Is Azure OAuth 2 auth code grant an authentication protocol - azure-active-directory

Sorry I am still very confused, read everywhere telling me oath is a authorisation protocol but it appears using the azure ad oauth code grant, it does promote a login screen to authenticate against the directory, so is it not an authentication process? what is the relationship between the open id connect? thanks!!

the OAuth2.0 protocol has several flows that an identity provider (in your case Azure AD) may implement to support auth.
The Auth Code flow is in fact one of these used by apps to get access tokens for some api. The flow is quite simple, an app redirects the user to the identity providers /authorize endpoint. At this point the user enters their credentials, and the site redirects back to your application with an authorization code and can also issue an ID Token that represents a user (This is the OpenID Connect part). The app takes this code, and POSTs it to the /token endpoint and will be issued an access token and refresh token. With the access token, your app can access whatever api you've requested access for.
For Azure AD specifically, Microsoft has built libraries that handle all these flows and token caching so most of the complexity is abstracted away. There's some simple code samples that you can checkout that you may find helpful. The authentication protocols and scenarios doc for Azure AD may also be really helpful for conceptual information.


How can I get access- and refresh-token from Azure AD B2C using a certificate?

We are transitioning our Spring Boot application (with Angular frontend) from Spring's build in OAuth2 based security to Azure-AD. This is working well for clients we can update right away (mainly the B2B clients). However some (most B2C) clients can not easily be updated at the moment. In time this will happen, just not now. So I need a solution for the mean time.
Our idea
We proxy the request for the Azure tokens via the Spring Boot backend. From the client's point of view, it would look like the old solution. Username and password would be authenticated against the backend's database. Upon successful authentication, a certificate would be looked up for the user and this would be used to aquire an access and refresh token from Azure-AD B2C containg also a token for B2B.
That token would be wrapped into Spring's old OAuth2AccessToken and sent back to the client. The refresh request would be proxied in a similar way.
I have the refresh part working based on this: Web sign in with OpenID Connect in Azure Active Directory B2C -> Refresh Token
The problem
Using Microsoft's Graph API I can get an access token, but the part of the MsalToken extends AccessToken that is public (AuthenticationResult implements IAuthenticationResult) does not let me access the refresh token even if I request scope offline_access and if it is contained in the result.
Are there security concerns that make this idea a fundamentally bad idea? I'm aware that this requires trusting the backend, but that was the case so far. To me that does not seem to make it worse.
Is there a way to get an access- and refresh-token for a user be presenting the users certificate (or another none-interactive method - but we do want to use MFA as well for updated clients). I tried using Microsoft's Graph API, but a direct web-request is fine too.

Multi tenant SAML SSO app installed with OAuth flow?

I have a multi tenant enterprise app. It authorises a few graph API permissions when installed and has SAML SSO configured. The whole idea is that my customers can install this and in one process grant my application access to their tenant, and setup SSO for that customers users.
The graph API permissions work totally as expected, I get the needed access to the tenants who installed the app.
Then there is the SAML SSO part. That's just totally not working. In my test tenant where I installed my app, it says that the app has SAML SSO and that it is only application owner who can configure - all fine.
I then try to log in (to the web app using this SSO configuration) with a user from my test tenant - no luck!
First I thought that it had to do with the user not being assigned the app, but it complains the the application in tenant A is not available for user in my test tenant and the user should be added to tenant A. That of course is not a solution since I want to use this for customers.
So right now I am stuck with 2 app's. One gallery app for SAML SSO and my app granting API permissions. It works, but it just seems SO stupid. Isn't there a better way?
Azure AD SAML applications are not intended to be multi-tenant, this is why you need to invite external users as guests.
It's worth to mention it's possible for an Azure AD app to support both OIDC/OAuth2 and SAML and thus rely on the same session cookie to obtain an access token for MS Graph.
If you need multi-tenancy, you should use modern protocols such as OpenID Connect for authentication and OAuth2 for authorization. MS Graph relies on JWT access token anyways.

How to authenticate a Windows Forms client using SAML?

I have been looking into using an identity provider (IDP) to provide user authentication for a Windows Forms client. The user credentials will be hosted by Auth0. After creating a trial account with Auth0 I have downloaded a sample C# Windows Forms client application that can be used to authenticate to the Auth0 IDP using OpenID Connect ("OIDC"). The WinForms sample application pops up a web browser component, displays the Auth0 login screen, I login to the Auth0 IDP (having setup some test credentials in Auth0) and the WinForms application then is sent an authentication token. All well and good, and if I try to login a second time I no longer need to enter my credentials.
However... the company that I will be fetching authentication data from in production would like to use SAML. Is there any way to do this? Based on what I have read, SAML needs a "Service Provider" that will receive credentials from the IDP. The Service Provider is (typically?) a web site. That does not seem to match very well with what I am trying to do (authenticate a windows client). Is there any way of using SAML to do essentially what I have done using OIDC (fetch authentication information for a user from an IDP)? Would I need to develop a separate Service Provider component for this?
Sounds like what you've done so far is fine architecturally:
A modern desktop app following OIDC standards
This puts you in a good position architecturally, where:
Your app gets tokens from Auth0 using OIDC
Auth0 can reach out and do federated authentication with other standards based identity providers, which could be SAML, OIDC, WS-Federation or anything else
This can be done without changing any code in your app - and your app does not need to understand SAML
Feels like you need to set up a federated connection from Auth0 to the SAML Service Provider, and most commonly this involves these steps:
You give the partner your Entity Id and Response URL, to post tokens to
They give you am Entity Id, Public Key Certificate and request URL
You configure rules around account linking, so that users can be matched between their system and yours
There are prerequisites though, and the external identity provider needs to be SAML 2.0 compliant. My Federated Logins Article may help you to understand the general concepts, though I do not drill into SAML details here.

