I'm working on an assignment that can accept commands from keyboard to insert people into a hashtable. After someone is inserted into the hastable, they can be "friended" with another person in the table. The way I have to store who is friends with who is a binary search tree. What I have to do is for the hashtable the first part of the node would be the person's name, then then next is a pointer to the bst for that person's friends, and finally the end is a pointer to the next node for chaining if there is a collision. Here is a visual example...
I have been able to insert people into my table, but the problem that I can not figure out is how to access the BST and add in friends for that person. Here is my code...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Structures
struct linkedList{
char *name;
struct linkedList *next;
struct linkedList *tree;
typedef struct linkedList list;
struct hashTable{
int size;
list **table;
typedef struct hashTable hash;
struct bst{
char *val;
struct bst *l;
struct bst *r;
int main(){
char input[50];
char *ch, cmd_str[50], name[30];
// Make hash table for names
hash *profiles;
profiles = createHashTable(1001);
// Get keyboard input
fgets(input, 50, stdin);
input[strlen(input)-1] = '\0';
// parse the input
ch = strtok(input, " ");
if(strcmp("CREATE", cmd_str) == 0){
ch = strtok(NULL, " \n");
insertPerson(profiles, ch);
else if(strcmp("FRIEND", cmd_str) == 0){
ch = strtok(NULL, " \n");
strcpy(name, ch);
ch = strtok(NULL, " \n");
friendPerson(profiles, name, ch);
else if(strcmp("UNFRIEND", cmd_str) == 0){
ch = strtok(NULL, " \n");
else if(strcmp("LIST", cmd_str) == 0){
ch = strtok(NULL, " \n");
printFriends(profiles, ch);
else if(strcmp("QUERY", cmd_str) == 0){
else if(strcmp("BIGGEST-FRIEND-CIRCLE", cmd_str) == 0){
else if(strcmp("INFLUENTIAL-FRIEND", cmd_str) == 0){
else if(strcmp("EXIT", cmd_str) == 0){
return 0;
printf("\nBad Command.\n");
// Creates Hash Table
hash *createHashTable(int size){
int i;
hash *new_table;
if((new_table = malloc(sizeof(hash))) == NULL)
return NULL;
if((new_table->table = malloc(sizeof(list *) * size)) == NULL)
return NULL;
for(i=0; i < size; i++)
new_table->table[i] = NULL;
new_table->size = size;
return new_table;
// hashing function
int keyHash(char *name){
int c;
unsigned long key;
while(c = *name++)
key = ((key<<5) + key) + c;
return key%1000;
// insert a person into the hash table
void insertPerson(hash *profiles, char *name){
struct linkedList *item = (struct linkedList*)malloc(sizeof(struct linkedList));
int hash_val = keyHash(name);
item->name = name;
item->next = NULL;
item->tree = new_tree;
// Collision case
if(profiles->table[hash_val] != NULL){
while(profiles->table[hash_val]->next != NULL){
profiles->table[hash_val] = profiles->table[hash_val]->next;
profiles->table[hash_val]->next = item;
// Empty cell
profiles->table[hash_val] = item;
// friend two people inside the hash table
void friendPerson(hash *profiles, char *name, char *_friend){
int hash1 = keyHash(name);
int hash2 = keyHash(_friend);
// check if the names are already in system
printf("%s is not yet in the system", name);
printf("%s is not yet in the system", _friend);
// add first friend
if(strcmp(profiles->table[hash1]->name, name) == 0){
insertBST(profiles->table[hash1]->tree, _friend);
while(profiles->table[hash1]->next != NULL){
if(strcmp(profiles->table[hash1]->name, name) == 0)){
profiles->table[hash1] = profiles->table[hash1]->next;
insertBST(profiles->table[hash1]->tree, _friend);
// add second friend
if(strcmp(profiles->table[hash2]->name, _friend) == 0){
insertBST(profiles->table[hash2]->tree, name);
while(profiles->table[hash2]->next != NULL){
if(strcmp(profiles->table[hash2]->name, name) == 0)){
profiles->table[hash2] = profiles->table[hash1]->next;
insertBST(profiles->table[hash2]->tree, name);
// creates a new bst node
struct bst *newBSTNode(char *name){
struct bst *temp = (struct bst* )malloc(sizeof(struct bst));
temp->val = strdup(name);
strcpy(temp->val, name);
temp->l = temp->r = NULL;
return temp;
// Inserts the a friend into a BST
struct bst *insertBST(struct bst *node, char *name){
return newBSTNode(name);
if(strcmp(name, node->val) < 0){
node->l = insertBST(node->l, name);
else if(strcmp(name, node->val) > 0){
node->r = insertBST(node->r, name);
return node;
// Inorder print of names
void inorder(struct bst *root){
printf("%s ", root->val);
// Sends to function to print names
void printFriends(hash *profiles, char *name){
int hash_val = keyHash(name);
How would I be able to access the BST of said person? The struct bst *tree = profiles->table[hash1]->tree; was my previous attempt, but it was more of a shot in the dark. Thanks in advance!
