Custom column name for bcp queryout SQL Server - sql-server

I want to rename the column name in the select clause of a bcp queryout command.I've tried the below variations and none of them work.I want to rename the first and third column to email_address and id respectively.
I am calling the bcp command in a batch script.
bcp "select email as 'email_address', first_name, p_id as 'id' from table_name" queryout 15Days.txt -c -Sservername -Uusername -Ppassword -t,
bcp "select email as [email_address], first_name, p_id as [id] from table_name" queryout 15Days.txt -c -Sservername -Uusername -Ppassword -t,
bcp "select email 'email_address', first_name, p_id 'id' from table_name" queryout 15Days.txt -c -Sservername -Uusername -Ppassword -t,
bcp "select email email_address, first_name, p_id id from table_name" queryout 15Days.txt -c -Sservername -Uusername -Ppassword -t,
Can someone point me to towards the right solution?

If you looked at the text files produced by bcp you'll notice column names are not exported. Only data is exported.
The link Alex posted describes a way to add the column names to the output.You are actually adding the fields as first data column to your data using UNION. I recommend against it, because it requires casting all fields as strings making for a complex query.
Step 1 Output the columns
I would output a text file with the desired column names to one text file. Lets call that file "columnnames.csv". You may even create a repository of fixed column name files if need be.
Step 2 Output the data
Use bcp to output the data as you did before. Lets call that output "data.csv"
Step 3 Combine the two files
You can use this simple batch command to combine the data
copy /b columnnames.csv+data.csv combined.csv
type columnnames.csv data.csv > combined.csv
Helpful resources
How to query against the schema to get the column names.


bcp export varbinary to flat file

I want to export varbinary with bcp to a flat file (csv).
It seems to work, but in front of the 0x is a strange enconding, I can not get rid of. Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong? Following the bcp-command I execute and the screenshot from notepad++
PS C:\Windows\system32> bcp "SELECT TOP 5 CONVERT(varchar(max), [Bild],1) AS SomeImageFieldAsHex FROM [SWTA_HH].[dbo].[Fenster]" queryout "c:\export.csv" -d "SWTA_HH" -T -n -r \n
Thanks Darius
As per the bcp Utility documentation, the -n switch is instructing BCP to output data in "native" format, which includes binary information to allow a receiving SQL Server to ingest the data again using the correct data types.
If you're wanting to output these varbinary values to a .CSV (comma-separated values) file then you'll probably want to use the -c switch instead, for character data, e.g.:
bcp "SELECT TOP 5 CONVERT(varchar(max), [Bild], 1) AS SomeImageFieldAsHex FROM [SWTA_HH].[dbo].[Fenster]" queryout "c:\export.csv" -d "SWTA_HH" -T -c -r \n

Is there a way to combine hard-coded column headers with an 'exec stored procedure' using BCP?

I've seen the hack to add the column headers to a select query but I have a stored procedure that has a lot of functionality in it. How do I UNION ALL my column headers with my stored procedure like:
BCP "Select 'col1', 'col2' UNION ALL exec Stored_Proc" queryout c:\BCP\file.out -c -T -S Servername
So I'm trying to produce a csv file with my hard-coded headers (or table headers) and then the results of my query (which is in the stored procedure).
Also, one more thing, I'm running this bcp call from a batch file so I can add a date to the filename of my csv like:
set var=export_Data_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%.csv
bcp "exec dbo..Extract_Data" queryout c:\BCP\%var% -c -t, -T -S Servername

How to change my T-SQL query to overwrite a csv file rather than append data to it?

