this problem.
I would also prefer to get a return value rather than using a global variable when delegating the creation of an array. There are several reasons for my preference, among which are to avoid possibly disturbing an preexisting value and to avoid leaving a value that may be invalid when later accessed. While there are workarounds to these problems, the easiest is have the variable go out of scope when the code is finished with it.
My solution ensures that the array is available when needed and discarded when the function returns, and leaves undisturbed a global variable with the same name.
myarr=(global array elements)
myarr=( $( date +"%Y %m %d" ) )
declare -a myarr
get_an_array "myarr"
echo "New contents of local variable myarr:"
printf "%s\n" "${myarr[#]}"
echo "Original contents of global variable myarr:"
printf "%s\n" "${myarr[#]}"
echo "Confirm the global myarr was not touched:"
printf "%s\n" "${myarr[#]}"
Here is the output of this code:
When function request_array calls get_an_array, get_an_array can directly set the myarr variable that is local to request_array. Since myarr is created with declare, it is local to request_array and thus goes out of scope when request_array returns.
Although this solution does not literally return a value, I suggest that taken as a whole, it satisfies the promises of a true function return value.
Useful example: return an array from function
function Query() {
local _tmp=`echo -n "$*" | mysql 2>> zz.err`;
echo -e "$_tmp";
function StrToArray() {
IFS=$'\t'; set $1; for item; do echo $item; done; IFS=$oIFS;
sql="SELECT codi, bloc, requisit FROM requisits ORDER BY codi";
qry=$(Query $sql0);
for row in $qry; do
r=( $(StrToArray $row) );
echo ${r[0]} - ${r[1]} - ${r[2]};
I tried various implementations, and none preserved arrays that had elements with spaces ... because they all had to use echo.
# These implementations only work if no array items contain spaces.
use_array() { eval echo '(' \"\${${1}\[\#\]}\" ')'; }
use_array() { local _array="${1}[#]"; echo '(' "${!_array}" ')'; }
Then I came across Dennis Williamson's answer. I incorporated his method into the following functions so they can a) accept an arbitrary array and b) be used to pass, duplicate and append arrays.
# Print array definition to use with assignments, for loops, etc.
# varname: the name of an array variable.
use_array() {
local r=$( declare -p $1 )
r=${r#declare\ -a\ *=}
# Strip keys so printed definition will be a simple list (like when using
# "${array[#]}"). One side effect of having keys in the definition is
# that when appending arrays (i.e. `a1+=$( use_array a2 )`), values at
# matching indices merge instead of pushing all items onto array.
echo ${r//\[[0-9]\]=}
# Same as use_array() but preserves keys.
use_array_assoc() {
local r=$( declare -p $1 )
echo ${r#declare\ -a\ *=}
Then, other functions can return an array using catchable output or indirect arguments.
# catchable output
return_array_by_printing() {
local returnme=( "one" "two" "two and a half" )
use_array returnme
eval test1=$( return_array_by_printing )
# indirect argument
return_array_to_referenced_variable() {
local returnme=( "one" "two" "two and a half" )
eval $1=$( use_array returnme )
return_array_to_referenced_variable test2
# Now both test1 and test2 are arrays with three elements
I needed a similar functionality recently, so the following is a mix of the suggestions made by RashaMatt and Steve Zobell.
echo each array/list element as separate line from within a function
use mapfile to read all array/list elements echoed by a function.
As far as I can see, strings are kept intact and whitespaces are preserved.
function create-array() {
local somearray=("aaa" "bbb ccc" "d" "e f g h")
for elem in "${somearray[#]}"
echo "${elem}"
mapfile -t resa <<< "$(create-array)"
# quick output check
declare -p resa
Some more variations…
function create-array-from-ls() {
local somearray=("$(ls -1)")
for elem in "${somearray[#]}"
echo "${elem}"
function create-array-from-args() {
local somearray=("$#")
for elem in "${somearray[#]}"
echo "${elem}"
mapfile -t resb <<< "$(create-array-from-ls)"
mapfile -t resc <<< "$(create-array-from-args 'xxx' 'yy zz' 't s u' )"
sentenceA="create array from this sentence"
sentenceB="keep this sentence"
mapfile -t resd <<< "$(create-array-from-args ${sentenceA} )"
mapfile -t rese <<< "$(create-array-from-args "$sentenceB" )"
mapfile -t resf <<< "$(create-array-from-args "$sentenceB" "and" "this words" )"
# quick output check
declare -p resb
declare -p resc
declare -p resd
declare -p rese
declare -p resf
Here is a solution with no external array references and no IFS manipulation:
# add one level of single quotes to args, eval to remove
squote () {
local a=("$#")
a=("${a[#]//\'/\'\\\'\'}") # "'" => "'\''"
a=("${a[#]/#/\'}") # add "'" prefix to each word
a=("${a[#]/%/\'}") # add "'" suffix to each word
echo "${a[#]}"
create_array () {
local my_list=(a "b 'c'" "\\\"d
squote "${my_list[#]}"
my_algorithm () {
eval "local result=($(create_array))"
# result=([0]="a" [1]="b 'c'" [2]=$'\\"d\n')
[Note: the following was rejected as an edit of this answer for reasons that make no sense to me (since the edit was not intended to address the author of the post!), so I'm taking the suggestion to make it a separate answer.]
