How would I count how many events have a certain list item present in Keen IO? - analytics

Say my event looks like:
purchase = {
items: ["pickle", "turtle", "lexicon"]
How do I count how many events have "pickle"?

Use the equal operator.
var count = new Keen.Query("count", {
event_collection: "purchases",
timeframe: "this_14_days",
filters: [
property_name: "items",
operator: "eq",
property_value: "pickle"
From the API reference for filters & their operators:
“Equal to” – Note that if your property’s value is an array, “eq” can be used to filter for values inside that array. For example, eq: 5 will match a value of [5, 6, 7].


Remove oldest N elements from document array

I have a document in my mongodb that contains a very large array (about 10k items). I'm trying to only keep the latest 1k in the array (and so remove the first 9k elements). The document looks something like this:
"_id" : 'fakeid64',
"Dropper" : [
"md5" : "fakemd5-1"
"md5" : "fakemd5-2"
"md5": "fakemd5-10000"
How do I accomplish that?
The correct operation to do here actually involves the $push operator using the $each and $slice modifiers. The usage may initially appear counter-intuitive that you would use $push to "remove" items from an array, but the actual use case is clear when you see the intended operation.
{ "_id": "fakeid64" },
{ "$push": { "Dropper": { "$each": [], "$slice": -1000 } }
You can in fact just run for your whole collection as:
{ },
{ "$push": { "Dropper": { "$each": [], "$slice": -1000 } },
{ "multi": true }
What happens here is that the modifier for $each takes an array of items to "add" in the $push operation, which in this case we leave empty since we do not actually want to add anything. The $slice modifier given a "negative" value is actually saying to keep the "last n" elements present in the array as the update is performed, which is exactly what you are asking.
The general "intended" case is to use $slice when adding new elements to "maintain" the array at a "maximum" given length, which in this case would be 1000. So you would generally use in tandem with actually "adding" new items like this:
{ "_id": "fakeid64" },
{ "$push": { "Dropper": { "$each": [{ "md5": "fakemd5-newEntry"}], "$slice": -1000 } }
This would append the new item(s) provided in $each whilst also removing any items from the "start" of the array where the total length given the addition was greater than 1000.
It is stated incorrectly elsewhere that you would use $pullAll with a supplied list of the array content already existing in the document, but the operation is actually two requests to the database.
The misconception being that the request is sent as "one", but it actually is not and is basically interpreted as the longer form ( with correct usage of .slice() ):
var md5s = db.collection.findOne({ "_id": "fakeid64" }).Dropper.slice(-1000);
{ "_id": "fakeid64" },
{ "$pullAll": { "Dropper": md5s } }
So you can see that this is not very efficient and is in fact quite dangerous when you consider that the state of the array within the document "could" possibly change in between the "read" of the array content and the actual "write" operation on update since they occur separately.
This is why MongoDB has atomic operators for $push with $slice as is demonstrated. Since it is not only more efficient, but also takes into consideration the actual "state" of the document being modified at the time the actual modification occurs.
you can use $pullAll operator
suppose you use python/pymongo driver:
{'_id': fakeid64},
{'$pullAll': {'Dropper': yourcollection.find_one({'_id': 'fakeid64'})['Dropper'][:9000]}}
or in mongo shell:
{ _id: 'fakeid64'},
{$pullAll: {'Dropper': db.yourcollection.findOne({'_id' : 'fakeid64'})['Dropper'].slice(0,9000)}}
(*) having saying that it would be much better if you didn't allow your document(s) to grow this much in first place
This is just a representation of query. Basically you can unwind with limit and skip, then use cursor foreach to remove the items like below :
{ $match : { _id : 'fakeid64' } },
{ $unwind : "$Dropper"},
{ $skip : 1000},
{ $limit : 9000}
db.your_collection.update({ _id : doc._id}, { $pull : { Dropper : doc.Dropper} });
from mongo docs
{ _id: 1 },
$push: {
scores: {
$each: [ { attempt: 3, score: 7 }, { attempt: 4, score: 4 } ],
$sort: { score: 1 },
$slice: -3
The following update uses the $push operator with:
the $each modifier to append to the array 2 new elements,
the $sort modifier to order the elements by ascending (1) score, and
the $slice modifier to keep the last 3 elements of the ordered array.

update single item within array where multiple conditions apply to any array item

