Values are not showing in a form input AngularJs - angularjs

Console screenshot I'm having a problem with my code; I'm getting values upon clicking the button, and the same values are also showing in the console. However, I can't see the same values in the input field. Can anyone help with this?
$scope.getFees = function (id) {
getClients.getFeesPoints(id).then(function(response) {
$scope.fees =;
<input type="text" ng-model="fees" class="mdltb-inp fee-inp"
name="fees" placeholder="35$" >
Check link of image 30 is the value of response data

Remove value="{{User}}" from the code and verify $scope.fees =; binds a text value and not an object.
In case if the is an object, that won't bind to an input text field. Find out the appropriate key from object and bind input with that key. Also if the value is not binded still try to call $scope.$apply() after assigning the value

I this you should try this way
var app = angular.module("myapp", []);
app.controller("myCtrl", ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.getFees = function (id) {
$scope.fees = 50;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myapp">
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputValue" name="uservalue" ng-model="fees" ng-required="true" autofocus="true" ng-blur="checkIfValid()"/>
<button ng-click="getFees(true)">Demo</button>

I have Solved this by using $rootScope i.e. "$rootScope” is a parent object of all “$scope” angular objects created in a web page.


Getting the value of ng-model input from controller angular js

I'm trying to get the value of my ng-model input to my controller. The input value has a value and not empty.
Why this code is not working? It says undefined when you alert or console log. What did i missed? really appreciate your help. here is my code
input --> the value is 1
<input type="text" name="idval" ng-model="Data.idval">
app.controller('Controller', function($scope, $http){
$scope.fetchvalue = function(){
var id = $scope.Data.idval; // not working
var id = $scope.idval; // even this one
alert(id); // its undefined
"query.php", {
'ID': id,
).then(function(response) {
Here is a working solution for your code:
You need to declare an object and bind it to ng-model,
$scope.Data = {};
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('formCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.Data = {};
$scope.fetchvalue = function(){
var id = $scope.Data.idval; // not working
alert(id); // its undefined
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="formCtrl">
<form novalidate>
<input type="text" name="idval" ng-model="Data.idval">
<button ng-click="fetchvalue()">Submit</button>
Here is a working Plunker
I understand,
see you defined id twice, first id get the value from ng-model which must be assigning ng-model value to id variable and you override id with undefined variable called idval.
You can either remove line var id = $scope.idval; or
modify alert(id); as alert($scope.Data.idval)
You need to declare it somewhere before you use it.
$scope.DATA = ""
var id = $scope.Data.idval;
Try this out

ng-init does not initialize my selected model

I have a select option where I get a list of titles i.e. Mr, Mrs, Dr etc. from an API, the code looks like this in the front end:
<select class="form-control" name="titleSelect" id="titleSelect" ng-options="option.value for option in titleData.availableOptions track by option.key" ng-model="adult[$index].selectedTitle" ng-init="adult[$index].selectedTitle = titleData.availableOptions[0]"></select>
And this in the controller:
var getPassengerTitle = PassengerDetailsAndCardDetailsService.getPassengerTitle();
PassengerDetailsAndCardDetailsService is service, where I get the API data i.e. the title data. Furthermore this service returns a promise.
This is where I set the title Data:
$scope.availableTitles = angular.fromJson(result.titleList);
$scope.tempListOfTitles = [];
for(var key in $scope.availableTitles){
$scope.tempListOfTitles.push({key : key, value : $scope.availableTitles[key]});
$scope.titleData = {
availableOptions: $scope.tempListOfTitles,
When I try to ng-init to the first option (that is Mr.) it does not work as in a blank option is shown. However when I tried statically defining the titleData in an object it works, could you please help me?
I failed to mention that the title data is inside an ng-repeat to support input for multiple people/passengers in this case. Therefore I'm using adult[$index] where it creates an ng-model for each person/passenger.
I am not sure if this is the required behavior you want, but if you want to initialise the title on selecting an option you can either use the value from ng-model or use the event handler ng-change. Here is an example jsbin which handles the change and assigns the new value to ng-model. Let me know if this is what you were looking for
try like this.
var myapp = angular.module('app', []);
myapp.controller('Main', function ($scope) {
var vm = this; = {
vm.titleData = [
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app = "app">
<div ng-controller="Main as ctrl">
<div class="select-style">
<select ng-options="option.key as option.value for option in ctrl.titleData" ng-model=""></select>

