How to add days to date time in Salesforce Apex? - salesforce

Hi I am using Salesforce Apex,
I have a date as String as below. I need to add days to it using Apex.
String dateTime = '2017-07-08T23:59:59Z';
If I add one day to it then it should be 2017-07-09T23:59:59Z as string. How will I do this?

Beware the DST issue! The "addDays" function is not DST-aware, so if you step over a DST transition during the addition of days (in a time zone that has DST) then the time will be messed up.
To resolve this one split the date/time into separate date and time parts first, add the days to the date part then re-combine at the end, like:
DateTime dt = ...;
Integer days = ...;
Date d =;
Time t = dt.time();
dt = DateTime.newInstance(d, t);
If you are working in the UK (London) time zone the following anonymous Apex illustrates the issue nicely:
DateTime dt = DateTime.newInstance(2017, 10, 28, 23, 59, 59);
System.debug('Adding days directly: ' + dt.addDays(2));
Date d =;
Time t = dt.time();
dt = DateTime.newInstance(d, t);
System.debug('Adding days in parts: ' + dt);

You need to convert the string to a DateTime and then add days. You can format it back after
String stringDateTime = '2017-07-08T23:59:59Z';
DateTime dt = DateTime.valueOfGmt(stringDateTime);
DateTime tomorrow = dt.addDays(1);
DateTime nextMonth = dt.addMonths(1);
DateTime anniversary = dt.addYears(1);
String formattedDateTime = dt.format('yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss\'Z\'');


How to get Month, Year and day values from picker?

In codenameone I have a picker p1 and I want to get the values of Month, Year and day separately from the date given by the user, this code
String m1=Integer.toString(p1.getDate().getMonth());
String d1=Integer.toString(p1.getDate().getDay());
String y1=Integer.toString(p1.getDate().getYear());
generates an error when running even if there is no compilation error.
Here is how I did it
Date d = p1.getDate();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
String m1 = Integer.toString(c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
String y1 = Integer.toString(c.get(Calendar.YEAR));
String d1 = Integer.toString(c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));

salesforce SOQL can't get datetime in local time

My objective is to count Lead records based on simple date range query in local time
Integer TotalLeads = [ Select Count() From Lead where createddate >= fromdate CreatedDate <= todate];
Fairly basic. However, the issue I'm running into is I only want to count the leads for the "local" time not UTC; createddate is in UTC for lead records.
Sample dates:
From: 03/23/2017
To: 03/29/2017
For these sample dates and my local time is UTC - 7 (Los Angeles), so my query would be
Integer TotalLeads = [ Select Count() From Lead where createddate >= 2017-03-23T07:00:00z AND CreatedDate <= 2017-03-30T06:59:59z];
If these are my dates, how do I append the local time so from date is 2017-03-23T07:00:00z and to date is 2017-03-30T06:59:59z?
Using from date first, I was able to do the following but can't figure how to keep it in local time
// Date
date ds = date.valueof('2017-03-23');
string dm = string.valueOf( ds.month());
string dd = string.valueOf(;
string dy = string.valueOf(ds.year());
// DateTime Midnight (UTC)
String SDate = string.valueof(dm +'/' + dd + '/' + dy + ' 12:00 AM');
system.debug(SDate); // -> 3/23/2017 12:00 AM
// DateTime (Local Time)
datetime ds2 = datetime.parse(SDate );
system.debug(ds2); // -> 2017-03-23 07:00:00
system.debug(ds2.format('yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'hh:mm:ss'')); // -> 2017-03-23T12:00:00
As you can see, using ds2.format put its in the format I need but back to UTC (midnight), I need it to be 2017-03-23T07:00:00
Any suggestions?
Figured what I was doing wrong. The date calculation was fine, it had to do with how this was being passed to a batch job.

