WPF borders and the controls within them - wpf

This post is about the controls contained within a WPF Border control. It's also about having a border that can appear and disappear without affecting the contained controls.
For the record, I'm using C# and WPF and most of the view stuff is using XAML. I also use MVVM although I'm not sure that's going to be related.
What I had planned for was a border around a control that I could make appear and disappear, for the effect of a highlight or something like that. But when I change certain properties of the Border, for example the Opacity or Visiblity, they impact on the contained controls. I have also tried changing the Background property to Transparent and that has not made a difference.
I do know that some controls have a Border property, but that's not really the case for my situation.
How can I do this?

Try this:
<Border BorderThickness="2">
<YourControl />
<Border Opacity="0.5" BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="2" />
This way you can change the opacity of the second border without affecting your control. The trick is that Grid ensures that both elements inside it have the same dimensions.
Also notice how your control is wrapped in another border with the same thickness but with no brush. This is to keep the second border from obscuring your control.


WPF - Clickable content behind a scrollviewer

Is it possible to have content behind a scrollviewer that still reacts to user mouse input?
<Button Width="50" Height="50"/>
<ScrollViewer Background="{x:Null}"/>
I've tried combinations of zindexes and null backgrounds, but can't seem to stop the scrollviewer from not tunneling the events down.
To prevent eating clicks, make your scroll viewer non-focusable:
<ScrollViewer Focusable="False" />
The scrollviewer is eating click messages. You don't want to put things behind it.
It would be better to put things inside the scrollviewer. You can make a grid that contains the content and a usercontrol behind the content. The control can be themed to be transparent using a rectangle painted with the color "Transparent". The control would still be clickable, and would still fill up all the space within the scrolled content.

WPF Border using plain black rectangle

How can I get the border in WPF to use a plain black rectangle? It always appears to have thicker bottom and left lines which I guess is a shadow effect even though I have no effects applied. I don't want to use a rectangle as I am using this to apply a border around a grid containing controls.
Try setting SnapsToDevicePixels="true". Like this:
<Border Width="200" Height="200"
BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1"
For me, this removed the varying thickness of the borders.

How do I make an item in a toolbar fill all available space in WPF

I'm trying to make an item on ToolBar (specifically a Label, TextBlock, or a TextBox) That will fill all available horizontal space. I've gotten the ToolBar itself to stretch out by taking it out of its ToolBarTray, but I can't figure out how to make items stretch.
I tried setting Width to Percenatage or Star values, but it doesn't accept that. Setting Horizontal(Content)Alignment to Stretch in various places seems to have no effect either.
Unfortunately it looks like the default ControlTemplate for ToolBar doesn't use an ItemsPresenter, it uses a ToolBarPanel, so setting ToolBar.ItemsPanel won't have any effect.
ToolBarPanel inherits from StackPanel. By default its Orientation is bound to the parent ToolBar.Orientation, but you can override this and set its Orientation to Vertical with a Style and this will allow items to stretch horizontally:
<ToolBar DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ToolBarPanel}">
<Setter Property="Orientation" Value="Vertical"/>
<ComboBox HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" SelectedIndex="0">
<ComboBoxItem>A B C</ComboBoxItem>
<ComboBoxItem>1 2 3</ComboBoxItem>
<ComboBoxItem>Do Re Mi</ComboBoxItem>
<Border Margin="10" BorderBrush="Yellow" BorderThickness="3"/>
You can then use a Grid or something in place of the ComboBox above if you want multiple items on a line.
Try putting a horizontal StackPanel in the ToolBar and then the element you want inside of that StackPanel.
Have you tried wrapping your item in a Grid, not in a StackPanel?
You need a special custom panel like auto stretched stack panel, and replace the toolbarpanel. Check this out you can find one panel there
I've had this same problem for a while, and there is very little help available online.
Since it doesn't sound like you need all the extra functionality of a Toolbar (collapsible/movable trays), why not just use a Top-docked Grid, and tweak the background a little to make it look like a standard toolbar?

Resizing XAML properties

Is there a way to have XAML properties scale along with the size of the uielements they belong to?
In essence, I have a control template that I have created too large for it's use/ mainly because I want to use the same control with different sizes. The problem is that I can set the control size to Auto (in the ControlTemplate), however the properties of the intrisic template elements aren't resized: eg StrokeThickness remains at 10 while it should become 1.
It works fine when I apply a ScaleTransform on the template, but that results in a control that's too small when it's actually used: the width/height=Auto resizes the control to the proper size and then the scaletransform is applied. So I'm stuff with a sort of nonscalable control.
I'm a bit new to WPF, so there might be a straightforward way to do this...
Your description is a bit vague, but it sounds like you'll want to have a ViewBox with the Stretch set to Uniform as the root element of your control.
You could try to bind the width and height of the control inside the template to the width and height respectively of the templated control at runtime. Something like:
<ControlTemplate TargetType={x:Type Button}>
<Border Width="{TemplateBinding Property=ActualWidth}"
Height="{TemplateBinding Property=ActualHeight}">
<ContentPresenter />
Note that the binding sources are the FrameworkElement.ActualWidth and FrameworkElement.ActualHeight properties of the templated control. These properties contain the width and height of a control after it has been rendered, which can be different from what has been specified in the Width and Height properties. This is because the values are ultimately calculated at runtime taking into account the size of any parent controls in the visual tree.
Too bad you can't create a control template for a StackPanel, DockPanel, Grid, or any other container.

ListBox with ItemTemplate (and ScrollBar!)

I have a databound and itemtemplated ListBox:
<ListBox x:Name="lbLista"
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Deleteable, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<Label Content="{Binding Name}" />
The ites show fine and they come from an ObservableCollection.
The problem is the scrollbar which appears but is not usable - it does not have a handle to grab. I've tried setting some ScrollView attached properties on ListBox, but they do not affect the situation.
I pasted your code into test project, added about 20 items and I get usable scroll bars, no problem, and they work as expected. When I only add a couple items (such that scrolling is unnecessary) I get no usable scrollbar. Could this be the case? that you are not adding enough items?
If you remove the ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" then the scroll bars only appear when you have need of them.
ListBox will try to expand in height that is available.. When you set the Height property of ListBox you get a scrollviewer that actually works...
If you wish your ListBox to accodate the height available, you might want to try to regulate the Height from your parent controls.. In a Grid for example, setting the Height to Auto in your RowDefinition might do the trick...
I have never had any luck with any scrollable content placed inside a stackpanel (anything derived from ScrollableContainer. The stackpanel has an odd layout mechanism that confuses child controls when the measure operation is completed and I found the vertical size ends up infinite, therefore not constrained - so it goes beyond the boundaries of the container and ends up clipped. The scrollbar doesn't show because the control thinks it has all the space in the world when it doesn't.
You should always place scrollable content inside a container that can resolve to a known height during its layout operation at runtime so that the scrollbars size appropriately. The parent container up in the visual tree must be able to resolve to an actual height, and this happens in the grid if you set the height of the RowDefinition o to auto or fixed.
This also happens in Silverlight.
Thnaks for answer. I tried it myself too to an Empty Project and - lo behold allmighty creator of heaven and seven seas - it worked. I originally had ListBox inside which was inside of root . For some reason ListBox doesn't like being inside of StackPanel, at all! =)