A simpler implementation of Steve Zobell's adaptation of Matt McClure's technique uses the bash built-in (since version == 4) readarray as suggested by RastaMatt to create a representation of an array that can be converted into an array at runtime. (Note that both readarray and mapfile name the same code.) It still avoids globals (allowing use of the function in a pipe), and still handles nasty characters.
For some more-fully-developed (e.g., more modularization) but still-kinda-toy examples, see bash_pass_arrays_between_functions. Following are a few easily-executable examples, provided here to avoid moderators b!tching about external links.
Cut the following block and paste it into a bash terminal to create /tmp/ and /tmp/
FP='/tmp/' # path to file to be created for `source`ing
cat << 'EOF' > "${FP}" # suppress interpretation of variables in heredoc
function make_junk {
echo 'this is junk'
echo '#more junk and "b#d" characters!'
echo '!#$^%^&(*)_^&% ^$##:"<>?/.,\\"'"'"
### Use 'readarray' (aka 'mapfile', bash built-in) to read lines into an array.
### Handles blank lines, whitespace and even nastier characters.
function lines_to_array_representation {
local -a arr=()
readarray -t arr
# output array as string using 'declare's representation (minus header)
declare -p arr | sed -e 's/^declare -a [^=]*=//'
FP1='/tmp/' # path to script to run
cat << 'EOF' > "${FP1}" # suppress interpretation of variables in heredoc
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source '/tmp/' # to reuse its functions
returned_string="$(make_junk | lines_to_array_representation)"
eval "declare -a returned_array=${returned_string}"
for elem in "${returned_array[#]}" ; do
echo "${elem}"
chmod u+x "${FP1}"
# newline here ... just hit Enter ...
Run /tmp/ output should be
this is junk
#more junk and "b#d" characters!
!#$^%^&(*)_^&% ^$##:"<>?/.,\\"'
Note lines_to_array_representation also handles blank lines. Try pasting the following block into your bash terminal:
FP2='/tmp/' # path to script to run
cat << 'EOF' > "${FP2}" # suppress interpretation of variables in heredoc
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source '/tmp/' # to reuse its functions
echo '`bash --version` the normal way:'
echo '--------------------------------'
bash --version
echo # newline
echo '`bash --version` via `lines_to_array_representation`:'
echo '-----------------------------------------------------'
bash_version="$(bash --version | lines_to_array_representation)"
eval "declare -a returned_array=${bash_version}"
for elem in "${returned_array[#]}" ; do
echo "${elem}"
echo # newline
echo 'But are they *really* the same? Ask `diff`:'
echo '-------------------------------------------'
echo 'You already know how to capture normal output (from `bash --version`):'
declare -r PATH_TO_NORMAL_OUTPUT="$(mktemp)"
bash --version > "${PATH_TO_NORMAL_OUTPUT}"
echo "normal output captured to file # ${PATH_TO_NORMAL_OUTPUT}"
echo # newline
echo 'Capturing L2AR takes a bit more work, but is not onerous.'
echo "Look # contents of the file you're about to run to see how it's done."
declare -r RAW_L2AR_OUTPUT="$(bash --version | lines_to_array_representation)"
declare -r PATH_TO_COOKED_L2AR_OUTPUT="$(mktemp)"
eval "declare -a returned_array=${RAW_L2AR_OUTPUT}"
for elem in "${returned_array[#]}" ; do
echo "${elem}" >> "${PATH_TO_COOKED_L2AR_OUTPUT}"
echo "output from lines_to_array_representation captured to file # ${PATH_TO_COOKED_L2AR_OUTPUT}"
echo # newline
echo 'So are they really the same? Per'
echo "\`diff -uwB "${PATH_TO_NORMAL_OUTPUT}" "${PATH_TO_COOKED_L2AR_OUTPUT}" | wc -l\`"
echo '... they are the same!'
