Dapper.contrib Insert - Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'object' - npgsql

.NET Core 1.1
On Postgresql 9.6
I am trying to use .InsertAsync extension method but getting error:
Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'object'
Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'object'
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object , String )
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object , String )
at PostgresAdapter.<InsertAsync>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
If I use normal .Insert method, everything works OK.
What could be the cause?

This is a bug: https://github.com/StackExchange/Dapper/pull/689
Which, looking at the issue tracker, is fixed but unreleased.
You could try building from the latest source, or applying just that particular fix yourself.


Error using installing MSSQL Server2014 using chef

I have window 2012 R2 based two VM machines.
One is using for Chef-workstation and other is for Chef-client.
I am trying to install MSSQL Server 2014 using chef-cmd from chef-workstation on chef-client.
Sometimes I am getting below error on chef-client while installing MSSQL Server.
check for instance name, got: 'MSSQLSERVER' Error: Action
threw an exception during execution.
There was an error generating the XML document. --->
There was an error generating the XML document. --->
System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the
XML document. --->
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.
at System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Protect(Byte[] userData,
Byte[] optionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope scope) at
Microsoft.SqlServer.Common.SqlSecureString.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
serializable, String name, String ns, Boolean isNullable, Boolean
wrapped) at
n, String ns, AgentConfigurationPublic o, Boolean isNullable, Boolean
needType) at
o) at
Error: Action
threw an exception during execution.
There was an error generating the XML document. --->
There was an error generating the XML document. --->
System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the
XML document. --->
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.
at System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Protect(Byte[] userData,
Byte[] optionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope scope) at
Microsoft.SqlServer.Common.SqlSecureString.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
For more information:

postgres insert string to numeric column - auto-typecast does not happen

There is a table in postgres DB test1 having schema :
We are using spring frameworks jdbcTemplate to insert data as below:
Object[] params = {"978","tour"};
jdbcTemplate.update("insert into test1 values (?,?)", params);
But this gives the exception :
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [insert into test1 values (?,?)]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "id" is of type integer but expression is of type character varying
ERROR: column "id" is of type integer but expression is of type character varying
This works for Oracle database through implicit type conversion, but postgres does nOt seem to work that way.
Could this be an issue with postgres driver?
A workaround would be to cast explicitly:
insert into test1 values (?::numeric ,?)
But is there better way to do the conversion as this does not seem like a good solution since there are lot of queries to be modified and also there can be other such casting issues too.
Is there some parameter that can be set at DB level to perform an auto cast?
We found the answer here
Storing json, jsonb, hstore, xml, enum, ipaddr, etc fails with "column "x" is of type json but expression is of type character varying"
A new connection propertyshould be added :
String url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("stringtype", "unspecified");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
"If stringtype is set to unspecified, parameters will be sent to the server as untyped values, and the server will attempt to infer an appropriate type. This is useful if you have an existing application that uses setString() to set parameters that are actually some other type, such as integers, and you are unable to change the application to use an appropriate method such as setInt()"
Yeah, drop the double quotes here:
Object[] params = {"978","tour"};
Object[] params = {978,"tour"};
Alternatively do the casting as you mentioned.

JOOQ fails with PostgreSQL Custom Type as an Array: ERROR: malformed record literal

I have the following custom type on Postgres:
CREATE TYPE my_custom_type AS (
field_a VARCHAR,
field_b NUMERIC(10,3)
and the following table:
CUSTOM_COLUMN my_custom_type,
CUSTOM_COLUMN_ARRAY my_custom_type[]
Everything works fine when I use my custom type with JOOQ:
public void testWithoutArray(){
MyTableRecord record = dsl.newRecord(MyTable.MY_TABLE);
record.setCol1("My Col1");
MyCustomType customType = new MyCustomType();
customType.setFieldA("Field A Val");
However, when I try to set some value in the field mapped to a custom type array, I have the following error:
public void testWithArray(){
MyTableRecord record = dsl.newRecord(MyTable.MY_TABLE);
record.setCol1("My Col1");
MyCustomTypeRecord customType = new MyCustomTypeRecord();
customType.setFieldA("Field A Val 1");
MyCustomTypeRecord customType2 = new MyCustomTypeRecord();
customType2.setFieldA("Field A Val 2");
record.setCustomColumnArray(new MyCustomTypeRecord[]{customType, customType2});
org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException: SQL [insert into "my_table" ("col1", "custom_column_array") values (?, ?::my_custom_type[]) returning "my_table"."col1"]; ERROR: malformed record literal: "my_custom_type"(Field A Val 1, 1)"
Detail: Missing left parenthesis.
at org.jooq.impl.Utils.translate(Utils.java:1553)
at org.jooq.impl.DefaultExecuteContext.sqlException(DefaultExecuteContext.java:571)
at org.jooq.impl.AbstractQuery.execute(AbstractQuery.java:347)
at org.jooq.impl.TableRecordImpl.storeInsert0(TableRecordImpl.java:176)
at org.jooq.impl.TableRecordImpl$1.operate(TableRecordImpl.java:142)
at org.jooq.impl.RecordDelegate.operate(RecordDelegate.java:123)
at org.jooq.impl.TableRecordImpl.storeInsert(TableRecordImpl.java:137)
at org.jooq.impl.UpdatableRecordImpl.store0(UpdatableRecordImpl.java:185)
at org.jooq.impl.UpdatableRecordImpl.access$000(UpdatableRecordImpl.java:85)
at org.jooq.impl.UpdatableRecordImpl$1.operate(UpdatableRecordImpl.java:135)
at org.jooq.impl.RecordDelegate.operate(RecordDelegate.java:123)
at org.jooq.impl.UpdatableRecordImpl.store(UpdatableRecordImpl.java:130)
at org.jooq.impl.UpdatableRecordImpl.store(UpdatableRecordImpl.java:123)
The query generated by JOOQ debugg is the following:
DEBUG [main] org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener#debug:255 - Executing query : insert into "my_table" ("col1", "custom_column_array") values (?, ?::my_custom_type[]) returning "my_table"."col1"
DEBUG [main] org.jooq.tools.LoggerListener#debug:255 - -> with bind values : insert into "my_table" ("col1", "custom_column_array") values ('My Col1', array[[UDT], [UDT]]) returning "my_table"."col1"
Am I missing some configuration or is it a bug?
As stated in the relevant issue (https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/4162), this is a missing piece of support for this kind of PostgreSQL functionality. The answer given in the issue so far is:
Unfortunately, this is an area where we have to work around a couple of limitations of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver, which doesn't implement SQLData and other API (see also pgjdbc/pgjdbc#63).
Currently, jOOQ binds arrays and UDTs as strings. It seems that this particular combination is not yet supported. You will probably be able to work around this limitation by implementing your own custom data type Binding:

