Sql find Row with longest String and delete the Rest - sql-server

I am currently working on a table with approx. 7.5mio rows and 16 columns. One of the rows is an internal identifier (let's call it ID) we use at my university. Another column contains a string.
So, ID is NOT the unique index for a row, so it is possible that one identifier appears more than once in the table - the only difference between the two rows being the string.
I need to find all rows with ID and just keep the one with the longest string and deleting every other row from the original table. Unfortunately I am more of a SQL Novice, and I am really stuck at this point. So if anyone could help, this would be really nice.

Take a look at this sample:
(1, 'A'),
(1,'Long A'),
(2,'Long B'),
) T(ID,Txt)
FROM #sample) S
SELECT * FROM #sample
ID Txt
-- ------
1 Long A
2 Long B

It might be possible just in SQL, but the way I know how to do it would be a two-pass approach using application code - I assume you have an application you are writing.
The first pass would be something like:
SELECT theid, count(*) AS num, MAX(LEN(thestring)) AS keepme FROM thetable WHERE num > 1 GROUP BY theid
Then you'd loop through the results in whatever language you're using and delete anything with that ID except the one matching the string returned. The language I know is PHP, so I'll use it for my example, but the method would be the same in any language (for brevity, I'm skipping error checking, prepared statements, and such, and not testing - please use carefully):
$sql = 'SELECT theid, count(*) AS num, MAX(LEN(thestring)) AS keepme FROM thetable WHERE num > 1 GROUP BY theid';
$result = sqlsrv_query($resource, $sql);
while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_object($result)) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM thetable WHERE theid = '.$row->theid.' AND NOT thestring = '.$row->keepme;
$result = sqlsrv_query($resource, $sql);
You didn't say what you would want to do if two strings are the same length, so this solution does not deal with that at all - I'm assuming that each ID will only have one longest string.


How can I access a specific field in a named subquery when the field name might not be unique?

