How to circumvent Windows Universal CRT headers dependency on vcruntime.h - c

In trying to evaluate Clang on Windows, utilizing the Windows Universal C Run-Time (...\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.15063.0\ucrt) I was immediately facing unexpected wall, in the form of an undisclosed and unexpected dependency on Microsoft's Visual Studio. Apparently even the simplest C program will not be able to compile as soon as you include any standard C header, because they all seem to end-up attempting to #include vcruntime.h (which is not part of the UCRT).
My questions are:
Is there a way to utilize the Windows Universal C RTL SDK withOUT Visual Studio?
If it is not intended or possible, why then is it not called "Windows CRT for Microsoft VC" - what am I missing?

Check out [MSDN.Blogs]: Introducing the Universal CRT (and also the other URLs that it references). Emphases are mine:
In June of last year we published a pair of articles discussing the major changes that we had made to the Visual C++ C Runtime (CRT) for Visual Studio 2015. ...
The AppCRT and DesktopCRT have been recombined into a single library, which we have named the Universal CRT. The new DLLs are named ucrtbase.dll (release) and ucrtbased.dll (debug); they do not include a version number because we’ll be servicing them in-place.
From [MS.DevBlogs]: The Great C Runtime (CRT) Refactoring
In order to unify these different CRTs, we have split the CRT into three pieces:
VCRuntime (vcruntime140.dll) ...
AppCRT (appcrt140.dll) ...
DesktopCRT (desktopcrt140.dll) ...
According to [MS.Support]: Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 creates a dependency on the Universal CRT when applications are built by using the Windows 10 Software Development Kit (SDK).
and from [MS.Dev]: Windows 10 SDK:
Note: Windows 10 development targeting Windows 10, version 1803 (or later) requires Visual Studio 2017. This SDK will not be discovered by previous versions of Visual Studio.
So, UCRT is strictly bound to VStudio. Universal: means that it's not dependent on VStudio version (all VStudio versions will use a common one (there can be only one)).
Personal opinion: UCRT is the Win (wannabe) equivalent of Nix's libc.
I took a look in SDK include dir (e.g. "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.15063.0\ucrt"):
Every common file (e.g. stdio.h) has an #include <corecrt.h>
corecrt.h has an #include <vcruntime.h>
no #ifdefs, so there is no way (at least no easy one) to overcome this.
But, things are even clearer when reaching link phase. If your C code includes UCRT headers, it will (most likely) link to files from SDK lib dir (e.g. "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.15063.0\ucrt\x64"), which are generated by VStudio, and there's a great chance for that to fail. Example:
//#include <stdio.h>
int main()
//printf("Dummy.... sizeof(void*): %d\n", sizeof(void*));
return 0;
[cfati#CFATI-5510-0:e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q045340527]> sopr.bat
### Set shorter prompt to better fit when pasted in StackOverflow (or other) pages ###
[prompt]> dir /b
[prompt]> "c:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community\2015\VC\bin\cl.exe" -nologo -c -Focode00.obj code00.c
[prompt]> "c:\Install\Google\Android_SDK\ndk-bundle\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang.exe" -c -m64 -o code00.o code00.c
[prompt]> dir /b
The 2 (generated) files are incompatible:
[prompt]> "C:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community\2015\VC\bin\amd64\dumpbin.exe" -nologo code00.obj
Dump of file code00.obj
80 .debug$S
2F .drectve
7 .text$mn
[prompt]> "C:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community\2015\VC\bin\amd64\dumpbin.exe" -nologo code00.o
Dump of file code00.o
code00.o : warning LNK4048: Invalid format file; ignored
[prompt]> "c:\Install\x64\Cygwin\Cygwin\AllVers\bin\readelf.exe" -d code00.o
[prompt]> "c:\Install\x64\Cygwin\Cygwin\AllVers\bin\readelf.exe" -d code00.obj
readelf: Error: Not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start
Now, I know that lld (I remember that I built it in the past, but I can't find it, in order to test my statement) is able to link both ELF and COFF file formats, but I doubt that it can combine them.
Based on the above, here are the answers (that I could come up with) to your questions:
I suppose it is - an unsupported one though (claiming that something is impossible is almost always false). But, there would be lots of restrictions (consider the above file format matching), and would most likely require some dirty tricks or (lame) workarounds (gainarii) like (some that I can think of now):
Altering it (editing its header files - to remove the unwanted #includes)
Creating a dummy vcruntime.h file (to get past the compile phase)
Adding VStudio (or anything else, as a matter of fact) in the name would automatically decrease its "universality level". And this is only the 1st step: it has been separated from VC Runtime. Think of it as of a baby. In time, it will become mature (and more stable,) and maybe other compilers / build toolchains will end up supporting it as well (no need to follow the spartan rules, and throw it off the cliff :) ... at least not right now). But, I think only MS could have an answer to this (although there's a great chance that they won't provide a clearer one)

