Access won't connect to a different SQL Server database - sql-server

I have an Access application that writes to a SQL Server database. I would now like it to write to a different SQL Server database instead.
Made sure the new database if properly configured with dbowner permissions for my user credentials
Wrote a test record using that user credentials
In the Control Panel, set ODBC source to the right database. Tested connection successfully
In Access, Database tools > Visual Basic section, I changed the connection string and substituted the login credentials with the new userid and password.
But when I input values in the form, it STILL saves to the old database.
I did notice that in the Linked Table Manager, the linked tables still point to the older database. But when I select all and click OK, the message is 'All selected tables have been successfully refreshed'.
What do I need to do to point the tables to the new database?
I did a 'Find' for the old database name and edited the connection string on all the forms where-ever that old database name existed and replaced it with my new database name.
.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Data Source=(old datasource name);Initial Catalog=(old database name);User ID=(old userID);Password=(old password)"
changed to
.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Data Source=(new datasource name);Initial Catalog=(new database name);User ID=(new userID);Password=(new password)"

It sounds like you need to delete your old linked tables and create new ones. If you hover over the linked table it should show the connection string.
If you are worried about losing your old linked table, you could rename it to something else.


Retrieve password connection string Microsoft access ODBC

I have an old Microsoft Access program for old client in my company and they forget the connection string. I have linked tables to SQL server database using ODBC - can I retrieve username and password? I already tried to get the connection string using the property In the Design view but the username and password are hidden. Please help me. Thanks.
It's only hidden in the UI for linked tables. The actual connect string is readily available in VBA, e.g. in the Immediate window:
Debug.Print CurrentDb.TableDefs("MyLinkedTable").Connect

Connecting Excel VBA to oracle DB using 'ODBC'

Basically i work in a software company.
My client has a Oracle database.
I do access that database through SQL Developer.We have a virtual desktop too -inside which we have all client applications,SQL Plus etc..!!
Now one other person in my team has created a excel macro in which if you give your username password and your SQL query, it will connect to the oracle database and fetch the records for you and will save it in an excel sheet in the virtual desktop itself.
Now i want to do something similar but i am not able to fins how i connect my excel VBA to Database. As his macro is able to connect to the database i am pretty sure all necesaary drivers are installed in our virtual machine(desktop).
I can see "Oracle - OraClient11g_home1" in All programs in my virtual machine.I can see SQL plus and all those apps. Giving all these details because i read in other posts that these things may be required to connect to DB.
In SQL Devloper if i go to connection properties it shows me the Network Alias name as "xxxxxx"(I have replaced by xx).Connection type as 'TNS' and role as 'Default'.I know my username and password.
Note: In Excel when i go to new connect database option, i dont see Oracle Driver at all:( I can see only "Microsoft Driver for Oracle".
These are all the details i know . Can someone help me with connecting to Database.Once someone can help me do it rest everything i can do in my macro.:)
I just tested it following these steps:
Excel > Data > Get External Data > From Other Sources > From Data Connection Wizard
From Data Connection Wizard, select "Other/Advanced" and click Next
On the Connection tab, create new connection string by click on Build
On Machine Data Source tab, click New
Select Oracle driver
Enter corret "TNS Service Name" and your user id. Click test connection and enter your password.

