Dynamically change enter/leave animation class name - angularjs

I have ng-repeat and I want to change the enter/leave animation based on variable from the controller(vm).
I found this (http://www.nganimate.org/) but its for angular 1.1.5 and I am using 1.5.
How can I do that?

Just create a few animation classes in your style sheet and then switch them via ng-class based on whatever variable from the vm you like. Below could be your markup:
<li ng-repeat="item in vm.items track by item.id"
'animation-1-class': vm.varOfYourChoice,
'animation-2-class': !vm.varOfYourChoice
And your style sheet:
.animation-1-class.ng-leave.ng-leave-active { ... }
.animation-1-class.ng-enter.ng-enter-active { ... }
.animation-2-class.ng-leave.ng-leave-active { ... }
.animation-2-class.ng-enter.ng-enter-active { ... }
And here is the relevant documentation on angular animations for the version of AngularJs you're using.

The problem was that if I create css with the same name as animation.css, the animation.css always take over, so I just add a prefix to my class, and its fixed the problem.


Changing the CSS of a div in AngularJS directive

I have a problem I have created a directive which is doing ng-repeat on an array of objects
---Showing the value on gui------
Now I want that if I click on any div of this repeat that particular div's background color should change
I have tried something like this
You can use the ng-class directive to apply classes on specific occurences, in your case in combination with the ng-click:
<div ng-repeat="item in items"
ng-class="{A: item.clicked, B: !item.clicked}"
ng-click="item.clicked = !item.clicked">
<!-- .. content -->
See this jsfiddle for example
You can try something like this, but this will need more workaround.
<div ng-click=“changeBackground($event)”></div>
// In Controller
$scope.changeBackground = function(event){
event.target.style.background = “#000”;
It would be better if you can submit your code.

Change the style of particular elements of an array inside ng-repeat in AngularJs

I have an array of text like $scope.array = [{text:'abc'}, {text:'pqr'}, {text:'xyz'}];
Now along with ng-repeat I want to change the colour of the text of any particular element of the array. how to achieve it?
IMO, we've multiple options to achieve that.
If you want to change single property then you can use ng-style but let say if you want to manipulate multiple properties then its preferable to use ng-class.
The ngStyle directive allows you to set CSS style on an HTML element conditionally.
<div ng-repeat="contact in jsonContacts">
<span ng-style="{'color':($first ?'red':'blue')}">{{data.row}}</span>
The ngClass directive allows you to dynamically set CSS classes on an HTML element by databinding an expression that represents all classes to be added.
<div ng-repeat="i in array" ng-class="{'green': $last, 'blue': $first}">
The ngRepeat directive instantiates a template once per item from a collection. Each template instance gets its own scope, where the given loop variable is set to the current collection item, and $index is set to the item index or key.
$first boolean true if the repeated element is first in the iterator.
$middle boolean true if the repeated element is between the first and last in the iterator.
$last boolean true if the repeated element is last in the iterator.
Official documentations
Hope this helps you :)
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('homeCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.array = [{text:'abc'}, {text:'pqr'}, {text:'xyz'}];
color: green;
color: blue;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="homeCtrl">
<h3>ng-style used</h3>
<div ng-repeat="i in array" ng-style="{'color':($first ?'red':'blue')}">{{i.text}}</div>
<h3>ng-class used</h3>
<div ng-repeat="i in array" ng-class="{'green': $last, 'blue': $first}">{{i.text}}</div>
You can achieve this by using directives such as ngClass or ngStyle, to apply classes or style changes conditionally to certain HTML elements.
Let's assume you're listing your $scope.array elements:
<li ng-repeat="element in array">{{element.text}}</li>
You could add a class called .red (that would change the text color to red) to an element if text === 'pqr', but changing the above example to:
<li ng-repeat="element in array" ng-class="{'red': element.text === 'pqr'}">{{element.text}}</li>
Similarly you can also use the directive ng-style to apply a style directly, avoiding new classes.
Since you're using an ngRepeat, you can also its iterator $index to apply classes/styles on more advanced cases such as first/last element, element index is odd/even, etc...
For more examples and clarifications, please check the official documentation for both directives:
You can use ng-class or ng-style, even including an auxiliar function in your controller to calculate that style.
<div ng-repeat="item in array" ng-class="calculateClass(item)" ng-style="calculateStyle(item)">
<!-- more stuff -->
For your case it could be useful depending on what logic you want to apply to do something like
$scope.calculateStyle = function(item){
var color;
// Some logic to define color
return {
'color': color