Newer versions of mingw-w64 do support UCRT, using their own headers and LIB files, so UCRT works (with Clang or GCC) without either the Windows SDK or Visual Studio being installed. You can even compile apps to use the UCRT on other platforms such as Linux or macOS. Of course, this scenario is unlikely to ever be "officially supported" by Microsoft, but many projects now rely on it, and Microsoft employees have (unofficially) given the mingw-w64 project feedback validating their approach.
If you are using the MSYS2 distribution of mingw-w64, Clang uses UCRT by default (for both 32-bit and 64-bit x86, and for 64-bit ARM); for 64-bit x86, GCC comes in two different distributions, one UCRT-based and the other MSVCRT-based; GCC for 32-bit x86 is MSVCRT-only. See MSYS2 Environments.


Finding DirectX12 libraries with CMake and MinGW

I am trying to use CMake to find DirectX 12 and link it against an executable. What I have so far works when compiling with MSVC, but fails when compiling with GCC:
Could NOT find D3D12 (missing: D3D12_LIBRARIES).
I am using a slightly altered version of the FindD3D12.cmake:
# Find the win10 SDK path.
get_filename_component(WIN10_SDK_PATH "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v10.0;InstallationFolder]" ABSOLUTE CACHE)
get_filename_component(TEMP_WIN10_SDK_VERSION "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v10.0;ProductVersion]" ABSOLUTE CACHE)
get_filename_component(WIN10_SDK_VERSION ${TEMP_WIN10_SDK_VERSION} NAME)
# WIN10_SDK_PATH will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10
# WIN10_SDK_VERSION will be something like 10.0.14393 or 10.0.14393.0; we need the
# one that matches the directory name.
endif (IS_DIRECTORY "${WIN10_SDK_PATH}/Include/${WIN10_SDK_VERSION}.0")
# Find the d3d12 and dxgi include path, it will typically look something like this.
# C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10586.0\um\d3d12.h
# C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10586.0\shared\dxgi1_4.h
D3D12_INCLUDE_DIR # Set variable D3D12_INCLUDE_DIR
d3d12.h # Find a path with d3d12.h
DOC "path to WIN10 SDK header files"
dxgi1_4.h # Find a path with dxgi1_4.h
HINTS "${WIN10_SDK_PATH}/Include/${WIN10_SDK_VERSION}/shared"
DOC "path to WIN10 SDK header files"
# Find D3D libraries
set(D3D12_LIB_NAMES d3d12.lib dxgi.lib d3dcompiler.lib dxguid.lib)
foreach (D3D12_LIB_NAME ${D3D12_LIB_NAMES})
find_library(${D3D12_LIB_NAME}_LOC NAMES ${D3D12_LIB_NAME} HINTS ${D3D12_HINTS_PATH})
# handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set D3D12_FOUND to TRUE
# if all listed variables are TRUE
mark_as_advanced(D3D12_INCLUDE_DIRS D3D12_LIBRARIES)
And then linking it with: target_link_libraries(<name> ${D3D12_LIBRARIES}).
The D3D12_INCLUDE_DIRS variable is set to the correct value, the problem is only with the libraries.
Are the DirectX 12 libraries not compatible with GCC and CMake is smart enough to figure that out, or am I doing something wrong when trying to find them?
As the answer mentioned, the FindD3D12.cmake module is not needed. The DirectX libraries are system libraries when compiling on Windows, so doing target_link_libraries(<name> PRIVATE d3d12.lib dxgi.lib d3dcompiler.lib dxguid.lib) works.
DirectX is part of the Windows SDK.
If you have are compiling on Windows there is no way you aren't using the SDK to compile. Therefor don't worry about handling the include directories and whatnot.
Therefore you can treat the Directx libraries as regular system libraries and the following command will work. That's the magic of cmake.
So most of your cmake isn't really necessary. At least if you are using visual studio.
If you aren't using visual studio you might need to write up a toolchain (
# DX12 libraries
target_link_libraries(foobar PRIVATE
Secondly DirectX12 will have linux support:
However I don't think it allows use of graphics functionality, just the compute functionality. But regardless assuming Microsoft didn't make it extremely painful the cmake should be roughly similar.
Lastly if you wanna know what version of the SDK you are building against check out CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION
On windows setting this before the first project call sets the SDK version. Because that's what the SDK versions stand for. Versions of windows builds.
Also to be extra cautious add extra static_asserts in your codebase to make sure you are using a version of the SDK you intended you'll want to include "Windows.h" which you probably already have anyway. And then check for the compiler definitions that tell you what Version of the Windows OS you are compiling.
"When you use the Windows SDK, you can specify which versions of Windows your code can run on. The preprocessor macros WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT specify the minimum operating system version your code supports. Visual Studio and the Microsoft C++ compiler support targeting Windows 7 SP1 and later. Older toolsets include support for Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1, Vista, and Windows Server 2008. Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 are unsupported." - Microsoft Documentation (
Are the DirectX 12 libraries not compatible with GCC
Every compiler has its own library format, cl uses .lib libraries and gcc uses .a and .so libraries. You can't just take cl's libraries (which is what is stored in the Windows SDK) and feed them to gcc.

