Continue downloading even when leave the page - codenameone

I am using CN1 to developp an application and on one of the pages within the app, there is a download button that triggers a music download from that page and the downloading is working great.
Here is the method i am using to download:
But the problem is once i leave that page the download stops.
How can i continue downloading even if i leave the page that contains the code of dowload?
Can someone help?

That utility method downloads without blocking the UI, if you stay within the app it will continue downloading if you leave the app it will stop...
I'm guessing you want background to work when exiting the app that requires background fetch.


Winappdriver and selenium in the same automated test

Hi I could do with some help / more experienced eyes.
I have a WPF application which I have started automating some UI tests for using winappdriver, upon further investigation it has embeded html in it - webview, and can fire off requests to open the default browser with app related content - such as help files.
Has anyone had experience in working with this? For example:
open the WPF app,
click on help button on the WPF app which will open a browser and
then continue the test to ensure that the correct help page has been launched with the correct content in relation to the WPF page it was fired from.
Presumably this can be done in my case with chrome driver (winappdriver cannot see the content on the webpage). I have tried using selenium's window handles, but it's like the driver can't see the already open browser page. So I am at a bit of a loss and really not sure what to do.
In previous roles I was used to using Ranorex, which does both windows and web based UI automation. So I have never had any experience using multiple driver types to do the one test.

How to close React.js PWA to apply updates?

We are developing a React.js PWA.Is it possible to programmatically close application after gets update to apply them?And how?Is there another solution for it??
You can not close the application, you are not allowed to close the tab opened by the user. Only tabs that have been opened with a code can be closed with a code.
This is your problem with killing Application in RAM(app cleaner).
This will clear the cache of the previous version of the application and replace it with the new main.chunk.js.
I have a solution that you can update the program without closing it, for doing this you can use the "clear-cache" React library.
close application after gets update to apply them
This in case of a web application would be killing the caches and refreshing the browser tab.
You can kill caches by applying something like versoning/time stamps/unique id etc to the resource URLs, so that on refresh browser detects them as a new resource that needs to be downloaded.
You can force refresh the app using location.reload();

How to get file download complete status using selenium web driver c#

I am writing a automation script using selenium web driver for downloading multiple files one by one from a web site in Mozilla fire fox. I have downloaded first file successfully and next time I need to wait for download to complete. Can anybody help how to identify an ongoing download is completed using c# selenium web driver.? Since I am not getting the download complete status, I am unable to continue downloading next file.
Assuming you are testing file downloading in Firefox as you mentioned. Here is an approach to achieve what you want.
Open new window/tab in Firefox and navigate to 'about:downloads' directly.
i.e. driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("about:downloads");
You will get the list of downloads (i.e. already downloaded files and the file which is being downloaded currently.)
You will have to switch between your site tab and downloads tab.
Now on downloads tab, looking at HTML, you can easily find out in progress download using state or status attributes.
For example, for the first file in the list, if state="0" and/or status
contains the text 'remaining', it means downloading is in progress
So you can wait till state becomes state = 1 and/or status does not contain >the text 'remaining'
Refer the attached screen shot.
The explanation I gave here looks very high level, but I am sure this approach will work. It is simple too.
Let me know if you have any queries on this.

screen (html page) juddering vigorously while scrolling up or down due to pull to refresh hook on phonegap (onsen ui)

I finally finished my phonegap app. I put the config.xml file and all my html, css and js files in a folder and uploaded it to phonegap build. I downloaded the ipa file to test it on my iphone.
The app has a page where articles are loaded from a json page that I am hosting on a server. The articles load properly. However when I hold the screen and scroll up or down, the screen starts shaking vigorously. I looked at other forums to see but all I found is DisallowOverscroll. But DisallowOverscroll set to true makes sure that the screen doesn't bounce if scrolled entirely to the bottom or to the top. But my problem is once I put my finger on the screen and scroll down, the page starts shaking up and down. I tried everything for the past two days but nothing worked. Any help is really appreciated.
I also made a video to make it easier.
EDIT: I figured that the problem is arising from pull hook feature (pull to refresh. When I tested the page without the pull to refresh hook, it is working absolutely fine. But I am not sure how to use pull to refresh hook and not make the page judder at the same time.
Theres a mistake on your resolution for iPhone 6, it should be 750 x 1334, also check the image file is the correct size too.
You'll need to show code for the other problem.

C Sharp DEvelopment of Windows Forms Application

I'm developing a Windows Application in C sharp.using a Web Browser control to Login to the Https Site and Download the List of files. I'm able to login in to the Site and I'm able to Navigate to the Page where files are listed to be downloaded. When I try Downloading the file using the file URL and trying to Navigate using Web Browser Control a Pop - Up appears asking whether to Open or Save or cancel. How to handle this Pop up and I'm stuck here.
Any Answers are appreciated.
If all you are trying to do is download a file, you might be better off using webRequest.Create("Url") instead of the WebBrowser control. There are ways of handling authentication depending on the method the website uses.
It's best not to use the WebBrowser to download files (unless initiated by the user, who can click the save button). Instead, you can use a WebRequest to download the files from your application.
Since you said you have to log in to the website, I'm going to assume that it uses the popular method of using cookies (as opposed to HTTP Basic Auth). To get the cookies from the WebBrowser, you can use the Cookie property of the WebBrowser's Document property.