Update: Okay, so I have been able to add friends (I think) and now I'm trying to print them with void printFriends(). However when I run the function nothing prints out. Would anyone know where I'm messing it up? I've updated the code above.
Your linkedList stores the name and a tree pointer. But the type of tree is linkedList. Change that to struct bst *. You'll have to reorder the declarations, or insert a forward declaration.
Implement a search. You check if the hash buckets are empty, but you don't search for the matching name.
Once you find a matching name in the bucket, the same node contains the aforementioned tree pointer. Insert the friend in the tree. Depending on your logic, you may or may not want to insert a backreference in the other person's tree. (If Alice is friends with Bob, does that make Bob friends with Alice automatically? Or wait for confirmation?)
Hey I have a segmentation fault somewhere when I assign child. It seems to be in my for loop specifically in my add method when i==2.
When you compile the code, you input your name, the function, and "father('name of parent', 'name of child')" or respectively the same format for the mother. There are only parents no other child besides the root child.
UPDATE: I put my variables inside main.
For Example Input:
Expected result:
But it's:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//definition of whats in a node
typedef struct BST {
char *data;
int generation;
struct BST *left;
struct BST *right;
//starting nodes
node *root = NULL;
//method declarations
node *create(char[]);
node scan(node *, char[]);
void delete (char[]);
void preorder (node *);
void add (char[]);
void ridChild (node *);
void quit(void);
int main(){
char name[12];
char array[50];
char option[12]; //options: add, remove or print
char parent[12];
node *temp;
printf ("Please enter your name :");
fgets(name, 12, stdin);
name[strlen(name) -1] = '\0';
temp = create(name); //create root
root = temp;
printf("Please specify whether to add or delete an entry, or print the tree\n");
fgets(option, 12, stdin);
option[strlen(option) -1] = '\0';
if(strcmp(option,"quit")!=0) {
do {
if(strcmp(option,"add")==0) {
add(name); //put the add method here
if(strcmp(option,"delete")==0) {
//put the delete method here
if(strcmp(option,"print")==0) {
preorder(root); //print method
printf("Please specify whether to add or delete an entry, or print the tree\n");
fgets(option, 12, stdin);
option[strlen(option) -1] = '\0';
} while (strcmp (option, "quit") != 0);
void quit(){
node *create(char inputName[]){
node *temp;
temp = (node *) malloc (sizeof(node));
temp->data = inputName;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
void preorder (node * root){
if (root != NULL) {
printf ("%s\n", root->data);
preorder (root->left);
preorder (root->right);
void add(char array[]){
node *child = NULL, *parent = NULL;
char *pch;
printf ("Please specify a relation to add\n");
fgets(array, 50, stdin); // store the command in array
array[strlen(array) -1] = '\0';
pch = strtok (array, "(,)");
int parentdir = 2; //father = 0, mother = 1;
for (int i = 0; pch != NULL && i < 3; i++) {
if(i==0) {
if (strcmp (pch, "father") == 0) { //father
parentdir = 0;
if (strcmp (pch, "mother") == 0) { //mother
parentdir = 1;
else if(i==1) { //make parent
parent = create (pch);
else if (i==2) {
//where we assign
if (parentdir == 0) { //father
//find function to find the node and return
*child = scan(root, pch);
//assign left of the found node as the temp (father)
child->left = parent;
else if (parentdir == 1) { //mother
//find function to find the node and return
*child = scan(root, pch);
//assign left of the found node as the temp (mother)
