section with ng-include hide and show - angularjs

I have an ng-include directive inside a section which needs to conditionally hide the data being shown from ng-include url. If i hide section, I never get the ng-include data but if i start with visible section every thing works. here is some ex :
if condition: true;
<section ng-show="condition">
<div ng-include='url'>
Everything works as expected.
however if i first start with condition: false; i never see data from ng-include even when i set condition to true (via event)
What's wrong here ?

I believe you should use ng-if instead. As per my understanding the DOM is not reproduced on show hide, but when we use ng-if, DOM changes in the sense that element gets removed from DOM and injected back based on condition is false or true.


AngularJS: how to prevent nested HTML from being compiled against a scope?

Say I wanna have the popup directive with ability to declare it's content within a same HTML view:
<a popup>
<span>Click me</span>
<div with-some-other-directives></div>
I've tried:
At popup directive, modify HTML during compile phase: get the content of the <popup-content>...</popup-content> element and then remove it completely. This way there are 2 problems:
with-some-other-directives compiles and links.
If I have an multiple <a> elements within <popup-content> I see some strange behavior. Suppose this has something to do with nesting an <a> inside an <a>.
Making a separate popup-content directive, that has own compile phase handler. There, I could either access controller of parent popup directive and set the HTML there then self remove it.
Either way I get compilation and execution of with-some-other-directives directive.
Now I have 2 questions:
How to prevent HTML code within <popup-content> from being executed?
Are there better alternatives?
The final goal is to use HTML code taken from popup-content, compile it against the scope of popup directive and append to BODY.

Evaluating moustache expressions after the page was initialized (dynamic binding)

I have a HTML-Document containing moustache expressions that angular-dart evaluates very well:
<body ng-cloak>
<div id="stage">outside: {{ctrlTextElements.test1('three')}}</div>
I want to dynamicaly add some HTML with moustache expression like so:
CtrlTextElements.addTextElement(mousePos.x, mousePos.y);
var div = dom.querySelector('#stage');
HttpRequest.getString("../path/text.html").then((r) {
div.children.add(new Element.html(r, validator: new AllowAllValidator()));
The content of the added text.html looks like this:
<div>inside: (not evaluated): {{ctrlTextElements.test1('three')}}</div>
That's the result in the browser:
outside: three
inside: (not evaluated):{{ctrlTextElements.test1('three')}}
How can I reevaluate the moustache expressions inside content that has been applied after the page was loaded?
The problem is that you are mixing jQuery like logic with angular logic here : manipulating the dom 'by hand' is rarely a good solution.
The problem here is that your newly added binding has not been compiled by angularjs = it has not been indexed as a directive that should be watched for and updated when scope changes.
Either you try a more angular way, for example using ng-hide or ng-repeat directive to display your content according to the controllers $scope (or another custom directive), or you try to $compile your newly added directive ( but this is bad ) :$compile .
Maybe try in your controller :
$scope.$compile( div );
Not sure of the syntax though. Maybe you would need to write
<span ng-bind="..."></span>
instead of
{{ ... }}
to make it work.
#Alexhv is right. Sorry for my previous answer. I assumed it is about Polymer. Was already time for bed.
You can find a code example in my answer to this question: setInnerHtml doesn't evaluate Mustache
The pub package bwu_angular ( contains this code as a Decorator (Directive) named bwu-safe-html

Angular: Fading out element and then setting display none

When I click an element, I'd like another element to first fade out, and then be set to display: none.
I have the following code:
<div class="main_menu_image" ng-class="{ fadeOut : MenuOpen==true }" /></div>
<div class="button" ng-click="ActivateMenu()"></div>
Then in my controller:
$scope.MenuOpen = false;
$scope.ActivateMenu = function(){
$scope.MenuOpen = $scope.MenuOpen === false ? true: false;
So when I click the button, element main_menu_image gets the class fadeOut. So it now fades out. But after the fading animation completes I would also like to set display to none on main_menu_image so it is completely hidden.
I don't want to resort to jQuery. Is there an Angular approved way of doing this?
Yes it's very easy to do:)
Like Svein says, you can use ng-show, and you can use ng-hide.
Working fiddle here
This hides things instantly though. But you can for example set a timeout, via the $timeout service, and set your hiding boolean in that way.
You can also use ng-if, this actually removes the element from the DOM if the condition is not met, rather than just setting display:none.
Update: Here's a more proper fiddle showcasing what you're trying to do
You can use ngShow. If you use the ngAnimate module, you'll have built in support for animations for most built-in Angular directives.
See here for more information:

