Get DateTime value from DB into a variable in SSIS - sql-server

I'm taking the last updated date from SQL table as below:
FROM [WarehouseDB].[dbo].[tblWarehouseSettings]
WHERE Name = 'LastModifiedDate'
[Value] is varchar.
A variable as below:
I'm using an Execute SQL Task to get the date value & assign it to the variable. My Execute SQL Task Editor values set as below:
The task executed successfully but it doesn't get the value from the DB. Assigned value to the variable after the task execution is {12/30/1899 12:00:00 AM}
Can anyone figure out what I'm doing wrong here?

There are 2 things that caused this issue :
There is no need to specify #[User::LastUpdateOn] as an Output parameter in Parameters mapping Tab
Your SQL Statement is showing that you are converting [Value] column to DATETIMEOFFSET instead of DateTime and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is related to DateTime SQL Data Type


HSQLDB inserting datetime format for SQL Server throws exception

I am trying to run unit tests for my SQL Server query. Query is simply inserting date to the table. I tried two different formats but didn't work:
parameters.addValue(STUDY_DATE, getDate(studyEvent.getStudy().getStudyDate()));
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(getDate(studyEvent.getStudy().getStudyDate()).getTimeInMillis());
parameters.addValue(STUDY_DATE, timestamp);
And this is getDate() method that returns Calendar object:
private Calendar getDate(long time) {
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York"));
return calendar;
I am not sure if the problem is that SQL Server's datetime format issue or hsqldb issue. Here is my hsqldb create table:
CREATE TABLE event_study
Is my hsqldb setup wrong? or should I use different datetime format for SQL Server?
Error I am getting is:
data exception: invalid datetime format; nested exception is java.sql.SQLDataException: data exception: invalid datetime format
and SQL query that I am running is:
INSERT INTO event_study(study_id, study_date)
FROM (VALUES(:study_id, :study_date))
AS x(study_id, study_date)
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM event_study s WHERE s.study_id = x.study_id)
As you are not using strings for dates, this is not actually a formatting issue, but a Java type issue. With your table definition, DATE does not have time information. You can create and use a java.sql.Date object for the parameter value. If you want a datetime column, which includes information on time of the day, then use TIMESTAMP in your table definition and a java.sql.Timestamp for the parameter value.
In either case, you cannot use a Calendar object as parameter value.

SSIS SQL Task not returning string date

I am trying to run the below procedure from SSIS using SQL Task.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Previous_Load_Dt_Tm]
SELECT Extract_Dt_Tm = ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), MAX([Previous_Load_Date_Time]),120),'')
FROM [Test_table] WITH (NOLOCK)
I am returning as below
When I use the variable type as String in SSIS :
If I update the variable type to date it gives me the value:
Question ) I am not sure why its returning a date when I am converting the date to varchar in the procedure.
Is this happening at run time?
If you change the variable type to datetime at design time, and the string returned from the stored procedure is written to it during execution, this would most likely be due to SSIS performing an implicit conversion, i.e. successfully parsing a datetime value from the string.
I imagine the images you posted are at design time, with the string not having been written yet, and the datetime having defaulted to the current date and time?
I just removed and re added the variable. And it worked!!!! Not sure what the issue was.

SQL Server convert datetimeoffset to timestamp

I have a datetimeoffset column DateEntry in my SQL Server table. When I want to convert it to a timestamp format with this query :
SELECT CAST(Table1.[DateEntry] AS timestamp)
FROM Table1
I get the following error :
Error : 529- Explicit conversion from data type datetimeoffset to
timestamp is not allowed.
TIMESTAMP in SQL Server has absolutely nothing to do with a date and time, therefore you cannot convert an existing date&time into a TIMESTAMP.
TIMESTAMP or more recently called ROWVERSION is really just a binary counter that SQL Server updates internally whenever row has been modified. You cannot set a TIMESTAMP column yourself, you can just read it out. It is used almost exclusively for optimistic concurrency checks - checking to see whether a row has been modified since it's been read, before updating it.
According to MSDN:
The timestamp data type is just an incrementing number and does not
preserve a date or a time. To record a date or time, use a datetime
data type.
If your are absolutely sure, you can use indirect conversion:
DECLARE #dto datetimeoffset = '2016-01-01 12:30:56.45678'
SELECT CONVERT(timestamp, CONVERT(varbinary(12), #dto))
See also #marc_s's answer.
Try the following script if this this is what you are trying your side
SELECT CAST(CAST(Table1.[DateEntry] AS datetime) as timestamp) FROM Table1

How to use XML data of SQL table column and perform tasks based on tag values

I need some help. I am suppose to get XML data from column of a table. The XML data has many tags. One of the tag contains values like
<Code date= 30/03/2013>
<apr id =1> -2 </apr>
<rdv id =2> 1 </rdv>
I need to run a particular task which checks the date. Like if today's date= (Code date -2) or
today's date = (code date + 1)
run a mailer task.
How should I go about it ? Please forgive me for the XML data format. I am naive in XML.
Create 2 variables to store the XML column Date value and other one to get the current date .To write an expression ,select the variable ,right click on it .In the properties windows Set EvaluateAsExpression =true and write the expression
Name DataType Expression
ExecDate DateTime
CurrentDate DateTime GETDATE()
Use Execute SQL Task .Set Resultset to Single Row and write the following code to read the date value from the XML column in your table
convert(datetime,XMLData.value('(/Code/#date)[1]', 'varchar(10)'),103) as PkgDate
from yourTable
Demo in SQL Fiddle
In the resultset tab map the output from the above sql query with the variable ExecDate
Result Name Variable Name
PkgDate ExecDate
Put another Task or component Ex SEND Mail TASK after Execute SQL Task and write an expression in the Precedence Constraint.
Expression : #ExecDate==#CurrentDate
Only when the Date value from the XML column matches with the Current Date which is stored in the variable #CurrentDate then only the other components after Execute SQL Task will execute .
today's date= (Code date -2) or today's date = (code date + 1) run a mailer task.
In order to perform the above expression ,you need to change the sql code in Execute SQL Task
To get CodeDate +1
Dateadd(day,1,convert(datetime,XMLData.value('(/Code/#date)[1]', 'varchar(10)'),103)) as PkgDate
from yourTable
I don't have the SSIS environment to test it now but this is how you should be doing it

The conversion of a datetimeoffset data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

Using SQL Server 2008.I have a table called User which has a column LastLogindata with datetimeoffset datatype
The following query works on production server but not on replication server.
select top 10 CAST(LastLoginDate AS DATETIME) from User.
I am getting the following error.The conversion of a datetimeoffset data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
Check the LastLoginDate columns value like this '0001-01-01' or '0001/01/01'.
If u have means get this error ..
Try this one
select top 10 CAST(CASE when cast(LastLoginDate as varchar) = '0001-01-01 00:00:00'
If a field in database is of type datetimeoffset type, then it should contain date within range 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31. I think the issue is the date inside your database.
Please check the official link of SQL server Click Here
I solved it this way. I had an nvarchar(max) column casted as an xml and used the T-SQL expression ISDATE() to exclude the bad rows in the where clause.
where cast(DataObject as xml).value('(/DataObjects/#LastLoginDate)[1]', 'varchar(10)') is not null
and isdate(cast(DataObject as xml).value('(/DataObjects/#LastLoginDate)[1]', 'varchar(10)')) = 1
On SQL Server 2016, I used:
This worked for values that were giving errors when trying to convert to DATETIME, giving the message "The conversion of a datetimeoffset data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value." The offending values had dates of 0001-01-01, as a previous answer has mentioned.
Not sure if this works on SQL Server 2008 though.
