React router auth control, how to handle session end? - reactjs

So I have read few methods how to do that, the first one is using onEnter mehods on route and the second one is having an higher component (like this example
So my question here is not about state management but about state update, let me explain.
I login successfully , my state is updated, and know I can access the '/settings' route.
(1'. If I logout state is update and I can't access ...)
My question is how should I handle properly session end ?
The login state is saying I'm still connected but meanwhile the session has expired. So it means I can access the '/settings' page because has not been updated. What should I do ? I see two options:
I send a request to my server each time I want to access a protected route so it will update the state accordingly.
I let the user go to '/settings' but when he tries to perform an action I check on server side if the session is still valid and send him to the login page in case the session has expired.
I hope it's clear, what do you think the better option is ? I would go for the option 2. but I'm not 100% sure
thanks for your help

Short answer for your use case: go with option 1.
Explanation: Imagine you click on "Settings" and and maybe all the settings are loaded from the store. Now, displaying all these settings is fine, but what if you want to update something? You probably make changes or even fill out some text fields, only to get informed that your session has timed out and you need to re-authenticate in order for your settings to be updated/saved. Also, what if the user is using a shared/public client and forgets to log out? All settings will still be displayed, even when the session has long timed out. And to make it even worse, just think of the additional effort required for effectively caching actions made / information added by the user that have to be replayed once re-authentication took place.
So in order to not discourage your users and for security reasons, go with option 1 and make sure the session is still valid BEFORE you render a protected resource.
This can be done in many ways, for example sending a timeout value with your token and check the value on client side (not very secure, since everything stored on the client can be altered on the client), send a verification request to your API using middleware or HoCs before rendering, a combination of both et cetera.


Updating State of a component before request finishes

More of an implementation question. I have an application which allow users to bookmark specific pages. In order to bookmark a page, the users must be logged in. Whenever a request is made, we check to see if their current token has expired. If it is, we re-authorize through auth0 and then send the request to our backend.
When the request is complete, we then update the state of the bookmark icon to be filled in, informing the user that the page is now bookmarked.
This process of calling out to auth0 takes about 1.5-2 seconds, sometimes causing a noticeable delay after clicking the icon.
My initial thought was I would update the state of the bookmark on the frontend first, then send the request to the backend to actually persist it, and then assuming the request failed, would update the state again to undo the first change. This would guarantee that the update would always "appear" instantaneous from the users perspective.
However, part of me is feeling like this isn't a proper solution. Just hoping if someone could weigh in and let me know if this is a good way to approach this problem.

Can the client modify react component state?

I'm building an admin page for an application and have a state value 'authenticated' that flips from 'false' to 'true' after a successful login (which is authenticated on the server) which then shows the actual admin panel.
Are component state values safe from tampering by the client? Basically, if the client can modify my 'authenticated' state value to 'true', they can skip the login and go straight to the admin panel (which I obviously don't want).
I read that React Dev Tools allows the client to modify values yet everyone says "validate on the server" but I am validating on the server and updating my state accordingly, if the user is approved. If it is not wise to have a state value manage this, what is the right way to conditionally show the admin page after a successful, server-side authenticated login?
I think this is an important question since tampering with state values in a React app can have huge negative consequences on data integrity within an app/database.
TL;DR: Either require an authentication token with every request or require authentication through a session.
Never trust users always. One potentially big issue is if you "hide" admin actions behind the admins page without requiring authentication.
For example, assume the backend server uses a REST API to accept commands. In the admin panel you get links to administrative actions like a button 'Delete Everything' that sends a DELETE request to without requiring any authentication. If you're a user, you can find that in the code potentially and then send a DELETE request to that address from anywhere without any repercussions.
We'd never give administrative privileges to anyone who would want to delete everything... Because we'll never untrust someone. Right?
Worse, someone might find the server and fuzz some inputs to it, and oops! They manage to delete everything (or even worse, GET everything stored in the database). This wouldn't be hard to do, especially if the server you use to authenticate is the same server you use to issue commands. History has proven "security through obscurity" to be a very bad paradigm. Every action should be authenticated, even if it seems like the actions will be hard to find.
Generally, providing a JSON web token or some other form of authentication token and having the user send that with every request is a good start at least, especially if it has an expiration date. The token would be provided through a separate request with valid credentials.
Sending a token with every single request obviously isn't ideal. There are a couple of other things to try. For servers using PHP, you can probably trust sessions (though very many people who know more than me would probably disagree). In more modern cases, you could try to use Web Sockets, requiring the token after connection. Then only after authentication with the token do you allow the user to make administrative requests.
That way, even if a user knows the exact command they can send to perform any action, the server won't let them without a current session or token. Unfortunately, unless you're already using Web Sockets or depending on a session, it will likely require a lot of changes. I'd consider this to be critical though.
It is always possible to tamper values in the front-end, there is no way you can rely solely on the front end to ensure security.
Your best approach is to implement some form of authentication and authorization on your backend. In this way, even is some users pretend to be admin, they will be blocked when you do the next request to the server.
Perhaps if you can send more information regarding your problem, we can think of a more specific solution.

