Generic Message - "To use this feature, use the Messenger app" - facebook-messenger

I have a generic template message with a element_share button. When using a desktop browser, the share button is greyed out and on hover the following comes up:
To use this feature, use the Messenger app
I checked the docs and couldn't find anything regarding this. Is there a limitation to the share button on desktop?


How do you display a custom message with CefSharp when JavaScript handles OnBeforeUnload?

I have implemented my own class for IJsDialogHandler for a WinForms desktop app. I want to display a custom dialog instead of the default dialog. The example from CefSharp GitHub site just says to return true to handle it myself, but that doesn't show me how to display my own dialog.
How do I display my dialog?
Do I need to also implement a LifeSpanHandler? I've seen some articles using it to know the browser is closing.

Correct way to add custom buttons with OpenTok

I'm building a video application for the web in React using OpenTok. OpenTok has built in buttons for muting the mic for the publisher and muting the audio for subscribers. In my case I also need buttons to mute the video for both the publisher and the subscriber.
I haven't seen anything about a mute video button in the documentation so I built the functionality myself using subscribeToVideo. The problem is that I want to add a button with this functionality next to the mute audio button, but I haven't found anything about custom buttons in the documentation.
So my question is: What's the best way to add custom buttons to OpenToks bar?
Of course I could append a button to the html and style it in place myself, but it feels ugly and I don't know what the consequences are. I guess this is my back up solution if there isn't any other way.
I will probably need to add other buttons as well in the future so I really hope OpenTok supports custom buttons and that it's just me that haven't found how to do it.
TokBox Developer Evangelist here.
We don't have any documentation on custom buttons, but you do have three options for the video and mute buttons on the video element.
If you want a custom button, you will have to append that to the HTML and toggle subscribeToVideo and subscribeToAudio properties like you said.
Here is a react sample that adds a mute video button
I would recommend that you just set the buttonDisplayMode to off and then recreate the mute audio button just using subscriber.subscribeToAudio() and publisher.publishAudio(). This way if eg. the opentok UI changes slightly it doesn't matter for you, plus you can make it all look however you want.

Keyboard focus problems

I am needing to use the DotNetBrowserControl inside of another application (I am an add-in in the application). The application is written in WPF and has some WinForms components.
When I try to use the WPFBrowserView in the app I can never get focus to go into the Browser Window at all (even when clicking on a the google search box for example).
When I try to use the WinformsBrowserView inside of a WindowsFormsHost control I am able to get focus into the google search box by clicking on it. However once I click focus out of the browser control (to a WPF textbox for example) I can never get Keyboard focus back into the browser (even when clicking on a textbox in the browser).
It seams I am closest on getting the WInformsBrowserView working. Does anyone have any advice on how to force focus into the browser window? Even if I could programmatically force this to happen it would be a huge help.
We have implemented force focus feature for DotNetBrowser, but it is not yet present in the current version. We plan to add it to the next version of DotNetBrowser. If you need a build with this feature present, please get in touch with us via DotNetBrowser support email, and we will provide you with a preview build.

Button from an iframe in WebBrowser does not work

I am using the WebBrowser component. There is a button in an iframe which when clicked has to trigger redirect. The redirection is not happening and I am given the android code below to use it to make redirection work.
webView.getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(true);// setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(true);
Do I have to
1. Create a cn1 plugin so I use the android code
2. Or those settings come by default with the WebBrowser component for android.
3. Or is there another stuff I have to do to get the button to work.
You can access any of the set* methods on the settings using BrowserComponent.setProperty() e.g.:
myBc.setProperty("AllowContentAccess", Boolean.TRUE);
Notice that this might fail if a special permission is required.

Is it possible to show google map popup in modal

I am attempting to find a reference to popup the info box into a modal. My usecase is such that the Google Maps popup is a very useful navigation tool, however since it anchors clicked object it is often off screen on a mobile device.
I haven't found anything that suggests this is possible.
This was something I looked into but never went anywhere with.
Here is an example I did not create this just something I had tucked away in my bookmarks... seems to fit with what you are doing
