DTM - multiple values to single eVar in single call - analytics

I have a set of eVars defined in DTM(dynamic tag manager). I would be setting those values in a custom event in my code. There will be multiple instances where I would be setting this values. I can trigger multiple s.tl() calls and set those values. But I want to reduce the number of s.tl() calls. Is there any way to make one s.tl() call and set multiple values to the same eVars?

Your options for sending multiple values to the same variable on the same hit are:
Use a list variable
Since you wanted to use an eVar, the closest to what you want to do is probably a list variable. It is mostly like an eVar, but not as flexible. Also, you only get 3 of them per report suite, so you should try to see if the other options will work for you first, unless this is a super important KPI and the other options just won't work for you (from a reporting PoV).
Use a merchandising eVar (product syntax)
This method uses a regular eVar but you configure it as a product syntax merchandising eVar (configuration done within the Adobe Analytics Admin interface).
Note: You may optionally want to specify a category and/or product depending on what you are ultimately trying to do (especially if your site has ecommerce tracking; it helps filter this out of actual products)
Use a list prop
You can configure any (or all!) of the 75 available props in the interface to be a list prop. The main downsides to a list prop is the 100 char limit for the prop (which may be too short, given you have multiple values), and that it is a traffic variable (only hit scope). But.. depending on what you are actually trying to record and report on, a list prop may be all you need.


How to design a system backend which user can customize some configuration

I should model a system that clients can apply some configuration on separated entities.
Let me explain with an example:
We have users that have a config tab in their dashboards.
We have a feature to send notifications on their browsers and we have a feature which we can send an email to them.
We also have a feature as a pop-up.
The user should be able to modify our default notification message, modify our default email template, modify our default text on email or elements.
For the pop-up, The user should be able to modify the width and height of the pop-up, change the default texts, modify background color, change the button location on the pop-up.
And when I want to send an email to the user I should apply these settings on the template then send the email. Also when the front-end wants to show those pop-ups, wants to get these configs from my API and apply them.
These settings will be more and more in the future. So I can not specify a settings table with some fields. I think it is not a good idea.
What can I do? How to design and model this scenario? What are the best practices?
Can I use a NoSQL like MongoDB instead of a relational database?
Thanks a lot.
I am using Django to develop this system.
I have built similar sub-systems before, by hand.
I don't know much about Django, but do some research to see if it has any "out of the box" or community developed / open source add-ons that do what you want.
If you have to do it yourself...
A key-value pair is not going to be enough, but it's close. You only need a simple data structure:
ID (how your code recognizes this property), e.g. UserPopupBackgroundColor.
Property name (what the user see's / how they recognize this property in the UI), e.g. "Popup Background Color".
Optional - Data type. This is essential if you want to do any sensible input validation. E.g. pop up height should probably expect an integer, and have a sensible min/max value on it, where as an email address is totally different.
Optional, some kind of flag to identify valid properties.
That last flag is bit of an edge case, but it's useful if you use the subsystem to hold more properties than you want users to have access to. E.g. imagine you want to get a list of all properties and display the list to the user - are there any 'special' ones you need to filter out that they should not see?
You then need somewhere to put the values, and link them to the user:
Row ID / GUID. You can use a unique constraint across the User and PropertyID if you wanted to instead, but personally I find a unique row ID is a reliable and flexible approach for most scenarios.
PropertyID - refers to ID mentioned above.
Depending on how serious you need to get, you can dump all the values into the one PropertyValue column (assuming you're persisting this in a database) - which means that column needs to be a string, or, you can add a column per data type.
If you want to add a column per data type, don't kill yourself. The most I have ever done is:
PropertyValue_text (text/varchar)
PropertyValue_int (or double)
PropertyValue_DateTime (date/time - surprise!!)
So when I say 'column per data type' I mean per data type your stack needs/wants to handle - not the 'optional' data types you define in the logic - since that data type is partially just about input validation.
Obviously if you use different logical data types, you can map those to data type columns in the database. The reasons for doing this (using the different data types in the database are:
To reduce the amount of casting you need to do (code to database, and vis-a-versa).
To leverage database level query features, which can be useful. E.g. find emails values and verify them; find expired date values; etc.
It takes a bit of work to build all this, but it's powerful once you get set-up because you can add any number of properties. If you are using the 'full' solution with explicit data types then adding new logical data types isn't too painful if you already have a few set-up.
Before you design and build this, think about future reuse, and anyway you can package it up for later - or community use. Remember it impact all layers (UI, logic and data).
Final tip - when coming up with the property ID's (that the code uses) make them human readable, and use some sort of naming convention so that adding new ones later is easy and follows a predictable path.
Update - Defining Property and PropertyValue in database tables is an obvious way to go. Depending on the situation you can also define Property in code - especially if you don't add new ones or change existing ones very frequently. Another bonus is that if you're in an MVP situation you can use the code effectively as a stub, and build out the database/persistence part for that later.