How to detect expired user session in a react app?

I am developing a REST API based on Node / Express and a frontend for it based on React / Redux. Users can login (which gives them access to additional functionality) but they can use basic functionality also without logging in.
When a user logs in, the client makes an HTTP call with the credentials, the server creates a session and returns a user object (user_id and some other data) as well as a session cookie. The React app saves the user object in its Redux state. In subsequent HTTP calls, the user is authenticated through the cookie.
When rendering the user interface, the React app determines whether it is logged in or not by checking for a user object in its state. This is used to grey out some buttons which are only available to logged in users, or to hide the login link when the user is already logged in.
The problem
It could occur that the session expires, or that the user logs out in a different browser tab. The React app has no way of knowing this and thinks it is still logged in (i.e. app state mismatches reality), leading to wrong UI display.
What pattern to solve this?
Put a hook on all Ajax calls to check for 401 and update the
Return session state in HTTP headers (and then?)
A Comet pattern for the server to notify the client that it has been logged out? (not a REST API anymore then)
Additional calls before actual API calls to make sure user is still logged in? (seems wasteful)
And how to deal with this once the client detects it is no longer logged in during an ongoing operation? I'd prefer to handle this in one place rather than all functions making API calls...
I'd be thankful for some best practice!
There are two straightforward ways to deal with this issue in a React application that I can think of. Both inspired by a colleague of mine few days ago.
Use SSE (server-side-events) technology to PUSH notifications. As you correctly pointed out, this makes your API less pure. This approach should be quite an acceptable sacrifice where flawless UX is required AND/OR your server might need to push other notifications to the app.
Establish a short term timer somewhere in your client app (e.g.: setTimeout(...)) that makes periodic calls to a "ping" API endpoint that will return current user/session information. This approach will impact UX for the duration of timeout, often negligible, and is commonly known as polling.
Hope this helps!
As an alternative to the naive polling, you can make it a little smarter by adding an endpoint that lets you know in how many seconds timeout is set to occur for the session at that point in time.
Then ping just before that time (instead of at a certain poll-rate) and update accordingly.
Logging out in another tab would return with an invalid token so would be picked up, too, but not as quickly if this is your main concern.
For this you could use broadcasting to let the other tabs know immediately (or use sessionStorage's change event to simulate a broadcast on unsupported browsers).
Otherwise the best way would be to implement a ServiceWorker; these can handle all requests for your app to the server. It's a centralised piece of code separate from your app that can broadcast to all tabs that a session is lost the moment it sees that one of its requests was rejected, and you can efficiently naively poll from this one place (instead of in each individual tab's runtime).
Since I am using token from the API Server that is valid for a specific period of time. So in addition to setting token in session storage I was thinking of setting up another session storage variable that stores the timestamp at which the token was generated. Then, in my js code I plan to add the validity period (say, 3600 seconds) and check if the token is still valid or not. If it is valid then the user session is valid else it is invalid.

