Fetching data in the form of Array from Mongodb - arrays

I am using this function to get the values of all the input tags having name=type1[].
var values = $("input[name='type1[]']").map(function(){
return $(this).val();
When i console.log this value then i get an array in my console window and then i stores this variable inside my mongodb and when i later fetches it then it automatically gets converted into string.
What i wanna do is to get the variable exactly as an array form.
How can i do that?
Here is my Mongodb code and my ajax request
var template = new Temp({
And i am using the middleware bodyparser.json() on my server page maybe because thats why it got converted into string.


JSON stored into an array not callable by specific index

I am trying to develop an app for my fantasy baseball league to use for our draft (we some kind of quirky stuff all the major sites don't account for) - I want to pull some player data to use for the app by using MLB's API. I have been able to get the response from MLB, but can't do anything with the data after I get it back. I am trying to store the JSON into an array, and if I console.log the array as a whole, it will give me the entire chunk of data, but if I try to call the specific index value of the 1st item, it comes back as undefined.
let lastName = 'judge';
let getData = new XMLHttpRequest;
let jsonData = [];
function getPlayer () {
getData.open('GET', `http://lookup-service-
sport_code='mlb'&active_sw='Y'&name_part='${lastName}%25'`, true)
getData.onload = function() {
if (this.status === 200) {
When I change the above console.log to console.log(jsonData[0]) it comes back as undefined. If I go to the console and copy the property path, it displays as [""0""] - Either there has to be a better way to use the JSON data or storing it into an array is doing something abnormal that I haven't encountered before.
The jsonData array will be empty after calling getPlayer function because XHR loads data asynchronously.
You need to access the data in onload handler like this (also changed URL to HTTPS to avoid protocol mismatch errors in console):
let lastName = 'judge';
let getData = new XMLHttpRequest;
let jsonData = [];
function getPlayer () {
getData.open('GET', `https://lookup-service-
sport_code='mlb'&active_sw='Y'&name_part='${lastName}%25'`, true)
getData.onload = function() {
if (this.status === 200) {
// Now that we have the data...
First answer from How to force a program to wait until an HTTP request is finished in JavaScript? question:
There is a 3rd parameter to XmlHttpRequest's open(), which aims to
indicate that you want the request to by asynchronous (and so handle
the response through an onreadystatechange handler).
So if you want it to be synchronous (i.e. wait for the answer), just
specify false for this 3rd argument.
So, you need to change last parameter in open function as below:
getData.open('GET', `http://lookup-service-
sport_code='mlb'&active_sw='Y'&name_part='${lastName}%25'`, false)
But from other side, you should allow this method to act asynchronously and print response directly in onload function.

React native fetch... Explain it like I'm 5

export default class App extends Component {
state = {
data: []
fetchData = async () => {
const response = await fetch("https://randomuser.me/api?results=5"); // Replace this with the API call to the JSON results of what you need for your app.
const json = await response.json();
this.setState({ data: json.results }); // for the randomuser json result, the format says the data is inside results section of the json.
So, I have this code in my App.js file for React Native. The randomuser.me is a website that just gives you random users. Using it as a test URL right now. I don't really understand what the code is doing enough to be able to use it for other parts of my project. I was able to successfully display the 5 user results but now I want to access them again and iterate through the data attribute of the state.
tldr; Can I just access the data I got from the fetch in a for loop using data[i]? Please advise. I want to see if user input matches any of the items in the response that is stored in data attribute of state.
Ok the thign that you just did, that is fetch. You retrieve data from the internet.
"https://randomuser.me/api?results=5" is an API, there is lot of different API's, and each one has it´s own way to retrieve data from. if you put "https://randomuser.me/api?results=5" in your browser, you are gonna see a JSON, some API's store data in JSON, others in an array format.
In this case, the JSON, has just one child, 'results', thats why you store "json.results".
That´s fetch. The thing that you want to do is just javascript.
Store json.results in a variable
then iterate over it
var Results = json.results //store it in a variable
for(var i = 0;i<Object.keys(Results).length;i++){ //iterate
var CurrentUser = Results[Object.keys(Results)[i]] // i use this because some JSOn have random keys
if(CurrentUser.gender==='male'){//if you meet a condition
//do whatever you want
you can also use ".map" if it´s an array

Reactjs data changes, filename stays the same

I have a picture, profile.jpg on my server. When I upload a new picture, replacing picture.jpg in data but not in name (in other words, the old profile.jpg gets replaced by the new profile.jpg, but the new one is also called profile.jpg). After my promise is returned, I call forceUpdate, but this doesn't do anything unless I change the actual url (src) of the image. See my code, in which I attempted to concatenate promises in order that react would recognize that the url is changing (from the correct url, to "empty", to the correct url again):
fetch('http://localhost:3000/change_pet_pic/?petID='+this.props.pet.id+'&userID='+this.props.pet.ownerID, { method: 'POST', body: form })
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(json) {
var pet = $this.props.pet;
pet.petPicture = "empty";
return json.picture_url;
var pet = $this.props.pet;
pet.petPicture = url;
Thanks for your tips!
It seems nothing wrong with your ReactJS code instead it should be a browser cache which is causing issue by returning the old image all the time as the image url looks same.
What you can do to get rid of this is, you can access the image with different query string whenever the image is getting changed.
So the first time, you can access this with profile.jpg?v=1 and the second time, you can access it with profile.jpg?v=2 something like that.

How to loop through $resource returned query and get desired value?

I am using MEANJS
In my controller i have
// Find a list of Cars
$scope.findHome = function() {
$scope.cars = Cars.query();
Which outputs
here i want to get the _id string inside the first array 0: Resource
I tried $scope.cars[0]._id which returns undefined, Please help.
You are inspecting the results of the query immediately after the call, but ngResource is asynchronous, so perhaps the data has not yet returned from the server by the time you are trying to access it. Try putting your access in the callback function passed to query().
$scope.cars = Cars.query(function() {

$resource URL data issue

From where the data is coming/posted in following code given in angular tutorial.I tried the same using json file but data is not getting posted or updated in json file .
var CreditCard = $resource('/user/:userId/card/:cardId',
{userId:123, cardId:'#id'}, {
charge: {method:'POST', params:{charge:true}}
// We can retrieve a collection from the server
var cards = CreditCard.query(function() {
// GET: /user/123/card
The first parameter to $resource() is the url where the data is coming from (for GET) or posted (for POST). Parts of the url not supplied will default to the current page url, so for example if the page using this code is at http://example.com:8080/somepath/example.html then this resource would be getting data from http://example.com:8080/user/123/card/456 (or whatever #id is).
