ng-repeat active class with different style - angularjs

I am creating a list of offers with ng-repeat. Depending of each offer status, they should have different colors and, when active, it should have a different specific status as well. The active logic works well, but what is happening now, is that they all render as true, so they're all the same color. Feel free if you have any other ideas of doing this.
This is what I see when I inspect, after it renders:
ng-class="{'offer card-active-false card row text-left': currentOfferId ===, 'offer card card-false row text-left': currentOfferId !==}" class="offer card card-true row text-left"
Here is what I have on HTML:
<div ng-repeat="offer in $parent.offersList track by $index">
<button ng-click="$ctrl.setCurrentOffer(offer)">
<div ng-if="" ng-class="{'offer card-active-{{offer.status}} card row text-left': currentOfferId ===, 'offer card card-{{offer.status}} row text-left': currentOfferId !==}">
//then I have my divs
.card-true {
background-color: #00FF44;
.card-false {
background-color: #C4C4CC;
.card- {
background-color: yellow;
.card-active-true {
background-color: #fff!important;
border-color: #00FF44;
.card-active-false {
background-color: #fff!important;
border-color: gray;
.card-active- {
background-color: #fff!important;
border-color: yellow;

Put classes that always need to be present in a normal class attribute.
Then simplify the classes you need and separate them so you don't have to over-complicate the logic. My suggestions may be off, but it should look something like this:
card-status-... - driven by offer.status
card-active - driven by `currentOfferId ==='
Then you could easily put the logic in ngClass, which lets you specify an array whose members can be strings that represent class names or objects whose keys are class names and whose boolean values indicate whether the class should be included. Like so:
<div class="offer card row text-left"
'card-status-' + offer.status,
{'card-active' : currentOfferId ===}
Now in your CSS you can set up those classes by combining selectors:
.card {
background-color: yellow;
.card-status-true {
background-color: #00FF44;
.card-status-false {
background-color: #C4C4CC;
.card.card-active {
background-color: #fff !important;
border-color: yellow;
.card.card-active.card-status-true {
background-color: #fff !important;
border-color: #00FF44;
.card.card-active.card-status-false {
background-color: #fff !important;
border-color: gray;

Here is my solution, remove the complicated logic, which is obviously not binding properly inside the ng-class, it will only confuse and its not worth the time.
Note: I have used $scope variables instead of this, please use the GIST of the JSFiddle I'm sharing and try to build your code, I am unsure of the color requirements, please check and tell me if the code resolves your issue.
JSFiddle Demo
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('MyController', function MyController($scope) {
$scope.offersList = [{id:1, status: false}, {id:2, status: false}, {id:3, status: false}, {id:4, status: false}];
$scope.currentOfferId = 0;
$scope.currentOfferId = $scope.offersList[index].id;
$scope.offersList[index].status = !$scope.offersList[index].status;
$scope.filterClass = function(offer){
var bool = offer.status ? 'true' : 'false';
if($scope.currentOfferId ==={
return 'offer card-active-'+bool;
return 'offer card card-'+bool;

It's not completely clear which classes you want applied to which situation. You need to hand ng-class an array with each separate condition, this was probably the root of your problem.
You can also use ternary for this (angular v.1.1.4+ introduced support for ternary operator) which makes things look a little neater:
<div ng-class="[ ===currentOfferId ? 'card-active-true' : 'card-active-false',
offer.status ? 'card-active-true' : 'card-false' ]"
class="offer card row text-left" >


Getting ClassList value of null when toggling mobile menu

I'm working on building a responsive mobile navigation menu, and ran into an error with toggling open/close
The way I decided to go about it is to add className="show" that has a property of display: block to what's currently active, and className="hide" with a property of display: none.
This is my set up:
import {MenuOpen, MenuClose} from '../assets/AssetsIndex';
function menuActive() {
let menu = document.getElementById('mobile-menu');
let menuOpen = document.getElementById('menu-open');
let menuClose = document.getElementById('menu-close');
menu.classList.contains('active') ? open() : close();
function close() {
menuOpen.classList.add('hide'); = 'translateX(0%)';
function open() {
menuClose.classList.add('hide'); = 'translateX(100%)';
Initializing the menu icon with the class name:
<MenuOpen className='menu show' onClick={menuActive} id='menu-resting' />
<MenuClose className='menu hide' onClick={menuActive} id='menu-open' />
.menu {
cursor: pointer;
margin: 0 auto;
position: absolute;
right: 2%;
z-index: 100;
&:hover path {
fill: #fff;
path {
fill: #fff;
.show {
display: block;
.hide {
display: none;
I went about displaying the menu container in the same way, so I'm not sure why I can't do the same with an SVG element. I've tried adding the properties with JS but ran into the same issue of the property value is null.
If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong that would be greatly appreciated.
There is no element with id menu-close in your code. Probably a typo. Assuming id prop of the MenuClose component is the id of the underlying element you have menu-open there.
Also, I would suggest using state hook for controlling whether the Menu is open or closed.