I am trying to create a routine that can accept an SQL query as a string and the [table].[primaryKey] of the primary record in the returned dataset, then wrap that original query to implement pagination (return records 40-49 when requesting page 4 and 10 records per page).
The dataset returned by the original queries will frequently contain multiple instances of the primary record, one for each occurrence of supporting records. For the example provided, if a customer has three phone numbers on record the results for that customer in the original query would look like:
{5; John Smith; 205 W. Fort St; 17; Home; 123-123-4587}
{5; John Smith; 205 W. Fort St; 18; Work; 123-123-8547}
{5; John Smith; 205 W. Fort St; 19; Mobile; 123-123-1147}
I'm almost there, I think, with the following query:
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 4;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
WITH OriginalQuery AS (
SELECT [Customer].[Id],
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
SELECT [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber], [OriginalQuery].* FROM (
SELECT DISTINCT [OriginalQuery].[{Customer.Id}] [PrimaryKey]
FROM [OriginalQuery]
) [RuwNumberQuery]
) [WrappedQuery]
INNER JOIN [OriginalQuery] ON [WrappedQuery].[PrimaryKey] = [OriginalQuery].[{Customer.Id}]
WHERE [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] >= #PageNumber
AND [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] < #PageNumber + #RecordsPerPage
This solution performs a SELECT DISTINCT on the primary key for the Primary (Customer) record and uses the SQL routine Row_Number() then joins the result with the results of the original query such that each unique primary (customer) record is numbered 1 - {end of file}, and I can pull only the RowNumber counts that I want.
But because OriginalQuery may have multiple fields named Id (from different tables), I can't figure out how to properly access [Customer].[Id] in my SELECT DISTINCT clause of [RowNumberQuery] or in the INNER JOIN.
Is there a better way to implement pagination at the SQL level, or a more direct method of accessing the field I need from within the subquery based on the table to which it belongs?
I've caused confusion in the pagination I am looking for. I am using Dapper in C# to compile the resulting dataset into individual complex objects, so the goal in the example would be to retrieve customers 31-40 in the list regardless of how many individual records exist for each customer. If Customer 31 had five phone records, Customer 32 had three phone records, Customer 33 had 1 phone record, and the remaining seven customers had two phone records each, I would expect the resulting dataset to contain 23 records total, but only 10 distinct customers.
Thank you for all of the assistance, and I apologize for those areas I should have clarified sooner. I am creating a toolset that will allow C# Data Access Libraries to implement a set of standard parameters. If I have an option to implement the pagination in an internal function that can accept the SQL statement, I can defer to the toolset and not have to remember (or count on others to remember) to add the appropriate text each time. I'll set it up to return the finished objects, but if I were going to just modify the original query string it would look like:
public static string AddPagination(string sql, string primaryKey, Parameter requestParameters)
return $"WITH OriginalQuery AS ({sql.Replace("SELECT ", $"SELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY {primaryKey}) AS PrimaryRecordCount, ",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)}) " +
$"SELECT TOP ({requestParameters.MaxRecords}) * " +
$"FROM OriginalQuery " +
$"WHERE PrimaryRecordCount >= 1 + (({requestParameters.PageNumber - 1}) * {requestParameters.RecordsPerPage})" +
$" AND PrimaryRecordCount <= {requestParameters.Page} * {requestParameters.Limit}";
Just give your columns a different alias in your original query, e.g. [Customer].[Id] AS CustomerId, [Phone].[Id] AS PhoneId..., then you can reference OriginalQuery.CustomerId, or OriginalQuery.PhoneId
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 4;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
WITH OriginalQuery AS (
SELECT [Customer].[Id] AS CustomerId,
[Phone].[Id] AS PhoneId,
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
SELECT [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber], [OriginalQuery].* FROM (
SELECT DISTINCT [OriginalQuery].[{Customer.Id}] [PrimaryKey]
FROM [OriginalQuery]
) [RuwNumberQuery]
) [WrappedQuery]
INNER JOIN [OriginalQuery] ON [WrappedQuery].[PrimaryKey] = [OriginalQuery].[CustomerId]
WHERE [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] >= #PageNumber
AND [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] < #PageNumber + #RecordsPerPage
It's worth noting that your paging logic is wrong too. Currently you are adding page number to the number of pages so you are searching for:
Page 1: Customers 1 - 10
Page 2: Customers 2 - 11
Page 3: Customers 3 - 12
Your logic should be:
WHERE [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] >= 1 + ((#PageNumber - 1) * #RecordsPerPage)
AND [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] <= (#PageNumber * #RecordsPerPage)
Page 1: Customers 1 - 10
Page 2: Customers 11 - 20
Page 3: Customers 21 - 30
With that being said, you could just use DENSE_RANK() Rather than ROW_NUMBER which would simplify everything. I think this would give you the same result:
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 4;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
WITH OriginalQuery AS (
SELECT c.Id AS CustomerId,
p.Id AS PhoneId,
FROM Customer AS c INNER JOIN Phone AS p ON c.Id = p.CustomerId
SELECT oq.CustomerId, oq.Name, oq.Address, oq.PhoneId, oq.Type, oq.Number
FROM OriginalQuery AS oq
WHERE oq.RowNumber >= 1 +((#PageNumber - 1) * #RecordsPerPage)
AND oq.RowNumber <= (#PageNumber * #RecordsPerPage);
I've added table aliases to try and make the code a bit cleaner, and also removed all the unnecessary square brackets. This is not necessary, but I personally find them quite hard on the eye, and only use them to escape key words.
Another difference is that in adding ORDER BY c.CustomerId you ensure consistent results for your paging. Using ORDER BY (SELECT NULL) implies that you don't care about the order, but you should if you using it for paging.
There are many concerns with what you are trying to do and you might be better off explaining why you are trying to make this process.
SQL query as a string
You are receiving a SQL query as a string, how are you parsing that string into the OriginalQuery CTE? This has both concerns about sql injection and concerns about global temp tables if you are using those.
Secondly, your example isn't doing pagination as it is commonly understood. If someone were to request page 1, 10 records per page, the calling application would expect to receive the first 10 records of the result set but your example will returns all records for the first 10 customers. Meaning the result could be 40+ if they each had 4 phone numbers as in your example data.
You should take a look at OFFSET and FETCH NEXT, as well as why this requirement to parse an arbitrary SQL string. There is probably a better way to do that.
Here is a rough example using OFFSET and FETCH NEXT from a static query, and returning only #RecordsPerPage number of records.
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 1;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
SELECT [Customer].[Id],
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
ORDER BY [Customer].[Id]
OFFSET (#PageNumber-1)*#RecordsPerPage rows
If you wanted to return all records for the the RecordsPerPage number of entries which have a corresponding phone number, then it would be something like...
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 1;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
SELECT [Customer].[Id],
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
WHERE Customer.ID IN (
SELECT DISTINCT Customer.ID FROM Customer INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
ORDER BY [Customer].[Id]
OFFSET (#PageNumber-1)*#RecordsPerPage rows
This does leave a question, what is the point of this query when the calling application can just use their own OFFSET and FETCH NEXT? They already have the SQL to generate the initial dataset, all they need to do is add OFFSET / FETCH NEXT to the end of it and they have their own pagination without trying to wrap it in a procedure of some sort.
To create a comparison, would you create a stored procedure that accepts a SQL string and then filters specific fields by specific values? Or would the people calling that stored procedure just add a Where clause to their own queries instead?
You can use alias name for the cuplicated column.
For example:
WITH OriginalQuery AS (
SELECT [Customer].[Id] as CustomerID,
[Phone].[Id] as PhoneID,
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
now you can use the 2 ids whit the alias name for the next query.