MinGW-W64: Which Install Options (Archtitecture, Threads, ...) must/should I Use for Native Windows Development

I want to install MinGW-W64 for Windows 10 64 Bit (must run on Version 1607!). First problem is which MinGW should I download, there are 3 versions on download page: 1) "MingW-W64-builds", 2) "Msys2", 3) "Win-Builds". I have choosen 1). If this was wrong for my purpose (see below) please tell me.
When I start the installer I have to choose the following options, which I'm not clear what to choose:
Architetcture: i686 or x86_64
Threads: posix or win32
Exception: dwarf or sjlj
Purpose (What I want to do)
I want (later) to install the CLang C++ 64 bit Compiler, which AFAIK requires the libraries from MinGW-64.
I want to write native Windows 64 bit C++ (at least C++ 14) and C applications (compiled with either GCC or CLang). I don't need a bash (or someone tells me a good reason why I should use it instead of the excellent Windows Powershell).
At a later time I want to be able to install an IDE (like Eclipse) which especially integrates the debugger (the one for GCC and if it is a different one for CLang that for CLang).
The sources should be as compatible as possible to sources which can be compiled with Visual Studio and the produced binaries should also be as compatible as possible with code produced with Visual Studio (unfortunately I cannot use VS Community version because of license reasons).
(Maybe this is usefull for answering: Python 2.7.11 and Python 3.7 are installed on my machine)
MSYS2 is an environment that gives you a UNIX-like shell.
You can use this if you need to use UNIX-like build tools (like autoconf).
If that's not what you need, don't install it.
Certainly don't build for MSYS as it's closer to Cygwin POSIX emulation than native Windows.
You will need a GCC compiler build against MinGW-w64.
For example one of the MinGW-w64-builds from:
However, there don't seem to be any recent builds posted there, while there were newer releases of both GCC and the MinGW-w64 libraries. So I have built more recent versions and published them at:
On there are also some instructions on how to compile from the command line and how to set up the compiler in the Code::Blocks IDE.
If you need Clang instead of GCC there are Windows binaries available at:
However, you will still need the MinGW-w64 libraries to build for Windows using CLang. So if you're new to this, maybe you should just start with GCC before moving on to CLang.
Keeping your code compatible between compilers or even operating systems is up to the programmer.
The key rule there is to avoid anything compiler or operating specific, and if you really must then enclose them in conditional defined (e.g. put the specific code between #ifdef __MINGW32__ or #ifdef _WIN32 and #endif).