chmod u+x "${FP2}"
# newline here ... just hit Enter ...
Run /tmp/ # commandline. Your output should be similar to mine:
`bash --version` the normal way:
GNU bash, version 4.3.30(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
`bash --version` via `lines_to_array_representation`:
GNU bash, version 4.3.30(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
But are they *really* the same? Ask `diff`:
You already know how to capture normal output (from `bash --version`):
normal output captured to file # /tmp/tmp.Ni1bgyPPEw
-rw------- 1 me me 308 Jun 18 16:27 /tmp/tmp.Ni1bgyPPEw
Capturing L2AR takes a bit more work, but is not onerous.
Look # contents of the file you're about to run to see how it's done.
output from lines_to_array_representation captured to file # /tmp/tmp.1D6O2vckGz
-rw------- 1 me me 308 Jun 18 16:27 /tmp/tmp.1D6O2vckGz
So are they really the same? Per
`diff -uwB /tmp/tmp.Ni1bgyPPEw /tmp/tmp.1D6O2vckGz | wc -l`
... they are the same!
There's no need to use eval or to change IFS to \n. There are at least 2 good ways to do this.
1) Using echo and mapfile
You can simply echo each item of the array in the function, then use mapfile to turn it into an array:
for i
echo "$i"
declare -a arr=( 'qq' 'www' 'ee rr' )
mapfile -t array < <(outputArray "${arr[#]}")
for i in "${array[#]}"
echo "i=$i"
To make it work using pipes, add (( $# == 0 )) && readarray -t temp && set "${temp[#]}" && unset temp to the top of output array. It converts stdin to parameters.
2) Using declare -p and sed
This can also be done using declare -p and sed instead of mapfile.
(( $# == 0 )) && readarray -t temp && set "${temp[#]}" && unset temp
for i; { echo "$i"; }
local -a arr=()
(( $# == 0 )) && readarray -t arr || for i; { arr+=("$i"); }
declare -p arr | sed -e 's/^declare -a [^=]*=//'
declare -a arr=( 'qq' 'www' 'ee rr' )
declare -a array=$(returnArray "${arr[#]}")
for i in "${array[#]}"
echo "i=$i"
declare -a array=$(outputArray "${arr[#]}" | returnArray)
for i in "${array[#]}"
echo "i=$i"
declare -a array < <(outputArray "${arr[#]}" | returnArray)
for i in "${array[#]}"
echo "i=$i"
This can also be done by simply passing array variable to the function and assign array values to this var then use this var outside of function. For example.
create_array() {
local __resultArgArray=$1
local my_list=("a" "b" "c")
eval $__resultArgArray="("${my_list[#]}")"
my_algorithm() {
create_array result
echo "Total elements in the array: ${#result[#]}"
for i in "${result[#]}"
echo $i
The easest way y found
array=(one two three)
echo ${array[#]}
echo ${result[0]}
echo ${result[1]}
echo ${result[2]}
You can also use the declare -p method more easily by taking advantage of declare -a's double-evaluation when the value is a string (no true parens outside the string):
# return_array_value returns the value of array whose name is passed in.
# It turns the array into a declaration statement, then echos the value
# part of that statement with parentheses intact. You can use that
# result in a "declare -a" statement to create your own array with the
# same value. Also works for associative arrays with "declare -A".
return_array_value () {
declare Array_name=$1 # namespace locals with caps to prevent name collision
declare Result
Result=$(declare -p $Array_name) # dehydrate the array into a declaration
echo "${Result#*=}" # trim "declare -a ...=" from the front
# now use it. test for robustness by skipping an index and putting a
# space in an entry.
declare -a src=([0]=one [2]="two three")
declare -a dst="$(return_array_value src)" # rehydrate with double-eval
declare -p dst
> declare -a dst=([0]="one" [2]="two three") # result matches original
Verifying the result, declare -p dst yields declare -a dst=([0]="one" [2]="two three")", demonstrating that this method correctly deals with both sparse arrays as well as entries with an IFS character (space).
The first thing is to dehydrate the source array by using declare -p to generate a valid bash declaration of it. Because the declaration is a full statement, including "declare" and the variable name, we strip that part from the front with ${Result#*=}, leaving the parentheses with the indices and values inside: ([0]="one" [2]="two three").
