Need regex to separate the integer from the array to comma separated - arrays

I am looking to have a regex for passing a value in the array to comma separated. Here is the regex I used for the fetching the value.
Regex: id="selectedAgency(.+?)" currently using this regex I am able to find the below value which is matching in
Hence the outcome I receives is as follows:
However I would like to have the actual output as the below:
&selectedAgencies= 14,12,10,9

To remove [] use different regex:
Regex : id="selectedAgency\[(\d+)

not sure if this JavaScript version works for you but here it is. Hopefully the regex and replace part should help.
let str = "&selectedAgencies=[14],[12],[10],[9]";
let result = str.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, "$1"); //&selectedAgencies=14,12,10,9


regex with OR condition not working in angularjs [duplicate]

I'm creating a javascript regex to match queries in a search engine string. I am having a problem with alternation. I have the following regex:
I want to be able to match strings that have the string 'word' or 'qw' in addition to 'wd', but everything I try is unsuccessful. I thought I would be able to do something like the following:
but it does not seem to work.
replace [wd|word|qw] with (wd|word|qw) or (?:wd|word|qw).
[] denotes character sets, () denotes logical groupings.
Your expression:
does need a few changes, including [wd|word|qw] to (wd|word|qw) and getting rid of the redundant {1}, like so:
But you also need to understand that the first part of your expression (.**[/?].*) will match hello what spelling/handle????????? or hbaidu-com/ or even something like lkas----jhdf lkja$##!3hdsfbaidugcomlaksjhdf.[($?lakshf, because the dot (.) matches any character except newlines... to match a literal dot, you have to escape it with a backslash (like \.)
There are several approaches you could take to match things in a URL, but we could help you more if you tell us what you are trying to do or accomplish - perhaps regex is not the best solution or (EDIT) only part of the best solution?

API Gateway pass array of parameters in querystring

I have some issues with passing array of parameters to query string for GET method, for example, /resource&item=1&item=2&item=3.
I have tried to pass parameters separated by commas and by &, it doesn`t work. How to configure API Gateway to do this? Can anyone help me?
Your example was using an ampersand (&) instead of a question mark (?) for separating the query string parameter from the path. I'm assuming that's just a typo.
Try passing the array using json syntax like
have you tried this way :
The way you used would erase the first data by the last data in the url.
What we are doing in our company is to pass data separated by ,. On Backend we explode the parameter and make it array again. I am not sure if there is more better way to do it or not. Let me know if you find any.
like ?items=1,2,3,4
And we get explode items with , through extra code
and get result as [1,2,3,4]

1 liner regex to get everything before semi colon

I have this variable 1874;#Bob Williams. I tried this and it should give me 1874 but it's giving me the entire variable. Any idea?
Whatever tool/engine you're using is removing what it matches and returns what remains after removal, so this should work for you: ;.+
A bit off topic but you dont need a regex for this. Not at all. Use Substringinstead:
var s = "1874;#Bob Williams";
s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf(';')); // If your input might not contain a semi colon, check the return of IndexOf
// s == "1874"
If you are writing .NET code as your tag show, use this.

AugluarJS truncating trailing equal sign

AngularJS truncates the trailing equal signs when routing to them. I have a base64 string which need to be added as a query parameter to the url(route)
this loads as:!/updatepassword?code=NnuW3q49QW38Mf-Cg
Is there a workaround for this?
If you try to set route as a string, then you need to escape = sign. That's because this character has a special meaning in the query string - it separates parameter name from its value.
So, one solution could be:
var query = "code=NnuW3q49QW38Mf-Cg==";
$location.url("/some/path?" + encodeURIComponent(query));
What encodeURIComponent() will do, is it will replace all special characters - = will be replaced with %3D for instance. This will prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value separator.
If you only want to change the query string parameters, not the whole URL, you can also use $ method:
$"code", "NnuW3q49QW38Mf-Cg==");
Just remember to pass two parameters to that method, not one. If you do:
the = sign will not get escaped, only stripped.
Angular uses parseKeyValue() function internally to parse query string, it can be found here. You can see that the split is being done over the = sign. That's why they get stripped.
But if you take a look at .search() method implementation, you see that parseKeyValue() is being called only if you supply one argument to .search(). It's not invoked if you supply name of the parameter as a first, and value as a second argument.
Peeking at the source code also suggests yet another solution:
${"code": "NnuW3q49QW38Mf-Cg=="});

Removing characters from Actionscript 3 Strings

I have a text file that I read using the usual URLRequest and URLloader functions. It consists of a series of names, each separated by \r\d. I want to create an array of those names, but I want to eliminate both the \r and the \d. This code does a great job at splitting the names into arrays, but it leaves the carriage return in the string.
names = testfile.split(String.fromCharCode(10));
And this leaves the new line:
names = testfile.split(String.fromCharCode(13));
I'm mainly a C/C++/assembly programmer, AS3 has some things that seem rather odd to me. Is there a way to do this? I've tried searching the resulting string array members but I get errors from the compiler. Very easy to do in C/C++/assembly, but I haven't quite figured AS3 out yet.
You should be able to use a RegExp to do this. Something like:
var noLines:String = withLines.replace( /[\r\n]/g, "" );
That'll remove all new lines from your string; whether you want to do that before or after splitting it up to you.
If your string is in the form:
Then you might even be able to get away with splitting using a RegExp:
var names:Array = withLines.split( /[\r\n]/ );
You can test out the RegExp provided here: (click on the replace tab and clear the replace input)
