Google Analytics timingVar - reactjs

I have a react application which is integrated with google analytics (GA). We re piloting this integration to collect the user behaviour in different scenarios following the guides from GA. As an example we have an external link in one of our pages which will take users to a different application. On clicking this line we are firing two GA functions. One is to record the click event and the other is to find the time the user spent on the base page before clicking the link. We can see the click event in the GA but not able to see the timing variable.
In the console we can see the GA calls like :
[react-ga] called ga('send', fieldObject);
log.js:2 [react-ga] with fieldObject:{"hitType":"event","eventCategory":"ExternalLink","eventAction":"Clicked","eventLabel":"Acme-Web"}
log.js:2 [react-ga] called ga('send', fieldObject);
log.js:2 [react-ga] with fieldObject: {"hitType":"timing","timingCategory":"ExternalLink","timingVar":"timeSpent","timingValue":17432,"timingLabel":"Acme-Web"}
Any pointers would be helpful.

According to the docs there are sample rates that are applied to timing Hits.
This means that if you don't have enough pageviews you will only see 100 timing hits and even if you have many pageviews timing hits will be capped at around 10,000 / day or 1% of pageviews.
This means that timing events are pretty unreliable for most use cases. You should instead fire a second event with a Value attached to it.


Heap Analytics - How do I capture the amount of time users spend on a page?

I am using Heap Analytics to track events (page clicks and page views), but once registering the event I am having difficulty in finding how to measure how long user views a page.
The only place similar to this measurement is in the graphs, under average time between, for pages where I select page view, along with a start and end event.
If this is the method to track event for page view, what is the start, and what is the end event?
UPDATE 25NOV16: After using a similar method for a little while to track user exits (and thus, total session time), I can say that the below method works, but not 100% of the time. It's unclear to me what determines the success (latency, maybe).
after my comment (which i deleted) i did a little testing and i have a solution, but it requires a custom event, so you can't do any retroactive analysis.
First, define a page_view event for whichever page.
Then, in your page, add this snippet:
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
heap.track('pageExited', {arbitraryProp: "string"})
Then, in the graph view of the heap dashboard, you can select average time between, page_view, and pageExited.
Note that onbeforeunload will fire when user refreshes, in addition to when user exits page.

Dealing with higher amount of events on angular-bootstrap-calendar

We're currently starting to build an appointment system based on angular-bootstrap-calendar. We're curious about any performance tips or considerations we should have in mind when dealing with a relatively big amount of events (~120 per day).
Is there anything in particular we should do or try to avoid in order to maintain good performance (as in responsive UI and memory consumption) on the frontend ?
Might use layering. I would regularly refresh your calendar (I use a cron job every 10 minutes) to build your daily JSON events object with daily summaries as your events, so each day would show 1 event titled "250 appts." and clicking on that event would popup the list of appts. for that day, with each appt having bubble help with some data like title="2:30-Bob-ConfRoom#5" and clicking it would popup the details for the appt.

Flurry Analytics Dashboard -- Display Duration of Timed Events

On the Flurry Dashboard, is there a way to compare the total duration of 2 (or more) different timed events?
For example, suppose an application logs distinct timed events for different screens (i.e. Screen1, Screen2, Screen3, etc.) starting the timed event when the screen appears and ending the timed event when the screen disappears. We would like a way to visually compare the total amount of time for each of the events on a single graph of some sort. (We would also like to see the average total amount of time per session on a single graph) This would give us a quick understanding of what percentage of time our users are spending on different screens within the app.
I've played with the dashboard but I can't seem to find a way to do this. It seems like it is not possible to show the duration of timed events on the dashboard. So the only way to view event duration is to look at individual events in isolation in the Events section.
Hopefully I'm missing something, so thanks in advance for any answers to this question.

Mirror API latency when sending something to a timeline

It seems that sometimes timeline items (just text) arrive instantly and other times they take forever... Is there a way to send one at precisely the right time?
You can send the notification at a precise time.
.setDeliveryTime(new DateTime(oneMinuteInFuture.getTime()));
That's a java example, where oneMinuteInFuture is a Calendar object set to one minute after now.
What happens when you do this is the card is inserted in the timeline immediately, but the notification is delayed until the specified time. So the card goes in right away and one minute later I get a chime.
There is an unaccepted issue related to this at the issue tracker you might want to star and follow, it appears that this functionality might change in the future.

how to get adjusted bounce rate in Omniture sitecatalyst

adjusted bounce is defined as 'bounces excluding the single page visits that have finished some interactions on the page'; for instance, single page visits that stay longer than 15 seconds, or trigger an ajax event; I want these visits to be excluded from bounce rate calculation
I know in GA it can be adjusted quite easily by customizing the GATC, but I haven't found anything about Sitecatalyst, does anyone have any idea?
In SiteCatalyst, a "bounce" is considered a single image request (no other calls, not even custom links). Based on what you're looking for, I'd anticipate this is the segment you're looking for:
Include all visits where time spent on page is greater than 15 seconds
Exclude all visits where path length is greater than 1
Keep in mind this cannot include single page visits that did not send a custom link image request, nor can it track visits where more than one s.t() call was fired. It only includes visits where a single s.t() was fired, and at least one custom link.