child->right = parent;
printf ("%s\n", pch); //REFERENCE PRINTING
pch = strtok (NULL, "(,)");
void delete(char array[]){
node *toDelete;
//takes in name of node to be deleted
//scan method to find the node to delete and deletes all of the children of the node first before deleting
printf ("Please specify a name to delete\n");
fgets(array, 50, stdin);
array[strlen(array) -1] = '\0';
*toDelete = scan(root, array); //return which node to delete
//helper method here to go through and delete each children
void ridChild(node * trash){
if(trash->left == NULL && trash->right == NULL) { //no parents
else if(trash->left == NULL && trash->right != NULL) { //have mother
else if(trash->left != NULL && trash->right == NULL) { //have father
else if(trash->left != NULL && trash->right == NULL) { //have both
node scan(node * temp, char inputName[]){
//returns node that is searched for associated with one of parents
if (temp != NULL) {
if(strcmp(temp->data,inputName)==0) {
return *temp;
} else {
scan (temp->left, inputName);
scan (temp->right, inputName);
return *temp;
The problem is the scan function which I recommend by default should return an empty structure, for clarity. I have included some revised code below.
Insert to the beginning of the function:
node ret;
And then instead of always returning *temp at the end, use the following to conclude the function:
if (temp != NULL) {
return ret;
Also some minor changes along with this are needed in the add function, beginning with child now defined as follows:
node child, *parent = NULL;
child = scan(root, pch);
child.left = parent;
I'm writing a function that places new nodes alphabetically into a linked list structure by sorting them by the name field. Here is my program, intended to test that it can successfully insert a new node into an existing structure:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 100
#define MAX_JOB_LENGTH 100
struct Employee
/* Employee details */
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* name string */
char sex; /* sex identifier, either ’M’ or ’F’ */
int age; /* age */
char job[MAX_JOB_LENGTH+1]; /* job string */
/* pointers to previous and next employee structures in the linked list
(for if you use a linked list instead of an array) */
struct Employee *prev, *next;
void place_alpha(struct Employee *new, struct Employee **root);
int main(){
struct Employee *a;
struct Employee *c;
struct Employee *b;
a = malloc(sizeof(struct Employee));
c = malloc(sizeof(struct Employee));
b = malloc(sizeof(struct Employee));
strcpy(a->name, "A");
a->sex = 'F';
a->age = 42;
strcpy(a->job, "Optician");
a->prev = NULL;
a->next = c;
strcpy(c->name, "C");
c->sex = 'F';
c->age = 22;
strcpy(c->job, "Nurse");
c->prev = a;
c->next = NULL;
strcpy(b->name, "B");
b->sex = 'M';
b->age = 34;
strcpy(b->job, "Rockstar");
b->prev = NULL;
b->next = NULL;
place_alpha(b, &a);
if(a->prev == NULL)
printf("a->prev is correct\n");
printf("a->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if(a->next == b)
printf("a->next is correct\n");
printf("a->next is INCORRECT");
if(b->prev == a)
printf("b->prev is correct\n");
printf("b->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if(b->next == c)
printf("b->next is correct\n");
printf("b->next is INCORRECT\n");
if(c->prev == b)
printf("c->prev is correct\n");
printf("c->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if(c->next == NULL)
printf("c->next is correct\n");
printf("c->next is INCORRECT\n");
void place_alpha(struct Employee *new, struct Employee **root) //Places a new node new into the database structure whose root is root.
if(*root==NULL) //If there is no database yet.