AngularJS using ng-if vs ng-show

In my AngularJS I have the following code where I check if there is a currently logged in user or not in order to switch the top app menu text from Login to Logout (login if no user is logged in) and vice versa. When I used ng-show ng-hide the app started to be extremely heavy so I tried switching to ng-if, but then the css effects on the top menu started not to work specifically in the login/ logout tab. So can someone please tell me what is the best approach to handle this situation with example please? Thanks
<div ng-controller="MenuController">
<div ng-if="userLevel() == 1">
<div ng-if="userLevel() == 2">
function MenuController($scope, UService){
$scope.userLevel = function(){
var userType = UService.checkULevel(); //This will return either 1, 2,3,4...etc
return userType;
The difference between ng-show and ng-if is that ng-show applies a display: none to the element when the specified expression is a false value, while the ng-if removes the node from the DOM, basically equivalent to the .empty in jQuery.
An approach you can consider for your element, is rather than using it within a controller, use a directive for the access level, and follow the approach described in this article, which is really flexible and allows you to have different elements in the UI depending on the user level:
Another reason for your application to be slow when you check the user level, could be that every time that is evaluated your application has to perform a check on the server side, slowing the application. An approach for it would be to cache the result of that query, and then use it while the login status doesnt change. At that stage you can invalidate the cache and fetch the user level again, ready to update the UI.
The ng-if directive removes the content from the page and ng-show/ng-hide uses the CSS display property to hide content.
I am pretty sure that no-show is lighter than ng-if and no-show should not make the app too heavy. If it is becoming heavy, I think there could be other causes for it.
If you use ng-if the node is rendered only when the condition is true
In case of ng-show ng-hide the Nodes will be rendered but shown/hidden based on the condition if condition changes the same nodes are shown/hidden
when ever you use ng-if it will render only that code which satisfy the condition.
while ng-show ng-hide will render the code on page but will be hidden with the help of CSS properties.
so better to use ng-if for reducing the line of code to be rendered on page.

AngularJS: Updating a view with a template from a controller?

I have been working with routing and I have seen how I can update the ng-view using routing and a view template.. But the problem I have is that I am doing a REST call and depending what I get back from the response I wish to update part of the DOM with a view template but I don't want to involve routing.
Does anyone know how I can do this? Or any examples would be great
Thanks in advance
Another answer. Based on your description in the comment, it sounds like you wish to display part of the DOM conditionally.
When you want to display part of the DOM conditionally, you have the following choices:
Use an ng-show and ng-hide directive.
Based on what returns from the RESTful call, you can set up a model that will identify the DOM that needs to be displayed. An example:
<div ng-show="status">
This text will be shown only when the status is truthy
<div ng-hide="status">
This text will be shown only when the status is false.
Inside your controller, you could then set the status to true or false based on your RESTful calls and based on which part of the DOM you wish to display post RESTful call.
You can use ng-switch directive
While the ng-show and ng-hide directives will display the content of your DOM conditionally, that is anybody could simply open the source file and see the contents for both, ng-switch directive will load the contents only based on which case fulfills the swtich. An example:
<div ng-switch on="status">
<div ng-switch-when="true">
This text will be shown only when the status is truthy.
Else this is completely hidden and cannot be seen even
when looking at the source.
<div ng-switch-when="false">
This text will be shown only when the status is false.
Else this is completely hidden and cannot be seen even
when looking at the source.
The first child div is shown when the status is true else it is not shown at all. The advantage over ng-show or ng-hide is that the DOM will not contain the child elements if the case is not fulfilled.
$location.path() can be used here.
So, in your Parent Controller, you can make the REST call. Once you have the data with you, you can then decide which route to take. The route value goes into the path() function.
As an example, let us say that if your REST call returns with cherries, you need to take the /foo path (which, based on your $routeProvider will load the template associated with that route). You can then write the following:
and it will loads the /foo path - $routeProvider will then take care of loading the template associated with that path.
Reference: $location