'do_replace()' not working?

while trying ATK4 I've found a problem:
$this->api->db->dsql()->table('person')->set('id', 1)->set('name', 'Test user')->do_replace();
This is not working. Then I looked a little bit deeper in ATK4 source and found in /opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php the lines
public $sql_templates=array(
'select'=>"select [options] [field] [from] [table] [join] [where] [group] [having] [order] [limit]",
'insert'=>"insert [options_insert] into [table_noalias] ([set_fields]) values ([set_values])",
'replace'=>"replace [options_replace] into [table_noalias] ([set_fields]) values ([set_values])",
'update'=>"update [table_noalias] set [set] [where]",
'delete'=>"delete from [table_noalias] [where]",
'truncate'=>'truncate table [table_noalias]',
'describe'=>'desc [table_noalias]',
After changing the 'replace'-line into
'replace'=>"replace into [table_noalias] ([set_fields]) values ([set_values])",
it worked for me (removing the options_replace and appending a 's' to set_value). I'm using latest version from git with a MySQL database connection.
But I'm not sure, if I'm using 'do-replace()' in the wrong way?
By the way: Is there a way to send fixes, without creating an account on GitHub or somewhere?
Edit: Here is the output if the options_replace isn't removed from the template:
replace [options_replace] into `person` (`id`,`name`) values ("1","John Doe") [:a_2, :a]Application Error: Database Query Failed
Exception_DB, code: 0Additional information: pdo_error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[options_replace] into `person` (`id`,`name`) values ('1' at line 1 mode: replace params: :a: 1 :a_2: John Doe query: replace [options_replace] into `person` (`id`,`name`) values (:a,:a_2) template: replace [options_replace] into [table_noalias] ([set_fields]) values ([set_values])/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php:1519
Stack trace:
File Object NameStack Trace/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/BaseException.php:63 Exception_DBException_DB->collectBasicData(Null)
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/AbstractObject.php:545 Exception_DBException_DB->__construct("Database Query Failed", Null)
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php:1519 sample_project_db_db_dsql_mysqlDB_dsql_mysql->exception("Database Query Failed")
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php:1586 sample_project_db_db_dsql_mysqlDB_dsql_mysql->execute()
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php:1624 sample_project_db_db_dsql_mysqlDB_dsql_mysql->replace()
/opt/ipism/www/page/test.php:40 sample_project_db_db_dsql_mysqlDB_dsql_mysql->do_replace()
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/AbstractObject.php:306 sample_project_testpage_test->init()
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/ApiFrontend.php:130 sample_projectFrontend->add("page_test", "test", "Content")
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/ApiWeb.php:428 sample_projectFrontend->layout_Content()
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/ApiFrontend.php:39 sample_projectFrontend->addLayout("Content")
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/ApiWeb.php:275 sample_projectFrontend->initLayout()
/opt/ipism/www/index.php:15 sample_projectFrontend->main()
Note: To hide this information from your users, add $config['logger']['web_output']=false to your config.php file. Refer to documentation on 'Logger' for alternative logging options
Replace is similar to "insert" by it's nature, but instead of failing when primary key is duplicated, it replaces the value.
Please add ->debug() to your line before do_replace and give me the output, which would help me understand why that parameter needs removing.
set_value seems to be a typo, I have changed and committed it into master: https://github.com/atk4/atk4/commit/24b20865b9e3345a8e7504dfb68b7ef96335009e
the best way to submit changes is by creating a pull request. The best way to report issues is through "issues" in github currently.

Ibatis parameter exception

javax.servlet.ServletException: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: SqlMapClient operation; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [null]; error code [0];
--- The error occurred in config/register.xml.
--- The error occurred while applying a parameter map.
--- Check the register.insertDetails-InlineParameterMap.
--- Check the parameter mapping for the 'LName' property.
--- Cause: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1; nested exception is com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException:
--- The error occurred in config/register.xml.
--- The error occurred while applying a parameter map.
--- Check the register.insertDetails-InlineParameterMap.
--- Check the parameter mapping for the 'LName' property.
--- Cause: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
When calling register.insertDetails-InlineParameterMap from register.xml a attribute from your object gets mapped into the insert sql, but the attribute of your data object is null.
so you get this error when one of your attributes, which you are using in your insert statement is null.