*root = new;
(*root)->prev = NULL;
(*root)->next = NULL;
if(strcmp(new->name, (*root)->name)<=0) // if the new node comes before root alphabetically
new->next = *root;
new->prev = (*root)->prev;
if((*root)->prev != NULL)
(*root)->prev->next = new;
(*root)->prev = new;
*root = new;
else if((*root)->next == NULL) // If the next node is NULL (we've reached the end of the database so new has to go here.
new->prev = *root;
new->next = NULL;
(*root)->next = new;
else if(strcmp(new->name, (*root)->name)>0) // If the new node comes after root alphabetically
place_alpha(new, &(*root)->next);
Sadly, the program is unsuccessful, as showcased by the output:
a->prev is correct
a->next is correct
b->prev is INCORRECT
b->next is correct
c->prev is INCORRECT
c->next is correct
Program ended with exit code: 0
I can't figure out why, as I've clearly set b->next to c and c->prev to b.
This was tricky: there is a subtile bug in your place_alpha() function: you update *root even if it is not the root node of the list. This causes the pointer b to be updated erroneously. place_alpha() should only be called with a pointer to the actual root node.
I modified your code to make it more readable and reliable:
I wrote a function to create a new node
I protected the string copies from overflow using calloc() and strncat(). Read about these functions in the manual.
I use place_alpha() to insert all 3 nodes into the list in the same order you do.
I use newp instead of new to avoid C++ keywords in C code.
Note that place_alpha() must be called with a pointer to the head pointer of the list, if you pass a pointer to an intermediary node, chaining back along the prev links would locate the first node, but if the new employee should be inserted at the head of the list, you would not have the address of the root node to update in the caller's scope. This is the reason many programmers prefer to use a specific structure for the list head.
Here is the updated code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 100
#define MAX_JOB_LENGTH 100
struct Employee {
/* Employee details */
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; /* name string */
char sex; /* sex identifier, either 'M' or 'F' */
int age; /* age */
char job[MAX_JOB_LENGTH + 1]; /* job string */
/* pointers to previous and next employee structures in the linked list
(for if you use a linked list instead of an array) */
struct Employee *prev, *next;
void place_alpha(struct Employee *new, struct Employee **root);
struct Employee *new_employee(const char *name, char sex, int age, const char *job) {
struct Employee *newp = calloc(1, sizeof(*newp));
if (!newp) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate employee\n");
strncat(newp->name, name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
newp->sex = sex;
newp->age = age;
strncat(newp->job, job, MAX_JOB_LENGTH);
newp->next = newp->prev = NULL;
return newp;
int main(void) {
struct Employee *list = NULL;
struct Employee *a = new_employee("A", 'F', 42, "Optician");
struct Employee *b = new_employee("B", 'M', 34, "Rockstar");
struct Employee *c = new_employee("C", 'F', 22, "Nurse");
place_alpha(a, &list);
place_alpha(c, &list);
place_alpha(b, &list);
if (a->prev == NULL) {
printf("a->prev is correct\n");
} else {
printf("a->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if (a->next == b) {
printf("a->next is correct\n");
} else {
printf("a->next is INCORRECT");
if (b->prev == a) {
printf("b->prev is correct\n");
} else {
printf("b->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if (b->next == c) {
printf("b->next is correct\n");
} else {
printf("b->next is INCORRECT\n");
if (c->prev == b) {
printf("c->prev is correct\n");
} else {
printf("c->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if (c->next == NULL) {
printf("c->next is correct\n");
} else {
printf("c->next is INCORRECT\n");
return 0;
void place_alpha(struct Employee *newp, struct Employee **root) {
// Insert a new node newp into the database structure whose root is root.
struct Employee *ep;
if (*root == NULL) { // if there is no database yet.
newp->next = newp->prev = NULL;
*root = newp;
if ((*root)->prev) {
// invalid call, should only pass the root node address
fprintf(stderr, "invalid call: place_alpha must take a pointer to the root node\n");
if (strcmp(newp->name, (*root)->name) <= 0) {
// if the new node comes before root alphabetically
newp->next = *root;
newp->prev = NULL;
newp->next->prev = newp;
*root = newp;
for (ep = *root;; ep = ep->next) {
if (ep->next == NULL) {
// If the next node is NULL, we've reached the end of the list
// so newp has to go here.
