Dotvvm multiselect business pack filtering backspace doesn't work - multi-select

I Used component from Business pack called MultiSelect viz code:
<bp:MultiSelect DataSource="{value: UserRoleGroupNames}" SelectedValues="{value: UserDetailDTO.UserRoleGroupNames}" Placeholder="Vyberte uživatelské role" class="form-control"/>
Everything looks good expect filtering. I cant delete letters with backspace key.

Thank you! I've been able to repro this issue. It will be fixed in next release.


style an element using an angular filter

I would like to style a couple of elements using a filter to decipher if it should be yellow or red.
I understand filters should not carry logic operations in them as such so am guessing a service is the first port of call before i create any filter for it.
I am leveraging data from a backend (still a bit unsure of the Backend model here, but know I can leverage certain objects to obtain the data needed for working on) I mostly need to know if i`m on the right path by using a service to control the logical outcome and then a filter to provide 'filtration' of that outcome.
BTW: sorry, im waiting for my project to checkout from SVN at mo so cannot provide a skeleton attempt.
Will do in a bit though .....
Any advice before hand will be much appreciated
:) Gruffy - thanks for reading
You can directly set the class attribute if you want, so your filter can simply return the CSS class to apply:
<p class="{{'foo'|myFilter}}">Foo</p>
Here's a fiddle showing what I mean.

Cq5 building a number increment/decrement box

the above picture is what i need to build in CQ5, I have been digging around in adobe cq api,
all i have found is Class CQ.Ext.form.NumberField
but that number field only provide something like textfield for you to manually entering number(this is not what i need)
can anyone guide me how to create such number increment/decrement box in cq5 dialog? with some code example please, thanks
You can try CQ.form.Spinner with xtype spinner.
This is a trigger field for numeric, date or time values.
The spinner uses CQ.form.Spinner.Strategy which defines its behavior.
The dialog config snippet is shown here.
<numfield xtype="spinner" name="./numfield" editable="false">
<strategy xtype="number" allowDecimals="false" maxValue="50" />
For further info, check this Spinner API and NumberStrategy API
Have a look at the Spinner Widget with the xtype="spinner". There you can define the strategy of the spinner, e.g. the increment value. I never used it myself though, so I can't provide you with a running code example.

Dropdown dependents agile toolkit

Hello friends a pleasure to be around here, I'm new to this framework and I have a few doubts about how to make dependent dropdown, for example, I have a list of countries and select a country to show me their states hope I can help from already thank you very much.
Here is a demo of what you're looking for:
Could it be that above example (
only works when the arrays have numbers for their dropdown values? ie:
$country_list=array(1=>'Country1', 2=>'Country2')
night it be the demo will not work when using:
with the second setup I get an error at form submit time saying:
Value 'ST3' is not one of the offered values
or am I doing something else wrong? should I (not) use stickyGET for instance?

Dojo : FilteringSelect : problems with coming back to valid state

I've came across this issue today and I think I might need some help. We are using 1.6.1 version of Dojo, but this is cross version issue.
Steps to reproduce the following issue are pretty simple:
click the dojo doc link for Filtering Select dijit.form.FilteringSelect
On the documentation page, click the first FilteringSelect sample
In the Codeglass window sample, click the filteringselect and add "x" to "California", thus bringing it to invalid state
While focused, delete the "x" letter.
and here comes the problem. Technically the value is correct, but the dijit is still like in error state (unless it loses focus).
I'd like to get the dijit react and render correctly straightaway I delete the character causing the invalid state without losing focus.
Any ideas for the workaround?
Thank you.
ok. for eveyryone else interested the solution was 'quite' simple, just use the dijit.form.FilteringSelect._refreshState() .The underscore prefix is might not be someone's cup of tea but that was the only way to get it in correct state.
in our case it was a bit tricky as we are using the wrapped in our own object and I needed the proper trigger which I've found in connecting to onComplete event of the inherited fetch() method.

How to make Checklist Items on Mediawiki?

Hello I am using a Mediawiki install on my dev server, just to organize my thoughts, write documentation for my apps, make note files/pages for general topics for easy reference, and so much more. A personal wiki can be so useful for programmers/coders/etc..
I have a wiki page that is a To-Do list for a project with multiple items, it would be really awesome if there was a way to add checkboxes next to my list items in mediawiki, and then upon checking them, either make the item striked through (line through it) or make the check box remain checked, upon revisiting the page at later dates.
Does anyone know if there is a Plugin for media wiki that does this or something like this? Or if it is even possible to do something like this with just a plugin?
Please any ideas or suggestions on how to accomplish this or similar capability with a media wiki install (same code used for wikipedia)
Thanks for help, ideas, etc..
This renders a nice list of checkboxes:
== My Wiki Header ==
Here's an example checklist:
<input type="checkbox"> Item A.<br>
<input type="checkbox"> Item B.<br>
<input type="checkbox"> Item C.<br>
Of course the checkboxes won't do anything, they're just for the looks.
First, you would need to install Extension:Widgets. Then, you can install the Google Gadget Widget. Then, you can lastly pick from your choice of to-do list type gadgets here.
