Mapbox and "Places" - maps

Any idea if MapBox has the concept of "Places" that I can access? I've searched and can't find it, hence this question.
Basically, instead of a city, zip, or building address, I'd like to search for "Liberty Bell", and would like a geo result.

I think you searching for this?
Edit: There exists an example and plugin that should get you going. The plugin provides you with an input field where you can just type in your desired place.


react-intl display currency symbol only

Working with react-intl and was looking to display a currency symbol only, after some text like USD$.
From what I have read so far in the documentation guessing FormattedNumber requires a default value.
Just wondering is it possible to display a currency symbol without a number value? such as $ (currently it returns NaN, due to missing number value)
Wondering has anyone run into this kind of issue previously?
Guessing there must be a simple solution.
In the meantime will keep looking for alternative solutions.
Any thought greatly appreciated.
Wasn't able to find a solution with react-intl.
So created simple helper to do the job.
Works ok. :)

Given a CLPlacemark is it possible to get an image of that location?

I want to do something similar to what Apple Maps does - when you select the annotation for a pin, the detail view includes an picture of the place. I cannot find any information on how we mere mortals can do this. Is this private API and I'm out of luck, or am I just searching for the wrong keywords?
You can add a mapview that doesn't allow user interaction

Apple Maps - Find destination/location - How to?

I'm still a noobie to app making, and i've been trying to read some of the documentary for the MapKit, but im still clueless on how to do this.
I have a textfield on TabBar2, and Apple Map on TabBar1.
How do i make the textfield on TabBar2, searchable for destinations like adresses ?
and then show the found destination, on the map on TabBar1 ?
I hope this made some sense.
Thanks in advance
One way to do it is to use MKLocalSearchClass which searches for key words and can be tricked to look for addresses as well. You need to incorporate MKLocalSearchHandler in your class in order to produce the results. You can then add the results in a map view. Apple has a sample code which works basically the same way. It creates a search based on keywords and shows the location of those keywords nearby the users location. For example coffee or movie or etc. the code can be changed to look for a address or anything else you want. Any how here is the link to the sample code, hope it guides you to the right direction.
Map Search Sample Code

How to get city code weather in AccuWeather?

Have someone ever use AccuWeather to search your country weather? I want to get my city weather code in AccuWeather who can help me? The code generate has form like this: EUR|DE|GM014|TORGAU. I can't find my city code (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
to find your location
use this link provided by the help in ubuntu
add your location at the end of the link
For Phnom Penh, the code you seek is ASI|KH|CB012|PHNOM PENH.
Now in general, getting that old style format is difficult because around the end of 2009 / beginning of 2010 they did away with that style of coding stations and replaced it with a newer, perhaps more friendly model. So new style,
will give you the current for Phnom Penh.
If you really really really need to find the old style codes, there is an awesome list here. I would recommend you download the list from here as it is gold at this point and then you can programmatically access it however you see fit. Regex would be a good bet as the format seems to be pretty consistent.
Find your (nearest) city here:

How do I add an "enviroment" to my scene in 3ds MAX?

I'm Currently working on a scene and i cant seem to find infomation as to how to make a setting for my scen. Its basically a street with buildings on either sides. about 500m long.
I want to put it into a city "enviroment" for animation. Also there will be camera movements so i dont think simply adding an image as a background will work. what i want to know is, Is there a a way to achieve what i want without actually building a small city?
any help or a pointer in the right direction would be great.
thanks in advance
A cubemap might work.
There are applications which will generate a city for you, based on criteria you enter. You can enter the building types, sizes etc. I've used one called City Engine - I used the built in wizards to create this but you can create one from scratch even specifying the road layouts: Youtube Video
3ds max has predefined models within it's system,
For example a tree:
This tutorial is great:
look into "AEC Extended"