It then rehydrates the array by feeding that value to your own declare statement, one where you choose the array name. It relies on the fact that the right side of the dst array declaration is a string with parentheses that are inside the string, rather than true parentheses in the declare itself, e.g. not declare -a dst=( "true parens outside string" ). This triggers declare to evaluate the string twice, once into a valid statement with parentheses (and quotes in the value preserved), and another for the actual assignment. I.e. it evaluates first to declare -a dst=([0]="one" [2]="two three"), then evaluates that as a statement.
Note that this double evaluation behavior is specific to the -a and -A options of declare.
Oh, and this method works with associative arrays as well, just change -a to -A.
Because this method relies on stdout, it works across subshell boundaries like pipelines, as others have noted.
I discuss this method in more detail in my blog post
If your source data is formatted with each list element on a separate line, then the mapfile builtin is a simple and elegant way to read a list into an array:
$ list=$(ls -1 /usr/local) # one item per line
$ mapfile -t arrayVar <<<"$list" # -t trims trailing newlines
$ declare -p arrayVar | sed 's#\[#\n[#g'
declare -a arrayVar='(
Note that, as with the read builtin, you would not ordinarily* use mapfile in a pipeline (or subshell) because the assigned array variable would be unavailable to subsequent statements (* unless bash job control is disabled and shopt -s lastpipe is set).
$ help mapfile
mapfile: mapfile [-n count] [-O origin] [-s count] [-t] [-u fd] [-C callback] [-c quantum] [array]
Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.
Read lines from the standard input into the indexed array variable ARRAY, or
from file descriptor FD if the -u option is supplied. The variable MAPFILE
is the default ARRAY.
-n count Copy at most COUNT lines. If COUNT is 0, all lines are copied.
-O origin Begin assigning to ARRAY at index ORIGIN. The default index is 0.
-s count Discard the first COUNT lines read.
-t Remove a trailing newline from each line read.
-u fd Read lines from file descriptor FD instead of the standard input.
-C callback Evaluate CALLBACK each time QUANTUM lines are read.
-c quantum Specify the number of lines read between each call to CALLBACK.
ARRAY Array variable name to use for file data.
If -C is supplied without -c, the default quantum is 5000. When
CALLBACK is evaluated, it is supplied the index of the next array
element to be assigned and the line to be assigned to that element
as additional arguments.
If not supplied with an explicit origin, mapfile will clear ARRAY before
assigning to it.
Exit Status:
Returns success unless an invalid option is given or ARRAY is readonly or
not an indexed array.
You can try this
my_algorithm() {
create_array list
for element in "${list[#]}"
echo "${element}"
create_array() {
local my_list=("1st one" "2nd two" "3rd three")
eval "${1}=()"
for element in "${my_list[#]}"
eval "${1}+=(\"${element}\")"
The output is
1st one
2nd two
3rd three
I'd suggest piping to a code block to set values of an array. The strategy is POSIX compatible, so you get both Bash and Zsh, and doesn't run the risk of side effects like the posted solutions.
i=0 # index for our new array
declare -a arr # our new array
# pipe from a function that produces output by line
ls -l | { while read data; do i=$i+1; arr[$i]="$data"; done }
# example of reading that new array
for row in "${arr[#]}"; do echo "$row"; done
This will work for zsh and bash, and won't be affected by spaces or special characters. In the case of the OP, the output is transformed by echo, so it is not actually outputting an array, but printing it (as others mentioned shell functions return status not values). We can change it to a pipeline ready mechanism:
create_array() {
local my_list=("a", "b", "c")
for row in "${my_list[#]}"; do
echo "$row"
my_algorithm() {
declare -a result
create_array | { while read data; do i=$i+1; result[$i]="$data"; done }
If so inclined, one could remove the create_array pipeline process from my_algorithm and chain the two functions together
create_array | my_algorithm
A modern Bash implementation using #Q to safely output array elements:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
return_array_elements() {
local -a foo_array=('1st one' '2nd two' '3rd three')
printf '%s\n' "${foo_array[#]#Q}"
use_array_elements() {
local -a bar_array="($(return_array_elements))"
# Display declareation of bar_array
# which is local to this function, but whose elements
# hahaves been returned by the return_array_elements function
declare -p bar_array
declare -a bar_array=([0]="1st one" [1]="2nd two" [2]="3rd three")
While the declare -p approach is elegant indeed, you can still create a global array using declare -g within a function and have it visible outside the scope of the function:
create_array() {
declare -ag result=("a", "b", "c")
my_algorithm() {
echo "${result[#]}"

Deleting specific values from an array in ksh

I have a customized .profile that I use in ksh and below is a function that I created to skip back and forth from directories with overly complicated or long names.
