Eclipse Che jumps to top when changing file tab - eclipse-che

When using Eclipse Che and switching between file tabs, each file always jumps to the top when switching back to that file tab.
Also, I have auto-save turned off but every time I save the "Save Star" reappears immediately (do not know if this is related).


Windows 10 file size does not update in the file explorer until the file is opened

I am trying to monitor changes to the php error log.
Ideally I would like to monitor the changes using something like the nix tail -f. I attempted this using notepad++ as there is a silent monitor for changes within that editor but this did not work.
A deeper look showed that the file size displayed in file explorer did not change even after errors were generated and the f5 refresh button was pressed.
After opening the log file, the errors were appended to the file as per usual. Still no updates in the file explorer or notepad++.
Only a refresh performed after opening the file in a new instance of notepad updated the values for the size. Still waiting for the update in notepad++. Anybody else had this problem?
Here is how to have Notepad++ update file automatically and display this line:
Preference -> Misc -> File-Status-Auto-Detection -> Scroll to the last line after update
The thing is you have to toggle to another window, then back again for it to work.

Linux mint drag & drop files on my program's desktop icon

I am using Linux Mint.
I wrote a small program in C and want to drag and drop a file onto its desktop or caja icon.
When I drag a file over the icon of an installed application, that app icon highlights showing that it will launch, but my program's icon does not highlight. How do I enable the launch?
In windows all programs launch, even if they don't handle a dropped file.
The program "executable" permission is set, and double clicking the icon does launch it.
I am thinking that it is not something I do "in" the program code, but some configuration for the icon or Linux. The program code accepts command line arguments when run from a terminal. But dropping files on its icon does nothing at all except moves the files to the desktop piled on top of the program icon. Never even attempts to launch the program.
What am I missing?
Now I understand!
I must create a "launcher" for the program. This is done by right-clicking on the desktop blank area to get the context menu, and choose "Create Launcher...". Then fill in the fields, and especially the "Command:" field with a valid pathname (or just a name if the program is in a directory that is included in the PATH environment variable). AND include at the end of that command line %F to accept the file(s) to be dropped. Also give it a name and click OK.
If you leave off the %F and drop more than one file, each file will launch its own instance of the program. The %F causes all the files to be passed to one instance of the program. For example if you want to drop two files onto a compare program.
If it doesn't work, you can edit the command and other fields by right-clicking on its icon and choose Properties.
It has a generic springboard icon.
In a terminal, the ls command shows the launch file for "prog" (for example) as prog.desktop but on the desktop just prog. The launcher file can be moved or copied into a folder (other than desktop) and they work the same (although the icon is different).
Hope this helps others.

Opening Windows console programs in Full Screen Mode

I am developing a C program that prints out a message. The problem with it is that when I run its .exe file, it does not run in fullscreen (until I press alt+enter to force it to full screen). I want the program to run in fullscreen itself when I run it. Is there any way I can do it?
Thanks in advance.
You could call SetConsoleDisplayMode() to force CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_MODE. Beware that support for this has been disappearing. The last machine I owned that could still do this has been gathering dust for quite a while already. Along with the memory of the loud relay clicking sound, mixed with the high-pitched wail of the flyback transformer in the CRT.

New instance on Taskbar middle-click / shift+click

In Windows 7, some programs allow the user to launch multiple instances by middle clicking / shift+clicking on the taskbar item (ex: Paint, Notepad, Visual Studio...)
However, none of the applications I create exhibit this behavior. The middle click function will make the button glow, but fail to open another instance unless I pin the program to the taskbar first (which is not required for Paint/Notepad/etc to still be able to open new instances)
What is the secret to allowing a WPF application to properly create new instances like the above listed programs?
I've tried searching, but I have only come up with jumplist/tasks or single-instance program results.
The secret here is called shortcut. To get this behavior, you have to create a shortcut to your program, to the start menu, the desktop or the taskbar. When a shortcut is present, Windows finds it from the running program, even if it has been started by a totally different way (command line, explorer, etc...) and middle clicking or shift-clicking on the open program icon in the taskbar simply executes the shortcut.
This is easily verifiable: remove the shortcut for Notepad from the start menu and you won't be able to middle click it anymore! Change the shortcut by adding an argument to it (a text file path) and the file will be opened in notepad by shift-clicking on the taskbar icon.

Emacs: Often switching between Emacs and my IDE's editor, how to automatically 'synch' the files?

I very often need to do some Emacs magic on some files and I need to go back and forth between my IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) and Emacs.
When a change is made under Emacs (and after I've saved the file) and I go back to IntelliJ the change appears immediately (if I recall correctly I configured IntelliJ to "always reload file when a modification is detected on disk" or something like that). I don't even need to reload: as soon as IntelliJ IDEA gains focus, it instantly reloads the file (and I hence have immediately access to the modifications I made from Emacs).
So far, so very good.
However "the other way round", it doesn't work yet.
Can I configure Emacs so that everytime a file is changed on disk it reloads it?
Or make Emacs, everytime it "gains focus", verify if any file currently opened has been modified on disk?
I know I can start modifying the buffer under Emacs and it shall instantly warn that it has been modified, but I'd rather have it do it immediately (for example if I used my IDE to do some big change, when I come back to Emacs what I see may not be at all anymore what the file contains and it's a bit weird).
Add this to your .emacs:
(global-auto-revert-mode 1)