GNU configure options for binutils, gcc & glib

I am trying to build an alternative compilation suite on my debian-testing machine (sorry, real question is actually at bottom).
Technically it is a "cross-compilation" because I need to use this toolchain on another machine, but hardware is compatible (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) so I don't need to bother about build/host/target differencies.
On the other hand I do need to worry about prefix/sysroot because I cannot install in any standard location (to be more precise: I could install anywhere, since I have root access there, but I shouldn't); This leaves me with my $HOME, some completely non-standard place (e.g.: /usr/local/my/toolchain) or some semi-standard (e.g.: /opt) place. In any case I will need to do something to enable compilation to find includes and libs in such places and runtime linker to find needed .so.
My requirements are:
I have a running Linux that shouln't be messed with.
This system does not have a "C" compiler.
Said linux is BusyBox-based, so I will need a substantial amount of utilities to do any serious compiling there, including make, sed, awk, ..., beside the compiler proper.
I would be happy to stuff my augmented toolchain in /opt, but that is not a requirement; any place is ok as long as it's accessible by more than a single user, I would like ot avoid installing in $HOME.
I am aware of "optware", I installed it and it does work... up to a point. Unfortunately:
It's really old software
it's only 32bit (my system is Linux syno0 3.2.40 #5004 SMP Thu Nov 6 15:26:44 CST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux).
Some programs won't compile because provided libs have 32/64 mismatch.
Real motivation to do all this exercise is I need to install some perl modules needed for one application that will have to run there and to install them from cpan I need a native compiler (and other stuff, of course).
Similar arguments about a Ruby-on-rails application I should port there.
If at all possible I should try to use the "native" libs in /lib:/lib64:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib32 ("static" .a libs are not available).
I had a limited success preparing a custom tarball from an available toolchain for my processor, relocating it to /opt, stuffing needed apps in its sysroot and compiling with: CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/include" and LDFLAGS="-L/opt/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/opt/lib".
This enables me to build almost everything "LFS-style", but it's rather error-prone and 64-bit-only.
I seem to understand it should possible to automatize all this by a careful mix of --prefix, --with-sysroot, --with-native-system-header-dir, --enable-multilib and their friends.
I tried to understand exactly how they should be used and failed, for a reason or another. I didn't find any exhaustive documentation and information in GCC instalation docs are confusing me.
Can someone, please, give me a recipe to build this toolchain?
Any pointer to in-depth documentation welcome, but I suspect some tutoring will be necessary.
I assume recompilation of Binutils and GCC is mandatory, Glib is probably not needed; anything else can be recompiled "native" on target.
After installing your toolchain in nonstandard places you need to set environment(maybe system-wide) correctly for GCC using LIBRARY_PATH and C_INCLUDE_PATHor CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH.
Environment Variables Affecting GCC
I see three ways to automate setting path variables for your relocatable toolchain:
on every relocation adding your GCC path to your PATH environment variable. And create alias in your busybox profile (usually /etc/profile)
alias example:
alias gcc='TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=$(which gcc | rev | cut -d"/" -f3-10 |rev); \
creating for your toolchain launcher-script that will calculate pathes, but you'll should launch it with direct path, setting it when you launch build process, or of course you can add its location to PATH environment varaible.
script example
TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=$(echo $0 | rev | cut -d"/" -f3-10 |rev);
The most reliable and ergonomic way — create install/uninstall script that will unpack and set environment correctly, to relocate toolchain you will uninstall from it from one prefix and install to another. If you have dpkg on your debian-testing system, .deb package is best choice.
I can see no way to set environment fully automatically. But we can reduce it to setting just one path — path of toolchain.
HINT* For better stability you should isolate your toolchain and also install in your prefix Linux Kernel headers and Glib

Link error with GetACP under mingw64 (mingw-builds)