newp->prev = ep;
newp->next = NULL;
newp->prev->next = newp;
if (strcmp(newp->name, ep->next->name) <= 0) {
// The new node comes between ep and ep->next alphabetically
newp->prev = ep;
newp->next = ep->next;
newp->prev->next = newp->next->prev = newp;
EDIT: place_alpha was a bit redundant, so I cleaned it and got a much simpler version:
void place_alpha(struct Employee *newp, struct Employee **root) {
//Places a new node newp into the database structure whose root is root.
struct Employee **link = root;
struct Employee *last = NULL;
while (*link && strcmp(newp->name, (*link)->name) > 0) {
last = *link;
link = &last->next;
newp->prev = last;
newp->next = *link;
if (newp->next) {
newp->next->prev = newp;
*link = newp;
So, we just started learning linked lists and data structures in my online class, but I have been really struggling with this topic. I have a general understanding of pointers but when you combine everything, I get completely lost.
So for this program, I am supposed to process employee data and access it through the use of structs and pointers. However, I think I am not passing the correct values into the functions because the data is not being saved and I can't access it. Any help would be appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct address {
char street[49];
char city[29];
char state[2];
char zip[5];
struct data{
char name[39];
struct address addy;
float salary;
struct data *next;
} emp;
void LIST(struct data* head);
void INSERT(struct data* head, char* name, struct address addr, float salary);
void DELETE(char* name, struct data* head);
void EDIT(struct data* head, char* name, struct address addr, float salary);
void CALCPAYROLL(struct data* head);
void HELP();
int main()
char input[15];
int quitter = 1;
struct data *head = NULL;
head = malloc(sizeof(emp));
if (head == NULL){
return 1;
while(quitter == 1)
printf(" enter command: \n");
fgets(input,15, stdin);
input[strlen(input) -1] = '\0';
if((strcmp(input, "List") == 0) || (strcmp(input, "list") == 0))
if((strcmp(input, "Insert") == 0) || (strcmp(input, "insert") == 0))
scanf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%f", head->name, head->addy.street, head->addy.city, head->addy.state, head->addy.zip, &head->salary);
INSERT(head, head->name, head->addy, head->salary);
if ((strcmp(input, "Delete") == 0) || (strcmp(input, "delete") == 0))
DELETE(head->name, head);
if ((strcmp(input, "Edit") == 0) || (strcmp(input, "edit") == 0))
EDIT(head, head->name, head->addy, head->salary);
if ((strcmp(input, "Payroll") == 0) || (strcmp(input, "payroll") == 0))
if ((strcmp(input, "Help") == 0) || (strcmp(input, "help") == 0))
if ((strcmp(input, "Quit") == 0) || (strcmp(input, "quit") == 0))
printf("============\nGood bye!\n");
quitter = 0;
return 0;
void LIST(struct data* head)
struct data* temp = head;
while (temp) {
printf("%s\n%s\n%s, %2s %5s\n%9.2f\n-----\n", temp->name, temp->addy.street, temp->addy.city, temp->addy.state, temp->addy.zip, temp->salary);
temp = temp->next;
printf("%s\n%s\n%s, %2s %5s\n%9.2f\n-----\n", temp->name, temp->addy.street, temp->addy.city, temp->addy.state, temp->addy.zip, temp->salary);
temp = temp->next;
void INSERT(struct data* head, char* name, struct address addr, float salary)
struct data* newEmployee = NULL;
newEmployee = (struct data*)malloc(sizeof(emp));
strcpy(newEmployee->name, head->name);
newEmployee->salary = head->salary;
strcpy(newEmployee->addy.street, head->addy.street);
strcpy(newEmployee->addy.city, head->addy.city);
strcpy(newEmployee->addy.state, head->addy.state);
strcpy(newEmployee->addy.zip, head->addy.zip);
struct data* temp = head;
while(temp->next && temp->next->name > newEmployee->name)
temp = temp->next;
newEmployee->next = temp->next;
temp->next = newEmployee;
void DELETE(char* name, struct data* head)
char del[39];
scanf("%39s", del);
struct data * toBeDeleted = NULL;
struct data * temp = head;
while (strcmp(del, temp->name) == 0)
strcpy(temp->next->name, temp->name);
temp->addy = temp->next->addy;
temp->salary = temp->next->salary;
toBeDeleted = temp->next;
temp->next = temp->next->next;
printf("RECORD DELETED\n");
temp = temp->next;
printf("RECORD NOT FOUND\n");