multiple inputs based on array

My angular experience is basically about 3 days part time, so there's probably something simple I'm missing here.
I'm trying to create a dynamic list of multiple inputs based on an array, which I then want to reference from elsewhere in the app. What I've tried is loading a template from a custom directive, then $compile-ing it.
<input data-ng-repeat="term in query" data-ng-model="term">
My controller contains $scope.query = [""] which successfully creates the first empty input box. But the input box doesn't seem to update $scope.query[0] when I modify it. This means that when I try to create another empty input box with $scope.query.push(""); (from a keypress listener looking for the "/" key) I get a "duplicates not allowed" error.
I've tried manually listening to the inputs and updating scope.$query based on their value, but that doesn't feel very "angular", and results in weird behaviour.
What do I need to do to link these values. Am I along the right lines or way off?
I made a simple jsfiddle showing how to use an angular model (service) to store the data. Modifying the text inputs will also modify the model. In order to reference them somewhere else in your app, you can include TestModel in your other controllers.
<body ng-app="TestApp">
<div ng-controller="TestController">
<div ng-repeat="item in queries track by $index">
<input type="text" ng-model="queries[$index]" />
<button ng-click="getVal()">Get Values</button>
var app = angular.module('TestApp',[]);
app.controller('TestController', function($scope, TestModel)
$scope.queries = TestModel.get();
$scope.getVal = function()
app.service('TestModel', function()
var queries = ['box1','box2','box3'];
return {
get: function()
return queries;

Get value from HTML page to angularJS file

I tried to get the HTML page value to angularJS function , The below steps are which i tried.
HTML page :
<label class="item-input item-stacked-label">
<span class="input-label cont_det_label">First Name</span>
<p class="contact_display" id="txtFirstName" ng-model="testName">Satya</p>
angularJS Page :
.controller('SocialNetworkCtrl', ['$scope','$http','$state','ContactsService','$ionicNavBarDelegate','$ionicLoading','$ionicPopup',function($scope, $http, $state, ContactsService, $ionicNavBarDelegate, $ionicLoading,$ionicPopup) {
$scope.showUserProfile = function() {
var firstname = (document.getElementById("txtFirstName").value);
So I need var firstname = Satya ?? Is it correct way please guide me to access this value .
var firstName = $scope.testName
<input ng-model="testName" />
testName is the ng-model name that you have give. It will be automatically binded to your controller. No need the get the value using document.getElementById
Wrong usage , why ng-model in <p> tag??
Change your fiddle with the following code, it will work. Also make sure framework is selected properly (as in the image)
<div ng-app ng-controller="testController">
<input ng-model="testDataName" ng-change="check()" /> {{testDataName}}
After ng-change : {{checkName}}
function testController($scope) {
$scope.testDataName="Dummy Name";
$scope.check = function () {
its a text node, you will require .innerHTML or '.innerText', .value is for form inputs
var firstname = (document.getElementById("txtFirstName").innerHTML);
and don't use ng-model on a p element, change it to like this
<p class="contact_display" id="txtFirstName">{{testName}}</p>
just use $scope.testName to get the value, no need for firstname = (document.getElementById("txtFirstName").innerHTML); querying DOM for value is jQuery style, use angular the $scope for 2 way bindings
Read more at official doc
Update here is updated function on loginCtrl
.controller('loginCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.testNameData = 'Satya';
$scope.doLogin = function() {
If you really want to go jQuery way here is what you can do, its not recommended, you should use angular directive to do DOM manipulation
$scope.showUserPro = function() {
// Here i need the value of <p tag>
var name = document.getElementById("txtFirstName"),
firstNameFromHtmlPtag = name.innerText;
console.log(firstNameFromHtmlPtag, 'Doing API Call 1');

angularjs - undefined error from input text field

Trying to initialize text input box for user input but getting error. $scope can set intext when uncommentted. I've hacked around this (sort of) but I'm missing something basic as usual.
Console error starts: 'Error: $scope.intext is undefined' unless I assign a value. The input box is exclusively for user input. Also noticed I can assign 'why' and don't get the error until I try to split.
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('TextScreen', ['$scope', function($scope) {
//$scope.intext = "what";
var why = $scope.intext.split('-');
<div id="cont" ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="TextScreen">
<input type="text" ng-model="intext" />
The reason is that $scope.intext is undefined. intext.
It is unclear what you are trying to do but I would suggest initializing intext or moving your code to a function. Like this:
$scope.change = function() {
var why = $scope.intext.split('-');
<input type="text" ng-model="intext" ng-change="change()" />
Like suggested in angular documentation here:
Or try using ng-init
ng-init="intext= 'demo'"
<input type="text" ng-model="intext" ng-init="intext= 'demo'" />
var why = $scope.intext.split('-');
is being processed immediately, but at that moment, $scope.intext is undefined, therefore you cannot call .split on it.
If you are trying to act on the value the user enters, you should place a watch on it
$scope.$watch('intext', function(oldvalue, newvalue){
if(angular.isDefined(newvalue) && newvalue != oldvalue) //ensuring undefined should not processed
var why = newvalue.split('-');