What is the best approach to work with data while using token based authentication

I am building an sample application that lets user store comments.
I've created the registration and login process. When the user registers, his details are stored in a MySQL database and a token is returned to the browser. Now he can access the Profile page.
When an existing user logs in he is redirected to the profile page. The profile page is accessible only when a user registers or logs in.
After logging in, I want to show all his comments if he has already added them.
My frontend is in Angular and backend use Laravel. For authentication I use Satellizer.
I want to know, what is the best approach while playing with data, considering the fact that the user will add, edit his comments. Should I use localstorage and store data in a key value pair or should I create a json file which gets updated everytime the user adds a comment or makes a change.
I wanted to know what is the most efficient way to deal with data from server so that the application is fast even when it scales to a 10000 users and lot of data for each user.
You should be updating it on the server when changes are made rather than only relying on localstorage. You can use localstorage to cache, but it should only be for immutable data, it shouldn't really be used for data that is going to change.
So in this case you'll be adding and updating new comments via your API (ideally a RESTful one!). Once you've made a change, you could store the comments locally and only update them when the user makes a new comment, however you'll quickly run into issues where the data is invalid on different clients. (i.e. if you update the comments on a different computer, the other computer won't be aware).
Alternatively, you could cache the comments and then simply ping the server to find out if new comments have been added. This could be using a HEAD request for example to check the last modified date on your comments resource.
You can store comments data locally on user browser, but you should properly manage it.
I don't how much load your server will have and if the time invested now worths it.
You can fetch comments and store them locally
User adds a comment, then you update locally and send a request to the server
You need to track the request response, if requests fail so notify user and remove comments from local.
if request was successful so you can continue on your way.
** facebook uses this "success first" approach
user does an action, and he see it happens instantly, in the background it could take few seconds, only if it fails they will notify you.
** look at their commenting process, when you comment, it appears instantly, no loading... but in the BG the load happens.

AngularJS + Socket.IO + Authentication

I am curious how others are solving the following problem...
I have an angular application that requires user authentication. The user must log in to the system to make requests. The user must also be authorized to create a connection.
When the application first starts up I must determine if the user is already authorized. I was planning on looking in sessionStorage for a user object/token. Does that make sense? And if the user is not authorized, the application will make a request to get the current user. If/When that fails, a 401 error is returned and angular intercepts/prompts for a username/password.
Given that there are two different code paths for authentication (check sesssionStorage vs make a request and wait for the response) how do you trigger the requests for all the other information that is required for the application? Do you emit/listen to a LOGIN event that gets broadcast in both scenarios?
My plan was to wrap the connection attempt and the ".on(...)" calls inside of the LOGIN event, does that make sense?
And if you want to listen to events or grab information from the server in a controller that is loaded after the LOGIN event has fired, how do you trigger the data from being retrieved from the server?
Sorry for the long winded questions, but I've hit a road block and I'm wondering how others are managing all the authentication and different pieces of information that is required to get from the server.
Ok, I guess let's go in order of question asked.
Does it make sense to use sessionStorage to hold user auth info?
Yes. You will need to decide between local/session Storage depending on how you want it to work. We decided we wanted the session to still be active for the time period that the backend recognizes, so even if the user closes the browser and reopens it, they will be logged in, and so we opted for localStorage instead of sessionStorage.
How do you trigger the requests for all the other information that is required for the application? Do you emit/listen to a LOGIN event that gets broadcast in both scenarios?
After login, we redirect the user to the "landing" page (route). All of our route/state changes wait on a resolve function which is doing the session auth. We only store the session id in localStorage. After the successful state change, the controllers that go with the newly loaded views start requesting data from our services. All of our controllers are designed to load data on init. So no, we do not use events. It feels like events should be used only as a last resort - and that is also the impression I get from core Angular devs since I get chastised for event usage in pull requests :)
My plan was to wrap the connection attempt and the ".on(...)" calls inside of the LOGIN event, does that make sense?
Maybe. I am not using outright, but instead have been experimenting with atmosphere (mainly because we had a java backend requirement). I do initiate the connection in the login success handler. But the general atmosphere event handling I have put into an application-level controller that is on <body>.
And if you want to listen to events or grab information from the server in a controller that is loaded after the LOGIN event has fired, how do you trigger the data from being retrieved from the server?
I could imagine (again using an app-level controller, or a service, or in my case, likely both) a function that returns the connection. A controller that has come into being could grab the stuff on init, and setup the listeners for the events that it is interested in.
My advice is to get all of your session and auth stuff worked out first, especially with regard to how you are going to do routing. Once all of it is working to your satisfaction, then add the stuff in. I realize that this might not be possible in all cases because perhaps you need something from the connection that is critical to your app even at an early stage.
