E2E testing of Chat based application on different platform - selenium-webdriver

I wonder if there is any possibility of testing a chat based application on multiple platforms using automation scripts. Let's say skype, facebook app, etc.
What I understand is that we can automate the app from either of the one side like Android or iOS or Web or Windows client.
Apparently, I wanted to test the e2e flow on multiple platforms.
My scenarios says as:
1.Login in mobile Android client with User A
2.Send message to User B
3.Login in windows client as User B
4.Verify the received message.
Is there any way or tool to verify such scenarios?
Thanks in advance

You can do that via selenium-webdriver or appium (or some similar tools) first 2 steps of your scenario, second 2 steps on windows you can achieve with TestComplete. Unfortunately, that's all that came to my mind when you do not have source codes.


Need help to choose Automation Tool which can allow me to switch between Web and Mobile emulator

My Web Application based on Salesforce has few steps that can be performed through mobile application only. With current automation tool I can execute test cases either on Web page or on Mobile device/emulator. Both can not be switched in between withing single test case. What is another tool available can be used in such case?

Can we automate an application which runs on mobile browser(Not mobile app) using Selenium Webdriver

There is an application which users access on Samsung NOTE devices. Requirement is to automate the regression suite on mobile(Samsung NOTE). This application works on PC also, and I have managed to automate using selenium on PC successfully.
Could anyone help me know, if we can use selenium to automate the mobile version of it? I mean can my selenium script automate the mobile browser.
If we can't achieve, what automation tool can I use to automate the same?
Based on the provided comment you have 2 approaches you may take at this point:
Using Chrome options and mobile emulation params in WebDriver as DesiredCapabilities refer to this page for more details:
https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/mobile-emulation - you can do the same from your own browser in dev tools. This should be enough for 90% of cases, however if you want to make sure that env you're running your tests is as close to real users as possible see 2.
Using special tools that create specific instances of WebDriver, like Selendroid or Appium - in this case you may either run your tests on emulated device(by creating instances from Android SDK or from Xcode) or you even have ability to connect real devices and execute your tests on them

What is the actual advantage of running an AngularJS web app over Node.js instead of a server like Xampp?

As stated in the title,
I don't really understand how Node.js works and above all why it's actually used to run an AngularJS application (e.g. in WebStorm IDE this is the default option when you create an AngJS project).
I've got this doubt since I could run a simple AngularJS app on an Apache web server (within Xampp) without any involvement of NodeJS.
Thank you in advance
Node.js is an application platform. It's good for running your applications on.
Apache HTTPD is a web server. It's good at serving web pages.
They're two very different things, not directly related, and not mutually exclusive.
You are correct that many apps can run anywhere, but some benefits we've seen are:
Simplicity, especially for web developer also developing the server-side code/config/deploy.
Real-time web - easier to add in things like WebSockets and Server Sent Events if you need them.

Can you import Selenium Web driver into the Google App Engin

I am sort of new to app development, so this may sound like a stupid question. The company I am working with is trying to get ride of most of there IT infrastructure, so that they don't need any more servers. I have been asked to develop a program that takes information from a google spreadsheet and then with this information puts it into a web browser. I am Planning on using Phyton and selenium web driver. Will I be able to install selenium if i host the application as a Google app engine?
The Reason I want/need to use selenium web driver is because I need to put the information from google into a legacy system. The only way to put information in the system is to mimic a user putting the information in manual in a web browser.
Thank you,
I don't understand what you think Selenium will be doing here. It seems a very strange way to want to get information from one Google property into another.
Google spreadsheets have a perfectly good API that allows you to read the data from your app and display it to users.
Edit after question update Well, now I don't see what you need GAE for. That is for hosting and running websites, and you only seem to want to enter data into an existing website. That's not what it does at all.

Silverlight 4 launch a trusted application into the browser?

I just lost 5 hours looking for a answer which i haven't been able to find :p
First, I'd like to force a trusted application (i need to access the file system) to display into the browser. Based on what i found on google a trusted application must be installed and launched as a desktop application (also called out-of-browser application).
So, i want to have an installed application on the client side but meanwhile, the user must also be able to start this same application into a browser window when he goes on my web site. Is this possible ?
Second, I'd like to give to the user the possibility to start the application from the browser. To be clear, the application is installed on the client computer but i want a button on my web site which starts the desktop application. How can i do that ?
The answers are sort of and no.
Yes you can run an application that has been installed on the client also in the browser. However, not all of the installed application features will be available. Anything that requires elevated trust will not work inside the browser.
No you can't launch the installed application programmatically from within code running in the browser. The best you can do is display a polite message to the user to the effect that they have this app already installed and in order to access all of its feature they will need to launch it.
Yes, it is possbile since Silverlight 5, see my answer on silverlight-4-elevated-permission-inside-the-browser