calculate date difference between two dates with angular js

I want to calculate date difference between two dates with angular js. I used this code:
$scope.formatString = function(format) {
var year = parseInt(format.substring(0,5));
var month = parseInt(format.substring(6,8));
var day = parseInt(format.substring(9,10));
var date = new Date(year, month-1, day);
return date;
$scope.dayDiff = function(fromdate,todate){
var date2 = new Date($scope.formatString(fromdate));
var date1 = new Date($scope.formatString(todate));
var timeDiff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime());
var diffDays = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
return diffDays;
But it is right for within same month but it can't do right calculation between two dates in different months.
For example date1 = 2016.2.12, date2 = 2016.2.18 (Ok)
For example date1 = 2016.2.12, date2 = 2016.3.1 (It is not right)
Why not try using the String split function (docs) to parse your date, split will produce an array of the year, month, and day in that order based on the format you're inputting. From there you can reference the array pieces by index, a bit easier than trying to get your substring offsets lined up correctly:
$scope.formatString = function(format) {
var pieces = format.split('.'),
year = parseInt(pieces[0]),
month = parseInt(pieces[1]),
day = parseInt(pieces[2]),
date = new Date(year, month - 1, day);
return date;
Take a look at this working example:
It is better to use a ready-made library. Because you do not know that in the future you will still need to work with dates. I recommend sugarjs.
The difference between the dates can be found in the following manner.
Date.range('2012.01.01', '2013.01.01').every('days').length

Converting day, weeknr and year to date

I've been given an excel document in which worktime information is noted, this document contains certain columns which are being read by using SSIS in visual studio, after that the information is writen to a Database.
The week and year column contain the week number and the year, the columns Monday up to Friday contain information about how many working hours have been spent on a certain task on that day of the week.
What I'd like to do is take the WeekNr, Year and Day and convert these into a date. I've been trying to accomplish this by using a script component that converts a day number, week number and year to a date but so far I haven't been able to get the day number from the columns. In my opinion it would work best if used with a start and end date taking the first and last date of that week.
So my question is if someone knows how to accomplish this, or if I should try a different approach.
The script component:
public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row, CultureInfo cultureInfo, int day )
DateTime firstDayOfYear = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(Row.Jaar), 1, 1);
int firstWeek = cultureInfo.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(firstDayOfYear, cultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule, cultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek);
int dayOffSet = day - (int)cultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek + 1;
Row.TaskDates = firstDayOfYear.AddDays((Int32.Parse(Row.Week) - (firstWeek + 1)) * 7 + dayOffSet + 1);
Based on this answer, I think you want something like the following. This result gives you Monday's date, so you can just AddDays based on the column day of the week.
DateTime jan1 = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(Row.Jaar), 1, 1);
int daysOffset = DayOfWeek.Monday - jan1.DayOfWeek;
DateTime firstMonday = jan1.AddDays(daysOffset);
var cal = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar;
int firstWeek = cal.GetWeekOfYear(firstMonday, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFullWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
var weekNum = Int32.Parse(Row.Week);
if (firstWeek <= 1)
weekNum -= 1;
var mondaysDate = firstMonday.AddDays(weekNum * 7);
var tuesdaysDate = mondaysDate.AddDays(1);

Find objects with timestamp in a recurring time range

Is it possible to do a QuerySet filter that returns object form a specified, recurring time span?
For example, given a start and an end date a few days apart, I would like to be able to find:
Get all objects with timestamp between 2pm and 7pm for every day between start and end
Get all objects with timestamp between 1am and 8am for every day that is either a saturday or a sunday.
For the first case, assuming MyModel and your timestamp is called date you can do:
import datetime
start_date =,7,1)
end_date =,7,16)
start_time = datetime.time(14,0)
end_time = datetime.time(19,0)
date_range = end_date - start_date
range_list = None
for days in xrange(date_range.days):
d = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days)
if range_list is None:
range_list = Q(date__range = (datetime.datetime.combine(d, start_time), datetime.datetime.combine(d, end_time)))
range_list = range_list|Q(date__range = (datetime.datetime.combine(d, start_time), datetime.datetime.combine(d, end_time)))