void EDIT(struct data* head, char* name, struct address addr, float salary)
char edit[39];
scanf("%39s", edit);
struct data* temp = head;
while (strcmp(edit, temp->name) == 0)
temp->addy = addr;
temp->salary = salary;
printf("RECORD EDITED\n");
temp = temp->next;
printf("RECORD NOT FOUND\n");
void CALCPAYROLL(struct data* head)
struct data* temp = head;
float total;
while (temp)
total += temp->salary;
temp = temp->next;
printf("total payroll: %f", total);
void HELP()
printf("List - shows the list of employees\n");
printf("Insert - Creates a new employee record\n");
printf("Delete - Deletes an existing employee record\n");
printf("Edit - Modifies the contents of an employee record\n");
printf("Payroll - Calculates and displays the total payroll\n");
printf("Help - Displays the set of available commands\n");
printf("Quit - Prints the message ""good bye!"" and exits the program" );
First of all, I have to commend you for a very neat presentation. The code is readable and easy to follow. The only fault I find with it is that all uppercase names are usually reserved for macros and constants declared with #define.
struct data{
char name[39];
struct address addy;
float salary;
struct data *next;
} emp; // declaring a variable at the same time as the structure? Not very nice.
I see an issue that happens when you create your first list item, the head. Insert must have a way to modify the head parameter. This needs an extra level of indirection. INSERT should also return an error code, in case malloc fails, a common way to do this is to return a negative value (-1) on error.
void INSERT(struct data* head, char* name, struct address addr, float salary)
// should be
int INSERT(struct data** head, char* name, struct address addr, float salary)
You'll have to change the logic a little bit to set head with the newly allocated buffer when head is NULL on entry. Calling INSERT then becomes.
if (INSERT(&head, name, &addr, salary) < 0)
// error !
I see a problem in data allocation in INSERT.
struct data* newEmployee = NULL;
//newEmployee = (struct data*)malloc(sizeof(emp)); // ?? you allocate a struct data, what's emp?
// should read
newEmployee = (struct data*)malloc(sizeof(struct data));
DELETE and EDIT do not work. They cannot find the employee as written. You should consider using a find() function, something like this:
data* FindEmployeeData(data* head, const char* name)
while (head)
if (strcmp(head->name, name) == 0)
head = head->next;
return head;
This could be a time saver when writing new operations on employees.
while(temp->next && temp->next->name > newEmployee->name)
I thought strings were supposed to be compared with strcmp()...
In DELETE: same as for INSERT, the function could change the head of the list
int DELETE(data** head, const char* name); // returns -1 on error.
scanf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%f", head->name, head->addy.street, head->addy.city, head->addy.state, head->addy.zip, &head->salary);
Terrible things will happen when the user enters a name, address, state, street, city or zip that are too long for the space you have allocated.
You can't access to the data because in INSERT function head must be a double pointer, because when you want to insert something in the head of a linked list you have to change the address stored in head. In your code you're modifying a copy of head. remember that in C everything is passed for value. This mean that for modify the address content in a pointer you have to pass the address of the pointer at your function.
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to create a new linked list of structures from an old one. The basis of the new linked list is that the dogs that belong to specific breed specified by the user will be added to the new list and all the ones from the old list will not be carried over. I don't have a problem getting one dog into the list but I think something is wrong with my code when I try to add multiple dogs. I assumed that when I created the second temp list that points to the list results that when I added to it it would modify results but that does not seem to be the case. Any direction would be appreciated.