Select one record, grab "n" records before it, and iterate through them to see if they're sequential

So, I'd like to grab a record from a table of results. Let's say that this is our "sample" record.
Once I have the sample record, I'd like to grab 10 results down the table, and check to see if the sample is sequential within this list of 10 results.
So, if our sample record was 124, I'd like to grab the 10 records before it, and check to see if they follow the sequence of 123, 122, 121, 120, etc.
Once I know that the sample result is in fact sequential down to 10 records, I would like to insert that record into a different table for keeping.
I am using SQL Server and T-SQL to do this, and pulling my hair out trying to do so. If anyone could offer any advice, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Here's what I have so far (with some data removed), with no idea if I'm on the right track.
declare #TestTable as table (a char(15), RowNumber integer)
declare #SampleNumber as char(15)
insert into #TestTable (a, RowNumber)
select top 10
ROW_NUMBER() over (order by a) as RowNumber
from [TABLE]
order by [NUMBERS] desc
With this, I'm trying to grab the result and also a set of row numbers, allowing me to iterate through them based on that row number. But, I'm getting an "Invalid column name 'a'" error when running. Feel free to forget about that error and write something totally new though, because I don't even know if I'm on the right track.
Again, any help would be appreciated.
I am not sure how well this would perform on a larger dataset, but as Peter Smith mentioned, this is possible by using lag to see what the value of the row x rows prior in an ordered window was, though be aware this will run for all rows in your table and return all those that meet the criteria, rather than randomly sampling:
-- Create a not quite sequential dataset
declare #t table(n int);
with n as
select row_number() over (order by (select null)) as n
,abs(checksum(newid())) % 14 as r
from sys.all_objects
insert into #t
select n
from n
where r > 2;
-- Output the original dataset
select *
from #t;
-- Only return rows that come after a certain number of sequential numbers
declare #seq int = 10;
with l as
select n
,n - lag(n,#seq,null) over (order by n) as l
from #t
select n
from l
where l = #seq;

Get random data from SQL Server without performance impact

I need to select random rows from my sql table, when search this cases in google, they suggested to ORDER BY NEWID() but it reduces the performance. Since my table has more than 2'000'000 rows of data, this solution does not suit me.
I tried this code to get random data :
FROM Table1
It also drops performance sometimes.
Could you please suggest good solution for getting random data from my table, I need minimum rows from that tables like 30 rows for each request. I tried TableSAMPLE to get the data, but it returns nothing once I added my where condition because it return the data by the basis of page not basis of row.
Try to calc the random ids before to filter your big table.
since your key is not identity, you need to number records and this will affect performances..
Pay attention, I have used distinct clause to be sure to get different numbers
EDIT: I have modified the query to use an arbitrary filter on your big table
declare #n int = 30
t as (
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by YourPrimaryKey) n
from YourBigTable t
r as (
select distinct top (#n) abs(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) % n)+1 rnd
from sysobjects s
cross join (SELECT MAX(n) n FROM t) t
select t.*
from t
join r on r.rnd = t.n
If your uniqueidentifier key is a random GUID (not generated with NEWSEQUENTIALID() or UuidCreateSequential), you can use the method below. This will use the clustered primary key index without sorting all rows.
,(NEWID()),(NEWID()),(NEWID()),(NEWID()),(NEWID()),(NEWID()),(NEWID()),(NEWID()),(NEWID()),(NEWID())) AS ThirtyKeys(ID)
CROSS APPLY(SELECT TOP (1) * FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE ID >= ThirtyKeys.ID) AS t1;