I have a basic mongoose model with an attribute instruments which represents an array. Therefore it consists multiple items, which each have the following attributes: name, counter. The document itself has an autogenerated _id of type ObjectID.
var ParticipationSchema = new Schema({
instruments: [{
name: String,
counter: Number
// etc.
timestamps: true
I'd like now to change exactly 1 item within the instruments array, only if it matches the following requirements:
The document id has to equal 58f3c77d789330486ccadf40
The instruments-item's name which should be changed has to equal 'instrument-1'
The instrument-item's counter has to be lower than 3
let someId = '58f3c77d789330486ccadf40';
let instrumentName = 'instrument-1'
let counter = 3;
$and: [
{ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(someId) },
{ '': instrumentName },
{ 'instruments.counter': { $lt: counter } }
$set: {
'instruments.$.currentcounter' : counter
(err, raw) => {
Let's assume I have 3 entries within the instruments-attribute:
"instruments": [
"name": "instrument-1",
"counter": 2
"name": "instrument-1",
"counter": 2
"name": "instrument-1",
"counter": 2
Desired behaviour: change the first element's counter attribute to 3, no matter, when running the update code 1 time, do no action when running it more times.
Actual behaviour:
it changes the 1st element's counter attribute to 3 when running it the 1st time
it changes the 2nds element's counter attribute to 3 when running it the 2nd time
it changes the 3rds element's counter attribute to 3 when running it the 3rd time
Although the queries are anded, they don't seem to run element-wise. To resolve the issue, $elemMatch can be used:
_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(someId),
'instruments': {
$elemMatch: {
'name': instrumentName,
'counter': { $lt: counter } }}
// etc.
more info:
API reference on $elemMatch
Thanks to #VEERAM's for pointing out that this kind of behaviour is also documented the mongodb homepage.

filter items from an array of javascript objects

I have a map of the form,
var map1 = {123 : true, 345: false, 456:true} ; where 123, 345, 456 are ids with status 'true' or 'false'.
Now, based on the boolean status of the ids above, I need to remove the records of those ids from the below array,
[ {
So, in this example, the objects with ids '121' and '456' should be deleted as they are with boolean status 'true' in the map.
Given that your map is called map1 and your array you need to filter is called arr this should do the trick:
arr.filter((elem) => { return !map1[] }

AngularJS filter by id returns multiple entrys

i had an array like this:
arr = [
{ID: 502, Description: 'aaa', code: 1122},
{ID: 2, Description: 'bbb', code: 2211},
{ID: 700, Description: 'ccc', code: 2222}
when i try to filter the ID I get all occurences of the specific number:
$(filter)('filter')( arr, { ID: 2 } )[0]
returns entry one ID: 502 but it should return the entry with ID: 2
Where is my fault?
According to the docs when used with an object it will match the element if it contains the value.
A pattern object can be used to filter specific properties on objects contained by array. For example {name:"M", phone:"1"} predicate will return an array of items which have property name containing "M" and property phone containing "1".
There is a second option comparator passing true will cause it to perform a strict equality meaning it should only return exact matches.
$filter('filter')( arr, { ID: 2 }, true);
You could use a function instead of the object. So...
$filter('filter')(arr, function(value) {
return value.ID === 2;

Rally SDK 2 custom sorters

How do I get a more complex sort on a query, I have this query currently:
var store = Ext.create('',{
data: changes,
limit: 'Infinity',
pageSize: 5000,
sorters: [
property: 'ReleaseScope',
direction: 'ASC'
property: 'ScheduleState',
direction: 'DESC'
Because the ScheduleState is hydrated I can't sort by the normal numerics, can I define the order using some kind of matcher?
i.e. say I want to show in order [Accepted, Completed, In-Progress, Defined, Backlog]
And, if I wanted to complicate this further and show stories with story points first, something like
All stories with a story point value != 0
Sorted by schedulestate [accepted, completed, in-progress, defined etc..]
stories with no story point value
some other sort here possibly
You can pass a sorterFn rather than a property/direction combo to implement custom sort logic:
sorters: [
sorterFn: function(a, b) {
var scheduleStates = ['Accepted', 'Completed', 'In-Progress', 'Defined'],
aState = a.get('ScheduleState'),
aIndex = _.indexOf(scheduleStates, aState),
bState = b.get('ScheduleState'),
bIndex = _.indexOf(scheduleStates, bState);
return a - b;
The above function should sort them based on schedule state descending I think.