I have the following T-SQL codes configured to run on a daily basis using SQL Server Agent job. My database is running on SQL Server 2012.
INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Text;Database=C:\;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited','SELECT * FROM [myfile.csv]')
SELECT ReservationStayID,NameTitle,FirstName,LastName,ArrivalDate,DepartureDate FROM [GuestNameInfo]
My issue is that the output of this query is being appended to the existing records in the csv file. I want the output to overwrite the existing content each time the SQL Server Agent job is run.
How do I modify my query to acheive this?
I would recommend first renaming your existing myfile.csv to something else (like myfile_[DateOfLastRun].csv). Then start fresh with a new myfile.csv. That way if something goes wrong outside this process and you need whatever was in myfile.csv the day/week/month before, you have it.
You could use BCP for this in a BAT file:
set vardate=%DATE:~4,10%
set varDateWithoutSlashes=%vardate:/=-%
bcp "SELECT someColumns FROM aTable" queryout myFile_%varDateWithoutSlashes%.csv -t, -c -T
The example above creates your CSV with the date already in the name. You could also rename the existing file, then create your new myfile.csv without the date:
set vardate=%DATE:~4,10%
set varDateWithoutSlashes=%vardate:/=-%
ren myFile.csv myFile_%varDateWithoutSlashes%.csv
bcp "SELECT someColumns FROM aTable" queryout myFile.csv -t, -c -T
Be sure to build in cleanup of old files somewhere - that can even be done in the same batch process as this one.
You can add DB name and server name to the bcp line - by default it connects to the local server and the user's default DB (See the BCP documentation link for even more options)
bcp databaseName "SELECT someColumns FROM aTable" queryout myFile.csv -t, -c -T -S serverName

bcp with format file using command dos in windows

I'am trying to import data into sql server table from a file using a format file.
In fact I have 2 databases: a production database and a local database
I want to insert some row of the table shipper of the production database in the local one. The table shipper don't have neither the same columns nor the same order of column in the 2 databases.
That's why I used a file format to do my bcp.
I generate file containing the rows I want to insert in my local database with the following commande
bcp "SELECT shipper_id,Shipper_name FROM ProductionDatabase.dbo.shipper where shipper_id >5" queryout shipper.txt -c -T
It works !!
I generate then the format file with the schema of my local table with the following commande
bcp LocalDatabase.dbo.shipper nul -T -n -f shipper-n.fmt
It works !!
Unfortunately when I tried to insert the file data in my local table
with the following commande:
bcp LocalDatabase.dbo.shipper in shipper.txt -T -f shipper-n.fmt
it generates the following error (translated from french)
Can anyone know what is the problem and how can I get arround it.
Thanks in advance
unexpected end of file encountered in the bcp data file
Your format file does not match the data. You are exporting using text using -c
bcp "SELECT shipper_id,Shipper_name FROM ProductionDatabase.dbo.shipper where shipper_id >5" queryout shipper.txt -c -T
But your format file is made for native (binary) data using -n
bcp LocalDatabase.dbo.shipper nul -T -n -f shipper-n.fmt
Either export both as native (my recommendation), or both as text. To prevent this error, export the data file and the format file at the same time, simply add -f shipper.fmt to your export
Text version:
bcp "SELECT shipper_id,Shipper_name FROM ProductionDatabase.dbo.shipper where shipper_id >5" queryout shipper.txt -c -T -f shipper.fmt
Native Version:
bcp "SELECT shipper_id,Shipper_name FROM ProductionDatabase.dbo.shipper where shipper_id >5" queryout shipper.txt -n -T -f shipper.fmt
PS. Since you can run into scenarios where your record or row delimiters exist in the data you should pick a character sequence that does not exist in your data as a separator for instance -t"\t|\t" (Tab-Pipe-Tab) for fields and -r"\t|\n" (Tab-Pipe-Newline) for rows. If you combine the format statement with the export the data and the format file will match and you have the freedom to change the separators on a single command line.
Specify separators after the -n or -c on the command line

Export a CSV file with SQLCMD or BCP, complete columns of Excel

That I'm a beginner and I have to export from SQL SERVER Management studio, the result of a query by generating an Excel file, I use either BCP or SQLCMD like this:
enter code here
exec xp_cmdshell 'sqlcmd -S localhost -d BaseName -E -Q "SELECT * FROM TableName" -o "c:\MyTest.csv" -W -w 1024 -s"|"'
This is supposed to separate the columns in Excel
My problem is that all the results are placed in the first column and within this column actually columns are separated by the character I entered (here "|"). But I want each column to go in a different column.
I'm beginning to think that this might be possible with BCP or with SQLCMD
would anyone answer?
thank you in advance for reading
This needs to be formatted in Excel using "Text to Columns"
Refer Link: Text to Columns in Excel
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'BCP "sp_who" QUERYOUT C:\av\sp_who.txt -S MC0XENTC -T -c '
