Drupal Services JSON response format processing with Angularjs - angularjs

I have a Drupal web service that returns a JSON response in the following format. I can easily access top level notes e.g. title. However, I also need to access the value under body. I can get body.und but not body.und.value. How do I do that? Also the HTML tags are showing as text and I can see all the slashes getting printing in my Angular View.
Update: I have been able to get the the value of the body by using $scope.body
= myresponse.data.body.und[0].value;
Now the only problem is how to process HTML in the body. My Angular framework which is Ionic is showing all the HTML tags e.g. p li etc instead of formatting them.
{"vid":"37","uid":"1","title":"Terms of Use","log":"","status":"1","comment":"1","promote":"0","sticky":"0","nid":"37","type":"page","language":"und","created":"1395878580","changed":"1501982359","tnid":"0","translate":"0","revision_timestamp":"1501982359","revision_uid":"1","body":{"und":[{"value":"THESE TERMS OF USE (\"TOU\") ARE A LEGAL CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU (\"USER\") AND

$scope.body = myresponse.data.body.und[0].value; helped me get access to the value of the body of the node.
ng-bind-html="body" helped me get access to the body of the HTML.


How to paint the response of an ajax in a new window by angular?

I am pretty new with angular js. My use case is We have a parent page say parentPage.html where we have a link. On click of this link in parentPage I want to send a server hit to a spring controller, which should return us a json response. I want to paste this response in the new window against the childpage.html. How can we achieve this by angular js?
Show New Customer
ajax response on click of above link:
childPage.html(we have to iterate over the above key value pairs such that our result should be painted in the following way:-)
On google I found enough stuff about the means by which we have to bring things within the scope. My only confusion in this usecase is, since we have to open a new window after sending the http get request(which is being sent from the parentPage.html), the response of which is to be painted in an absolutely new window(which is childPage.html), so isn't this scope going to get lost somewhere since we are not dealing with SPA thing here? Can we achieve this by angular in any possible way?
Since angular is meant to work off a one page application and retain the state of most javascript throughout the duration of the application being ran, you really have two option.
The first is to take that JSON response and store it in local storage.
window.localStorage.setItem('key', value);
By doing this, you will be able to pull the value back out at any point by use of the following
value = window.localStorage.getItem('key');
In most cases, you would want to stringify() the JSON before parsing it all out again.
This is one implementation which would definitely work out for you.
Another option would be to make use of ng-model, models are used to store and manipulate data in angularjs, By passing around these values back to your controllers you will be able to easily hold and interact with the state of these variables.

Ng-repeat images in folder

I'm a beginner with Angular and I want to make a ng-repeat of images in a folder. All my images have different names so I don't see how I can make a ngSrc for all the images.
Hope I am clear enough.
You can try something like this.
Grab all the image filenames and store it in a javascript array with in the javascript for your controller. I'm assuming you would be doing this on your server side and return JSON back to client through an API or Service.
In you controller, the result would look like this.
$scope.myImages = ["image1.jpg", "image2.jpg"];
You have many options now. One way is to write a little function that returns the full path and call it from ng-src.
$scope.getImagePath = function(imageName) {
return "http://yoursite/location/" + imageName;
<div ng-repeat="myImage in myImages">
<img ng-src="{{getImagePath(myImage)}}"/>
Similar post here
Try to give some code snippets using JSFiddle or Plunker next time as it would clearly show what you are trying to do.
I don't know what language/framework you are using on the server side but to get all the files in a directory is very easy. Below are examples using node.js and C# respectively.
How do you get a list of the names of all files present in a directory in Node.js?
If you are using ASP.NET WEB API, then just return the array back from the Get method in your API Controller, and then call that API from Angular directly.
There are tons of examples on how to do this. Just do some research and you should be fine.

not able to dynamically update the view when data is changing

I have a set of files in a server which I am looping though and constructing a JSOn and saving it as a separate file. I am using python for this. Works quite well. Now the scope is the number of files in the directory will increase/ change throughout the day..and I am running the script every 10 min to rewrite the json...the file name stays same and i am calling it in a single page html document using angular.js..Again fairly simple...But now I am having problem when the JSON is changing I am not seeing any change on the page unless I reload the page. Could I do something about this?
With angular I am using
$http('something.json').success(callback function with some argument data)
and in the markup something like
<li ng-repeat="x in data">{{x.id}}</li>
Your call to $http is one-time operation which happens after page load like this:
$scope.data = data;
angular is kickstarted
ng-controller containing $http request is evaluated and request for 'something.json' is sent
when your json arrives, your success function is called with data from json
view (html template) is updated with new data
Angular keeps your model (eg $scope.data) and UI (expressions in template) up to date, but it doesn't update external resources.
If you want to periodically poll for changes in 'something.json'
you can use $timeout service as suggested in JaKXz's comment.

Angular is changing query string parameter

We are using DPS's PXPay to generate payments for our app.
On a successful transaction the url that is provided looks like
This is definitely the request that is coming into the browser. BUT what is displayed in my browser URL bar... and what angular reads for the "result" token is this...
If you look closely... the two '==' are being taken off the end of the "result" token string.
I've tested in non angular applications and this isn't happening. Why does angular do this and how do I prevent it?
Angular cannot handle == because of its $location's search parsing. Just visit : https://angularjs.org/?foo==123 and the url will change to https://angularjs.org/?foo=
The same will not happen on a non-angular page.
Solution: Either patch angular OR HTML encode the section after ?result=
Depending on what you're trying to do with the URL that is returned, it might be simpler to just set window.location directly instead of working through Angular. This bypasses the query-string parsing in $location that's stripping the double equals.

Spring MVC with AngularJS get data

I have an object I can access in the .jsp file using the syntax ${items} which is actually just a JSTL JSON object from a GET mapped to a page called items. Is there a way to get and parse this data using AngularJS and have it ng-repeat?
You could render the object as a JavaScript variable assignment in a script block on the page. Then access it via said variable in JavaScript. Assuming ${items} renders as JSON:
var myGlobalData = ${items};