The last function in the code struct container* list_of_breed(char* breed) is the one I seem to be having issues with. Everything else has been working as expected. I believe the else statement is where I seem to be going wrong since when there is only one dog that matches that breed it seems to be able to make the list from them.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
// used to create a linked list of containers, each contaning a "dog"
struct container {
struct dog *dog;
struct container *next;
} *list = NULL;
// used to hold dog information and linked list of "checkups"
struct dog {
char name[30];
char breed[30];
struct checkup *checkups;
// used to create a linked list of checkups containing "dates"
struct checkup {
char date[30];
struct checkup *next;
void flush();
void branching(char);
void helper(char);
void remove_all(struct container*);
void display(struct container*);
void add_dog(char*, char*);
struct dog* search_dog(char*);
void add_checkup(char*, char*);
struct container* list_of_breed(char*);
int main()
char ch = 'i';
printf("Dog Adoption Center\n\n");
printf("Please enter your selection:\n");
printf("\ta: add a new dog to the list\n");
printf("\ts: search for a dog on the list\n");
printf("\tc: add a checkup date for dog\n");
printf("\tb: display list of dogs of breed\n");
printf("\tq: quit\n");
ch = tolower(getchar());
} while (ch != 'q');
list = NULL;
return 0;
void flush()
int c;
do c = getchar(); while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);
void branching(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a':
case 's':
case 'r':
case 'c':
case 'l':
case 'b':
case 'n': helper(c); break;
case 'q': break;
default: printf("Invalid input!\n");
void helper(char c)
if (c == 'a')
char input[100];
printf("\nPlease enter the dog's info in the following format:\n");
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0';
char* name = strtok(input, ":");
char* breed = strtok(NULL, ":");
struct dog* result = search_dog(name);
if (result == NULL)
add_dog(name, breed);
printf("\nDog added to list successfully\n\n");
printf("\nThat dog is already on the list\n\n");
else if (c == 's' || c == 'r' || c == 'c' || c == 'l')
char name[30];
printf("\nPlease enter the dog's name:\n");
fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
name[strlen(name) - 1] = '\0';
struct dog* result = search_dog(name);
if (result == NULL)
printf("\nThat dog is not on the list\n\n");
else if (c == 's')
printf("\nBreed: %s\n\n", result->breed);
else if (c == 'c')
char date[30];
printf("\nPlease enter the date of the checkup:\n");
fgets(date, sizeof(date), stdin);
date[strlen(date) - 1] = '\0';
add_checkup(name, date);
printf("\nCheckup added\n\n");
else if (c == 'b')
char breed[30];
printf("\nPlease enter the breed:\n");
fgets(breed, sizeof(breed), stdin);
breed[strlen(breed) - 1] = '\0';
struct container* result = list_of_breed(breed);
printf("\nList of dogs with breed type %s:\n\n", breed);
result = NULL;
void remove_all(struct container* dogs)
struct checkup* temp;
if (dogs != NULL)
while (dogs->dog->checkups != NULL)
temp = dogs->dog->checkups;
dogs->dog->checkups = dogs->dog->checkups->next;
void display(struct container* dogs)
struct container* container_traverser = dogs;
if (container_traverser == NULL)
printf("\nThere are no dogs on this list!\n\n");
while (container_traverser != NULL)
printf("Name: %s\n", container_traverser->dog->name);
printf("Breed: %s\n", container_traverser->dog->breed);
printf("Checkups on file: ");
struct checkup* ptr = container_traverser->dog->checkups;
if (ptr == NULL)
printf("No checkups documented.");
while (ptr != NULL)
printf("\n%s", ptr->date);
ptr = ptr->next;
container_traverser = container_traverser->next;
void add_dog(char* name, char* breed)
struct dog *tempDog = (struct dog *) malloc(sizeof(struct dog));
strcpy(tempDog->name, name);
strcpy(tempDog->breed, breed);
struct container *tempCont = (struct container *) malloc(sizeof(struct container));
tempCont->dog = tempDog;
tempCont->next = list;
list = tempCont;
struct dog* search_dog(char* name)
struct container *temp = list;
while (temp != NULL) {
if (strcmp(temp->dog->name, name) == 0) {
return temp->dog;
temp = temp->next;
return NULL;
void add_checkup(char* name, char* date)
struct container *tempList = (struct container *) malloc(sizeof(struct container));
tempList = list;
struct checkup *tempCheck = (struct checkup *) malloc(sizeof(struct checkup));
while (tempList != NULL) {
if (strcmp(tempList->dog->name, name) == 0) {
strcpy(tempCheck->date, date);
tempList->dog->checkups = tempCheck;
tempList = tempList->next;
struct container* list_of_breed(char* breed)
struct container* result = NULL;
struct container* temp = list;
while (temp != NULL) {
struct dog* tempDog = (struct dog*) malloc(sizeof(struct dog));
tempDog = temp->dog;
if (strcmp(temp->dog->breed, breed) == 0) {
struct container *cont_add = (struct container*) malloc(sizeof(struct container));
struct dog *dog_add = (struct dog*) malloc(sizeof(struct dog));
strcpy(dog_add->name, temp->dog->name);
strcpy(dog_add->breed, breed);
dog_add->checkups = temp->dog->checkups;
cont_add->dog = dog_add;
if (result == NULL) {
result = cont_add;
else {
struct container* temp2 = result;
while (temp2->next != NULL) {
temp2 = temp2->next;
temp2->next = cont_add;
temp = temp->next;
return result;
I noticed the following problems. You have couple of uninitialized members, and you use them. As a consequence, your program has undefined behavior.
