Angular application unable to open in windows operating - angularjs

We are using windows 8.1 for one angular application. Installed the bower and npm, also installed node server.
We can see the login page after npm start but after login success we are not able to redirect. It showing error
Cannot GET /components/home.html
After inspect element Console error like this:
angular.js:11038 GET http://localhost:8081/components/home.html 404 (Not Found)
Request URL:http://localhost:8081/components/home.html
Request Method:GET
Status Code:404 Not Found
Remote Address:[::1]:8081
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade
Cannot GET /components/home.html
But it is working on linux machine perfectly. We are using .Net web api so we want to use one machine for both application.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

If you have tested on Linux and it works, I would say it is a configuration in paths the server that it is serving the assets. If you are using Express or Webpack to serve you React code, they have good support for Windows, so probably is a local configuration issue.
Try checking for any static paths, e.g. ./foo/bar and replacing them with a more Windows-friendly syntax, for example:
const path = require("path")
path.join("foo", "bar")


How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS with Sails/React?

Current state: Depending on the npm start script, my web app is accessible by at the http:// address, or the https:// address, but not both.
Goal: I'd like the app to run on https://, and for any http:// requests to be redirected to https://.
App info: The web app is created with Sails for the server, and create-react-app for the UI. To run locally, I use two terminals to start each up (server on :1337, UI on :3000). To run in prod, I build the UI and copy the build into the server folder, then start the server on :84 (:80 already taken).
What I've tried:
I've tried adding redirection on the Sails server by adding middleware and policies.
I've tried adding redirection on the UI by adding a script in the HTML header, checking for window.location.protocol in index.js, adding to the http-proxy-middleware, and using react-https-redirect.
In all cases, I'm able to access the app if I go to the https:// address, but get err_empty_response from the http:// one. None of my http:// requests seem to even reach the app or server.
I've heard that using NGINX as a load-balancer may solve this, but I'm hoping for a solution that doesn't require as much set up. Any suggestions?

when page refresh "404 - File or directory not found."

my react app is working locally but after the deploy, I faced the problem when I press any button there is no problem but if I want to refresh I see that problem "404 - File or directory not found."
I found this solution:
Configure Your Server
"Your server must be ready to handle real URLs. When the app first loads at / it will probably work, but as the user navigates around and then hits refresh at /accounts/23 your web server will get a request to /accounts/23. You will need it to handle that URL and include your JavaScript application in the response."
But I don't know how can I do this
I try something but it doesn't work
npm run build, this will create build folder inside your project root folder
if you want to deploy to remote server just transfer that build
npx serve -s build on windows, if you are using mac kindly see if it is still npx.
then try to refresh every path of it
hope this works, happy coding.
Since the server cannot find the static content in the directory (i.e. not found the file /tomcat/accounts/23), it will give you 404 unless you have additional route handling.
In React routing I think you can try with HashRouter
See more details here:
HashRouter vs BrowserRouter

angular js path returns 404 error when https is used

Please keep in mind, I have not worked with angular JS, nor did I write the code that is causing the error.
I am getting an 404 error on this path:
but not this path:
It was noticed that when a user views a certain page in https, the drop down does not load options. Angular Js makes a call to the path mention above which is not an actually file but is used by a php file that based on this path, has a switch that fills in the drop down.
Any ideas on how to get the https version to work? This is on a joomla site and I do have access to the htaccess file if needed. I really just need it to work for a few months while I work on building a new site.
Angularjs is not the issue. Your webserver (Apache/2.2.15 (SuSE) Server at Port 443) states the file can not be found. So it looks like something is misconfigured with your apache site.

Cannot access Node.js API in my Angular app due to WebStorm's built-in server port mismatch

I am trying to follow the tutorial on creating a MEAN app on
I am using the WebStorm IDE and after completely following through I am stuck with a problem that seems to emerge from WebStorm. If I click on the "Open in Chrome"-Button in the IDE I am referred to:
However, the actual port that I specified in my server.js is 8080 file:
// listen (start app with node server.js) ======================
console.log("App listening on port 8080");
I have built a node API and it works when I go to:
However, clicking on the "Open in Chrome" through my WebStorm IDE uses a different port (i.e. 63342) and thus I am left with the following error:
GET http://localhost:63342/api/todos 404 (Not Found)
I am not sure how to resolve this? Any ideas?
You need to create a javascript debug run configuration with the correct URL (http://localhost:8080/api/todos) and use this configuration to open your URL in browser. Another option: specify this URL in Live Edit/Browser tab of node.js run configuration you use to run your server.js and tick 'after launch' checkbox to automatically start the browser with this URL on server start.
In Webstorm 9, you can configure the port for debugging apps. In Preferences:
Build, Execution, Deployment > Debugger > Built-in Server Port

Laravel: view not found

I'm developing an internal site using Laravel 4, I have everyone working on my laptop (Windows & Apache).
I've now moved the site to a Turnkey Linux 13 VM for beta testing and have encountered the following problem:
The home page loads fine.
When I come to load the About page (or any other page) I get "requested URL /internal/about not found".
The Laravel config is exactly the same.
Apache's document root is set to: /var/laravel/public.
Apache gives the following error in the logs:
"File does not exist: /var/laravel/public/internal"
Yet the Laravel config is specifying the default view directory and the home page loads fine.
It was an Apache config issue, mod_rewrite wasn't enabled (it was on my Windows laptop), simply enabling this resolved the issue.