REDCap auto populate from previous forms

Hi I am using REDCap for data collection. My question is how to auto populate variable from one from to another form in REDCap. For example, BMI from enrollment to baseline visit.
Exactly how the piping will work will depend on your project design and setup. From your question it sounds as though you're running a longitudinal study. In a longitudinal study, an instrument exists within an event. You need to prepend the field variable name with the event name.
Say you had two events: Enrollment and Baseline, and in Enrollment you had two instruments: Consent and Medical History Questionnaire. In the Baseline event, you might have the Medical History Questionnaire again, plus event-specific forms, like a mood scale.
In REDCap, fields are globally unique among all instruments, and so usually you need to simply indicate the field using the [var] syntax. In a longitudinal study however, a single instrument can exist in multiple events, and to correctly identify the field, you need to first indicate the event name.
To pipe the BMI field (assuming it's labelled [bmi]) from the Enrollment event, you would use the piping code [enrollment][bmi].
If your instance has version 8.4 or above, you should have access to smart variables. These allow you to traverse the events in a dynamic way using variables like [previous-event], [first-event], etc. You can use this to perform advanced branching logic to display some text on a form only if that form is not in the first event of a longitudinal study: [event-name] != [first-event-name]
It's called piping in REDCap. you simply put the variable inside brackets and use it as a parameter on any forms.
This link has the piping example in it.

Angular lookup value/display value

I have some data on a model that comes in the form of a code such as "US60" and "US70".
I need to take that value and show a display value such as "US 7day/60hour" and "US 8day/70hour". I'm not sure if there is any best practices way to do this in Angular, and I'm not having much luck googling it.
What I would do is have a service that I pass in type and value, and it would return a display value, but as with many things in Angular, since this is my first Angular project, I don't know if it's a good way to do it or not.
I'm just needing to use the display value in html such as {{settings.cycle}} I am already able to access the variable, but I want to show the display value, not the actual value.
If I am getting the gist of your question correctly, you have the value available but want to alter how it is displayed on screen right?
There are two main approaches to do this in Angular, using a directive or a filter.
A filter is basically like a pipe in Unix. You can alter a value before it is being displayed. For example:
{ username | uppercase } will transform the username into an all-caps username. Naturally, you can define your own filters for your use case. Filters are mostly used to transform single values. So for your case, a filter sounds best.
A directive is commonly used to create entire components on a page. For example: <user-profile-card></user-profile-card> would be transformed, using the directive, into the appropriate html/css/logic. So these are used often for larger transformations which involve logic, like server requests. Still these directives could also be used for very small components.
So for your case, although what you are actually want to do is not completely clear to me honestly, a filter seems to be your best shot ;)

CakePHP - Best way to persist application state?

I have an app that tracks and displays various stats for a local athletic league. One of my requirements is to be able to break down stats by game type, league id and location id. The user picks a value for each of those 3 items and then goes off to view various stats with the 3 variables stored in a session. This works fine, but my problem is that users can't link back to whatever stats they were viewing. I know I can extend the life of the session, but I'd rather pass the state of those 3 variables around in the URL so I can have the ability to link back to any specific stats page with any or none of those 3 variables defined.
Query strings seem like an obvious way to do this, but I can't tell if there's any way for me to 'automatically' append the query string to all links generated in the app, or if I manually need to go through and add the querystring parameters wherever I generate a link or do a redirect. That seems like the brute force approach and I feel like there must be a better way to do this sort of persistence that I'm missing. Any help appreciated!
For a number of reasons (linking, SEO...etc), use a URL, not sessions/cookies. And instead of IDs, use slugs instead:
I'm sure there are many different ways to keep the url vars consistent across the board, but the way I can think to do it would be the following:
You can use Cake's route functionality to set each item to a variable and make nice looking URLs
In your AppController's beforeFilter(), set the Session of each item (type, league, location)
Make a custom MyHtmlHelper
in it, check if your Session for each contains data, and if it does, append to every link that needs it (could use only for specific controllers, actions...etc)
I hope there's a simpler way, but that's all I could think of offhand.

Multiple Voice_Call for a TimelineItem

Is it possible to have multiple VOICE_CALL options for a given TimelineItem? A scenario would be that I have a Store that has multiple contact numbers. One would be for the 800 number while a second option would be to call a specific store location directly. I have tried adding multiple MenuItems whose action is VOICE_CALL, but not surprisingly it only recognizes the first. Is something like this possible with custom menu items? I am currently writing this in Java.
This is not yet possible with the API. Please file a feature request on our issues tracker if you'd like to see this implemented.