Pagination repeater has an active class that i must move when pagination button clicked

Take the following pagination html and repeater:
<ul id="ProductListPagination" class="pagination">
<li class="disabled"><span aria-hidden="true">«</span><span class="sr-only">Previous</span></li>
<li ng-repeat="n in PageCount" ng-class="{active: n==1}"><a ng-click="Paginate( n )" href="#"><% n %> <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li>
How do I go about moving the active class on the repeater when one of the pagination buttons are pressed... Is there a built in angular way?...
If there is no built in way in angular, how do I pass the dom element through to the Paginate( n ) function?
I have the receiving function:
$scope.Paginate = function( obj, page ){
// Remove currently active button's active class
$( "#ProductListPagination li.active" ).each( function() {
$( this ).removeClass( "active" );
} );
// Add to element just clicked on
$( obj ).parent().addClass( "active" );
And the html to go with that, you'll see I tried passing in this.
<li style="cursor:pointer" ng-repeat="n in PageCount" ng-class="{active: n==1}"><a ng-click="Paginate( this, n )" href="#"><% n %> <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li>
But that doesn't work as this, is not a dom element.
This could be done with Directives, these allow you to define custom markup ie. an element, an attribute name, it even can hook onto class names. Then from that you can attach all sorts of stuff.
So you could make a "Pagination" directive.
and that would then be used something like:
<my-pagination pages="arrayInScope">
You can then provide an external template or even a string of markup (eww) for what needs to be either IN this element or to replace this element.
Another Solution
But this is a quick way and I guess it doesn't really need any more over complicating anyway.
Example on CodePen
From the markup I am calling the paginate function parsing ng-repeat's provided $index. In the paginate function in the js i then set it.
As angular digests this: ng-class="{ active : page == current }" will then re-evaluate.
But if you need access to the element for some reason then use directives. jQuery is best avoided when using Angular, if it is just a class change or a visibility toggle etc. then its best to let Angular do it for ya'
Hope that helps.

Getting the jQuery object that has been clicked on in angular via $event

I have a list like this. It is pre rendered and so cannot make use of anything attached to ng-repeat.
<li ng-class="{ 'active': 1 == selectedIndex }">
Item 1
I want to be able to toggle the class of the <li> when the a is clicked.
Looking at some other answers to similar questions on here, it seems as though there is a variable associated with ng-repeat which means you can use an $index variable to achieve this. As this list is pre-rendered this is not available and so I guess I have to do it the jQuery way.
I see that I have access to an $event object but event.target only gives me the DOM element, I would like to be able to convert it into a jQuery object. Is this possible?
You have to think about this in a different way than you would normally. You can't modify the DOM within angular like you do with plain old jquery. Here is what you should do:
<li ng-class="{ active: selectedItem == item }" ng-repeat="item in list">
{{ item.name }}
Then in your controller:
$scope.selectedItem = null; // if this is loaded from a service then you can set it after it loads.
$scope.itemSelected = function( item ) {
$scope.selectedItem = item;
No need to play around with indexes, jquery, or one off code.

How do I use ng-class without ng-repeat?

I am relatively new to AngularJS and am loving every moment of it! I have an unordered list of products. When the user hovers over them, I need the list element to have an active class set on them. I am currently doing it this way:
<li ng-repeat="product in products" ng-mouseover="showDetails(product, $event)" ng-class="{active: current == product}">{{product}}</li>
And my showDetails is as follows:
function showDetails(product, $event) {
$scope.current = product;
...some other logic...
Now, everything is working just fine, however, I was wondering if it was possible to set the class without the ng-repeat and having no product variable to bind to?
<li ng-mouseover="showDetails($event)" ng-class="{<i don't know what to put here> }">foo</li>
<li ng-mouseover="showDetails($event)" ng-class="{<i don't know what to put here> }">bar</li>
<li ng-mouseover="showDetails($event)" ng-class="{<i don't know what to put here> }">A</li>
<li ng-mouseover="showDetails($event)" ng-class="{<i don't know what to put here> }">B</li>
How should I write my showDetails function to set the class this time? My first try is:
function showDetails($event) {
var text = $event.target.textContent;
$scope.current = text
But what do I do in the ng-class attribute?
If a pure CSS solution is not possible then you can create a directive and toggle a CSS class using JQuery within that directive. Apply the directive on the ul as an attribute or class. In that directive you can do