Use IdentityServer4 to allow Employee Login via ADFS using SAML2 and then issue a JWT

My goal is to provide an internet facing application that can be used by both corporate employees and external users. I would have 2 ADFS instances behind an IdentityServer4 instance, one for external users and one for corporate employees.
In general all users(employees or external) should always get an oAuth2 Token to call internet facing APIs, but when there are internal calls between SAML dependent corporate systems, the internal calls should be able to get a SAML2 token or impersonate a corporate corporate user.
No problem with external users, using openid and oAuth2. The main focus is employee login via SAML2.
The setup is as below:
IdentityServer4 sits in the front backed by ADFS
Client applications should connect with IdentityServer4 using OpenId specs (/connect/authorize? end point. I know how to do that
IdentityServer4 should connect to ADFS for external users setup via Ws-Fed. I know how to get till here.
IdentityServer4 should connect to internal ADFS for corporate employees over SAML2. It would be nice to be able to switch between the two ADFS' instances based on user's email address. Just like on Azure you get a message: we are taking you to your employer's login page, if user entered a known corporate email domain. This switch should happen via IdentityServer UI though, probably mimicking Home Realm Discovery feature.
IdentityServer4 should issue oAuth tokens in either case.
6 When connecting to corporate ADFS via SAML2, IdentityServer4 should receive a signed, encrypted SAML2 token response and it should then issue regular oAuth token for external APIs
Some external APIs might want to call internal corporate SAML based APIs, (*only for corporate users) There must be a way to impersonate the user, get his SAML token and pass to corporate APIs.
If all of that makes sense,
- how can I achieve step 5,6 and 7?
- Is there a middleware that can exchange SAML2 token with ADFS?
- Is it just possible to pass this SAML2 token directly to internal SAML
supporting systems?
I have never used SAML2 token before so I am a little lost as to how does it look like, is it something like an access token or is it something to be built using the assertions in ADFS response?
I know I asked a lot of questions but everything is related. I am exploring SustainSys but haven't been able to find way to plug it in to do what I want to do.

Group claims with Azure AD and OAuth2 implicit grant in ADAL JS

We are developing a multi-tenant SaaS product in Azure which has an AngularJS front-end and Web API back-end. We use Azure AD for authentication and have hooked it up with ADAL JS (using the OAuth2 implicit grant). Being a multi-tenant application, we allow customers to authenticate against their own Azure AD (which may or may not be connected to an on-premise AD).
So far this all works nicely. ADAL JS takes the user to the Azure login page and once the user has authenticated, an OAuth2 token is issued. This JWT token is then sent with all API calls as a bearer token where we have our own claims transformation process for mapping the incoming claims from Azure to our application claims.
Rather than specify individual users in the claims transformation process, we try to do it by AD groups. This allows our customers to have security groups in their AD and then our application will use that to map to the correct application claims.
The problem
The JWT token we receive does not contain a groups property, despite having set groupMembershipClaims to SecurityGroup in the AAD application manifest. I have since read in this tweet from Vittorio that
The implicit grant will NOT send those claims, as it returns the token in the querystring - it's easy to blow past max length
Upon further investigation, I also found this StackOverflow answer from Vittorio that says
I verified and in the implicit grant case you will receive groups always via the overage claim. Please refer to - it will show you how to process the overage claim to retrieve groups.
I had a look at the JWT token and it does not include any overage claim (identified by _claim_names and _claim_sources). I'm definitely a member of two groups in my Azure AD.
I also now appear to have two conflicting statements about whether it is possible to get group information (whether directly or indirectly) in the implicit grant token.
Question 1: Should I get an overage claim that I can use to get group information? If so, do I need to do anything to ensure that claim gets sent to me?
Graph API
Whether I can get an overage claim with a link to the user in the graph API or whether I have to manually craft the link to get the user's groups, I'm still a little unsure how I authenticate with the graph API.
I need to contact the graph API from the back-end after receiving a request with a bearer token (from ADAL JS).
Question 2: Can I send the same bearer token to the graph API to read that user's directory information? Or do I need to authenticate directly from my application to the graph API tenant in the context of the application rather than the user?
apologies for the confusion here. I will double check the statement about the overage, but in any case - for the sake of unblocking you quickly, let's assume that you need to get the groups manually without the aid of the overage claim. You cannot reuse the token you send to your Web API. That token is scoped to your app, and any other recipient will (or should) reject it. The good news is that the flow through which your backend can request a new token scoped for the Graph is easy to implement. See - the details in your case are a be a bit different (your web API has the audience == clientid of your app) but the topology and the code/calls involved are exactly the same. HTH! V.