Adding number to text rows sql server

I have a columns named id and item and there are stored values like:
id item
1 value
2 value
3 value
etc. There are 192 rows. These values are in the system in different places and I need to find concrete value in database to change it to the name I need.
Is there some posibility to add number to rows, for example value_01, value_02 etc.
I know how to do it in C language, but have no idea how to do it in sql server.
In system I have columns, that names are stored in database.
Names are same, for example:
In app Apple I have table name Apple
In app Storage I also have table name Apple
I need to change app Storage columns name Apple to different, but I dont know, which of databasa Apple values it is, so I want to add identifiers to string, to find the right one. So I need to update database values, to see them in system.
DECLARE #pad INT = 3;
[item] = [item] + '_' + RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', #pad) + CAST([id] AS NVARCHAR(10)), #pad)
FROM your_table;
This will produce result like:
After reading your comments it is not clear what you want to achieve, but check:
DECLARE #pad INT = 3;
;WITH cte AS
FROM your_table
[item] = [item] + '_' + RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', #pad) + CAST([rn] AS NVARCHAR(10)), #pad)
FROM cte
WHERE item = 'value'; /* You can comment it if needed */

Getting Random Number for each row

I have a table with some names in a row. For each row I want to generate a random name. I wrote the following query to:
BEGIN transaction t1
Create table TestingName
(NameID int,
FirstName varchar(100),
LastName varchar(100)
SELECT 0,'SpongeBob','SquarePants'
SELECT 1, 'Bugs', 'Bunny'
SELECT 2, 'Homer', 'Simpson'
SELECT 3, 'Mickey', 'Mouse'
SELECT 4, 'Fred', 'Flintstone'
SELECT FirstName from TestingName
ROLLBACK Transaction t1
The problem is the "ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 5" portion of this query sometime returns more than 1 row and sometimes returns 0 rows. I must be missing something but I can't see it.
If I change the query to
DECLARE #n int
set #n= ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 5
SELECT FirstName from TestingName
WHERE NameID = #n
Then everything works and I get a random number per row.
If you take the query above and paste it into SQL management studio and run the first query a bunch of times you will see what I am attempting to describe.
The final update query will look like
Update TableWithABunchOfNames
set [FName] = (SELECT FirstName from TestingName
This does not work because sometimes I get more than 1 row and sometimes I get no rows.
What am I missing?
The problem is that you are getting a different random value for each row. That is the problem. This query is probably doing a full table scan. The where clause is executed for each row -- and a different random number is generated.
So, you might get a sequence of random numbers where none of the ids match. Or a sequence where more than one matches. On average, you'll have one match, but you don't want "on average", you want a guarantee.
This is when you want rand(), which produces only one random number per query:
SELECT FirstName
from TestingName
WHERE NameID = floor(rand() * 5);
This should get you one value.
Why not use top 1?
Select top 1 firstName
From testingName
Order by newId()
This worked for me:
,CAST(5 * (CAST(CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(4) as int) / 4294967295.0 + 0.5) AS int) AS rr
, CTE.FName
, dbo.TestingName.FirstName AS RandomName
LEFT JOIN dbo.TestingName ON dbo.TestingName.NameID = CTE.rr
SET FName = RandomName
This solution depends on how smart optimizer is.
For example, if I use INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN (which is the correct choice for this query), optimizer would move calculation of random numbers outside the join loop and end result would be not what we expect.
I created a table TestingName with 5 rows as in the question and a table TableWithABunchOfNames with 100 rows.
Here is the execution plan with LEFT JOIN. You can see the Compute scalar that calculates random numbers is done before the join loop. You can see that 100 rows were updated:
Here is the execution plan with INNER JOIN. You can see the Compute scalar that calculates random numbers is done after the join loop and with extra filter. This query may update not all rows in TableWithABunchOfNames and some rows in TableWithABunchOfNames may be updated several times. You can see that Filter left 102 rows and Stream aggregate left only 69 rows. It means that only 69 rows were eventually updated and also there were multiple matches for some rows (102 - 69 = 33).
To guarantee that the result is what you expect you should generate random number for each row in TableWithABunchOfNames and explicitly remember the result, i.e. materialize the CTE shown above. Then use this temporary result to join with the table TestingName.
You can add a column to TableWithABunchOfNames to store generated random numbers or save CTE to a temp table or table variable.