I was trying to build gdal-1.10.0
( using mingw64 (from
x64-4.8.0-release-posix-seh-rev2.7z). I have compiled gdal-1.10.0 under the
standard MinGW (32-bit) version without a problem.
The reason I have to switch to mingw64 is that the standard 32-bit MinGW distribution
does not support c++11 features like std::thread, and (I suspect) other features as
well. But I get an linking error in the end telling me something about
undefined reference to '__imp_GetACP'
(or a different decorated name if I use the 32-bit variant from
mingw64/mingw-builds). BTW, I tried different versions of mingw64, including
64-bit, 32-bit, seh, sjlj, but all gave the same error about GetACP().
I did some homework and found some instructions for a similar compilation task:
According to the above website, it seems that they suggest the problem has to do
with WOW64 and the correct version of windows dll files cannot be used because
windows automatically determines it for you depending on whether a 32-bit or
64-bit application making the call. This is supposedly a problem for mingw64
because the compiler gcc is 64-bit but msys is hopelessly 32-bit.
But since I tried 32-bit versions as well, the above does not seem to explain
the error.
Even more, I tried in a dirty way to comment out all calls to GetACP(),
because I don't really care about code pages and all that for my purposes.
Strangely enough, compilation is OK (on a fresh source just with the GetACP()'s commented out), but the same link error is still reported. I checked that libkernel32.a, libiconv.a are in the lib folder, and also followed the instructions in the blog above to copy dll's out from
c:\windows\system32 and place them in mingw subfolders with appropriate renaming. The link error remains. This is where I stopped hacking after spending almost two days on this without success. I can't understand why the entire source-code does not contain a single call to the function and I am still getting the link error.
Can anyone explain what might have caused this issue between gdal and mingw64,
and how to fix it?
Also, a general question about mingw64 is that is it really able to support
posix functions? I see package names such as
x64-4.8.0-release-posix-seh-rev2.7z, but I remember that the MinGW people said
they will never support full posix.
I am testing this on a Windows Server 2008 R2, 64-bit.
The complete steps for building gdal-1.10.0 under MinGW64 (mingw-builds) are:
Edit GDALmake.opt, Find GDAL_ROOT and replace the cygwin drive format with dos/mingw format, e.g.
GDAL_ROOT = /d/temp/build/gdal-1.10.0
GDAL_ROOT = d:/temp/build/gdal-1.10.0
$ make && make install && cp apps/*.exe /usr/local/bin/
I have accidentally encountered the same problem.
Maybe this is a MinGW bug or bad configuration files, but the solution is to add
-liconv to the end of linker flags, for example, replace
in GDALmake.opt file (found by searching Mingw directory for GetACP in files).

How to compile a C program?

I haven't done C in a long time. I'd like to compile this program, but I have no idea how to proceed. It seems like the makefile refers to GCC a lot and I've never used GCC.
I just want an executable that will run on windows.
You may need to install either cygwin or mingw, which are UNIX-like environments for Windows.
When downloading/installing either cygwin or mingw, you will have the option of downloading and installing some optional features; you will need the following:
gcc (try version 2.x first, not 3.x)
GNU make (or gmake)
If it requires gcc and you want it to run on Windows, you could download Cygwin.
That's basically an emulator for GNU/Linux type stuff for Windows. It works with an emulation DLL.
In order to compile this program you need a C compiler. It does not have to be gcc, although you are already given a makefile set up to use gcc. The simplest thing for you to do would be the following:
Install cygwin
Open the cygwin command prompt
go into the directory where you have your makefile
type 'make'
That should compile your program
If you are not comfortable with using command line tools then you can download the free version of MS Visual Studio and import the source files into a new Visual Studio project. This way you would not need to install cygwin and use gcc, but you would need to know how to create projects and run programs in Visual Studio.
You almost certainly don't need all of cygwin to compile using gcc. There are plenty of standalone gcc clones for Windows, like gcw.
If it's reasonably portable C code (I haven't looked at it), then you may be able to just ignore the included Makefile and feed the source into whatever compiler you do want to use. What happens when you try that?
Dev-C++ provides a simple but nice IDE which uses the Mingw gcc compiler and provides Makefile support. Here are the steps I used to build the above code using Dev-C++ (i.e. this is a "how-to")
After downloading the source zip from NIST, I
downloaded and installed the Dev-C++ 5 beta 9 release
created a new empty project
added all the .c files from sts-2.0\src
Then under Project Options
added -lm in the Linker column under Parameters
added sts-2.0\include to the Include Directories in Directories
set the Executable and Object directories to the obj directory under the Build Options
and then hit OK to close the dialog. Go to Execute > Compile and let it whirl. A minute later, you can find the executable in the sts-2.0\obj directory.
First, there is little chance that a program with only makefiles will build with visual studio, if only because visual studio is not a good C compiler from a standard POV (the math functions in particular are very poorly supported on MS compilers). It may be possible, but it won't be easy, specially if you are not familiar with C. You should really stick to the makefiles instead of trying to import the code in your own IDE - this kind of scienfitic code is clearly meant to be compiled from the command line. It is a test suite, so trying things randomly is NOT a good idea.
You should use mingw + msys to install it: mingw will give you the compilers (gcc, etc...) and msys the shell for the make file to run correctly. Contrary to one other poster, I would advise you against using gcc 2 - I don't see any point in that. I routinely use gcc 3 (and even 4) on windows to build scientific code, it works well when the code is unix-like (which is the standard platform for this kind of code).