As you can see, the pathnames are stored in an array (BOOKMARKS[]) to keep track of them and reference them at a later time. I want to be able to delete certain values from the array, using a case statement (or OPTARG if necessary) so that I can just type bmk -d # to remove the path at the associated index.
I have fiddled around with array +A and -A, but it just wound up screwing up my array (what is left in the commented out code may not be pretty...I didn't proofread it).
Any suggestions/tips on how to create that functionality? Thanks!
# To bookmark the current directory you are in for easy navigation back and forth from multiple non-aliased directories
# Use like 'bmk' (sets the current directory to a bookmark number) to go back to this directory, i.e. type 'bmk 3' (for the 3rd)
# To find out what directories are linked to which numbers, type 'bmk -l' (lowercase L)
# For every new directory bookmarked, the number will increase so the first time you run 'bmk' it will be 1 then 2,3,4...etc. for every consecutive run therea
# TODO: finish -d (delete bookmark entry) function
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
case $1 in
while [[ ${COUNTER} -lt ${NUM_OF_ELEMENTS} ]]
(( ACTUAL_NUM=i+1 ))
echo ${ACTUAL_NUM}":"${BOOKMARKS[${i}]}
break ;;
#-d) ACTUAL_NUM=$2
#echo "Removing path ${BOOKMARKS[${REMOVE}]} from 'bmk'..."
#while [[ ${NUM_OF_ELEMENTS} -gt 0 ]]
#if [[ ${NUM_OF_ELEMENTS} -ne ${ACTUAL_NUM} ]]; then
# TEMP_ARR=$(echo "${BOOKMARKS[*]}")
#echo $TEMP_ARR
#for VALUE in ${TEMP_ARR}
#echo ${BOOKMARK[*]}
#break ;;
*) (( INDEX=$1-1 ))
break ;;
Arrays in the Korn shell (and Bash and others) are sparse, so if you use unset to delete members of the array, you won't be able to use the size of the array as an index to the last member and other limitations.
Here are some useful snippets (the second for loop is something you might be able to put to use right away):
array=(1 2 3)
unset array[2]
echo ${array[2]} # null
indices=(${!array[#]}) # create an array of the indices of "array"
size=${#indices[#]} # the size of "array" is the number of indices into it
size=${#array[#]} # same
echo ${array[#]: -1} # you can use slices to get array elements, -1 is the last one, etc.
for element in ${array[#]}; do # iterate over the array without an index
for index in ${indices[#]} # iterate over the array WITH an index
echo "Index: ${index}, Element: ${array[index]}"
for index in ${!array[#]} # iterate over the array WITH an index, directly
That last one can eliminate the need for a counter.
Here are a couple more handy techniques:
array+=("new element") # append a new element without referring to an index
((counter++)) # shorter than ((counter=counter+1)) or ((counter+=1))
if [[ $var == 3 ]] # you can use the more "natural" comparison operators inside double square brackets
while [[ $var < 11 ]] # another example
echo ${array[${index}-1] # math inside an array subscript
This all assumes ksh93, some things may not work in earlier versions.
you can use unset. eg to delete array element 1
unset array[0]
to delete entire array
unset array
A few caveats regarding the previous answer:
First: I see this error all the time. When you provide an array element to "unset", you have to quote it. Consider:
$ echo foo > ./a2
$ ls a[2]
$ a2="Do not delete this"
$ a=(this is not an array)
$ unset -v a[2]
$ echo "a2=${a2-UNSET}, a[]=${a[#]}"
a2=UNSET a[]=this is not an array
What happened? Globbing. You obviously wanted to delete element 2 of a[], but shell syntax being what it is, the shell first checked the current directory for a file that matched the glob pattern "a[2]". If it finds a match, it replaces the glob pattern with that filename, and you wind up making a decision about which variable to delete based on what files exist in your current directory.
This is profoundly stupid. But it's not something anyone has bothered to fix, apparently, and the error turns up in all kinds of documentation and example code from the last 3 decades.
Next is a related problem: it's easy to insert elements in your associative array with any key you like. But it's harder to remove these elements:
typeset -A assoc
key="foo] bar"
assoc[$key]=3 #No problem!
unset -v "assoc[$key]" #Problem!
In bash you can do this:
unset -v "assoc[\$key]"
In Korn Shell, you have to do this:
unset -v "assoc[foo\]\ bar]"
So it gets a bit more complicated in the case where your keys contain syntax characters.