Apply rowStyleClass to every row in PrimeReact DataTable

I have data and each row/user is formatted something like this:
first: <string>
active: <bool>
I wish to apply a background color to the entire row if active property is false. Currently I have this, to try to get style applied to every row
rowClassName = (rowData) => {
return {'greyed' : true}; //will be {'greyed': !} but this is for demonstration
<DataTable value={this.props.users.toJS()} //in render
<Column field="first" header="First" filter={true}/>
.greyed{ //in css
background-color: red;
which is only applying the style to every other row (see picture)
Any ideas on what I should try? i posted this question on the primeFaces forum 3 days ago and never got a response:
I just ran into this problem while trying out PrimeReact. My issue turned out to be that the default selector that sets the row background was more specific than my own.
This is the default:
body .p-datatable .p-datatable-tbody > tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
so just having
.specialRowColor { background-color: 'blue' }
is not specific enough to override the default. Instead I needed to do this in my css:
.p-datatable .p-datatable-tbody .specialRowColor {
background-color: blue;
Solved by overriding the css like this
.ui-datatable tbody > tr.ui-widget-content.greyed {
background-color: #808080;

Combining CSS Selector * with last-of-type

I want to use both [href*="foo"] and :last-of-type. I can't find a combination that works. The output is like:
Artist Name
.tags a[href*="genre"]:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 1rem; }
I want to style some bottom margin on the last "artist" and the last "genre". Here's a fiddle: Note that the margin-bottom for Artist and the last Genre are what I want, but not the margin-bottom for the first Genre.
Can anybody point me to how to remove the margin-bottom from all but the last Genre?
The solution is the totally underappreciated + combinator.
With this, we can give some selector a style, and then reset the style for the same selector if it occurs again directly after. In other words, give the style only to the first element with this class.
.tags a { display: block; }
.tags a[href*="genre"] { margin-top: 1rem; }
.tags a[href*="genre"] + a[href*="genre"] { margin-top: 0; }
.tags a[href*="topic"] { margin-top: 1rem; }
.tags a[href*="topic"] + a[href*="topic"] { margin-top: 0; }
<div class="tags">
Artist: Glad
Genre: A Capella
Genre: Hymns
Topic: Faith
Topic: God
Topic: Prayer
Or, if you are sure there won't be anything else in the div except the elements, you can shorten the css to something like this:
.tags a {display: block;}
.tags a:not([href*="genre"]) + a[href*="genre"],
.tags a:not([href*="topic"]) + a[href*="topic"] {margin-top: 1rem;}

How to use begin with selector in Less

I'm going to create a less code that will give different background-color to element depending on it's class. This will be for list of attachments, so class name is based on attachment extension.
I do support some typical extensions:
background-color: #c70000;
&.label-doc, &.label-docx, &.label-odt{
background-color: #157efb;
&.label-xls, &.label-xlsx, &.label-calc{
background-color: #069e00;
&.label-ppt, &.label-pptx, &.label-odp{
background-color: #9e3c15;
&.label-jpg, &.label-png, &.label-gif, &.label-png, &.label-ttf{
background-color: #95009e;
but the problem is with some unusual extensions, or even files like: jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, this is why I would like to use expression from CSS. In pure CSS I could use:
background-color: rgba(0,37,100,0.4);
And put this code at the beginning so other classes could override this one.
But unfortunately this sign ^ (I suppose) is breaking my Less compilation. I have been trying to do something like this:
background-color: rgba(0,37,100,0.4);
background-color: rgba(0,37,100,0.4);
But still not working. So is it possible to use this selector?
It is not working because your syntax seems to be wrong and not because of any issues with Less.
The below code is invalid because of the . present between the label and the class^="label-"]. Attribute selectors do not require a . before them. It is necessary only for class selectors.
background-color: rgba(0,37,100,0.4);
The correct version would be the following:
background-color: rgba(0,37,100,0.4);
and so in Less terms, if you want nesting, it would be as follows:
background-color: rgba(0,37,100,0.4);
.label.[class^="label-"] { /* this won't work */
background-color: rgba(0, 37, 100, 0.4);
.label[class^="label-"] { /* this will */
color: green;
<label class='label-a label'>Label A</label>
<label class='label-b label'>Label B</label>
Another thing to note is that the ^= is a starts with selector and so when your element has more than one class, the class that resembles label- should be the first class in the list and not the label. If we make the label as the first class then (like seen in below snippet) it won't work because then the class doesn't start with label-.
If the first class in the list is indeed label then you should consider using the *= (contains) selector. But be careful when using the contains selector because it will sometimes select unintended elements like those with class label-not, not-label etc.
.label.[class^="label-"] { /* this won't work */
background-color: rgba(0, 37, 100, 0.4);
.label[class^="label-"] { /* this won't too */
color: green;
.label[class*="label-"] { /* this will */
border: 1px solid green;
<label class='label label-a'>Label A</label>
<label class='label label-b'>Label B</label>
I have same problem. I use this in less file.
[class^="customForm-"] { ... }
But for my HTML it does not works.
<div class="form form-01 customForm-radioList">...</div>
The problem is in tha fact that string "form form-01 customForm-radioList" does not starts with "customForm-" it starts with "form".
Use contains selector W3 school.
[class*="customForm-"] { ... }

How can I animate the movement of remaining ng-repeat items when one is removed?

