How to change the text color of the title of Bootstrap-select? - bootstrap-select

For Bootstrap-Select, I want to change the text color of title to White with using the attribute data-style="btn-success".
<select class="selectpicker" data-style="btn-success" title="Choose one of the following...">
Can anyone help? Thanks

Hi As i have understand your question i m trying to give you a simple solution for this. try to find below class
.bootstrap-select.btn-group .dropdown-toggle .filter-option
which you can find in your package inside bootstrap-select.min file and add color:#ffffff;
it will change dropdown list title color to white.
if you dont want to go inside min file then you can do this in your custom style.css but make sure you style.css file path should be down of bootstrap css files in head tag.
Hope it will help you


How do I reload md-icon in AngularJS?

I've got some colorful md-icon and wanna change it to a grayscale one (replace with a different grayscale basically) when it's disabled (and in reverse).
I can definitely use .css to see whether a button's disabled: button[disabled]:hover, but I'm struggling to see how to combine it together with angular directives (I found a similar demo which works on click:
¿wich file you use for the md-icon, svg or another img file?
you can use ng-style,
if is SVG you do delete 'fill' inside xml svg,and play with the css propertys
but if you need change the color to div o another the next example work perfect!
i hope hel you
enter code here

Image or font awesome as option in select - Reactjs

I would like to have an input select with a choice of image as an option (would define a custom icon). I can put an image or an icon with Font awesome.
I tried putting
<option><i class='fas fa-shopping-bag'/></option>
or replace with an image but nothing work.
Font Awesome font is well imported, I tried with unicode it does not work either
Do you know how to do it ?
if you are using reactjs you need to use className instead of class

Lightbox2 - How to add a description to the open image (not caption)

I'm having some trouble adding text to the open lightbox image using HTML and CSS. I thought it was a caption but eventually figured out that's not it. Here's myy code:
<a href="img/portfolio/greenleavesbranding.png" data-lightbox="roadtrip"> <img class="artworkimg" src="img/portfolio/greenleavesthumb.png">
Currently theres no CSS as everything I've tried has failed so I've gotten rid of the code I don't need. But the text needs to be white and changed to my current font family.
I'm not an advanced coder, I know enough to modify HTML templates and add CSS.
Here's a screenshot - the red X is where I want the text to be.
Any help is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!

How to customize the angular material md-chips colour

I want to customize the md-chip color randomly without using css style. Is there any attribute in the md-chip directive?
<md-chips placeholder="Add more tags here"
secondary-placeholder="Enter tags here" ng-model="" md-on-add="contact.createTag(" md-on-remove="contact.removeTag("></md-chips>
you can use ng-style. i.e
See Issue 8692 on Angular Material's github. It appears to be a known issue that is being worked on currently.

textAngular input field showing? Why?

I am currently trying to implement the following editor.
Following plunkr. Why is there an input field underneath the editor?
<div text-angular data-ng-model="htmlVariable">herro</div>
You just seem to be missing the css file. Couldn't find a link to it so I just created a new stylesheet in plunkr and copied over the css.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="textAngular.css">
You are missing the editor's css file.
Edit: Link to the file, the class .ta-hidden-input hides the input element