First One
In add_doc, you are not initializing the member checkupsof the newly malloc'edstruct dog`. Add
tempDog->checkups = NULL;
after the line
strcpy(tempDog->breed, breed);
Second One
In list_of_breed, you are not setting the next member of cont_dog before using it.
Add the line
cont_add->next = NULL;
cont_add->dog = dog_add;
Future Problem
In list_of_breed, you have the line:
dog_add->checkups = temp->dog->checkups;
That makes a shallow copy of checkups. In order to avoid freeing checkups more than once, you will need to make deep copies of checkups.
i have to count how many times a word exists in the binary tree and i couldn't do this ,how can i do this? here is my code ;
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
struct treeNode
char data[20];
int count;
struct treeNode *leftPtr, *rightPtr;
int number = 1;
typedef struct treeNode TreeNode;
typedef TreeNode *TreeNodePtr;
void insertNode(TreeNodePtr *treePtr, char word[]);
void alphabetic(TreeNodePtr treePtr);
int main()
/*reading strings from the file and add them to the tree*/
char first[20];
FILE *fp1;
TreeNodePtr rootPtr = NULL;
int c;
fp1 = fopen("output.txt", "r");
c = fscanf(fp1, "%s", first);
if (c != EOF)
insertNode(&rootPtr, first);
} while (c != EOF);
printf("%s", rootPtr->rightPtr->leftPtr->data);
/*for adding nodes to tree*/
void insertNode(TreeNodePtr *treePtr, char word[20])
TreeNode *temp = NULL;
if (*treePtr == NULL )
temp = (TreeNode *) malloc(sizeof(TreeNode));
temp->leftPtr = NULL;
temp->rightPtr = NULL;
strcpy(temp->data, word);
*treePtr = temp;
else if (strcmp(word, (*treePtr)->data) < 0)
insertNode(&((*treePtr)->leftPtr), word);
else if (strcmp(word, (*treePtr)->data) > 0)
insertNode(&((*treePtr)->rightPtr), word);
/*traverse the tree*/
void alphabetic(TreeNodePtr treePtr)
if (treePtr != NULL )
printf("%s\n", treePtr->data);
i have a .txt file which contains some words more than once,and i need to count how many times a word exists in this tree.
Your code does not "work" because you are not inserting duplicate values. Since the duplicate values would return strcmp() as 0, they are not being added in the first place. Thus in the insertNode() function, you would need to consider the else case as well:
else if (strcmp(word, (*treePtr)->data) < 0) {
insertNode(&((*treePtr)->leftPtr), word);
} else if (strcmp(word, (*treePtr)->data) > 0) {
insertNode(&((*treePtr)->rightPtr), word);
} else {
//This is where the duplcate values should be inserted!
In fact, the else clause should simply increment the count as in (as in "(*treePtr)->count += 1;"). Also, make sure you initialize the value to 1 in the initial temp structure after you malloc the TreeNode (as in "temp->count = 1;").