How to avoid prompting for user id and password in MSAccess 2003

I am a .Net / SQL Server programmer. I am trying to make an Access database created by someone else to work. It looks like is uses a procedure similar to Save password for ODBC connection to SQL Server from MS Access 2007 but I am using Access 2003 so I suspect something else needs to be done. I don't really know what I am doing with Access but I am stuck with it.
I do have an ODBC connection and it looks like the linked tables use it. The database has an AutoExec which populates some local tables from the linked tables that the reports use. It also calls a qryConnect with a dsn-less connection like the linked article and this seems to work. I have got it to stop asking for a user and password on start up. I can also open most reports without problems, 2 do not work. A form loads on Startup with buttons that basically show reports. This is where it gets odd.
The reports fail from the ODBC driver with the windows credentials. Then a logon box shows up with the correct user (a user with read only privileges) but the trusted connection box is checked. I do not have the trusted box checked in the DSN. Not do I have Trusted_Connection=Yes in the DSN-less connection in qryConnect.
This is the code in the form
stDocName = "rptNegativeLotQtys"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview
I don't know how I buggered it up so much and before I try again copying everything to a new mdb and trying again I am hoping to get some guidance.
On a side note I can open everything fine on my machine. I am an administrator as far as Windows is concerned but not SQL Server.
I created a new DSN just for these reports. Then I deleted all linked tables and re-linked then using the new DSN. I looked at the linked tables in MsysObjects and the new DSN is listed there. Yet Access still prompts for the password. It appears that it is not caching the password.
Actually, you do NOT need to add nor store the UID/Pass in the connection strings used. However, what you MUST ensure is that all connection strings are the SAME. If they are different, then the cached UID/password will not work.
Also, make sure you do NOT connect nor open a table AFTER having connected using Windows Auth – the reason being then when you add the table links (especially via code), then the cached setup of using windows auth will occur, and thus prompts will occur when the links suggest to do otherwise. In other words linking and attempted to use SQL logons will NOT work if you already opened any table link via windows auth (so exit the database and do NOT open any table that could/can use windows auth).
So I would delete the links, and re-create them – but again, ensure that you never connected as a windows auth user to SQL server.
So the "cache" that access has is a GREAT friend/feature to eliminate the need to include UID/pass in the connection string - but the SAME feature will bite you VERY bad if you at any time connecte to the database in question via windows auth.
How to “cache” the user logon and ID is explained here:
Power Tip: Improve the security of database connections
So you “can” include the UID/LOGON in the linked tables, but above shows that a ONE time logon can also be used. So be VERY careful when setting up table links – due to the above “cache” of the user and HOW they logged into the database – code that ATTEMPTS to create table links based SQL logons will actually wind up using windows auth if you already connected as such (so exit the database if you going to re-link using SQL logons).
Keep in mind, Access does NOT use the DSN AFTER you linked the table. The information from the DSN is a ONE TIME copy to the connection string. You can verify this by going into my documents and deleting the DSN you used. Assuming the linked table was working correctly, you find that they CONTINUE to work EVEN if you delete the DSN. In effect this means that linked tables are DSN less except for when you create the linked table. This allows you to easy copy the application to different computers without having to copy the DSN.
As to ensure that all the linked tables use the same connection string, it is a simple matter to delete them all, and re-link.
You can also hit ctrl-g to bring up the debug window, and look at the connection string this way:
? currentdb.TableDefs("linked table name").Connect
the result in the debug window for a windows auth connection string will look like this:
ODBC;Description=test DSN;DRIVER=SQL Server;
APP=Microsoft Office 2010;DATABASE=AxisMIS
Note how in above we see "trusted connection" (that means windows auth).
If I linked the table using SQL logon (and REMEMBER to check save password), then you see this:
ODBC;Description=TEST3;DRIVER=SQL Server;
APP=Microsoft Office 2010;DATABASE=AxisMIS
Just remember during the table link process to "check" the save password.
eg this:

Use local database from master in MS SQLEXPRESS

I have created a local db using SQLEXPRESS through Visual Basic.
I intend to use LINQ to connect to the database from the application. Here is my statement to initially connect to the database:
Dim db As New DataContext("Data Source=localhost\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=master; Integrated Security=True;")
Ideally, my database would be entered for Initial Catalog, but that was giving me authentication errors for some reason. Now that this statement executes, my next step is to connect to my specific database. However, when I try to connect with a statement like this:
Dim TestCommand = db.ExecuteCommand("Use MyDB.mdf")
I get an error that the database does not exist.
When I query my database with the following commands:
SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases
The returned values are master, tempdb, model, msdb, and C:USERS\MY NAME\DOCUMENTS\MyDB.mdf
I have tried the above "TestCommand" writing out the directory for the database, but I get an error at "C:".
So, my db exists, but can someone explain to me the syntax I should use to "USE" my database?
You should not use the use command this way! You must connect to the application's database directly by setting it as Initial Catalog. If you're not authorized to do so, a use command won't let you either, by the way. So you have to fix the authorization for the database: create a login for your windows account in Sql Server Management Studio and grant it read/write access to the application's database.

From SQL Server how do I read from an MS Access database to UPDATE data in one or more table columns?

My SQL Server database table has a column that needs to be Updated with data from an MS Access file. How do I query the MS Access data to perform such an update?
Import Wizard seems to only handle Inserting of new data and not UPDATE existing data? Or am I misunderstanding how to use the wizard?
Sounds like you want to run that operation from the SQL Server side ... "pull" the Access data into SQL Server. If so, you can set up the Access file as a linked server within SQL Server. I've not done that, but have read cases where other people have. I copied these steps from How can I link a SQL Server database to MS Access using link tables in MS Access? at SQLServerPedia.
1) Open EM.
2) Goto the Server to which you want to add it as linked server.
3) Then goto security > Linked Servers section from console tree.
4) Right click on the Client area. Then New Linked Server.
5) Give a name and Specify Microsoft Jet 4.0 as Provider string.
6) Provide the location of the MDB file.
7) Click OK.
Alternatively, you could run the operation from the Access side, and push the data to SQL Server. If that could work for you, use Olivier's instructions to set up the ODBC-linked SQL Server table. Or you do it without creating a DSN: Using DSN-Less Connections.
Either way you link the table, the UPDATE statement you run from within Access might then be as simple as:
linked_table AS dest
INNER JOIN local_table AS src
ON dest.pkey_field = src.pkey_field
SET dest.access_data = src.access_data
dest.access_data <> src.access_data
OR dest.access_data Is Null;
First set up a ODBC DSN in Windows. Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC). Note that on 64 bit Windows, this might open the 64-bit-administrator. However, if you have a 32-bit Access, you need the 32-bit-administrator (%windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe).
Then you can link the SQL-Server tables to your access db. In the Link Tables dialog, choose "ODBC Databases()" as file type.
You can then query the linked SQL Server tables as if they were access tables.
See Configure Microsoft Access Linked Tables with a SQL Server Database