I have a dynamic list of items using ng-repeat. When something happens an item may disappear. I have handled smoothly animating the removal of these items using ng-animate, but after they are gone, the remaining items simply snap to their new position. How can I animate this movement smoothly?
I've tried applying an "all" transition to the repeated class and using ng-move with no success.
You can achieve this by animating the max-height property. Check out this sample:
You will need to pick a sufficiently high value for max-height (in my sample, I used 90px). When an item is initially being added, you want it to start off with 0 height (I'm also animating left to have the item slide in from the left, as well as opacity, but you can remove these if they don't jibe with what you're doing): {
-webkit-transition:0.5s linear all;
-moz-transition:0.5s linear all;
-o-transition:0.5s linear all;
transition:0.5s linear all;
max-height: 0;
opacity: 0;
left: -50px;
Then, you set the final values for these properties in the ng-enter-active rule: {
max-height: 90px;
opacity: 1;
left: 0;
Item removal is a bit trickier, as you will need to use keyframe-based animations. Again, you want to animate max-height, but this time you want to start off at 90px and decrease it down to 0. As the animation runs, the item will shrink, and all the following items will slide up smoothly.
First, define the animation that you will be using:
#keyframes my_animation {
from {
max-height: 90px;
opacity: 1;
left: 0;
to {
max-height: 0;
opacity: 0;
left: -50px;
(For brevity, I'm omitting the vendor-specific definitions here, #-webkit-keyframes, #-moz-keyframes, etc - check out the jsfiddle above for the full sample.)
Then, declare that you will be using this animation for ng-leave as follows: {
-webkit-animation:0.5s my_animation;
-moz-animation:0.5s my_animation;
-o-animation:0.5s my_animation;
animation:0.5s my_animation;
In case anyone is struggling with figuring out how to get AngularJS animations to work at all, here's an abbreviated guide.
First, to enable animation support, you will need to include an additional file, angular-animate.js, after you load up angular.js. E.g.:
<script type="text/javascript" src="angular-1.2/angular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="angular-1.2/angular-animate.js"></script>
Next, you will need to load ngAnimate by adding it to the list of your module's dependencies (in the 2nd parameter):
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngAnimate']);
Then, assign a class to your ng-repeat item. You will be using this class name to assign the animations. In my sample, I used repeated-item as the name:
<li ng-repeat="item in items" class="repeated-item">
Then, you define your animations in the CSS using the repeated-item class, as well as the special classes ng-enter, ng-leave, and ng-move that Angular adds to the item when it is being added, removed, or moved around.
The official documentation for AngularJS animations is here:
TLDR: Jank is bad, do animations with transform. Check out this fiddle for css and demo.
Note that animating height, max-height, top, ... is really bad performance wise because they cause reflows and thus jank (more information on html5rocks|high-performance-animations).
There is however a method getting this type of animation using only transforms by utilizing the sibling selector.
When elements are added there is one reflow because of the new item, all items below are transformed up so they stay at the same position and then the transformation is removed for a smooth slide-in.
In reverse when elements are removed they are transformed to the new position for a smooth slide-out and when the element is finally removed there is again one reflow and the transform is removed instantly so they stay at their position (this is also why it is important to only have transition set on ng-animate).
Alternatively to the example you could also do a transform: scaleY(0) on the deleted item and only transform: translateY() the siblings.
Note that this snippet has trouble when multiple elements are removed in quick succession (before the previous animation has completed).
This can be fixed by having an animation time faster than the time a user takes to delete another item or by doing some more work on the animation (out of scope of this answer).
Finally some code
Note: apparently SO breaks the demo with multiple deletes - check out the fiddle to see it in work.
angular.module('app', ['ngAnimate'])
.controller('testCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
var self = this;
self.items = [];
var i = 65;
for(; i < 72; i++)
self.items.push({ value: String.fromCharCode(i) });
self.addItem = function()
self.items.push({ value: String.fromCharCode(i) });
self.removeItemAt = function(index)
self.items.splice(index, 1);
height: 48px;
width: 300px;
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
background-color: white;
position: relative;
list-style: none;
}, ~ li {
transform: translateY(-100%);
}, ~ li {
transform: translateY(0);
} {
z-index: -1;
}, ~ li {
transition: transform 0.6s;
}, ~ li {
transform: translateY(0);
}, ~ li {
transform: translateY(-100%);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="testCtrl as ctrl">
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items" ng-bind="item.value">
<button ng-click="ctrl.addItem()">
<button ng-click="ctrl.removeItemAt(5)">
Remove at 5
